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What is a Mobile App Framework?

Mobile apps are proven to be the perfect tactic for businesses to strengthen their user base. And
there is never a shortage of unique app ideas.
All of it worked really well in favor of mobile app development companies.
Developing an app doesn’t require you to learn complex programming languages.
All you need is the right mobile app framework and a clear understanding of web-based
languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
A mobile app framework is an app development platform that contains many components like
toolsets, compilers, debuggers, coding interfaces, and so on.
So a developer writes the source code for the app, and then the framework renders the app for the
desired mobile platforms by using different components.
Types of Mobile App Frameworks
There are many mobile platforms out there, such as Android, iOS, and Windows. There are
different forms of apps as well.
We’re not talking about app categories such as shopping apps or gaming apps. But in terms of
how the apps function in a device.
So that way, Mobile apps can be classified into three forms.
1. Native Apps
Developed for specific platforms like Android, iOS, and Windows. Apps utilize device features
like RAM, camera, GPS, etc.
2. Web Apps
Functions via browser interfaces
3. Hybrid Apps
The combination of both native and web apps
Native apps are arguably the best quality apps in terms of their aesthetic and functional aspects.
But native app development is comparatively costly. And the diversity of devices and platforms
can be a challenge in ensuring the maximum user penetration.
So when budget constraints and the maximum number of users are the objectives, a mobile app
development company sometimes opt for hybrid app development tools or cross-platform app
development tools.
Top 20 Mobile App Development Frameworks
1. React Native
React Native has become one of the go-to solutions in javascript based mobile app frameworks.
Although relatively a newbie, React Native has garnered the love of mobile app developers in a
short span of time.
React Native is an open-source, cross-platform app development framework from the house of
We can build apps for both Android and iOS very seamless by using ReactNative.
Its faster development and deployment processes are the reasons behind its universal popularity.

Many top apps like Instagram, tesla, Airbnbnb, skype, and amazon prime videos are developed
using React native.
Features of React Native
• Impeccable performance
• Reusable components
• Integration with third-party plugins
2. Framework7
Framework7 is a platform that lets developers build Android, iOS, and desktop apps with a
native look and feel.
It is a free and open-source framework and is very easy to use and learn.
If you are proficient in HTML, CSS, and Javascript, that is all you are going to need to develop
with Framework7.
It provides additional support for Vue.js, React, and Svelte.
A very attractive feature of Framework7 is the stunning set of UI elements that it provides.
These include features like popup, action sheet, list view, layout grid, side panels, and several
other most-used ones.
This makes development in Framework7 easy, convenient, and very fast.
Features of Framework7
• A rich ecosystem with icons, plugins, and templates
• Also makes a great prototyping tool
• Easy to customize and maintain
3. Flutter
Flutter is an excellent choice for developing aesthetically pleasing mobile apps.
By employing a 2D graphics library called skia, the visual aspects of the apps can be elevated to
higher levels.
Intuitive widgets, material designs, and eye-popping animations also provide an interactive user
experience for mobile users.
But the exciting thing is that visual exuberance doesn’t interfere with performance.
Scrolling, navigation, icons, and fonts all are made to be seamless and identical to native

Unlike many other mobile app frameworks, the codes are written in dart language. And the codes
can be reused for upcoming tasks as well.
The backing of Google itself gives Flutter an extra edge of credibility.
Features of Flutter
• Faster Development
• Cross-platform
• Attractive and Interactive visuals
• Native like performance
4. JQuery
JQuery is an HTML based mobile app development framework that is known for its user-
friendly and interactive interface.
It can be used to create responsive websites or applications for smartphones, tablets, and desktop
It has extensive operating system support covering Windows, Mac OS, Firefox, Blackberry, and
This framework is touch-optimized, runs on a single codebase, and enables developers to create
highly customizable applications or websites.
It has a very powerful theming framework and supports various plugins like image slider, pop-up
boxes, content slider, etc.
Features of JQuery
• Compatible with mobile app development frameworks like Phonegap
• Lightweight in size
• Simple and extensive API support

