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Unt |The Middle East 4 The Middle cast INTRODUCTION Think about and/or discuss these questions: 1. Inmany cultures, it has been traditional for @ couple to went sons What might some of the reasons be behind this preference? ‘Ace sons still preferred today? Discuss 2, Is there a special ceremony or party after a baby is bom in your ‘country? Who participates? What happens? Are there different ceremonies for boys and girls? 3. How many children do you think make a “perfect-sized" fomily? Explain why. 4. In your county, ae babies generally born at home or ina hospital? 5. In your culture, what are some of the reasons a man might divorce his wife ora wife divorce her husband? 6. In your country, are men and women allowed to work together? Live in the same space? Eat together? Touch? LIBRARY/INTERNET TASKS Before you read the story: 1. Find 2 world map thet shows countries where Islam is the main religion 2. Find information about how Muslim men and women dress in different Islamic countries. Amina Shirley Saad Shirley Saad was born in Egypt to a Polist-Romanian mother and @ Lebanese father, She was educated by Irish nuns. She has always felt tor between her European heritage and education, and her Arab origins and environment. She has written many short stories about the lives of women in the Arab world. The bold words should be learned. The numbered words are explained to help you understand the story. Some words have more than one meaning. The meaning we give is the closest synonym, 1 ouncing: very ative All y bere 6 ome twat: ay God ser essing to your ie 2 sete: ran in dierent diestins peck through Take a quik ook patton {ition na oom 5 maj lArabes ares whete men and omen St spsately 7 siping srinkrgin st awanties 8 base ring sound 8 heanaed pated with redsh-bown oe ‘ured out tobe: ta sow aiteren: de ‘an vat was vps ‘Amina opened her eyes and for 2 moment wondered where she Then she remembered and 2 moan escaped her lips. The English nurse hurried over and bent dawn, ‘Dor't you worry naw she sai "You'l be fine and the baby is all right" ‘Amina asked, not daring to hope, Isit a boy or 2 gi?” “A gir" replied the nurse cheerfully "A beautiful, bouncing! four Filagrems girl. Mabruk, congratulations” “Alioh yi bare Fi omeel2,” murmured Amina as she sank back on her pillows. Another gel What a catastrophe, Wet would happen to her now? She had brought four girls into the world, four girs in six years of marriage. She felt tears running dawn her cheeks, and she remembered how proud and happy she had been when her mother had told her she was engaged to be married She had seen Hamid twice, once at her cousin's house when he arrived unexpectedly. Te girs all scattered? to their quarters to put fn their masks and veils. The next time, he came with his father to ask for her hand in marriage. The houseboy serving the coffee told the Indian housegie! who in turn ran and tald her mistress. So, she had gone ta peek through the partition’ between the men's and women's maj, She saw Hamid and his father sipping? coffee and being con- ‘gratulated by all the men in the family. They embraced and rubbed roses, big smiles an everyone's faces. © Why does Amina cry after the birth of her baby? © When daes she see her husband before they are married? © What do the girls do when Hamid arrives at her house? Amina remembered her wedding, the noise and the bustle’, her hennaed? hands and feet, the whispers among the older women which frightened her and the anticipation. Finally, she found herself alone with this stranges, who had tured out to bel? very kind and gentle and considerate Well, there would be na henna and celebration far this girl God, why couldn't she have a boy? Just ane, that's all she wanted, just one litte haby boy. She wished the midwife hadh't told her when she had the miscarriage that it had been a boy, The only one in six years and she had to go and lose it It was her fault too. She had no business climbing a ladder at five months She slipped and fel and the doctors kept her in the hospital for 2 week then told her she was al right and could go home. But there was no movement, no life, so she went back 10 the hospital and after two weeks of tests and X-rays and hape and despair, they finally decided the baby was dead. moan: lng ln sadscund not daring: afd sank beck Tad ta rectned catastrophe tebe hing saster unexpectedly 35a surpise masks and veils: floth eveings for the ace and head cemoraced puttheirams run each other antiipation cexstementatout what coming | considerate: thought otters. ide oman who eclcith had the misarriage: athe baby oo ety despair: deep unhapines Sniey Saad 4 5 disgrace: so flr, diaper status positon, nk reassured: fie fom ansty ‘oink: sal brit ight beter: wth anger and saness murmured whispered 6 © TheMile Es. Ate that she had two more gil, and now the fourth, Would Hamid divorce her? Would he take a second wife? His older brother had been pressing for” two years, urging’? him to take a second wife. Hemid loved Amina and his daughters, but he was human. He did have all that money and the social snd palitcal position and no boy to leave itt Her mother came in, then her sisters-in-law, Each one kissed her and said, “Mabru 3" but she could tell they were not really heppy. Her mother was especially fearful for her daughter's future and felt that Some of the disgrace fell on her and the family too. The sisters-in-law were secretly jubilant, because they had boys. Hamic's social status and half his fortune would revert 10'S their own sons if he never had boys of his own, OF course, he wes still young and he and Amina might ‘ty again. But for the moment the in-laws felt reassured and falsely