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Enrichment Activities

Study the concept of Hyberbola

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


Conic Section


Pre-Calculus Textbook
Department of Education
A. Content Standards
_________________1) 5x2 +7y2 - 40x-28y = -73
Demonstrate an understanding of key concepts of conic
sections and systems of nonlinear equations. _________________ 2) 5y2 +2x - 30y = -49

B. Performance Standards: _________________ 3) 3x2 -3y2 + 12x-12y = 5

The learner shall be able to model situations appropriately
and solve problems accurately using conic sections and _________________ 4) 3x2 +3y2 + 12x + 12y = 4
systems of nonlinear equations
_________________ 5) 2x2 + 24x - 5y =57
_________________ 6) x2 +3y2 - 4x + 24y =52
 Ellipse _________________ 7) 9x2 - 4y2 + 18x - 16y = 7

D. Specific Objectives: _________________ 8) 3x2 +5y2 - 6x - 20y =25

(1) Define an ellipse;
(2) determine the standard form of equation of an _________________ 9) 25x2 + 16y2 + 150x - 32y = 159
(3) Graph an ellipse in a rectangular coordinate system; _________________ 10) y2 +12x+6y = 39
(4) Solve situational problems involving conic sections _________________ 11) x2 +4y2 - 10x - 24y + 45 = 0,
II. CONTENT _________________ 12) 4x2 - 9y2 - 16x - 54y = 29

_________________ 13) y - 1=x2

_________________ 14) x2 + y2 = 16
Lesson 3 – Ellipse
_________________ 15) y = x2
An ellipse is one of the conic sections that most
A. Preliminary Activities
students have not encountered formally before, unlike circles 1. Pre-Test
and parabolas. Its shape is a bounded curve which looks like
a flattened circle. The orbits of the planets in our solar MULTIPLE CHOICES The graphs of the following equations
system around the sun happen to be elliptical in shape. Also, are non-degenerate conic sections. Write the letter that
just like parabolas, ellipses have reflective properties that corresponds to the conic sections.
have been used in the construction of certain structures
(shown in some of the practice problems). We will see some A. Circle C. Parabola
properties and applications of ellipses in this section. B. Ellipse D. Hyperbola

Let F1 and F2 be two distinct points. The set of all ______ 1. y 2−5 x +12 y =−16
points P, whose distances from F1 and from F2 add up to a
certain constant, is called an ellipse. The pointsF1 and F2
______ 2. 2 x 2+ 2 y 2−14 x+18 y =7
are called the foci of the ellipse

______ 3. ¿ ¿

______ 4. 2 x 2+ 2 y 2 +24 x +20 y +90=0

MULTIPLE CHOICES The graphs of the following ______ 5. 9 x 2+ 16 y 2−126 x+64 y=71
equations are non-degenerate conic sections. Write the
letter that corresponds to the conic sections. ______ 6. 16 x 2+16 y2 + 96 x −40 y=315

______ 7. x 2+ 4 y 2=16y
A. Circle C. Parabola
B. Ellipse D. Hyperbola
(pretest) (RUBRICS)

Minimal Basic Proficient Advanced

______ 8. 5 x 2+30 x +24 y=51 1 pt. 2 pts 3 pt 4 pts
Data Minimal Basic Proficient Advanced
______ 9. x 2+ y 2+10 x−2 y=55
Data in the Data in the Data in the Data in the
table is not table is table is table is well
______ 10. x 2+ y 2−5 x+ 4 y=46 accurate accurate and organized, organized,
and/or easy to read. accurate, and accurate, and
cannot be easy to read. easy to read.
______ 11. y 2−12 x+ 8 y=−40 read.
Labeling Minimal Basic Proficient Advanced
2 2
______ 12. x −14 x + y +2 y =−14
The graph is One side of Two sides of All pars of the
not labeled. the graph is the graph are graph are
______ 13. 5 x 2+30 x +24 y=51 labeled. labeled. labeled neatly,
clearly, and in
an organized
______ 14. 41 x 2+ 16 y 2+246 x−192 y +289=0 way.
Data Analysis Minimal Basic Proficient Advanced
2 2
______ 15. 4 x −5 y +32 x+ 30 y=1 There is no There is an There is clear There is a
explanation incomplete explanation clear, effective
of the data explanation using explanation
or the using some appropriate detailing the
explanation accurate math data analysis,
cannot be mathematica terminology. using precise
understood. l math
terminology. terminology.
Neatness Minimal Basic Proficient Advanced

Appears Lines and Neat and Exceptionally

messy and bars are relatively well designed,
"thrown" neatly attractive. A neat, and
together in a drawn, but ruler was used attractive.
hurry. the graph to make the Colors that go
appears quite graph more well together
plain. readable. are used to
make the
graph more
readable. A
ruler was used
C. INDEPENDENT ACTIVITIES: 2. Reviewing Previous Lesson:

3. ACTIVITY C A parabola is one of the conic sections. We have already

seen parabolas which open upward or downward, as graphs of
Solve and Sketch the following problem quadratic functions. Here, we will see parabolas opening to the
left or right. Applications of parabolas are presented at the end.
1.) Give the coordinates of the center, foci, vertices, and
covertices of the ellipse with equation 41x2 + 16 y2 + 246x Here are the features of the graph of a parabola with
-192y + 289 = 0. Sketch the graph, and include these points. standard equation x2 =4cy or x2 =4cy, wherec>0.