5. Xamarin
Xamarin is another cross-platform app development framework for producing android and ios
Since they use C# language, It requires lesser codes.
So the coding process is faster. It also lets us share the codes across different platforms like
Windows and macOS quickly.
Since creating an app is a lot faster now, you may think that faster development implies
compromised designs and performance.
But the apps developed on Xamarin provide seamless native performance in terms of both
quality and performance.
IT giant Microsoft now owns Xamarin. So its integration with Microsoft visual studio is a bonus
to develop the apps with increased control and efficiency.
• Features of Xamarin
• Rapid Development
• Native look and feel
• Compatible with various platforms
6. Swiftic
Swiftic is a DIY mobile app solution that aims to empower everyone to create custom apps for
their business.
It makes app creation a very easy process where developers can import existing content from
online and don’t have to start from scratch.
It’s easy user interface, expert guidance, and beginner-friendly approach makes it one of the
most versatile mobile app development frameworks.
The framework includes several technological trends like push notifications, social media feed,
app promotion, etc.
It is one of the very convenient options for mobile app development where you can create,
publish, and grow your app from a single control panel.
Features of Swiftic
• 30-day money-back guarantee plans
• Easy communication and navigation
• Excellent third party integration
7. Ionic
Ionic is another universally employed mobile app framework that has quickly become a favorite
pick for app developers.
It’s a free app development platform that uses the combination of CSS3, HTML, and JavaScript
technologies to develop native, web, and hybrid apps.
Ionic is an ideal pick for developing hybrid apps and progressive web apps by using HTML5
Hybrid apps have almost all the qualities of both native apps and web apps in a single app.
That includes uniform designs, performance boosts, and support for all devices, and so on.
The apps built on Ionic can be distributed across multiple app stores and installed on devices by
utilizing Cordova or Capacitor.
Features of Ionic
• Cross-platform app development
• Uniform UI
• Optimized Performance
• User adaptability

8. Sencha Ext JS
Sencha EXT JS is another javascript framework that can be used to build both mobile as well as
web applications.
It is very much suitable for data-intensive application development and is mostly the go-to
mobile app development framework for building enterprise applications.
Sencha EXT JS has more than hundred pre-integrated UI components in the framework.
D3 adapter, trees, HTML5 calendar, grids are some of the high-performance UI components it
It also has a flexible layout system that significantly aids information management across
different browsers, screen sizes, or devices.
Features of Sencha EXT JS
• Build to work with a large amount of data
• Has hundreds of user extensions
• Excellent visual component support

9. Apache Cordova (PhoneGap)

Phone gap
The app development has to be seamless and collaborative at times to meet the objectives
In that regard, Phonegap is arguably one of the most developer-friendly mobile app frameworks
out there.
PhoneGap is a cross-platform app development framework that employs CSS3, HTML5, and
javascript depend on the platforms of devices.
When we develop the app locally, we can instantly see how the app looks and works through the
PhoneGap developer app without having to resign or reinstall the app to test the code.
That way, we can also access device APIs that may be unavailable in web browsers.
Developers can also use many Cordova plugins to make use of the device capabilities like
camera, GPS, sound, and accelerometer, etc. to provide a native-like app experience.
Features of PhoneGap
• Single codebase
• Faster development process
• Third-party tools for app management

10. Onsen UI
Onsen UI is a powerful tool for creating complex mobile applications.
It uses Javascript, HTML, and CSS to build excellent HTML5 applications.
For the framework users, it supports the libraries AngularJS 1, Angular 2+, React, and Vue.
It offers highly optimized performance, with all the animations fine-tuned to perform smoothly
on devices of all ranges.
To provide a native look and feel for iOS and Android devices, it uses automatic styling on its UI
This means they will change their appearance based on the platform.
It provides a rich set of UI components that includes tabs, stack navigation, lists, forms, and
many more!
Features of Onsen UI
• Easy to learn
• Zero time set-up
• Fast and cost-efficient development

11. Corona SDK

The best way to pick the suitable app development framework is by comparing different tools
with one another.
So, in contrast to other app development frameworks, Corona is considerably fast, simple, and
Corona is a free cross-platform app development tool that is best suited for creating high-quality
apps and games for various mobile and desktop platforms.
They use a robust yet lightweight scripting language called Lua for providing apps and games
with higher graphics quality.
They also allow you to test the end-products on real devices instantly. Once the app is built and
deployed, the code/assets update automatically.
Features of Corona SDK
• Top-notch Visuals
• Wide variety of plugins
• Realtime testing
• Optimal performance

12. Monaca
Monaca is a cloud-based, cross-platform hybrid mobile app development framework that offers
fast and flexible app development.
It makes building HTML5 mobile applications with Apache Cordova super easy.
It provides a flexible development environment, which makes it the perfect app builder.
It started as a cloud IDE in the browser and then developed to provide desktop GUI tools and
command-line tools.
Now it also provides an extension for Visual Studio. It supports Angular1, Angular2, React, Vue,
or any framework that you choose!
Features of Monaca
• Powerful debugging and testing
• Remote build and continuous integration
• Powerful and high performant