commiserated'® with Amina on her bad luck "i's God's will? they murmured, smiling under thelr mesis. Their mouths were sad but Amina could see the twinkle in their eyes, "Boo's will be done.” © What happens to Amina in her second pregnancy? © What advice does Hamid receive from his older brother? © What is Amina's mother afaid of? © What do Amina's sisters-in-law hope? Friends started coming into the room. They Kissed) Amina and sod, “Mobruk” then sat on the floor, crass-legged. Arranging their robes around them, they sipped coffee from little thimble cups’, eating fruits and sweets Her cousin Huda came too. She wore a long, velvet dress, embroi- dered’ on the sides and bodice", loose and flowing, to conceal her belly. She was in the sixth month and looked radiantly serene, ‘Amina thought bitterly, “She already has two daughters and three sons. What does she need another baby far? She's not so young anymore.” Asif she read her thoughts, Huda said This is my last baby. I willbe a baby for my old age. The others are mried or away at schoo! all day. ‘An empty house is @ sad house. You need many sons and daughters to keep your husband happy, Yau are till young, Amina. God has given you ‘our daughters, maybe the next four will be boys, Goo’ will be done.” “As God wills it, 50 bei” murmured the other ledies smugly?! 1 presing fr Speaking urgent 13 mara rb: ‘orgraulations 14 jubtant very happy WS ever wrt to 1 commisented sympathzes 17 thimble cups: vey smal ups embroderes decorated wth stiches designs 1B badie top prt ofa des: 20 aan serene Shining with peaceful happiness 21 sms wth see satisfaction adeferental with pote respect repudiated: rete, dvocad bust into: udder beoon 28900 lage, ois, lack bids aBeage for exe for 21 soktous: ‘ste arieoncer 28 yeas prev: 2 yearf delay, temporary reat Hamid came in and the ladies all stood up deferentially®, and hastily went into the next room. The maid served them more coffee. Hamid looked at his wife tried to smile and searched for something nice to say. He thought she must be tired, disappointed, ashamed of having failed him one more time and afraid of being repudiated. He sat dawn near the bed and said, ‘Well, mother of my children, we wil ust have to try again, won't we?" ‘Amina burst into? tears of sorrow, shame, and rele. "Don't ery" he sai and the girls are in good health, he said smiling, "As long as we are young we will try again, eh?" Amina blushed under her mask and pulled her veil around her face. He patted her hand, got up, and lft the room. ‘The ladies came rushing beck in ikea flock of erows?S, eager forz® the news, good or bad. ‘Amina’s mothe said solcitousiy®, ‘What did he say, my daughter” He ssid better luck next time, Mother!” The mother let out a sigh of relief. They had another year's reprieve, ‘The women congratulated Amina and left to spread the news. ‘Amina sank back on her pillows and drifted off to sleep. distressed. "The important thing is that you 5 Why is Amina's cousin Huda having anather baby? Why does Amina start erying? ‘What is most important to Hemi? What is Hamia’s solution? oo 9 EXPLORING THE STORY ‘An Activ For Grour Dscussia, Homewon, Or Your JOURnA A good writer will not only describe interesting characters and an interesting plot—what happens in the story—but wil also provide extra ‘ideas or opinions that are nat always easy to see. Read the questions below and think about them. Always go back to the story to explain your answers 1. Why do you think the author begins the story withthe contrast of the cheerful €nlish nurse and Amine’ tears? 2. Why does Amina accept the blame for having only daughters? 4. Consider the other characters in the story. Who gives Amina support? Who does not and why? Whois her best ally (supporter? 4. Choose five adjectives that describe Hamid. Explain your choices hasty quicy stressed upset, ‘blushed: cued eed drifted of to seep slonly went a slep Shey Sead 7 EXPLORING THE VOCABULARY Complete the following sentences with bold words from the story CChonge the form of the word when necessary. 1. Insome counties, man and vioman cannot in the street 2. Welt sueh test again 3. The gitl he loved her. 4, They could see the ______of cand 5, In.a hospital ward, patients sometimes in pain 6. An earthquake can be 2 populated areas. 7. In some countries, copying your friend's answers at school is @ when | failed my driving when he told athers how much in the window, for highly 8 He an excuse to the teacher as he arrived late to class, ‘8, When Susan heard the sad news, she was Now choose ten of the numbered words and write a sentence for each one. You may copy sentences from your dictionary. EXPLORING THE LANGUAGE Languace Chunks Many students like to learn fixed expressions (words that usually go together) and then use these “chunks” of language in speaking or writing Ti kind of learning is very common when you learn your fist lenguage. We recommend that you leat these language chunls. Here is alist of chunks from "Amina." Study them. They ore explained in the margins ofthe story. sank back turned out to be peek through burst into pressing for revert to vear's reprieve eager for drifted off The Middle East 8 The idle fast EXPLORING THE VOCABULARY Complete the following sentences with bold words fram the story. Change the form of the word when necessary. 1. Insome countries, man and woman cannot in the street. 2. Wfeltsuch —_ When | failed my driving test again, 3. The girl ___ when he told others how much he loved her, 4, They could see the _____ of eandles inthe window. 