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Which is the learning process of ConvNets? This is one of the first questions that
the chapter exposes. ConvNets change its weights when they process new examples. This
could be compared with human learning, but we can see there are many differences
because our is not passive. We ask, we feel curious for things, we explore, etc; instead,
machines only do what we have before stablished them to do.

The deep leaning requires big data, large amounts of information to keep
improving. All of this data come from us, the users of internet. Every single photo, audio,
or action we do in our smartphones and computers is being saved. Then, the companies
study our way of acting in internet so that AI could be as similar as possible.

Even though, it is impossible for machines to take into account every single
chance of situations. For example, the self-driving cars. Nowadays they still make
mistakes because it is not possible to give consideration to all the unlikely to happen
scenarios. This is called the long tail.

Many experiments have shown that AI is able to recognize objects, persons, etc.
in photos or pictures. On the other hand, there is a negative part of this: the ethics
problems. In one case two African people were recognized from a computer as “gorillas”.
Another example is that the software program pointed out that a man was a woman
because in the picture he was in a kitchen.

To solve this problem, it is important to figure it out how deep neural networks
come to the conclusions but, unfortunately, it is hard for them to show their work. They
employ billions of arithmetic operations but a list of them is not an explanation. If we
cannot understand how they work, we will not discover when they are going to fail.

Another point is that researchers have also discovered that we can fool deep neural
networks because of its way of working. For example, in the recognition of illness through
pictures a private health insurance could create fraudulent diagnoses for additional and
lucrative charges in the final bill. Furthermore, there are also ways of fooling related to
language, speech recognition and text analysis. Unfortunately, nowadays we still haven’t
find a reliable method of defense.

1. If we humans make mistakes, and AI is supposed to be as similar as possible to

us, why we do not let it make mistakes?
2. Internet and most of the devices we use take all of our information. You cannot
let them do it, but you will be completed disconnected from the world. What is
the price of our privacy?
3. Dou you think we could come up with a system that includes all the chances of

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