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Qualification BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Computing

Unit number and title Unit 06: Managing a Successful Computing Project

Date Received 1st

Submission date 25/10/2021

Date Received 2nd

Re-submission Date

Student Name Dang Dinh Quoc Tuan Student ID FB1100047

Class Assessor name NGUYEN THAI CUONG

Student declaration

I certify that the assignment submission is entirely my own work and I fully understand the consequences of plagiarism. I
understand that making a false declaration is a form of malpractice.

Student’s signature

Grading grid

P1 P2 P3 P4 M1 M2 D1
 Summative Feedback:  Resubmission Feedback:

Grade: Assessor Signature: Date:

IV Signature:
ASSIGNMENT 1 FRONT SHEET........................................................................................................................................................... 1
INTRODUCE:................................................................................................................................................................................................. 4
 Scenario:..................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
 Tasks............................................................................................................................................................................................ 4
Chapter I: Establish project aims, objectives and timeframes based on the chosen theme......................................................5
I. Devise project aims and objectives for a chosen scenario. (P1)................................................................................. 5
1. Definition of project management:.................................................................................................................................. 5
2. Project charter:........................................................................................................................................................................ 5
II. Produce a project management plan that covers aspects of cost, scope, time, quality, communication, risk
and resources. (P2, M1)................................................................................................................................................................................ 6
1. Project budget:......................................................................................................................................................................... 6
2. Project scope:............................................................................................................................................................................ 7
3. Project Milestones:................................................................................................................................................................. 7
4. Project quality:........................................................................................................................................................................ 8
5. Project communication:....................................................................................................................................................... 8
6. Project risks:............................................................................................................................................................................. 8
7. Project resources:................................................................................................................................................................. 10
Chapter II: Conduct small-scale research, information gathering and data collection to generate knowledge to support
the project....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 11
I. Produce a work breakdown structure and a Gantt Chart to provide timeframes and stages for completion.
(P3) 12
1. Produce a work breakdown structure:.............................................................................................................................. 12
2. Gantt Chart:.............................................................................................................................................................................. 13
II. Carry out small-scale research by applying qualitative and quantitative research methods appropriate for
meeting project aims and objectives. (P4)............................................................................................................................................ 13
1. Quantitative research:............................................................................................................................................................ 13
2. Qualitative Research:............................................................................................................................................................ 14
References...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 16
 Scenario:

Digital wellbeing is a term used by health professionals, researchers, and device manufacturers to
describe the concept that when humans interact with technology, the experience should support
mental and/or physical health in a measurable way. The goal of improving digital wellbeing is to
design technology in such a way that it promotes healthy use and proactively assists the user to
maintain a healthy lifestyle.

As a response to a call for apps and technology that respect a person's time, some companies
developed features that are less disruptive or added the ability to turn off distracting notifications. In
addition, companies created new apps that track digital wellbeing keep record of things like amount
of screen time spent on different apps. They help the user to lower undesired types of screen time, or
to be more deliberate about how technology is used.

With the recent attention on digital wellbeing, management doesn't want to be left out of this trend.
Therefore, the company has launched the project Visual DX - healthcare apps.

 Tasks

As a member of Research and Development department, I have been assigned a mini project to find
out do digital technologies improve life or distract from it and to explore the efficacy of products and
features specifically designed to improve health and wellbeing.

I need to do primary research (both qualitative and quantitative research) and secondary research to
find out that impact and conduct a report for my research. Even it’s a mini-project, I must apply
project management (PM) techniques such as project charter with aims, objectives, cost etc. As for
time management, I need to produce WBS and Gantt chart with reasonable tasks and time. A project
logbook is required to provide evidence of the project development process and ongoing reflection for
every week. This logbook will be needed later for my reflection and evaluation in Assignment 2. As
part of QA (quality assurance) policy, in the report I also need to critically evaluate the PM process
and appropriate research methodologies applied.

My report must have an introduction stating the project aims and objectives. This must be followed
by a copy of my project management plan. My plan should show the milestones when I will review
with my tutor my ongoing progress so far. I will submit my logbook which shows how I have carried
out the project.
Chapter I: Establish project aims, objectives and timeframes based on the chosen theme.

I. Devise project aims and objectives for a chosen scenario. (P1)

1. Definition of project management:

 Project management is a science that studies the planning, organization, management, and
supervision of the project's development process to ensure that the project is completed on time and
within the budget. approval, quality assurance, achievement of specific project objectives and set
 The basic goal of project management is that tasks must be completed on demand and quality
assured, within the approved costs, on time and keeping the scope of the project unchanged. change.

