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A. Background
Tourism comes from Sanskrit, namely "pari" and "tourism". “Singray” means many,
many times, round and round, complete. “Tour” means travel, traveling, which in this case is
synonymous with the word travel in English. Based on its etymology, the word "tourism" is
defined as: repeated trips or roundabouts from one place to another another place, which in
English is called the word tour (Oka A.
Yoeti, 1993: 103).
The definition of tourism in its pure sense is a journey that carried out temporarily, held
from one place to another elsewhere, with the intention of not trying or earning a living in a
place to visit, but solely to enjoy the trip it is for entertainment and recreation or to fulfill a
desire that diverse (Oka A. Yoeti, 1993: 109). Identical tourism activities with recreation this is
one of the forms of human activity, such as described by Michael Chubb et al, namely recreation,
physical, spiritual, work and education, as well as family and community duties. The illustration
illustrates that recreation is one of the necessities basic human activity (Hari Karyono, 1997: 7).
Tourism includes various aspects, including tourism actors and attractions tour. Tourism
actors, according to Presidential Instruction No. 9 of 1969, "tourists (tourists) is any person who
travels from his place of residence to visit other places by enjoying the trip and the visit”. Based
on the nature of the trip and the location where the trip is made, tourists can divided into:
1. Foreign tourists, namely foreigners who do
tourist travel, which comes to enter a country other thanis the country of residence.
Foreign tourists are also called foreign tourists or abbreviated as foreign tourists.
2. Domestic foreign tourists, namely foreigners who reside or reside in living in a country
due to duty, and traveling in territory of the country of residence.
3. Domestic tourists, namely citizens who make tourist trips within the borders of his own
country without crossing the border his country.
4. Indigenous foreign tourists, namely citizens of a particular country, who because his
duties or
positions are abroad, return to the country origin and travel in the territory of their own
5. Transit tourists, namely tourists who are traveling to a certain country, which is forced
to stop or stop at a certain port/airport/station not of their own accord.
6. Business tourist, i.e. people who travel for the purpose of business, not tourism, but
sightseeing trips will be done after the main goal is completed (Hari Karyono, 1997: 21-
22). Tourist attraction is closely related to tourist objects and tourist attractions.
A tourist attraction is something that can be seen directly without assistance other
people, for example natural scenery, temples, buildings, monuments, monuments
warnings, and so on. A tourist attraction is something that is prepared in advance so that
it can be seen, enjoyed, such as dances, songs, traditional folk arts, traditional
ceremonies, and others (Oka A. Yoeti, 1993:
167). These tourist objects and attractions are products of the tourism industry which
motivate tourists to visit tourist destinations. Product the tourism industry is concerned with the
benefits and satisfaction of tourists Benefits and satisfaction are determined by two interrelated
factors, namely: namely tourism resources and tourist services. Tourism resources are
everything contained in the destination area tourism that is an attraction so that people want to
visit a place the. Things that can attract people to visit an area tourist destinations, including:
a. Objects that are available and exist in the universe (natural .) amenities), including:
- Climate, for example sunny weather, lots of light, cool, and so on.
- Land configuration and landscape, e.g. volcano, valley, mountains, lakes and beaches.
- Bush forest, for example a large forest.
- Fauna and flora, for example uncommon vegetation and nature reserves.
- Health centers and those belonging to this group, for example hot springs.
b. The results of human creation (man-made supply), namely historical objects, cultural,
and religious, such as historical monuments and remains past civilizations, museums, art
galleries, libraries, arts people, handicrafts, traditional events, exhibitions, festivals, and
houses of worship.
c. The way of life of the community (the way of life). Traditional way of life from a
society is one of the most important sources to offer to tourists. Life habits and customs
The community is an attraction for tourists. Way of life this community, for example the
cremation ceremony (Ngaben) in Bali and Sekaten Ceremony in Yogyakarta.
Tourist services are all facilities that can be used and activities
what can be done that the procurement is provided by another company commercially. Tourist
services are not really an attractionin tourism, but its presence is needed in development tourism
in an area. Tourist services as support tourism also participates in attracting tourists, so by Thus,
there is a complementary relationship between tourist resources with tourist services (Oka A.
Yoeti, 1993: 160-164).

The city of Yogyakarta as one of the tourist destinations develop the tourism industry.
