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Grade IV

S/Y 2021-2022
Name: ____________________________________________ Section:_____________________
People, places, things, animals and events have their names. Some
names show possession, some represent a group, some can be counted and
some cannot.
With the help of this module, you will be able to learn more about these
names. Who owns? Who counts? Those are the questions.
Come and let us work on this new adventure.
Are you ready? Let’s go!

At the end of this module, you will be able to:

 Use clear and coherent sentences employing appropriate

grammatical structures: Kinds of Nouns- Mass nouns, Count Nouns,
Possessive Nouns and Collective Nouns.

Think and tell!

Mass nouns- are nouns that cannot be counted. Generally, they do not have
plural forms. We do not have plural forms. We do not use numbers to count them.
We use counters instead.
Bottle of milk
Strands of hair

Count nouns refer to things that can be easily counted. They can be more than
One brother, five schools
Aside from numbers, you can also use: a, an, the, some, many, and few to
quantity them.
A notebook
An apple
Some oranges
Few pupils

Read the selection.

Gabbie helped her mother bake their favorite cake. First, they prepared
the baking tin, spoon, bowl and other utensils. Then, they gathered all the
ingredients for the cake like flour, sugar, butter, milk, chocolate and some
eggs. After everything was ready, they mixed all the ingredients in the
bowl. Next, mother poured the mixture in the baking tin. Then, she placed
it inside the oven. After an hour, the cake was ready. Gabbie added some
icing and fruits on top of the cake. Everybody enjoyed Gabbie’s special
chocolate cake.

1. Which nouns the text can be counted?

2. Which nouns cannot be counted?

Possessive nouns show who or what owns something. Are those nouns that
shows possession. Nouns are used to show ownership.
 To make most singular nouns show possession, add an apostrophe (‘s).
 However, for singular nouns that end with –s, add an apostrophe after
-s to show possession. (s’).
 For plural nouns that end in –s, add apostrophe after the –s to show
possession. (s’).

Change the following phrases to show possession.

1. The book of Mary Ex. Mary’s Book
2. The house of Miss Johnson _____________________________
3. The toys of a baby _____________________________
4. The wings of the butterfly _____________________________
5. The farm of Don Juan _____________________________
Collective nouns are names for a collection/ group or a number of people or
 Talk about several people, animals or things taken together as one unit
or as one whole.
 The word ‘a’ and ‘an’ usually come before collective nouns.
 A collection noun is usually followed by the word ‘of’ and a noun
expressing who or what belongs in that group.
 Can often appear to be plural when they are in fact singular.
For example: a group of, a team of, a committee of, a crowd of, an
audience of, a family of.
 Some collective nouns that stand for groups of animals, such as tribe,
colony, troop, herd, etc. are used for group of various animals.

1. A litter of kittens was born in the park.
Collective noun

2. A bunch of grapes was given to me when I was in hospitals.

Collective noun
Read the story below and answer the questions that follow.

By: Syrelle France S. Paterter

Uncle Joel owns a canteen near the plaza. Our group usually goes there
after class to have some snack. Uncle Joel’s pansit is one of the most delicious
meals we have in town. Aside from the pansit, his fried rice in a bowl tastes good
as well. No wonder why his food is so loved by the crowd.
1. Where does the group eat after class?
a. at Uncle Jona’s Canteen
b. at Uncle Joel’s Canteen
c. at their house
2. What are the nouns used in the story?

Hi there, have you found all the nouns in the story? That’s great! You are
on the right track.

In Uncle Joel’s Pansit, the nouns used are Joel’s, canteen, plaza, group,
pansit, town, rice, meals, bowls, food, snack and crowd.

Joel’s is a Possesive Noun. The Noun “Joel” was added by an apostrophe

to show possession.

Canteen, bowl, plaza and town are examples of Count Nouns. These
nouns can be counted.

Rice, meal, food, snack and pansit are examples of Mass Nouns. These
are nouns that cannot be counted and will need counters to know their

Group and crowd are examples of Collective Nouns. These are words that
represent a group of people, things or animals.
Direction: Choose the correct noun to be used in each of the sentence below.
Underline your answer.

