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j o u r n a l o f m a t e r i a l s r e s e a r c h a n d t e c h n o l o g y 2 0 2 1 ; 1 5 : 3 1 6 1 e3 1 7 0

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Original Article

Biocomposites based on poly(hydroxybutyrate) and

the mesocarp of babassu coconut (Orbignya
phalerata Mart.): effect of wax removal and maleic
anhydride-modified polyethylene addition

Nata lia Fernanda Inoc^encio Silva a, Jose Elson Soares Filho a,*,
Tiago Galdino Cabral Santos a, Jessica da Silva Chagas a,
Suelen Alves Silva Lucena de Medeiros a, Eduardo Braga Costa Santos a,
Renate Maria Ramos Wellen a, Lucineide Balbino da Silva a,
Laura Carvalho b, Ma  rio Andre Brito Seixas Nunes c,
Amelia Severino Ferreira e Santos a
ria, s/n, Castelo Branco,
Department of Materials Engineering, Federal University of Paraı́ba, Cidade Universita
~o Pessoa, PB, 58051-900, Brazil
Academic Unit of Materials Engineering, Federal University of Campina Grande, Av. Aprı́gio Veloso, 882,
Bodocongo, Campina Grande, PB, 58429-900, Brazil
UFPB: Universidade Federal da Paraiba, Brazil

article info abstract

Article history: Aiming to adds value to agricultural products and develop environmental-friendly and
Received 13 March 2021 cost-effective materials, the present work investigates the influence of babassu mesocarp
Accepted 3 September 2021 (BM) flour extractives and the addition of maleic anhydride-modified polyethylene
Available online 20 September 2021 (MAPE), as a coupling agent, on the properties of additivated polyhydroxybutyrate
(PHBad)/BM biocomposites. The extractives were partially and completely removed from
Keywords: BM flour by detergent and soxhlet extraction, respectively, before biocomposites melt
Biocomposite processing. The thermal, mechanical, structural, morphological, and flow properties of
Babassu coconut biocomposites with extracted BM flours were determined and compared to the properties
Mesocarp of biocomposite with BM flour in natura. In addition, the influences of MAPE incorporation
Particle-reinforcement in the properties of each biocomposite were also studied, in order to understand their role
Surface treatment in biocomposite compatibilization. The particle treatments resulted in biocomposites
with lower tensile strength than biocomposites with BM in natura. Despite the low
compatibility of MAPE with PHB, the addition of MAPE increased the tensile strength of
the respective PHB biocomposite, reaching values of tensile strength similar or slightly
higher than the PHBad-MAPE matrix. Therefore, MAPE acted as an effective additive for

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (J.E. Soares Filho).
2238-7854/© 2021 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://
3162 j o u r n a l o f m a t e r i a l s r e s e a r c h a n d t e c h n o l o g y 2 0 2 1 ; 1 5 : 3 1 6 1 e3 1 7 0

BM flour, probably, due to reactive processing with the starch polar surface groups. Since
BM was abundantly and cheaply available, its use with PHB and MAPE resulted in
biodegradable material with similar mechanical properties of neat PHB and concomitant
reduction in cost.
© 2021 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC
BY-NC-ND license (

