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Republic of the Philippines

Isabela State University

Echague, Isabela

A Detailed Lesson Plan about

Tumbang Preso

At the end of 1-hour discussion, the students will be able to:
a. define what is Tumbang Preso/Bato Lata;
b. appreciates the beauty of Traditional Games by discussing the Tumbang Preso/Bato Lata;
c. perform the Tumbang Preso/Bato Lata.
a. Topic Tumbang preso/Bato Lata
b. Values Understanding, Application, Appreciation
c. Skills Identifying, Applying and Appreciating
d. References
e. Materials Laptop, Bondpaper, Marker, Manila papers, Pictures, and Empty Can.
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
A. Preparation
1. Prayer
Before we start, let us Pray first. May I ask
Apple Joy to lead the prayer?

Loving heavenly Father, we come to you this hour

asking for your blessing and help as we are
gathered together. We pray for guidance in the
matters at hand and ask that you would clearly
show us how to conduct our work with a spirit of
joy and enthusiasm. Give us the desire to find
ways to excel in our work.

Thank You Apple Joy.

2. Greeting the Class Good Morning, Ma’am!

Good Morning Class!

Please pick-up the pieces of paper under your (Students pick-up the pieces of paper.)

3. Checking of Attendance
Now let us check the attendance, secretary do
I am glad to report that everybody is present
we have absences today?

It is nice to hear that all are present today.

B. Developmental Activity
I. Review
Now, let us have a short review about our topic
Ma’am, last time we discussed the game entitled
last time. Who would like to remind us?
Luksong Tinik.

Okay Very Good.

(Angela raising her hand.)
What luksong tinik is all about? Anyone?

Luksong tinik is a popular game in the

Yes, Angela? Philippines. It originated in Cabanatuan, Nueva
Ecija, played by two teams with equal numbers of
players. Each team designates a leader, the nanay
(mother), while the rest of the players are called
anak (children).

Very good! So everybody is already knowing
about our past lesson which is Luksong Tinik.

II. Motivation
Class before we move on to our next topic. I
have prepared a game. This game has a
connection regarding our lesson for today. This
game is called Charades or Pantomimes.
(the students will stand up)

May I request everyone to please stand up.

I will group you into 2. I will choose a leader and

the leader will choose their members, did you Yes, Ma’am.
understand class?

So the leader of Group 1 is Apple Joy and Group

2 leader will be Joy.
(Apple Joy and Joy stand up and choose their
You two stand up and choose your members. members.)

Yes, Ma’am.
Leaders are you ready?

Before I say the mechanics, leaders do the Jack (Leaders play jack’en poy)
‘en poy to determine who will be the first to play.

Yes, Ma’am.
Joy’s group is the one who plays first.

The mechanics of this game, one of your

members "act out" a word that I give it to her/him
without speaking, while the other members of

your team try to guess what the word is. I will
give you 1 minute to guess the word. The group
that can guess the word fastest will win.
So let’s start the game, class?

Yes, Ma’am!
Joy’s group.

(Joy come to me)

(Whispered) PIKO

(Start guessing)
Member 3: PIKO
(00:47 seconds)
Next group.

(Apple Joy come to me)

(Whispered) PATINTERO

(Start guessing)
Member 2: HOLEN
Member 3: TSATO
(00:50 seconds)
The winner is group of Joy. Did you enjoy the
game class? Applaud yourself!

Everybody take your seat. (Students Clap themselves.)

III. Lesson Proper (Students going to their seats.)

Okay class let us start our lesson for today.
What do you think of our topic for today?

Yes, Joy?

Ma’am our topic for today is all about traditional

games based on what we played earlier.
Very good! Yes, it is connected to the traditional
games. Our topic is one of the traditional games.

Any idea, class?

Yes, Kahrem?

No, any guess? Ma’am Patintero.

Yes, Lance?

No, any idea class? It literally means Knock down Ma’am Harang taga.
the Can.
Yes, Miyuki?

Yes, exactly. I will be discussing the Tumbang

Ma’am, it's Tumbang Preso.
Preso some called it Bato Lata.

So before we start, I will give you first the

Background of Tumbang Preso. Long before the
internet and gadgets were introduced to them,
Filipino kids were already playing this social
game called Tumbang Preso. I don’t know when
this game started. But for as long as I can
remember, the generation before mine were
playing Tumbang Preso.
Tumbang Preso or Tumba lata (Tagalog), or Bato
Lata (Bisaya) literally means “Knock Down the
Prisoner” or “Knock Down the Can” in English.
This game is played in backyards, open fields, or
parks. And, in places where vehicular traffic is
minimal, kids bring their tumbang preso right in
the middle of the road.

Okay Class, have you ever experienced playing
this game before?