1. (Maria’s, Maria) dress is lovely.

2. The (bottle, bottle’s) beside the door is used for fetching water.
3. There are plenty of (sand, sand’s) at the beach.
4. We had a great time at (Michael, Michael’s) wedding ceremony.
5. (David’s, David) school bus has been missed.
6. I love him despite his (mistakes, mistake’s).
7. My (mom, mom’s) was a nice woman.
8. The (school, school’s) will certainly sell in spite of the fact that it’s
9. He told me everything he wanted, however, he received a lot of (gifts,
10. I will be back after returning to (James, Jame’s) book.

A. Direction: Fill in each blank with the correct word from the box. Write your
answer in the space provided.

1)_____________________is a name of person, place, thing or events. We have

different kinds of nouns. 2)____________________ nouns show who or what owns
something. 3)_____________________ nouns are words for groups of people,
animals or things. 4)_____________________ nouns refer to things that can be easily
counted while 5) ___________________ nouns are those that cannot be counted.
B. Direction: Use the nouns below to complete the sentences.

6. We saw an _________________ by the base.

7. I received a cute ________________ on my last birthday.
8. The __________________ leash is tight.
9. I love to drink a black ________________every morning.
10. There are _____________ candles on her cake.
A. Classify the words in the box as count nouns or mass nouns.

B. Write two sentence with mass nouns and two sentence with count nouns.
Use the list above for the nouns to use. Write your answer in the space
Direction: Read the sentences and tell whether the underlined words are mass
or count nouns. Write the underline word in the box and Check the table if the
word or phrase is mass or count noun.

1. She puts 2 kl of sugar on the cake.

2. The new table created was mine
3. We bought soy sauce at the supermarket.
4. New set of chairs were donated to our school.
5. She needs ½ cup of flour for baking.


A. Direction: Rewrite the sentences below changing the underlined words to

their possessive forms. Write your answer in the space provided.

1. The chairs of the men were arranged in a semicircle.

2. The art work of the girls was neatly arranged.
3. The experiment of the boys will show the law of magnets.
4. Rabies is found in the saliva of the dogs.
5. The projects of the pupils will be brought to the library.

B. Encircle the correct form from the parenthesis that will complete each
6. The (baby’s, babies, babys’) clothes are arranged in the drawer.
7. The (parent’s, parents, parents’) organization elected a new set of
8. Everyone was delighted in the performance of the (child’s, children,
9. The (dancers, dancer’s, dancers’) trainers were given special awards.
10. The teachers visited (Rizals, Rizal’s, Rizals’s) house after the program.

C. Write the correct possessive form of the given phrase in the blank. Write
your answer in the space provided.

It will be (birthday of Mika) 11. _____________________ next

Saturday. Her parents are preparing a party of her. Mother
ordered the birthday cake at (the bakeshop of Agnes) 12.
_______________________. She has the invitations printed at (the Print
House of Macy) 13. ____________________________.

She will be preparing (favorite party food of Mika) 14.

_______________________. Meanwhile, Father bought some pink and
white balloons at (the Toy Balloons of Coco) 15.
_______________________. All of the (friends of the children)16.
_______________________ are invited. Mika cannot seem to wait for
Saturday. She is very excited.

Direction: Read and understand each of the sentence. Identify what kind of
noun is the underline word in the sentence. Write MN for Mass Noun, CNN for
Count Noun, PN for Possessive Noun and CLN for Collective noun.

________1. The rock group has been on tour for months.

________2. The thirty-one pupils of Ms. Valencia are having an educational tour
this January.
________3. That bird’s beak is red and longer than normal size.
________4. My bike was punctured in the highway.
________5. Everyone in the audience applauded loudly when Elvis appeared on
________6. I saw, pond was empty without water.
________7. This year’s basketball team includes three players who are over six
feet tall.
________8. This author’s notes are very effective.
________9. Our class took a field trip to the natural history museum.
________10. I need to get information about my final exam.

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