avoid environmental damage, because they decompose

1. Introduction without leaving any traces of toxic or dangerous residues,
when disposed in safe areas under appropriate environmental
The Babassu (Orbignya phalerata Mart.) Is a genuinely Bra- conditions, such as temperature, humidity, and available ox-
zilian palm tree found naturally in the North, Northeast and ygen [1,4].
Midwest regions of Brazil. There is a valuable economic po- Polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) is a biodegradable semi-
tential and generates income to the extractive families. The crystalline thermoplastic polymer with high chain regularity
Babassu palm tree produces fruits that are composed of a and processing similar to high-density polyethylene (HDPE). It
protective peel rich in lignin and cellulosic material and co- can be obtained through bacterial fermentation of sugar cane,
conuts rich in vegetable oil. The composition of Babassu co- however, it can also be extracted from some plants, such as
conut is shown in Fig. 1. potatoes (Solanum tuberosum) and tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum)
Babassu mesocarp (BM) is mainly used as flour for human [1,3].
consumption (biscuits, breads and cereal bars), animal feed Due to the biodegradability and the excellent character-
and biomass energy source [1,2]. Investigations of the use of istics, the PHB has a high power of insertion in the industrial
the mesocarp as starch source has been intensified in the last production and market and may be of interest in the manu-
years [1,2]. The use of babassu mesocarp flour to produce facture of products for quick use, such as disposables, pack-
starch rich films or polymer biocomposites without any pre- aging for cosmetics, compound materials, food, pesticides,
treatment have also been evaluated. Nevertheless, there is automotive industry products, among others [4]. However,
relatively little studies trying to use integral babassu meso- the fragility at room temperature makes it difficult to use and,
carp flour or investigate how its impurities, or starch extrac- therefore, the use of additives as a nucleating agent and
tion methodology affect film end uses properties [2]. plasticizer is required for the processing, as they generally
Its chemical composition consists of starch (50e70 wt.%), improve the mechanical properties by inhibiting secondary
moisture, proteins, dietary fibers (10e37%), lipids, soluble crystallization and reducing the size of spherulites [5,6].
carbohydrates, mineral salts, ashes, and other components Furthermore, the high production cost discourages large-
[1e3]. As a babassu coconut component, the development of scale applications, which favors the use of PHB compounded
processes or new market for BM adds value to this residue, with other bidegradable polymers, as well as fillers aiming at
reduce its current underuse and brings socio-economic ad- cost reductions along with the improvement of material
vantages for the communities involved in the coconut properties [7].
extractivism [1,3]. As BM is abundantly and cheaply available filler naturally
Looking for the challenges in biotechnology and more occurring in the North, Northeast and Midwest regions of
specifically to the babassu mesocarp (BM) agroindustry, in this Brazil, its use in blending with PHB will result in completely
study it was evaluated its potential to be incorporated as biodegradable, and low-cost material with socio-economic
natural filler within the plastic industry. Since BM is a benefits. Furthermore, both PHB and BM have brownish color
renewable and biodegradable material, natural or synthetic [2] and their compound will have natural wood appearance.
biodegradable polymers are classified as real alternatives to The biodegradable compounds are used in the manufac-
ture of eco-friendly materials in the areas of technology and
engineering and have a strong capability to reduce
manufacturing input costs. Furthermore, natural fibers or
fillers can act as reinforcement in structure, which, generally,
improves the thermo-mechanical performance. However,
before the incorporation in the polymer, the natural fibers/
particles can be treated to remove extractives, which could
negatively influence its interaction with the matrix, making it
difficult for the fiber/particle and matrix to adhere [8e11,12].
However, the isolation of neat starch should not be interesting
because the lack of affinity between PHB and starch, main
component of BM, resulting in blends with poor performance
[13,14]. Therefore, the evaluation of BM flour in natura is
interesting and the dietary fibers present in its chemi-
Fig. 1 e Babassu coconut composition. cal composition could enhance the physical-mechanical
j o u r n a l o f m a t e r i a l s r e s e a r c h a n d t e c h n o l o g y 2 0 2 1 ; 1 5 : 3 1 6 1 e3 1 7 0 3163

compared to the properties of biocomposite with BM flour in

natura. In addition, the influences of MAPE addition in the
properties of each biocomposite was also studied.

