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NAME ……………………………………………………… INDUSTRIALE SAMPLE TEST

A) fill in the gaps to complete the following sentences. (10)

1. To get to Hicksville, you have to go ………………………………...…….. a tunnel.

2. Airplanes fly …………………………. my house all day long.
3. Turn right ………………… the corner and go straight for 50 meters.
4. My brother's arriving ……………………. Milan on the 30th.
5. Get ……………… the bus in front of the park and go to the fountain. I'll be there at 3:00.
6. A nanny looks ………………. children.
7. Sales went down …………………… 20% last month.
8. I sat in the front and Joe sat in the back. We were at the ………………… sides of the room.
9. I walked …………………. to the 12th floor because the elevator wasn't working.
10. I've been living with Hal ……………….. 2010.

B) Circle the correct words or phrases to complete the sentences. (20)

1. The numbers on the box are ( inside out, upside down, back ).
2. A chair ( is missing, misses, loses ). There should be 6 but there are only 5.
3. It's dark in here. The light must be ( out, burnt out, flat ).
4. The car's is very dirty. It ( needs cleaning, should clean, wants to be cleaned ).
5. The lamp is big and it doesn't ( match, go, fit ) the box.
6. Can you give us ( some advices, some advice, an advice )?
7. Sheila's cold was ( worse, badder, the most horrible ) than mine.
8. Lara's course lasts 2 months and ( my, our, mine ) lasts just a few weeks.
9. Our new house is ( more far, much further, farrer ) from the station than the old one.
10. ( How far, How much far, How long ) do you live from the university?
11. I don't ( drive, go with car, go by my car ) to work.
12. I ( used to swim, was swimming, had swum ) all the time but now I live far from the sea.
13. Kelly ( hasn't got, doesn't have, hasn't ) lunch with her friends at school.
14. Here's a ( five-dollar bill, five-dollars bill, a bill of five dollars . Get us some coffee.
15. I didn't know your brother ( because, so, until ) I met him at your cousin's wedding.
16. (How often, How much times, How long time) do you go to the gym?
17. You can ( check, control, turn ) the temperature manually with these switches.
18. We can't finish this right now. ( What say, Would we, How about ) meeting after lunch?
19. Wendy: I don't like milk. Fran: ( Me neither, Me too, Nor I do )
20. The ( high, height, tallness ) of the clock tower is 500 meters.
C) Choose the correct words in brackets. (15)
1. If Mario ( be, would be, were ) younger, he'd be able to apply for the job.
2. Jane ( bringed, brought, has brought ) a friend to the party.
3. Robert: I've got a lot of work. Brian: I ( will help, help, do it for ) you.
4. These books ( were printed, print, have printed ) in 2010.
5. I'm 5 and my name is Samantha. I ( am going to be, will be, am ) a ballerina when I get big.
6. If I ( thought, think, will think ) Stuart was nice, I'd spend time with him.
7. Jean ( is washing, washes, has been washing ) the floor. She can't talk to you right now.
8. We ( maybe take, would take, might take ) the children to the park later. It depends on the
9. Janet said she ( has already read, read already, had already read ) the report I sent her.
10. Julia told us ( to not hire, not to hire, don't hire ) the applicants she met yesterday.
11. ( Walking, To walk, The walk ) is good exercise.
12. We're thinking of ( to buy, for to buy, buying ) a scooter for our son.
13. We ( were cooking, cooked, have cooked ) dinner when we ran out of gas.
14. Jason ( told, said, asked ) he needed some vacation time.
15. The machine parts ( are producing, produce, are produced ) in Korea.
16. You ( haven't to stay, shouldn't stay, mustn't to stay ) at work late. The neighborhood is
dangerous when it's dark.
17. ( Would I shut, Have I to shut, Shall I shut ) the window? It's chilly in here.
18. Mrs. Litowitz isn't here right now. She ( is being, has gone, has been ) to the post office.
19. I ( didn't use to play, haven't played, couldn't play ) football yesterday because of the rain.
20. They wore hard hats ( to prevent, for to prevent, for preventing ) head injuries.