5. Ina hospital ward, patients sometimes inpain 6. Anearthquake can bea _______for highly populated areas, 7. In some countries, copying your friend's answers at school is @ B He ______anrexcuse to the teacher as he arrived late to class 9, When Susan heard the sad news she was Nowi choose ten of the numbered words ond write a sentence for each one. You may copy sentences from your dictionary. EXPLORING THE LANGUAGE Lauace Couns Many students like to lean fed expressions (words thet usually go together) and then use these “chunks oF language in speaking or writing Tris kind of learning is very common when you leam your fist language. \We recommend that you learn these language chunks Here isa list of chunks from ‘Amina. Study them. They ore explained Jn the margins ofthe ston: sank back tumed out to be peek through burst inta pressing for revert to year's reprieve eager for drifted off Now complete these sentences with one of the expressians, changing the form of the worls when necessary. 1. Everyone was _ the dance contest to begin. 2. Ofal the participants, most of the crowd was the couple wearing green shirts to win 3. At the sound of the music, the dancers action. They danced as if they were an fire 4. Who would win? As good as the couple wearing green looked, everyone's attention kept __ the dancers in purple. 5, Unexpectedly, the judges took hours to decide. It the longest dance contest in history! EXPLORING THE WRITING raves Italies are used in 0 text for different reasons: To indicate the ttle of a book, movie, song, or newspaper The ttle oF this book is Views and Voices. Toindicate the name of a ship, car, plane or any other vehicle He sailed to England on The Empire Windrush, 3, To put an emphasis on a word or group of words. In this unit, the directions for the exereses ae italicized {written in italic). 4, To identify foreign words and phrases. “Mabru, congratulations” Note that frequently the author will directly give you the meaning of the word, as in example 4. if not, you can often guess the meaning of a word or a phrase by its context {the information in the sentences around the italicized word). OF course, you should always look for clues in the text when you come across.n English word that you don't know, Look ropidly through the texts of Unit § anc Unit 9. Write down the italicized words and check which of the above four categories they befong to. Sritey S38 » _22detrenaly th polite spect Brepudate reece creed 2 burs int: suey Segan 25 crows: lore oy tac bids 2Geager Foret for 2 solos th ove ad concern 2 yeasrepieve: year of dey, temporary elit Hamid came in and the ladies all stood up deferentially2, and hastily went into the next room. The maid served them more coffe. Hamid looked at his wife tried to smile and searched for something nice to say, He thought she must be tied, disappointed, ashamed of having failed him one more time and afraid of being repudiated. He sat down near the bed and said, “Well, mother of my children, ‘we will just have to try again, won't we?" ‘Amina burst into? tears of sorrow, shame, and reli he said, distressed, “The important thing is that you ‘and the girls are in good health,” he said smiling. “As long as we are ‘young we wil try again, eh?” ‘Amina blushed under her mask and pulled her vel around her face. He patted her hand, got up, and left the room, The ladies came rushing back in, like a flack of crows, eager for® the news, good or bad, ‘Amina's mother said solcitousiy®, ‘What did he say, my daughter?" He said better luck next time, Mother!” ‘Te mother let out a sigh of relief. They had another year's reprieve2. The women congratulated Amina and left to spread the news. ‘Amina sank back on her pillows and drifted off to sleep. © Why is Amina’s cousin Huds having anather baby? © Why does Amina start erying? © What is most important to Hamid? © What is Hamia’s solution? EXPLORING THE STORY ‘An Actmy For Grour Discussion, Holeworr, Os Your JOURNAL, A good writer will not only describe interesting characters and an interesting plot—what happens in the story—but wil also provide extra ideas or opinions that are not always easy to see Read the questions below and think about them. Always go back to the story to explain your answers. 1. Why do you think the author begins the story with the contrast of the cheerful English nurse and Amina’s tears? 2. Why does Amina accept the blame for having only daughters? 3. Consider the other characters inthe story. Wha gives Amina suppart? ‘Who does not and why? Who is her best ally supporter}? 4, Choose five adjectives that describe Hamid. Explain your choices. nasty: quit distressed: eset, bushed: tuned ret Arifted of to sleep slowly went slep Shiney Saad 7 Singapore remained: steyed perfect: completly 38 be Singapore INTRODUCTION Think about andfor discuss these questions: 1, When parents divorce what haprens to the chien? Which parent should they ive with? 2. At what age can children be told the truth about divorce? 2, Describe your Favorite toys when you wee lite. Do you know who or what Poh Bears? 4, What kindof games and bedtime stores id you enjoy 28a child? Who played with you? LIBRARY/INTERNET TASKS Before you read the story: 1. Find out where Singapore is located, what languages are spoken there, and what the main cultures of Singapore are, 2. Find out why English is commonly used in Singepore 3, Find out more about Winnie the Pooh {Paoh Bear) character in English chiléren’s literature famous The Visit Catherine Lim Catherine Lim grew up in Malaysia and lives and writes in Singapore. She is Chinese and her first language is English. An euthor of many collections of short stories and novels, Catherine Lim's story "The Visi is from her book Or Else, The Lightning God and Other Stores. The bold words should be learned. The numbered words ore explained to help you understand the story. Some words have more thon one meaning, The meaning we give isthe closest synonym. Yen