2.) An ellipse has vertices (-10,-4) and (6,-4), and covertices

(-2,-9) and (-2,1). Find its standard equation and its foci.


Solve the given problem:

(1) Vertex: originV (0,0)
1. An orbit of a satellite around a planet is an ellipse, with • If the parabola opens upward, the vertex is the lowest point.
the planet at one focus of this ellipse. The distance of the If the parabola opens downward, the vertex is the highest point.
satellite from this star varies from 300,000 km to 500,000 (2) Directrix: the liney =-c or y = c
km, attained when the satellite is at each of the two vertices. • The directrix is c units below or above the vertex.
Find the equation of this ellipse, if its center is at the origin, (3) Focus: F(0,c) or F(0,-c)
and the vertices are on the x-axis. Assume all units are in • The focus is c units above or below the vertex.
100,000 km.  Any point on the parabola has the same distance from
the focus as it has from the directrix.
2. A big room is constructed so that the ceiling is a dome that (4) Axis of symmetry: x = 0 (they-axis)
is semielliptical in shape. If a person stands at one focus and • This line divides the parabola into two parts which are mirror
speaks, the sound that is made bounces o↵ the ceiling and images of each other.
gets reflected to the other focus. Thus, if two people stand at
the foci (ignoring their heights), they will be able to hear each
other. If the room is 34 m long and 8 m high, how far from
the center should each of two people stand if they would like
to whisper back and forth and hear each other
B. Presenting the new lesson 2. ACTIVITY B : (Written Work / Task)
Ellipse Paper Folding Activity
  A. Find the standard equation of the ellipse which
Directions: satisfies the given conditions.
1.     On a piece of wax paper, patty paper or transparent paper,
construct a circle using a compass or circular shaped object.
2.     Label the center of your circle A.
3.     Create another point INSIDE the circle, not too close to the (a) foci (-7,6) and (-1,6), the sum of the distances of
center. any point from the foci is 14
4.     Label this point F. (This is your focal point.)
5.     Fold the paper so that point F is anywhere on the circumference
of the circle. Make a crease in the paper.
(b) center (5,3), horizontal major axis of length 20,
6.     Open the paper and place point F on another point on the minor axis of length 16
circumference of the circle. Make another crease in the paper.
7.     Continue this process many times around the circle. (It is (c) major axis of length 22, foci 9 units above and
sometimes easier to slide the point around the circle, making creases below the center (2,4)
every few millimeters.)
8.     Once many creases are made, an ellipse should appear within
(d) covertices (-4,8) and (10,8), a focus at (3,12)
your original circle. (If you cannot see an ellipse yet, continue
folding, making your creases closer together.)
(e) focus (-6,-2), covertex (-1,5), horizontal major axis
Processing questions: (f) The foci of an ellipse are (3,6) and (3,2). For any point on the
A. Explain the relationship between circle and ellipse base ellipse, the sum of its distances from the foci is 14. Find the
on the activity above. standard equation of the ellipse.
_____________________________________________ (g) An ellipse has vertices (2p61,5) and (2 +p61,5), and its minor
_____________________________________________ axis is 12 units long. Find its standard equation and its foci.

B. Explain the basic parts of ellipse.

C. INDEPENDENT ACTIVITIES (Formative) 3. ABSTRACTION (Discussion of the Topic)
1. ACTIVITY A: (Written Works / task)

(1) center: origin (0 ,0)

(2) foci: F1(-c,0) and F2(c,0)
• Each focus is c units away from the center.
• For any point on the ellipse, the sum of its distances from
the foci is 2a.
(3) vertices: V1(-a,0) and V2(a,0)
• The vertices are points on the ellipse, collinear with the
center and foci.
ITEM CENTER VERTICE COVERTICES FOCI • If y = 0, thenx =±a. Each vertex is a units away from the
S center.
A • The segment V1V2 is called the major axis. Its length is 2 a.
It divides the ellipse into two congruent parts.
B (4) covertices: W1(0,-b) andW2(0,b)
• The segment through the center, perpendicular to the major
C axis, is the minor axis. It meets the ellipse at the covertices. It
divides the ellipse into two congruent parts.
D • If x = 0, then y =±b. Each covertex is b units away from the
E • The minor axis W1W2 is 2b units long. Since a>b, the major
axis is longer than the minor axis.
3. Discussion of the Topic: (ABSTRACTION) 3. Discussion of the Topic: (ABSTRACTION)
Definition and Equation of a Circle
More Properties of Ellipses
Example 1.3.1. Give the coordinates of the foci, vertices, and Some ellipses have their foci aligned vertically, and some
covertices of the ellipse with equation have centers not at the origin. Their standard equations and
x2/25 + y2/9 =1 properties are given in the box. The derivations are more
Sketch the graph, and include these points. involved, but are similar to the one above, and so are not shown
Solution. With a2 = 25 and b2 = 9, we have a = 5, b = 3, and anymore.
c =√2 a2−b2= 4.
foci: F1(-4,0),F 2(4,0)
vertices: V1(-5,0), V2 (5,0)
covertices: W1(0,-3),W2 (0,3)

Example 1.3.2. Find the (standard) equation of the ellipse

whose foci are F1(3,0) and F2(3,0), such that for any point on
it, the sum of its distances from the foci is 10.
Solution. We have 2a = 10 and c = 3, so a = 5 and
b √ a2−c 2= 4.

The equation is x2/25 + y2/16 =1

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