2. Project charter:

2.1. General Project Information

Project Name: Visual DX - healthcare apps
Executive Sponsors: FPT BTEC
Apple Company
Department Sponsor:
Google Company
Impact of project: Using digital wellbeing in life

2.2. Project aims and objectives

Project Aims:

Diagnoses can be tough and going to Google with your symptoms only gives you one of two results; either
you have cancer or a tumor. So, what can you do when there is no doctor around, or you need a second
You can go for an image verification on the largest database of medical images of different variations of
diseases. Visual DX healthcare app has a collection of more than 35,000 images of patients with different
ages, skin types, and another diagnostics category.
Project Objectives:

The goals of the Visual DX project:

 Available for Desktop, tablets, and smartphone apps
 Compatible with different operating systems, such as Android, iOS
 The Visual DX app has categories for eyes, mouth, hair, nails, and genitals.
 Useful for medical categories like dermatology, ophthalmology, pathology, radiology, infectious
disease, and emergency medicine
 The application upgrades regularly.
 Offer incentives to users

II. Produce a project management plan that covers aspects of cost, scope, time, quality,
communication, risk and resources. (P2, M1)

1. Project budget:
 The project budget is from the available financial resources of the project team and sponsored
by the project stakeholders.
 The project team propound a reasonable project budget for the entire cost of the project.
Content Actual
From Sponsors $ 10.000
From Company $ 30.000
Total $ 40.000
Stage Estimate budget Reserve budget
management $ 1000 $ 700
organization Total: $
Analysis Communication with 5000 $ 200 Total: $ 1700
stakeholders $ 1000
Documentation related to
the project $ 1000 $ 300
Solve the problem of risk $ 2000 $ 500
Selecting the $
appropriate device $ 5000 1000
Total: $
Design Model design $ 1000 7000 $ 300 Total: $ 1370
Software design $ 500 $ 50
UI design $ 500 $ 20
Develop front-end $ 1000 $ 150
Develop Back-end $ 1000 Total: $ $ 300
Development 4000 $ 200 Total: $ 650
Develop system $ 2000
Perform initial testing $ 3000 1700
Total: $
Testing 9000 $ Total: $ 4300
Perform system testing $ 3000 2100
Perform control testing $ 3000 $ 500
Equipment assembly $ 1000 $ 200
Install compatible
software with your $ 1500 Total: $ $700
Implementation Total: $ 1700
hardware 6000
Support plan for the system $ 1500 $ 500
Making finished products
on advanced production $ 3000 $ 300
Last test to perfect the
product $ 1000 $ 200
System maintenance $ 1000 $ 50
Digital wellbeing Total: $
$ 1500 $ 250
Complementation software updates 9000 Total: $ 620
Project evaluation $ 500 $ 100
Press conference to
introduce products $ 2000 $ 20
Communication on
product advertising $ 3000 $0

TOTAL $ 40000 $ 10340

2. Project scope:
- Concept design department finds suitable ideas for the project.
- The research department set up the completion requirements in accordance with the initial
idea for the project.
- The logistics department is responsible for the cost of the product, linking the departments
that solve the problem.
- Communication department is responsible for foreign affairs, cooperation, and cooperation
with stakeholders, responsible for product introduction when completed.

3. Project Milestones:

Stage Start Finish Duration

Analysis Tue, 26/11/2020 Sat, 30/11/2020 5 days

Design Mon, 2/12/202 Sun, 15/12/2020 1 weeks

Development Mon, 16/12/2020 Sun, 29/12/2020 2 weeks

Testing Mon, 30/12/2020 Sun, 12/1/2021 2 weeks

Implementation Mon, 13/1/2021 Sun, 19/1/2021 1 weeks
Completion Mon, 20/1/2021 Sun, 26/1/2021 1 weeks
4. Project quality:

When a project produces a deliverable there are always quality standards in play. Each of these items should be
addressed within the quality section of the project management plan.  Quality control results should be actively
documented throughout the project, and changes in strategy should be updated within the project management
- High product quality about applying digital wellbeing in products.

- Try to develop digital wellbeing to apply it to life.

- Achieve the necessary requirements to meet project requirements.

5. Project communication:
The biggest source of project issues tends to be the project scope, deadlines, and budgets. But poor
communication makes it worse, and often the lack of communication is the only reason an issue arises. That’s
why communication is one of the most important aspects of the project management plan.

Obviously, the project manager should contact stakeholders when an issue arises that concerns their interest in the
project. Although this is the most important type of communication of all, there is usually nothing specific that
can be entered into the project management plan.

However, every project has regular communication needs that should be addressed within the project
management plan. These include things like project updates, investor circulars, progress reports, and so forth.

The project management plan should contain a list of formal communication that are core to the project.

- Communicate about the project through the introduction of a social network, newspapers,

- Open press conferences to introduce people more about the project, answer questions about
the project.

6. Project risks:
Above everything else a project manager is a leader, and one of the most important traits of leadership is to
prepare for the unexpected. Taking fast, decisive action when things go wrong is one of the most important traits
of a leader, and therefore a skill you need to learn if you want to be a top-notch project manager.