Li lay very still on his bed, his eyes tightly closed, his arms around Pooh Bear. He waited for his Daddy and Auntie Poh Har—he must remember to call her Mummy, otherwise his Daddy would have that angry look on his face again—ne waited for them to leave the room, for he wanted to be by himself. But they remained sitting on his bed, talk ing in low tones? to each other and thinking he was asleep and couldn't hear them. But he heard everything, though he kept his eyes tightly closed and lay perfectly stil. 1 tones: sounds sobbing: eying cua uct raking 3 sound rth hercongue They ware talking of his Murnmy, he knew. They ony talked of his Mummy when they thought he was asleep and not arourd, and once they talked of her when they thought he va out playing inthe gar- den, but al the time he was bein them, inte ite space behind the curtains, holding Pooh Bear tightly in is arms. He had stopped play ing and talking to Poch Bear when he heard them came into the room, and he Had sat very stil for the whole time that they were inthe room His Auntie Poh Har vas saying, “You're being rather hard on the boy, darting” but his Daddy had reolied, “No, | want noting more to do with her, and I don't want her to come within a mile ofthis house The boy wil soon get over it” His Daddy had told him, “You havea new Mura row, Yen li She lowes you very much, and Auntie Poh Har had bent down and softiy ‘touched his cheek. He wanted to ask, “Where's my Mummy? Where's: my Mummy gone to? but he knew what the look on is fathers face andthe tone in his father’ voice meant, so he never asked aay ques tions about his mother One night in is room, he thought stout his Mummy ard his eyes filled with tears. He began sobbing? on his pillow and the old servant ‘Ai Keem Chae came in his Daddy and Auntie Pot Har had gone ut [Ah Kheem Chae sat with him fora while, saying all sorts of things to make him stop crying. He cried so much that he threw up, ard An Kheem Chae shaking er hese and clucking! her tongue, leaned him and change his pajamas The rext evening, ust before dinner, his Decl come home with 2 big parcel rapped in srry red paper and Auntie Fo Her aso had parcel under her arm. They pu te parcels in front of him, smiling and asking hin to umvrap them. There was a handsome shiny gun, ad motoreyee His athe showed him how to shoot withthe gun ard how tomake the motoroyce go very fst, a for while, he payed wth the toys nd id not ery 50 much, AS he ws paying with his motoreel in the kitchen one morning he heard Ah Khcem Chae talking to Ah Soh, the washerwoman and he knew they were tlking of his Mummy, for they both kept turing to look him, and shaking thei heads ts What does Yen Li have to call Auntie Poh Har? ts When does his father get angry? ts How does Yen Li's father feel about the boy's mother? ts What does Yen Li's father do to try to make him happy again? He thought they were saying something bad ebout his Mummy, ard again he wanted to ask, “Where's my Mummy2" but he did not dare kes his father would be angry with him far thet curtain: lth ver wins hard sie bent down: beret bay tthe nes or wait thre up: vomited, ead cae up from te stomach area: package rapped: covert handsome: besa Aid ot dare: vis atid Catherine Ll ta 39 recovers come wel agaia invented: made up crested fact out: eror, do still quity roles: stor’ part inp robbers person who sels ian: very ge a peso etary aes hero: brave one adventures: cexctg or dergerous expences gave her a hug: pathis ems aeund her released ees altho eet sightseeing, ame tate, heating, ouch magica: wonerul supposed to: sould 40% Sinppore Once his Mummy had telephoned him, He was in his room, talking to Pooh Bear, when Ah Kheem Chae called fram downstairs in @ shrill ‘excited voice, “Yen Li, i's your Mummy! Quick!" He had rushed down the stairs, breathless clutchingS Pach Bear. It was indeed his mother. He didn’t even hear what she wanted to tell him, for at the sound of her voice, he had started to cry. He sobbed so miserably® that Ah Kheem Chae ‘took over the phone from him and spoke to his mother. By the time he had recovered sufficient? to speak to her, his father had come home and could be heard coming out of Fis ear, so Ah Kheem Chae quickly put down the phone and hurried him downstairs He wanted his Mummy, He wented his Mummy to come back to him, Most ofall, he wanted his Mummy to come back so they could continue thelr game with Pooh Bear It wes 2 game that they had bath invented. n this came, he would le uncer his blanket, and his mother would tell him a story ebout Pooh Bear, and act out Pooh Bear's actions on him, as he lay very still under his blanket. His mother would make Pooh Bear walk over his stomach, jump up and dawn on his head, dig® its toes into his ribs Pooh Bear took on® many roles—as 2 hunter’, fisherman, robber, glant, cra", elephant~and his body, as he ley snugly?, with the blanket drawn right over his head was the territory aver which the hero roamed"? and had his adventures. But the part Yen Li liked the best was the end af the story, when Pooh Bear invariably'* returned home to his mother. His Mummy's words, “So Pooh Bear ran and ran and when he saw his Murnmy, he gave her & thug, hug, hug, and a kiss, kis, kiss!" were the cuel® for him to be released from the self-imposed immobility’, and to jump up, throw his arms round her and kiss her resoundingly” three times in faithful re-enactment! of Pooh Bear's homecoming, Every night he waited fr his Mummy ta come and say Goodnight and. play the game, his tle body taut? with eager anticipation®® as he lay under the blanket. All his senses were strained to catch the magical words at the end of the story, and the moment the fist ‘hug’ was uttered, He sprang up2 with the agility? of @ monkey and flung? himself into his mather’s rms, covering her with kisses, Now his Mummy had gone away, and she hadn't even finished the last story. He remembered it clearly. Pooh Bear was climbing a maun- tain in seareh of @ house full of gold coins. His head was Pooh Bear's mountain, and he giggled?