Unblock Outlook XP Attachments: Knowledge and Set Up Criteria

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Knowledge and set up criteria

Unblock Outlook XP attachments

Other Outlook links Some network administrators choose to utilize attachment-blocking
features to prevent users from opening every e-mail attachment they
receive. Despite the obvious benefits of these features, one complaint
that network administrators often have with attachment blocking is that
the security measure is too rigid.

Outlook 2002 includes the attachment-blocking features of the Outlook

Security Patch. Although there isn't a way to remove these features,
follow the steps below to configure Attachment Blocking to be less

NOTE: As always, we'll remind you that editing the registry can be risky, so be sure you have a verified backup before making any

1. Go to Start | Run
and type REGEDIT (for Windows 9x) or REGEDT32 (for Windows NT or 2000).
Your registry editor opens
2. Navigate to the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\10.0\Outlook\Security key and add a new string value called
3. Set the value of the new key to be a list of file extensions you want to unblock. Be sure to separate them with semicolons, like this: zip;exe;
4. Click OK and restart the computer.

This example removes ZIP, EXE, and URL file extensions from the blocking feature. Now if you double-click a file of this type, Outlook will prompt
you to save the file to a disk and then you can open it from there.

NOTE: As always, we'll remind you that editing the registry can be risky, so be sure you have a verified backup before making any

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