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A. Explain the statement with a minimum of 5 sentences.

1. What is meant by the statement “Healthcare is tacky and brady.”

Tacky means rapid and brady means slow. The statement “Healthcare is
tacky and brady” means the healthcare can be fast or too slow. The healthcare can
be tacky and brady due to the response of the government in the healthcare system.
Like for example the healthcare in prevention is bardy or fast but the cure of disease
is tacky like what happen in our situation in COVID-19.

2. Why do you think medical terms are complicated?

For me, medical terms are complicated because I am not familiar to those
terms. Some of those terms are origin from Latin and Greek so some of them are
hard to read and pronounce. Some of the terms are used in the hospitals and others
don’t understand those terms. Medical terms are complicated to those people who
are not working in the hospital and those who don’t study in medical fields. It is
complicated because of the word that has a lot of meaning or terms in medical.

3. Why do medical terminology is important in the hospital or in any medical


Medical terminology is important because they use it to understand each

other and to communicate effectively. And it improves patient safety by reducing the
number of mistakes. It is important because it can also help you avoid making coding
or billing mistakes that a patient may have to call to correct a major patient
dissatisfier. They should be able to understand these abbreviations and terms to
provide the best care. Lastly, it is important to avoid the use of slang terms or words
and to keeps common terms.

B. Discuss the following reaching out the consensus of whether each true or false
and why?

1. All medical terms have at least one word root.

False, because medical terms must have at least one root word but can have

2. The most important part of a medical term is the suffix.

True, because the medical term can determine at the end or the suffix.

3. The meanings of medical terms change with different beginnings and endings.

True, it change because of what word is going to use to form a meaning of medical

4. Medical term is divided into three basic word elements.

True, the medical terms have three basic word elements and these are prefix,
root words and suffixes.

5. Not all medical terms have a prefix.

True, because it contains prefix, suffix, root words or suffix without root word,
or they contain two root words that is combine by a combining vowel.

C. Please give what is being asked.

1. Give at least 2 examples of the medical term prefix and suffix as shown below:

a. – ectomy


b. – itis


c. uria-


d. oma-


e. emnia-


f. hyper

g. hypo


h. Pre-


i. A–


j. plegia-


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