® convulsively”, though he was supposed {0 lie very stl, when he felt the bear's feet moving al over his face His mother was helfway through the story when his father came into the room, There was an angry look on his father’s face. He heard his father shouting at his mother; she got up from the bed, and stood there, shouting back at him. Then they left the room. He could hear rusher ost uth: ling riser: say 7 suffer: enough 8 iy: push, pote 8 tonkon: payed ro hunter: ne who catches and as animals 1 cra ase aria suai ‘arm comfortably teams trees Anat: laays Seven, inal ese imoaed inmabiy 17 resoundingly: iauly reenactment reply repettion 19 tout tgs 2 ager anticpatin ‘eat ecement 2 sine: ting had reurtered id 2a sprag up amped 2agiliy-euctness 25 flung: thre 269g oughes A eomalsve:stongly 2a conitioner cling machire 2 conde tobe: made tele he was so tearful with fear 23 dead very tad tere 2 rato: farm vice quiver shoot a8 ,ining aay sick with sides a5aate:cordtion abexpetton: hope 7 snept pike tin up them still shouting at each other, ashe lay very stillon his bed, his eyes, wide open in the darkness. Soon Ah Kheem Chae came in, and she turned off the air-conditioner in his room, 2s she always did when it started to rain, She moved softy towards his bed andl bent down to make sure he was asleep, He pretended to be asleeo, But his litle heart was ‘beating fearfully, for he knew something dreadful! was happening te Was Yen Li abe to talk to his mother on the telephone? ta Deseribe the game that Yen Li loves ' What happens at the end of the game? ‘What happens between his parents to upset Yen liso much? ‘Who takes care of Yen Li except for his mother? The next morning his father called him and said that his mather had gone sway; she would not be coming back, and when his eyes filed with tears, his father said, “Don't ery, son, for God's sake, don't ery Later that afternoon, his father bought him 2 toy tractor®2, but his it~ tle heart was too heavy to play with anything; he wanted his Murnmny He could eat, and when he thought no one was looking, his lips quivered™ and the tears would come again. He wanted his mather ‘especially at night; he wanted her to continue the story of Pooh Bear, He waited a long time but his mother did not come back, ‘When he lay ill n bed, he heard Auntie Poh Har the must remember ‘0-call her Mummy) say to his father, "You must allow him ta see her at least ance, darling. Look the chile’s pining sway,” end then he heard his father say, “Let him get better fist. | don’t want him to be upset while in this states" ‘And now his Mummy was coming! He had been told by his father ‘and Auntie Poh Har that his Mummy would be coming fora short visi Iwas true for he heard them talking about it again, as he lay pretend ing tobe asleep, while they sat on his bed. “Let it be over with,” he heard his father say, and add, “the boy should be told the truth one of these days. Then his eyes will be opened.” He heard Auntie Poh Har say, “He's only a child, darling. You _musta’t be too hard on him." Yen Li waited, clutching Pooh Bear, his little body tense with cexpectation®®, His Daddy and Auntie Poh Har were out. Ah Kheem Chae was in the kitchen, He heard the sound of a car in the drive, He leapt from his seat and ram to the door. He saw his mother getting out of the cat, and was about to rush to her when he saw her turn to speak to somebody who had got out of the car with her. He was a tall man, ‘much taller than his Daddy. His mother then saw him, rushed to him, swept” him up in her arms and held him very taht. special: mainly, mesty allows pert, sree to upset sed, ores tenses taht aa shyly without confsence rag: pall sighing: treating heal with reef sweetheart ved one cheerful: hpi managed: was ble to prze ot uestansing confuse 42 by Singepor ‘My itle son,” she sad, her face glowing? with joy end she turned to the man and soi, “Ths isthe Yen Li 've been speaking to you bout andthe man sid, "Fine boy,” and then looked around the pace, commenting? that it was 2 fine house and garden. “Yen Li, this is Uncle Bil say hello’ to Uncle Bil, darling” she coaxed, easing the boy forward to where Uncle il had seated him= self Yen Li suid Hello very shyly, and then abrunty® turned to his mother and clung®?to her She deer him close to her again an ksed him Then stil hong him in her arms, she turned to Unee Bil and seid, Tey wouidet let me ste him, dating. They wouldnt et me see my ovn Son This vist was practically forced out of therm. My own ltl Yen Li? she sid again and again, rufing his Flt $b How does Yen Lis father expect him to behave? How do we know that Yen Li is very unhappy? '3 Do his father and stepmother agree on when Yen Li will see his mother again? ' Who comes to see Yen Li with his mother? '& What do you know about Uncle Bil? He would have liked to drag her upstairs by the hand to make her continue the game with Poch Bea, to have her alto himself, but she vas talking to Unce Bil all the time 2s she held him clase to her. At ‘one point, she moved over to sit very close to Uncle Bll and put her head on his shoulder, sighing, happy at lst, Bill Nobody can take this happiness awey from me." Then she went back to sit with Yen Li and she put her face aginst his murmuring, “Mummy very happy atlas, darling. Arent you alad that your Murnmy is happy at last?” Yen Li wanted to ash "When is Uncle Bll going off? | want you to come upstairs with meso thet we an play with