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Learning From, group

log xvii
12-hour and 24-hour system

Reinforcement of 12-hour

Bellows College 2
Bellows College
State your reflection on today’s lesson!
What did you understand after Which one was the easiest to Which one was the hardest to
today’s lesson? understand? why understand? why

 I learned about 24-hour system  The relationship clock was the  When converting the time after
today. most easiest to understand. 12.00pm from 12-hour system and
24-hour system.
 I also learned how to convert 12- Because, I can understand the
hour system to 24-hour system. relationship between 12-hour system Because, I didn’t know how why it
and 24-hour system faster. becomes 13:00 for 1.00pm; when, in
clock at my home shows 1 after 12.
Students’ real answers
Bellows College 4
Which part of today’s lesson is your favourite?
What did you like in today’s lesson?
Mine was 24-
hour system. It
was hard at
first, but then it
was easy.
Also, 24-hour
system made me
understand why
there are 24
hours in a day.

The time circle

which concludes
12-hour and 24- Student A Student B
hour system

Students’ real answers

Bellows College 5
How do I apply
this knowledge
in my daily
What can I do by knowing 12-hour and
24-hour system?

 I can read time better now. (using different devices)

 Wont get scolded by mom for waking up late cause I didn’t know how to read time in my phone (24-
hour system) !!
Students’ real answers

Bellows College 6
How do you feel in today’s
Choose the picture which shows your feeling in
today’s lesson.

Bellows College 7

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