Tourism has grown and become important part in the economy of Yogyakarta City. City
Tourism Yogyakarta has been supported by various facilities for your satisfaction and
satisfaction tourist convenience. Many hotels, restaurants, malls, souvenir shops, and various
other facilities were built to support this sector. Basic facilities tourism, one of which is
transportation, especially local transportation which makes it easier for tourists to move from the
inn to the tourist attraction. One of the local means of transportation in the city of Yogyakarta is
the carriage. Andong is a traditional four-wheeled carriage that is pulled by one or more horses
and controlled by a coachman, who used to move or carry goods or people. Andong equipped
with a seat, wearing a roof, and on the side there is a cover that can be opened (H. Basuki et al,
1997-1998: 11). Diameter the front wheel is smaller than the rear. Andong is there some operate
during the day and some are at night. on the carriage which operate into the evening are usually
equipped with lanterns to lighting. Andong can accommodate six to eight passengers or about
three thousand (3,000) kilograms of goods with a cruising range of ten to fifteen (10-15)
kilometers (Djoko Setijowarno and Russ Bona Frazila, 2003:
Along with the advancement of increasingly modern transportation, namely by
increasing the number of public transportation that is faster and more efficient, then the existence
of the andong as a means of public transportation has been shifted, but thi does not make the
carriage into something that is not needed at all.
Yogyakarta City Government with its policies regarding tourism imag The culture-based
city of Yogyakarta has given hope to the owner andong because carriage is considered to have a
role in tourism. Andong with its uniqueness and traditional values are considered capable of
being an attraction tour. The existence of a carriage in relation to tourism involves: various
parties, including carriage drivers, tourists, city governments, and related institutions. So far it is
not known how its use as a supporter of tourism in terms of carriage drivers, tourists as
passengers, as well as from related institutions. Based on these problems, the author tries to
answer problems through a research entitled “Utilization of Andong as a Tourism Support in the
City of Yogyakarta”.
B. Problem Identification
Based on the background of the problem above, the problem can be identified as follows:
1. How is the development of tourism in the city of Yogyakarta?
2. What is the role of tourism in improving the economy the people of Yogyakarta City?
3. How is the image of Yogyakarta tourism seen from the point of view? traveler?
4. How does tourism affect land use and spatial planning Yogyakarta City?
5. The extent to which transportation services make it easier for tourists to reach
tourist attraction?
6. How many carriages are operating in Yogyakarta City?
7. How is the distribution of the andong in the city of Yogyakarta?
8. How many carriage trips in transporting passengers per day?
9. What is the fare for the carriage driver to charge traveler?
10. How much does the carriage driver earn per day?
11. What is the role of government and related institutions in supporting whereabouts andong?
12. How is the andong involved in tourism events?
13. How is the future existence of the andong related to carriage driver regeneration?
14. What is the motivation of tourists to use the carriage?
15. What do tourists think about the carriage
C. Problem Limitation
Based on the identification of the problem above and because of the limitations of the researcher
then this research is limited to:
1. Characteristics of the carriage.
2. The motivation of tourists to use the carriage.
3. Tourists' opinions about the carriage.
D. Problem Formulation
Based on the identification of the problem and problem boundaries above, then the formulation
of the problem in this study are:
1. How many carriages are operating in Yogyakarta City?
2. How is the distribution of carriages in Yogyakarta City?
3. How many carriage trips in transporting passengers per day?
4. What is the fare for the carriage driver to charge traveler?
5. How much does the carriage driver earn per day?
6. What is the role of government and related institutions in supporting whereabouts andong?
7. How is the andong involved in tourism events?
8. How is the future existence of the andong related to carriage driver regeneration?
9. What is the motivation of tourists to use the carriage?
10. What do tourists think about the carriage?
E. Research Objectives
This research aims to:
1. Knowing the characteristics of the carriage.
2. Knowing the motivation of tourists to use the carriage.
3. Knowing the opinion of tourists about the carriage.
F. Research Benefits
This research is expected to provide the following benefits:
1. Theoretical benefits:
The results of this study are expected to be used as reading material in other studies that have
the same research object.
2. Practical benefits:
a. For the government: can be input in improving quality carriage coachman human resources.
b. For the community: fostering a love for cultural heritage in the form of a carriage.

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