13. Mobile Angular UI

Mobile apps are developed on various technologies.
One doesn’t have to learn every other language and tools to build an app.
If you’re well versed with angular js and bootstrap, Mobile Angular UI is the one for you.
It’s equally simple and quicker.
Mobile Angular UI lets you build mobile apps using HTML5 with the inclusion of many
essential mobile components like switches, navigation bars, overlays, and scrollable areas.
All of these factors make angular UI is a worthy pick.
Features of Mobile Angular UI
• Easy to use
• Faster desktop to mobile app conversion
• Integration with fastclick.js and overthrow.js

14. CocoaTouch
CocoaTouch is a mobile app development framework for building programs on iOS.
It supports development for all the Apple devices like iPhone, iPad, WatchOS for Apple Watch,
and tvOS for Apple TV.
It is written in Objective C language and is based on the MacOS Cocoa API toolset.
It supports multitasking, gesture recognition, and local notifications.
Features of CocoaTouch
• UI state preservation
• Autolayout
• Storyboard
15. NativeScript
NativeScript is a perfect example of “two needs with one deed.”
That means we can develop genuinely native apps with a single code base for all platforms. As
simple as that!.
As the name vaguely implies, Native script works based on javascript technology by using
frameworks like Vue.js and Angular.
We can also transpile other languages to Javascript using typeScript.

Nativescript also gives you direct access to all iOS and Android APIs, along with free templates
and app samples.
They have a collection of free extensile plugins for various purposes as well.
Features of NativeScript
• Cross-platform
• Easily adaptable
• Plugins and templates

16. Meteor
Meteor is another open-source javascript-based mobile app development framework used for
building mobile, web, and desktop applications.
Popular companies like IKEA, Dispatch, and Qualcomm are clients of this cross-platform
It allows developers to build apps for any device- iOS, Android, web, or desktop- with a single
It uses an integrated Javascript stack that allows developers to achieve functionalities with
minimal coding required.
It provides excellent enterprise support and effortless meteor hosting.
It has a broad global partner community that helps developers with Meteor training and

Features of Meteor
• Allows integration with popular frameworks like React Native, Cordova.
• Fast and scalable development
• Premium support for enterprises

17. Appcelerator Titanium

It’s high time for web developers to switch the gear into the mobile app development field.
Frameworks like Appcelerator Titanium embrace the idea of web technology-based app
Appcelerator employs javascript for developing native apps for Android, iOS, and windows from
a single code.
The app development on Appcelerator goes beyond just developing the app.
It also allows testing and eventually deploying the app all in one place.

Its Titanium SDK is an ideal app development kit.

It contains many distinctive APIs to access native UI components like menus, navigation bars,
dialogue boxes, and hardware functionalities like filesystems, maps, accelerometer, camera, etc.
Features of Appcelerator
• Live app preview
• Reduced Development time and cost
• Access to third party libraries
18. Uno
Uno is a UI platform that supports single-source and multi-platform application development.
It supports iOS, Android, Windows, WebAssembly, macOS, and Linux.
Its noteworthy feature is that it provides pixel-perfect control during development enabling
developers to bring the platform-specific look and feel to their applications.
Developers with knowledge in C# and XAML can make the most out of this powerful platform.
It enables you to use editors like Visual Studio, Visual Studio Code, or Rider.
To speed up your app development, it provides ready to use Fluent and Material code snippets.
Features of Uno
• Supports hot reload and hot restart
• Enables you to write XAML real-time in the browser
• Allows you to edit premade snippets
19. Laravel
PHP development is an underrated platform in mobile app development. If you are a skilled PHP
developer, Laravel is a natural choice for developing web and hybrid apps.
They go by the motto of ‘Value elegance, simplicity, and readability in the app development
Laravel is a free PHP mobile app framework that requires comparatively lesser coding. So the
development process is considerably quicker.
The fewer code system also allows us to detect and fix errors pretty quickly.
Features of Laravel
• Object-oriented
• Libraries and modular
• Unit Testing

20. Mono
Mono is an open-source cross-platform tool based on .NET framework.
It supports several operating systems like Android, iOS, Windows, and Linux. Several
commercial software vendors and corporate enterprises use Mono to develop cross-platform
applications in a rich development environment.
It has a very active and enthusiastic community that contributes greatly to the platform, making it
one of the leading mobile app development frameworks.
Features of Mono
• Advanced compile options
• Excellent compatibility with .NET 4.7
• Detailed documentation support

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