The proper way to manage risk is through the creation of a risk register.  This fancy-sounding word simply
means a listing of the most important risks to the successful completion of the project. Remember the critical
success factors, above? Any item that can negatively influence the success of the project is considered a risk.
Risk Risk Rating Accepted
(Hi, Med, to process
There is not enough funding to complete the project HIGH Yes

Incomplete performance test HIGH Yes

Organizational issues HIGH Yes

Change in request MEDIU Yes

Budget shortage MEDIU Yes
The project is missing people MEDIU Yes
The project completed slowly than expected LOW Yes

Triggers and Response Plan

Risk Triggers Response Plan

There is not enough funding to Project cost is higher than expected Prepare a separate fee to be
complete the project ready for incidentals
Incomplete performance test Slow performance updates Performance Testing Planning:
Entry and Exit Criteria
Organizational issues Investors have different opinions Prepare a contingency plan

Change in request Investors want to change the plan See separate response plan

Budget shortage Occurrence of unexpected Anticipate possible costs

The project is missing people Employees are sick, have problems Prepare an estimated staff
at work
The project completed slowly than
7. Project resources:
In my industry there tend to be so many stakeholders it can make your head spin.  The government client (owner)
wants to spend the least amount of money, but the government regulator (from the same department) wants to
invest in environmental mitigation.  The adjacent landowner wants to get rich; the power line needs to be moved,
the gas line requires meticulous contracts, and the railway company throws out all your deadlines because it can’t
be bothered with your project.  I can only imagine that I’m not alone in this problem.

In fact, since I’ve been keeping stakeholder lists, I’ve found that they have grown throughout the project, almost
without exception.  In other words, it’s easy to forget a few small ones and it’s inevitable that those small
stakeholders will have a disproportionately large influence on the project outcome.

For that reason, the stakeholder list should be developed and stored within the project management plan and
consulted regularly. A proper stakeholder analysis includes a classification of the stakeholder’s power to
influence the project as well as their level of interest in it.

7.1. Project team

Name Department Telephone E-mail

Project Dang Dinh Quoc Manager (84) 84394236
Manager Tuan research and
: development
Team Williams (360) 247- m
Communication 7480
(610) 237-
Ronald Levie
Design ideas 8402

Alexander (520) 723-

Stephen Curry (541) 485-
Research 0680

Adams (928) 342-

Logistic 5699
7.2. Stakeholders
Google Company
Apple Company

7.3. Workers
Apple factory workers.
Google company office workers.

Chapter II: Conduct small-scale research, information gathering and data collection to
generate knowledge to support the project
I. Produce a work breakdown structure and a Gantt Chart to provide timeframes and
stages for completion. (P3)

1. Produce a work breakdown structure:

2. Gantt Chart:

II. Carry out small-scale research by applying qualitative and quantitative research
methods appropriate for meeting project aims and objectives. (P4)
The goal of the project is to apply Digital Wellbeing to life, complete research and develop
applications for public health purposes. Apply Digital Wellbeing to modern mobile devices such as
Samsung products. As part of the project, I decided to use quantitative and qualitative research. In
addition, the market research of the project is given as follows:

1. Quantitative research:
Quantitative research is defined as a systematic investigation of phenomena by gathering
quantifiable data and performing statistical, mathematical, or computational techniques.
Quantitative research collects information from existing and potential customers using sampling
methods and sending out online surveys, online polls, questionnaires, etc., the results of which can
be depicted in the form of numerical. After careful understanding of these numbers to predict the
future of a product or service and make changes accordingly. (Bhat,
2019) As a project manager I have taken the survey method for the I have prepared a
survey questionnaire based on Liket scale and 100 respondents:

Survey Question Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly

agree disagree

This program will

promote the company
This will increase the
patronage of customers

This program applies

Digital Wellbeing to life

The program will get

huge response from
general people
The company will be
thought as socially

2. Qualitative Research:
Qualitative research is a process of naturalistic inquiry that seeks in-depth understanding of social
phenomena within their natural setting. It focuses on the "why" rather than the "what" of social
phenomena and relies on the direct experiences of human beings as meaning-making agents in their
everyday lives. Rather than by logical and statistical procedures, qualitative researchers use multiple
systems of inquiry for the study of human phenomena including biography, case study, historical
analysis, discourse analysis, ethnography, grounded theory and phenomenology. (,

In the following section, as a manager of the project I have set some questions to be
answered by the customers and noncustomers of the company:

1. Will the Digital Wellbeing program increase sales of the company?

2. Do you think Digital Wellbeing project is socially responsible?

3. Do you think that all people will be benefited from the program?

4. Is the company able to promote itself by the Digital Wellbeing project?

5. Does Digital Wellbeing project meet the expectation of society?
Available at:
Project management plan. [Online]
Available at:
Performance testing planning. [Online]
Available at:, 2019. nursing.utah. [Online]

Available at:
[Accessed 2019].

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