Pooh Beat" but started crying instead. He sobbed*? loud and long, hs ite body eanvused# with the pain oft all His mathe tried to comfort him. "Ssh, silly ily boy” she sei stroking® his hai. "You love Mummy ery much, ar't you? Never mind, sweetheart, ine Bll an | wil be coming to see you again. Won't we, Uncle Bill? And Uncle Bll said in a cheerful, booming’? voice, “Of course, of course. We're going to Europe soon, boy and we'll come to see you direct? when we return, Otay, sonny? And he continued to look around the house, saying, for the second time, “Mmm, fin place, ths.” Yen Li, his eyes brimming’ with tears, managed to say, between scl, "Pooh Bear" His mother looked puzzled then noticing the rum= pled* bear in his arms, leaned back and laughed, "Of course, 38 lowing siirg 8commenta saying sisting Beones ‘aed see, persuaded 41 atu suddenly 42.lurg: hel on ght 48 practical alms 48 forced out ples out 5 utTing: playing with 46 mami Speatng sity 47 sobbed: cre loudly Bombe shook 48 trokng:toucing gery stooming: ver loud St of eouse: clearly ede soon S52 rimming: led with Stumped won, wel-oves ncearbl: nade tobe partes sbenerired sued leased 57 end let very much consist eo assed up: thrown away sweetheart! ooh Bear-your favorite toy. shall get you a bigger one when | return from Euroze, daling, much bigger and nicer than this tne, Poor thing, one ofits eyes i falling out" She tried to fix it bac gave up, and turned to Uncle Bil, laughirg, "His favorite toy daring Inseparable,| sed to amuse him for hours wit it ily ite game amuse: hve th that entertained him no ends?” ‘When it was time fore to go, ste hugged him close and promised torte to him from Europe Well send you posta, sweetheart, only to you, no one else” she said conspiratorially® and Urele Bil sai, “Bye, sonny, be a good bo and then they were gone. Yen Li went up to his room and crept’ into bed. He lay stil ang time and then Fell sleep. When hs Daddy and Auntie Poh Har came tec, he was awake, but he pretended to be asleep when they came into his room and stood by his bes. His father saw Pooh Bear in a corner where it had been flung in anger so that it lay trussed up in an untidy heap. Picking it up, he gently put it backin the arms ofthe sleeping boy. gent tindy nd crtay ‘% How does Yen Lis mather feel? ‘What does Yen Li want his mather to do with him? ‘% How does Yen Li feel about Uncle Bill? ‘% Where is his mother going? ‘% What does the father do to show that he cares about his son? EXPLORING THE STORY ‘Aa Acroary For Grour Discussion, Hotsrwork, Or Your JOURNAL A good writer will not only describe interesting characters and an interesting plot—what happens in the story-—but will also provide extra ideas or opinions that are not always easy to see. Answer the following activities and questions, Always go back to the story to find the answers to the questions. 1, There ate six characters in “The Visit® Look atthe adjectives below and on the next page and waite the name of the character that fits the destrintion and the sentence in the text that supports it. Adjectives may fit more than one character Cruel Understanding Betrayed Catteni tad 44 Singspore Angry - ig eee Eee Hpalfferent coset rues eeeeree eet teu Vulnerable iSeefete eeseceeceecece ese eee Controlling Kind 2, What do the phrases “very stil "they thought he was asleep” “they thought he wasn't around," and “he pretended to be asleep” tell you about Yen Li and the adults around him? 3, What does Pooh Bear represent for Yen Li? Why does he throw the bear acrass the room efter his mother’s visit? 44, The central character of the story is Yen Li. How would the authar's message change if she had chosen to tll the story from another characters point of view? Give some examples. 5. In what way did your feelings for the characters change as you read the story? Give examples. 6. What indications do you get from the text that Uncle Bills not Chinese? 7. Why do you think the author called this story ‘The Visit?" Can you think of other titles for this story? EXPLORING THE VOCABULARY Complete the following sentences with bold words from the story. Change the form of the word when necessory. 1, The teacher told the students who came late to oe after class 2. The boy his frend to jump off the roof 3, The gift was in bright red paper. 4. Many people know think that Nelson Mandela is @ modern 5, Parents are nat___________ da their children's home- ‘work for them in some countries. 6. Let's that we are very rich and ean buy whatever we want, 7. Las most when he didn't phone after he said he would. 1 bouncing: very athe 2 Ato yboret fon tabi May Got send esings youre 3 sae ‘an niet dretons 2 peek trust takes ik ook {ision na 90 © mais rai reac where men and women st separately 7 Sipps stinking inst quaettes 8 buste:running aroun 9 hennee painted with rekish-trown oe ro sumed ot tote toshowa cifeen side Amina opened her ey#s and for & moment wondered where she 12s. Then she remembered ard a moan escaped her lips The English nurse hurried over and bent down, Dont you wary now, she seid. “Yout be fine and the baby is allright" ‘Amina asked, not daring to hope, "sit boy or @gir?