2. Experimental

2.1. Methods

The workpieces of biocomposites used for characterization

and performance evaluation were obtained with PBH (with
processing additives), 0 and 2 wt% of the coupling agent,
(maleic anhydride-modified polyethylene e MAPE), and the
fiber in natura and treated by two routes of wax removal.
Aiming to avoid a negative influence of the coupling agente in
Fig. 2 e Flowchart of the experiment development. the mechanical properties of the biocomposite, was added
maximum 2 wt% of MAPE. Fig. 2 illustrates the experimental
procedures carried out as well as and Table 1 shows the
compositions adopted in this work.
Table 1 e Compositions adopted.
The PHB was donated by PHB Industrial S/A (Serrana, Sa ~o
Composition (wt.%) Paulo - Brazil) with a melt flow index (MFI) of 2.98 g$10 min1.
PHBad 100 0 0 n.a* As additives for PHB composites, it was used 2 wt.% stearic
PHBad-MAPE 982 0 0 n.a* acid, 0.5 wt.% microcrystalline cellulose (MCC, MC-101), and 9.5
1 803 20 0 In natura wt.% glycerol as a lubricant agent, nucleating agent, and
2 784 20 2
plasticizer, respectively. The PHB processing aids was chosen
3 803 20 0 Route 1
4 784 20 2 Surfactant washing
based on the literature data [12,18,19]. Table 1 shows the adopt
5 803 20 0 Route 2 compositions in this work and the PBH percentages are already
6 784 20 2 Solvent extraction including the sum of the processing additives (12 wt.%).
Mixture of 88% of PHB with 12 wt.% of processing additives. The adopted coupling agent, maleic anhydride-modified
Mixture of 86% of PHB with 12 wt.% of processing additives. polyethylene - MAPE, was produced by Polyram Plastic In-
Mixture of 68% of PHB with 12 wt.% of processing additives. dustries LTD (Afula, Israel) and kindly provided by Parabor Ltda
Mixture of 66% of PHB with 12 wt.% of processing additives. (Sa~ o Paulo-SP, Brazil). The bio-filling material, BM, was sup-
*Not applicable. plied by Floresta Brasileira SA (Itapecuru-Mirim, Maranha ~o -
Brazil) presenting an average particle size of 32.9 mm.
Two physicochemical routes were performed on BM to
performance of PHB/starch matrix. Furthermore, starch remove as much wax as possible from the mesocarp. In the
granules are encapsulated by fiber, protein, and lipid present first route, the BM powder was submitted to extraction (via
in babassu mesocarp and the fiber residue generated during soxhlet) for 24 h with ethanol, followed by 24 h in cyclo-
its extraction presents high starch content, indicating a diffi- hexane. In the second route, the BM has immersed in 20% (v/v)
cult and an ineffective starch isolation [7]. aqueous solution of a commercial surfactant for dishware
Further fruitful investigations dealing biocomposite of PHB washing (alkylbenzene sodium sulfonate), under magnetic
with 20 wt.% of treated natural fibers from Cocos nucifera, stirring for 24 h [18]. Then, the BM fiber was filtered, washed,
Ananas erectifolius, Copernicia prunifera, Hymenolobium and dried in an oven for 16 h at 60  C.
petraeum Ducke are available in the literature [7e10] are The calculation of the extractive content for BM in natura
available in the literature and all investigations have shown and BM route 2 was carried out by the percentage weight
better mechanical performances with fibers incorporated. The variation of each kind of BM in relation to respective BM
polyolefin modified with maleic anhydride promotes esterifi- weight after soxhlet extraction for 24 h with ethanol, followed
cation reactions between the coupling agent and the hydroxyl by 24 h in cyclohexane. Since BM route 1 used soxhlet
groups available on the surface of the natural fiber/particle extraction, the determination of extractive content was not
[11], facilitating the interfacial adhesion between the fiber/ applicable to this sample. Moisture content was determined
particle and the matrix [13,15e17].
In this sense, the main goal of this study is to investigate the
effect of the extractives on some properties of PHB/BM bio- Table 2 e Extractives and moisture content.
composites and role of maleic anhydride-modified polyethylene Filler Extractive Moisture
(MAPE), as coupling agent of biopolymer. As a result, extractives Content (%) Content (%)
were partially and completely removed from BM flour by using
BM in natura 8.5 ± 1.6 2.74 ± 0.4
surfactant (route 1) and soxhlet (route 2) extraction, respec- BM via route 2 2.9 ± 0.52 3.02 ± 0.7
tively, before preparation of biocomposites. The thermal, me- BM via route 1 n.a. 3.78 ± 0.1
chanical, structural, morphological, and flow properties of
n.a: Not applicable.
biocomposites with extracted BM flours were determined and
3164 j o u r n a l o f m a t e r i a l s r e s e a r c h a n d t e c h n o l o g y 2 0 2 1 ; 1 5 : 3 1 6 1 e3 1 7 0

nucleating, and plasticizer agents were added, as suggested by

El-Hadi et al. [15] and Marinho et al. [20]. All the compositions
were processed for 5 min at 170  C and 50 rpm in the mixing
chamber (69 cm3) of a Thermo Scientific Haake Rheomix OS
with counter-rotating roller rotors.
The biocomposites formulations were manually cut into 3
mm particles and dried in a vacuum oven for 3 h at 80  C. Then
they were molded by compression in sheets of 150  150  2
mm in a hydraulic press Marconi MA098/A, at 180  C for 8 min
(3 min under a pressure of 3 Kgf and 5 min with 6 Kgf) After
pressing, the plates were immersed in an ice bath and dried
with absorbent paper. All characterizations and performance
evaluation tests were performed on workpieces taken from
these compression molded plates.
A Shimadzu's universal machine, model AG-X 10 KN, was
used to carry out the tensile test, following ISO 527e2 standard
Fig. 3 e Thermogravimetric curve of BM flour in natura.
(1993). The speed used in the was 5 mm/min. The tensile
strength data are based on the arithmetic mean and standard
deviation of 05 specimens for each composition.
by weight loss of each kind of BM dried at 100  C until they The microstructures were accessed using a Zeiss LEO
reach constant weight, as recommended by ASTM D 1348-94. scanning electron microscope at a voltage of 20 kV under a
Both analyses were performed in triplicate. high vacuum. The fibers, natural and treated, were glued in
The BM in natura, as well as after each route were charac- a carbon ribbon and gold-sputtered for secondary electron
terized by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and mode analysis. The fractured surface observation of the
scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Also wax obtained from composites workpieces was carried out after immersed in
BM in natura extract after solvent evaporation was character- liquid nitrogen for cryogenic fracture and subsequent gold
ized by FTIR. FTIR analysis were gathered as average of 32 sputtering. DSC scans were acquired from a Shimadzu DSC-
scans in the region from 600 to 4000 cm1 in transmittance 60H, the applied thermal program was heating from room
mode, using a Shimadzu IR Prestige-m21 spectrophotometer. temperature (~23  C) to 190  C, isothermal at 190  C for 3
Previously, fillers were sieved through 200 mesh and pressed minutes, cooling to 30  C and re-heating to 190  C, the
with potassium bromide as pellets shape. heating/cooling rate was 10  C$min1, under inert nitrogen
atmosphere at 50 mL$min1. The degree of crystallinity
2.2. Biocomposites processing and workpieces (Xc) of reference matrices and their composites with BM
preparation in natura, as well as after each route were measured using
Eq. (1).
Prior to the processing step, the components were completely
DHm 100
dried. The PHB was vacuum dried for 3 h at 80  C, and the BM Xc ¼ *
DH100% w
fibers were oven-dried for 24 h at 60  C. Then, the lubricant,

