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............ ORACLE ASNWERS............

........true and false

.......multiple choices

1: (a) projection
2: (b) offset
3: (c) retrieve question

1:there are three logical operators namely, AND,OR,NOT. these operators compare
two conditions at a time to determine whether a row can be selected for the
output. when retrieving data using a SELECT statement,you can use logical
operators in WHERE clouse, which allows you can combine more than one condition

... A logical condition combines the result of two component conditions to

produce a single result based on those conditions or it inverts
the result of a single condition. A row is returned only
if the overall result of the condition is true.
Three logical operators are available in SQL:
AND:Returns TRUE if both component conditions are true
OR:Returns TRUE if either component condition is true
NOT:Returns TRUE if the condition is false

2: select ename, job, sal, comm, deptno from emp where job='CLEARK','SALESMAN';
3:select ename, sal from emp where sal not between 1500 and 2500;
4:select ename, sal from emp where sal between 18000 and 36000;

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