™ “A alr replied the nurse cheerfully. “A beautiful, bouncingt, four kilograms girl. Matru, congratuations” “Ala yi barek #7 omrek2" murmured Amina es she sank back on her plows, Another gi What a eatastrophe. What would happen to her now? She had brought four girs into the world, four girsin six years of mariage. She felt tears cunning down her cheets, ad she remembered how proud and happy she nad been when her mother hed told her she was engaged to be marred She hac seen Hamid twice, once st her cousin's house when he arrived unexpectedly. The ais al scattered? to ther quarters to put con their masks and veils. The next time, he came with his father to ask for her hand in marriage. The houseboy serving the coffee told the Indian houseiel who in turn ran and told her mistress So, she had gone to peek through* the pertition® between the men's and women's ‘mafilis®, She saw Hamid and his ether sipping? coffee and being eon- ratuiated ty all the men in the famity They embraced and rubted noses big smiles on everyone's faces. o Why does Amina cry after the birth af her baby? When does she see her husband before they are married? What do the girls do when Hamid arrives at her house? Amina remembered her wedding, the noise and the bustle, her hennaed? hands and feet, the whispers among the older women which fightened her and the anticipation. Finally, she found herself alone with this stranger, who had turned out to be very kind and gertle ard considerate Wiel, there would be no henna and celebration for this gil, God, ‘why couldh't she have a boy? Just one, that all she wented, just one litle baby boy. She wished! the midwife hadn't told her when she had ‘the miscarriage that it hac been a boy. The anly one in six years and she hed to go and lose it. It was her fault too, She had no business climbing 2 ladder at five months. She slipped and fell and the doctors kept her in the hospital for a week, chen told her she was allright and could go home, But there was na movement, no iit, so she went back ‘to the hospital and after two weeks of tests and X-rays and hope and despair, they finally decided the baby was dead. rmoan:long, iow si sound not daring: cid sank bac: led Weck recined catastrophes ‘ere tin, Sate unexpectedly 252 surpise masks and vel Slot coverings for the oceans head cmbraced: put the ses our each omer anticipation tenant about wha coming considerate: ‘ought of thers mide: women whores st hibith had the miscarriage: had theta 00 ely espa ep unhappiness Shiney Saad <8 dtisgrace: 063 fee, disapproval status poston rane reassured: fe fom ariety ‘nk: sl i it bets stomach bitter with anger and sadness murmured: whispered 6 © Theil fast After that she had two mare girls, and naw the fourth, Would Hamid divorce her? Would he take a second wife? His older brother had been pressing for two years, urging"? him to take second wife. Hamid loved Amina and his daughters, but he wes human. He did have all that money and the social and political pestion are no boy to leave ita, Her mother came in, then her sisters-in-law, Each one bissed her and seid, ‘Mobruk'® but she could tell they were nat really happy. mother was especially fearful for her daughter’ future and felt that some of the disgrace fell on her and the family to. The sisters-in-law were secretly jubilant’, because they hed boys. Hemid’s social status and half his fortune would revert 0° their avin sons if he never hed boys of his own, OF course, he was still young end he end Amina might try again. But for the moment the in-laws felt reassured and falsely commiserated'® with Amina on her bad luck “Its God's will? they murmured, smiling under thelr masts. Their oul see the twinkle in ther eyes, “Gou's mouths were sad but Ami will be done." ‘© What happens to Amina in her sezond pregnancy? © What advice does Hamid receive fram his older brother? © What is Amina’s mother afraid of? © What do Amina’ sisters-in-law hope? Friends started coming into the roam. They kissed Amina and said, “Mabruk” then sat on the floor, cross-legged. Arrenging thelr robes around them, they sipped coffee from little thimble cups", eating fruits and sweets Her cousin Huda came too. She wore a lang, velvet dress, embroi- \dered"® on the sides and bodice’, loose and flowing, to conceal her belly. She was in the sith month and looked rediently serene, ‘Amina thought bitterly, “She already has two daughters and three sons What does she need another baby for? She's not so young anymare.” As ifshe read her thoughts, Hude seid, This ism last tay. It will be «a baby for my ald age. The athers are married or away at school all day ‘An empty house is a sed house. You need many sons and daughters to keep your husband happy. You ae till young, Amina, God has given you four daughters, maybe the next four will be boys, God's will be done” “As God will it, so be it” murmured the other ladies smugly? 1 pressing for: seating urgent 12 umnng:insstng a moor Arabic cengratlaers ‘iatilaneverykeppy sree to etun to 18 commiserted smashes 7 thimbe cus: vey sal aps 1w enbrogeret decorated with stitched designs bodice: ‘op grt ofa des 20 ati serene: Sting with peaceful Pspiness 21 emul eth selesstsaction rentaty wih pote respect 2 tars feet, shores aur ino suey began actors Inge, noe lek bres 2s eager for eve fr ar edcouty with love znd cones 23 esr reprieve 2 year of ea, temporary let Hamid came in and the ladies all stood up deferentially?2, and hhastily went into the next room. The maid served them mare coffee, Hamid looked at his wife, tried to smile and searched for something rice to say. He thought she must be tired disappointed, ashamed of having failed him one more time and afraid of being repudiated”, He sat down near the bed and said, "Well, mother of my children, we will ust have to try agsin, won't we2" Amina burst into% tears of sorrow, shame, and relief “Don't cry” he sal, distressed, "The important thing is that you and the girls are in good health,” he said smiling, “AS long as we are young we will try again, eh Amina blushed under her mask and pulled her vel around her face, He patted her hand, got up, and left the room, ‘The ladies came rushing back in, lke @ lock of crows, eager for?