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GENERIC: INDICATIONs: CNS: headache, hyperactivity, BEFORE:

CEFUROXIME  Interferes with bacterial Moderate to severe infections, hypertonia, seizures Dx:
BRAND: cell-wall synthesis and including those of skin, bone, a. Assess patient for any
ZINACEF division by binding to cell joints, urinary or respiratory tract, CV: phiebitis, thromphophiebitis history of allergic reaction
CLASS: wall, causing cell to die. gynecologic infections to penicillins and
Active against gram- GI: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea , cephalosporins.
THERAPEUTIC: CONTRAINDICATION: abdominal pain, dyspepsia b. Assess for anemia, renal
negative and gram-
Anti-infective ● Hypersensitivity to dysfunctions, reduce dose
positive bacteria, with with impaired renal
cephalosporins or penicillins GU: hematuria , vaginal
expanded activity against function.
● Have history of severe candidiasis, renal dysfunction,
PHARMACOLOGIC: gram-negative bacteria. c. Assess if the patient has
hypersensitivity acute renal failure Hematologic:
Second generation Exhibits minimal
hemolytic anemia, aplastic taken any drugs that may
cephalosporin immunosuppressant decrease the medication
DRUG TO DRUG anemia, haemorrhage
activity effectiveness.
INTERACTION: d. Inform need and
DOSAGE:  Antacids containing DERM: rashes
250 mg. importance of the drug to
SOURCE: aluminum or magnesium, her.
ROUTE: Schull, P.D., McGraw-Hill nurses histamine2- receptor Tx:
ORAL Drug Handbook ( 7th )  antagonists: increased a. Perform a thorough
cefuroxime absorption physical assessment to
 Probenecid: decreased establish baseline data
before drug therapy begins,
excretion and increased
to determine the
blood level of cefuroxime effectiveness of therapy,
__________________ and to evaluate for the
occurrence of any adverse
DRUG TO FOOD effects associated with
INTERACTION: drug therapy.
 Moderate- or high-fat b. Restrict amount of drug
meal: give drug with food available to patient.
_________________ c. Periodically assess dose.
a. Instruct pt. to take
sertraline as directed
b. Caution pt. that drowsiness
or dizziness may occur.
c. Educate client on drug
therapy to promote
d. Insure the patient takes the
medication as prescribed.

a. Asses mental status for
worsening of depression,
suicidal ideation, anxiety,
social functioning, and/or
panic attack(especially
during initiation of therapy
and when dosage is
b. Monitor mood changes.
c. Monitor for adverse effects
(e.g. sedation, dizziness,
respiratory dysfunctions,
GU problems, etc).
d. Check for drug or herbal
a. Limit drug access if patient
is suicidal to decrease the
risk of overdose to cause
b. Administer a major portion
of dose at bedtime as
ordered if drowsiness and
anticholinergic effect are
severe to decrease the risk
of patient injury.
c. Establish precautions for
severely depressed patients
to decrease the risk of
overdose to cause harm.
d. Assist pt. in taking the
a. Instruct pt. SO to report
diarrhea, nausea, dyspepsia,
insomnia, drowsiness,
dizziness, or persistent
headache to physician.
b. Report diarrhea, nausea,
dyspepsia, insomnia,
drowsiness, dizziness, or
persistent headache to
c. Inform of drugs and herbs
that can interact
d. Instruct patient to verbalize
feelings and concerns.
a. Assess knowledge/teach
patient appropriate use
,interventions to reduce side
effects, and adverse
symptoms to report
b. Monitor for effectiveness as
exhibited by a decrease in
c. Monitor for side effects.
d. Assess for serotonin
Remember that a lot of
these drugs can cause
dizziness in the first few
weeks of taking so take
safety precautions.
b. Provide safety measures
(e.g. adequate lighting,
raised side rails, etc.) to
prevent injuries.
c. Provide comfort measures
(e.g. voiding before dosing,
taking food with drug, etc.)
to help patient tolerate drug
d. Administer drug once a day
in the evening to achieve
optimal therapeutic effects.
a. Monitor patient compliance
to drug therapy.
b. Monitor patient for 2-4
weeks to ascertain onset of
full therapeutic effect.
c. Teach patient how to
recognize signs and
symptoms of
superinfection. Instruct
him to report these right
d. Instruct patient to verbalize
feelings and concerns.
categorize your NURSING RESPONSIBILITIES as to Before, During and After giving the medication and each has Dx, Tx and EDx.

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