Okay, it is nice to hear that, and I think it will be

easy for me to discuss the Rules and Mechanics
on playing this game.

● Players must have slippers to hit the can
Yes, Ma’am. We played that game during our
● The ‘IT’ must never go to the player zone childhood.
unless he or she will tag a player without
● Players must never go to the ‘IT’ zone
unless he or she throws the slippers.
● Players must throw the slippers or else he
or she will be the ‘IT’ in the next round.
● The ‘IT’ will tick the can three times if
every player misses the can and no
players are in the player zone with his or
her slippers.
● The ‘IT’ will never tag a player if the can
is knocked out.

● An It, the one to guard the tin can be

chosen by throwing the pamato to the toe-
line by all the players.
Whoever's pamato is farthest from the
toe-line is the It.
● The hitters will get ready at the back of
the toe-line and at a signal from the It,
game starts.
● The pamato must be retrieved
immediately once the can is knocked
down, the It will start putting it up inside

the circle, the one tagged becomes the It.
● When the can is hit and falls outside the
circle but remains standing, the It has the
right to tag the hitter once the hitter leaves
the toe-line.
● The can may be kicked or knocked down
under when it is outside the circle.
● If a hitter is not able to retrieve
his/her pamato, the others can save
him/her by hitting the can.

So Deib, what do you think is the material

needed here since you are playing this way back

Very good! Deib. What else?

Yes, Misheloure?

Okay Thank You Ms. Misheloure.

The Material needed are Empty can, slipper and

How many players in Tumbang Preso class?

Yes, Maxpien?

Exactly! Thank you, Maxpein. In Tumbang Preso

the players are 9 or less.

Okay we are done with the materials needed.
So what do you think are the benefits of this

Ma’am one equipment in Tumbang Preso is Tin

Yes, kahrem? can or empty can.

Ma’am, the equipment used in Tumbang Preso are

the Empty Can, Slippers for each player and
Chalk for drawing the circle.

Yes, exactly. This can also improve your social

skills. And by means of playing, you create more

Any other answer?

Ma’am, when playing the Tumbang Preso there

Okay, so I think you have learned a lot. It is nice
are 9 or less players.
to hear that.

IV. Generalization
Okay Class, what have you learned about our
discussion for today?

Yes, Peyt?

Ma’am, it provides the opportunity to exercise

without stress, enhance creativity and promotes
better socialization among kids.
Okay Very Good.
Eugean, stand up. Can you recall the equipment
that you have learned in playing Tumbang Preso?

Ma’am it can also help in building a connection
between the children and their elders.
Okay Very Good.

V. Application
Now Class we will be having an activity.

Get the materials and let’s go outside.

So Listen.
We will follow the rules and mechanics in playing
this game.
Ma’am about the rules and mechanics of the
game, the equipment and benefits of the game
Before we start the games I will create a starting
which entitled Tumbang Preso or in Bisaya Bato
line here and all of you stay on this line. I will
also create the circle and the one who throws their
slipper farthest from the center of the circle .
becomes “IT”. I will grade you based on your
efforts and strategies when playing the games.
Did you understand people?

Ma’am, the equipment used in Tumbang Preso are

the Empty Can, Slippers for each player and
Chalk for drawing the circle.
Who is the farthest slipper?

Okay, Maxwell you are IT.

Okay fix yourselves and we will now start the

Okay enough. The time has already ended. Let’s

go inside and take a rest. Everyone get ¼ sheet of
paper and write your name with a date today and
put it on Tumbang Preso. Next meeting, I will
return to you your ¼ sheet of paper with your
grades for your activity today. Did you understand

Omyghad! So nervous, okay Ma’am.
Secretary gets their papers and submits them to
me later, Okay?

Thank You.

VI. Evaluation
Okay Class to check if you really understand the
lesson. Get again ½ sheet of paper create a short
essay about our lesson for today and what have Yes, Ma’am.
you learned from it. 6-10 sentences only.
(Students throws their slippers)
Is that clear to students?

Ma’am, meeee!
Okay, you can start now.

Okay class, pass the paper from left to right. Is it

(Students enjoying playing the activity)

I will be the one to check your papers. In the next

meeting I will announce your scores.

Okay, I will give you an assignment regarding our

next topic.

VII. Assignment
Yes, Ma’am noted.
Search and read the materials, rules and
mechanics of the games “Piko”. We will have a
Pre-test on the next meeting. Is it clear class?

Yes, Ma’am.
Call it a day, class! Goodbye and Keep safe!

Okay See You when I see you!

Yes, Ma’am.

(Students doing the essay writing)

Yes, Ma’am.

Yes, Ma’am.

Okay, Ma’am.

Yes, Ma’am.

Goodbye and Thank You Ma’am. Clap! Clap!


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