® the news, good or bad. ‘Amina's mather said solcitously®, ‘What did he say, my daughter?” He sald better luck next time, Mather!” The mother let outa sigh of relief. They had another year's reprieve2® ‘The women congratulated Amrina end left o spread the news, ‘Amina sank back on her pillows and drifted off to sleep. Why is Amina’s cousin Huda having enother baby? Why does Amina start erying? ‘What is most important to Hamid? Whet is Hamid’s solution? EXPLORING THE STORY ‘Aw Aciraty For Gaour Dscussion, Howewonk, OR Your JOURNAL A good writer will not only describe interesting characters and an interesting plot—what happens in the story—Lut will also provide extra ideas or opinions that are not always easy to see Read the questions below and think obout them. Always go back to the story to explain your answers 1, Why do you think the author begins the story with the contrast oF the cheerful English nurse and Amines tears? 2. Why does Amina accept the blame for having only daughters? 3. Consider the other characters in the story. Who gives Amina support? Wh does nat and why? Who i her best ally upporter? 4. Choose five atjecties that describe Hamid, Explain your choices. hasty quily lected ust blushed nes red tte off to ale: Slowly went sees Shitey Sead 7 nie Singapore remained: syed 38 be Singapore 1 INTRODUCTION Think about andfor discuss these questions: 1. When parents divoree, what hapgens to the children? Which parent should they live with? 2, Atwhat age can children be told the truth about divorce? 3. Describe your favorite toys when you were little. Do you know who cr what Pooh Bear is? 4, What kind of games and bestime stories did you enjoy as a child? Who played with you? LIBRARY/INTERNET TASKS Before you read the story: 1, Find out where Singapore is located, what languages are spoken there, and what the main cultures of Singapore ate 2, Find out why English is commonly used in Singapore. 43, Find out more about Winnie the Pooh (Pooh Bear), a famous character in English children’ literature. The Visit Catherine Lim Catherine Lim grew up in Malaysia and lives and writs in Singapore. She is Chinese and her first language is English, An author of many collections of short stories and novels Catherine Lim's story “The Visit* is from her book Or Eis, The Lightning God and Other Stores. The bold words should be learned. The numbered words are explained to help you understand the story. Some words have mare than one meaning. The meaning we give is the closest synonym. Yen Li lay very still on his bed, his eyes tightly closed, his arms around Pooh Bear. He waited for his Daddy and Auntie Poh Har—he must remember to call her Mummy, otherwise his Daddy would have that angry look on his face again—he waited for them to leave the roomy, for fhe wanted to be by himself. But they remained siting on his bed, talk- ing in low tones to each other and thinking he was asleep and couldn't hear them. But he heard everything, though he Kept his eyes tightly closed and lay perfectly stl 1 tones: sounds sebing: ng lousy lacking making 3 sound wt er tongue They were talking of his Murmmy, he knew. They only talked of his Mummy when they thought he was asleep and not around, and once they talked of her when they thought he was out playing in the gar- den, but all the time he was behind them, inthe litle scace behind the curtains, holding Pooh Bear tightly in his arms. He had stopped play ing and talking to Pooh Bear when he heard them come into the room, and he had sat very stil forthe whole time that they were in the room. His Auntie Poh Har was saying, "You're being rather hard on the bay, darling” but his Daddy had replied, "No, | want nothing more to do with her, and I don't want her to come within a mile of this house The boy will soon get over it* His Daddy had told him, "You have a new Mummy now, Yen Li. She loves you very much’ and Auntie Poh Har had bent down and softly touched his cheek. He wanted to ask, "Where's my Mummy? Where's my Mummy gone to?" but he knew what the ook on his father’s face and the tone in his father’s voice meant, so he never asked any ques tions about his mother. ne night in his room, he thought about his Mummy and his eyes filled with tears. He began sobbing? on his pillow and the old servant ‘Ah Keem Chae came in (his Daddy and Auntie Poh Har had gone out). ‘Ah Khcem Chae sat with him for @ while, saying all sorts of things to make him stop crying. He cried so much that he threw up, and ‘Al Kheem Chae, shaking her heed and clucking? her tangue, cleaned him and changed his pajamas. The next evening, just before dinner, his Daddy came home with a big parcel wrapped in shiny red paper, and Auntie Poh Har also hed a parcel under her arm. They put the pareels in front of him, smiting and asking hint to unwrap them. There was a handsome, shiny gun, and a ‘motorcycle His father showed him haw to shoot with the gun and how tomake the motoreycle go very fast, and fora while, he played with the {oyS and cid nat cry so much. As he was playing with his motoreycle in the kitenen ane morning, he heard Ah Kheem Chae talking to An Soh, the washerwoman and he knew they were talking of his Mummy, for they both kept turning to look at him, and shaking their heads ts What does Yen Li have to call Auntie Poh Har? ta When does his father get angry? ts How does Yen Ui father feel about the boy's mother? ta What does Yen Li's father do to try to make him happy again? He thought they were saying something bad about his Mummy, and again he wanted to ask, “Where's my Mummy?" but he did not dare to. ashe knew his father would be angry with him for that. curtains loth ver wis hare ste bent down: ber fer boy atthe mee or vist ‘thew up ‘vomited food come up from te stomach parel: package wrapped covert handsome: aul id not dare: ws aid Catheine in ta 39

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