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Nama : rizki sukron

Nim : 201911028

Answer :

1. -Caring for and caring for patients. A nurse is in charge of taking care of patients such as
taking care of the patient's body hygiene and ensuring that his condition is good. ...

-Give medicine according to time and dosage. ...

-Maintain patient health. ...

- provide motivation and attention.

2. The flow of patients moving to another hospital, as follows:


After the visit, DPJP will review nursing care if the patient wants to move

hospital with justifiable reasons. Next the doctor will

give a letter of permission to go home and give a checklist for the hospital transfer column, for

processed in inpatient registration.


Patient completes administration and payment at inpatient registration

and inpatient cashier.


The patient is given a letter of release from treatment and a medical resume as well as an

about how to use the drug, diet, time and place of control by the nurse

room3. Physical examination or clinical examination is a process of a medical expert examining a

patient's body to find clinical signs of disease. The results of the examination will be recorded in the
medical record. Physical examination and medical records will assist in establishing a diagnosis and
planning patient care

4. Purpose of Medical Interview

The role of the medical interview in this diagnostic process is to provide information and help the
doctor know about the origin and history of the disease.

5. Broadly speaking, anemia occurs due to the following three conditions:

- Insufficient production of red blood cells

- Excessive blood loss.

-The destruction of red blood cells is too fast

Symptoms of Anemia:

-Weak and tired quickly cepat

- Headache and dizziness

- Often sleepy, for example sleepy after eating

Skin looks pale or yellowish

-irregular heartbeat

-Short breath

-Chest pain

-Cold in hands and feet

Some examples of anemia treatment or blood deficiency drugs by type are:

- Anemia due to iron deficiency

This condition can be overcome by taking iron supplements and foods rich in iron, such as brown
rice, meat, green vegetables, and beans. In severe cases, blood transfusion is required.

- Anemia during pregnancy

This condition is treated by giving iron, vitamin B12 and folic acid supplements, the dosages of which
are determined by the doctor.

- Anemia due to bleeding

This condition is treated by stopping the bleeding. If needed, the doctor will also provide iron
supplements or blood transfusions.

-Aplastic anemia

Treatment is with blood transfusions to increase the number of red blood cells, or a bone marrow
transplant (graft) when the patient's bone marrow can no longer produce healthy red blood cells.

-Hemolytic anemia

Treatment is by stopping the consumption of drugs that trigger hemolytic anemia, treating
infections, taking immunosuppressant drugs, or removing the spleen.

- Anemia due to chronic disease

This condition is treated by treating the underlying disease. In certain conditions, blood transfusions
and injections of the hormone erythropoietin are needed to increase the production of red blood

- Sickle cell anemia

This condition is treated with iron and folic acid supplements, bone marrow grafts, and
chemotherapy, such as hydroxyurea. In certain conditions, the doctor will give painkillers and


In treating thalassemia, doctors can perform blood transfusions, administration of folic acid
supplements, removal of the spleen, and bone marrow grafts.

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