Lab3 Wood Cell Maceration

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Wood Cell Maceration

The wood cells are separated from each others by cutting the wood samples into small pieces
(thickness 0.5 mm and length 1 – 2 cm) and put these pieces into a test tube, add the
chemical substances. There are different methods for separation wood fiber, such as
Franklin Solution. This method depends on mix equal amount of glacial acetic acid
(CH3COOH) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) by volume 1:1, put the pieces of woods and
chemical substances in electrical oven with (50-60 of c) for 48 hours. You can put the
samples short time in the oven for (4-8 hours) depending on wood types. By using high
temperature (70 oc) and high concentration of H2O2.
There are other methods depends on treatment of wood by nitric acids and potassium
chloride or nitric acid and chromic or glacial acetic acid and sodium chloride or acetic
acid with high concentration and sodium acetate, but these methods are less efficacy
 The chemical substances can remove after the end of treatment by washing the
samples with water and put in test tubes and shake for (one minute), this result in
separation of different wood cells.
 You can put those cells on filter paper and wash after this preserve in absolute alcohol.
 Also can separate cells mechanically by making thin sections by microtome (thickness
100 – 150 micron) and shake in test tubes, but this method result breakdown of cells
despite of this cell is more represented their natural chemical structure so that this
method used only for mechanical investigation (examination).
 After this put the cells on the slide and covered by a cover slide and examine under
 There is another method for separating the cells permanent by using funnel and put the
filter paper in the bottom of this funnel and filter the solution, after this put this filter
paper on the slide to adhesion of cells on the slide, remove filter paper. Fix the cover
slide by some drops of kanda balsam or diaphane, and examine.
 Note:-
You should add Hematoxillin or Saphranine
Stain on the cells in water before examine for clearing.
Image of different types of vessels and fibers in hard wood
Image of tracheids in soft wood

Figure. Hardwood vessels with spiral thickenings in all vessel elements

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