A) fill in the gaps to complete the following sentences. (10)

11. To get to Hicksville, you have to go THROUGH a tunnel.

12. Airplanes fly OVER my house all day long.
13. Turn right AT the corner and go straight for 50 meters.
14. My brother's arriving IN Milan on the 30th.
15. Get OFF the bus in front of the park and go to the fountain. I'll be there at 3:00.
16. A nanny looks AFTER children.
17. Sales went down BY 20% last month.
18. I sat in the front and Joe sat in the back. We were at the OPPOSITE sides of the room.
19. I walked UP to the 12th floor because the elevator wasn't working.
20. I've been living with Hal SINCE 2010.

B) Circle the correct words or phrases to complete the sentences. (20)

21. The numbers on the box are ( inside out, upside down, back ).
22. A chair ( is missing, misses, loses ). There should be 6 but there are only 5.
23. It's dark in here. The light must be ( out, burnt out, flat ).
24. The car's is very dirty. It ( needs cleaning, should clean, wants to be cleaned ).
25. The lamp is big and it doesn't ( match, go, fit ) the box.
26. Can you give us ( some advices, some advice, an advice )?
27. Sheila's cold was ( worse, badder, the most horrible ) than mine.
28. Lara's course lasts 2 months and ( my, our, mine ) lasts just a few weeks.
29. Our new house is ( more far, much further, farrer ) from the station than the old one.
30. ( How far, How much far, How long ) do you live from the university?
31. I don't ( drive, go with car, go by my car ) to work.
32. I ( used to swim, was swimming, had swum ) all the time but now I live far from the sea.
33. Kelly ( hasn't got, doesn't have, hasn't ) lunch with her friends at school.
34. Here's a ( five-dollar bill, five-dollars bill, a bill of five dollars . Get us some coffee.
35. I didn't know your brother ( because, so, until ) I met him at your cousin's wedding.
36. (How often, How much times, How long time) do you go to the gym?
37. You can ( check, control, turn ) the temperature manually with these switches.
38. We can't finish this right now. ( What say, Would we, How about ) meeting after lunch?
39. Wendy: I don't like milk. Fran: ( Me neither, Me too, Nor I do )
40. The ( high, height, tallness ) of the clock tower is 500 meters.
C) Choose the correct words in brackets. (15)
21. If Mario ( be, would be, were ) younger, he'd be able to apply for the job.
22. Jane ( bringed, brought, has brought ) a friend to the party.
23. Robert: I've got a lot of work. Brian: I ( will help, help, do it for ) you.
24. These books ( were printed, print, have printed ) in 2010.
25. I'm 5 and my name is Samantha. I ( am going to be, will be, am ) a ballerina when I get big.
26. If I ( thought, think, will think ) Stuart was nice, I'd spend time with him.
27. Jean ( is washing, washes, has been washing ) the floor. She can't talk to you right now.
28. We ( maybe take, would take, might take ) the children to the park later. It depends on the
29. Janet said she ( has already read, read already, had already read ) the report I sent her.
30. Julia told us ( to not hire, not to hire, don't hire ) the applicants she met yesterday.
31. ( Walking, To walk, The walk ) is good exercise.
32. We're thinking of ( to buy, for to buy, buying ) a scooter for our son.
33. We ( were cooking, cooked, have cooked ) dinner when we ran out of gas.
34. Jason ( told, said, asked ) he needed some vacation time.
35. The machine parts ( are producing, produce, are produced ) in Korea.
36. You ( haven't to stay, shouldn't stay, mustn't to stay ) at work late. The neighborhood is
dangerous when it's dark.
37. ( Would I shut, Have I to shut, Shall I shut ) the window? It's chilly in here.
38. Mrs. Litowitz isn't here right now. She ( is being, has gone, has been ) to the post office.
39. I ( didn't use to play, haven't played, couldn't play ) football yesterday because of the rain.
40. They wore hard hats ( to prevent, for to prevent, for preventing ) head injuries.

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