Fig. 4 e (a) - FTIR spectra of BM in natura and after the two physicochemical treatment routes. (b) e comparison between
FTIR of the wax obtained and BM in natura.
j o u r n a l o f m a t e r i a l s r e s e a r c h a n d t e c h n o l o g y 2 0 2 1 ; 1 5 : 3 1 6 1 e3 1 7 0 3165

Fig. 5 e Microstructure, as seen by SEM, of the BM fillers.

Fig. 6 e Microstructure, as seen by SEM, of the BM compisites.

Where: is the melting enthalpy, ¼ 146 J$g1 (assumed as the

melting enthalpy for 100% crystalline PHB [18DSC] and w is 3. Results and discussion
PHB weight fraction.
Melt flow rate (MFR) measurements of reference matrices Table 2 shows the wax removal rates and moisture contents,
and their composites with BM in natura and after each route the BM in natura presented 8.5 wt% of extractives, corrobo-
were performed in triplicate, using a Ceast model 7023 rating with the first stage of decomposition process shown in
plastometer, according to ASTM D 1238. Testing parameters thermogravimetric curve in Fig. 3 that is related to moisture
were 2.16 kg at 180  C with intervals of 6 seconds for melt and other small molecular species content of filler. In ther-
cutting. Previously, samples were vacuum dried for 3 hours mogravimetric curve we also observe about of 25% of residue,
at 80  C. which is, probably, ash and carbonaceous residue from fibers,
3166 j o u r n a l o f m a t e r i a l s r e s e a r c h a n d t e c h n o l o g y 2 0 2 1 ; 1 5 : 3 1 6 1 e3 1 7 0

minerals and other components [2]. BM treated by route 1 remained in the form of granules dispersed in the PHB matrix,
(Surfactant washing) presented 2.9% of extractives content, the starch gelatinization did not occur during melt processing,
which is attributed to non-fibrous constituents and residual which characterizes a particle with a rigid and brittle matrix
wax [14]. Although less efficient in removing extractives, [4]. The wax extractives vaporization at processing conditions
detergent treatment presents a lower environmental impact may also have contributed partially to this behavior, mainly,
besides cheaper than the organic solvent. The moisture rate in compositions from 1 to 4. As pointed out in the literature
on the samples indicates that only organic solvent treatment [11,12], at melt processing temperatures, extractives may tend
changed the hydrophilicity of the natural BM, suggesting to migrate to the natural particle/polymer matrix interface,
higher hydrophilic groups exposure on the filler surface, contributing to voids observed. The coupling agent (MAPE)
corroborating to the residual extractives content found for BM addition did not improve the filler/matrix interface, regardless
treated by route 2. of BM treatment, indicating its poor efficiency as a coupling
Fig. 4a addresses the FTIR spectra of natural BM and treated agent for PHB/BM biocomposites.
via route 1 and 2. The wideband ranging from 3328 to As a result, composites with lower mechanical properties
3600 cm1 is due to free hydroxyl groups, associated with than reference matrices will, probably, be produced [26,27].
cellulose and starch components of BM [18,20]. Displayed Moreover, subtle porosity increases for detergent treated BM
bands in the range from 2800 to 3000 cm1 are attributed to composites was observed (Fig. 6ced), which may be associated
CeH stretching vibrations. Related to FTIR bands in the region with the volatilization of residual surfactant from the filler
between 1200 and 600 cm1, they are attributed to carbohy- surface.
drate vibrations, while between 912 cm1 and 1080 cm-1 to the According to DSC data, showed in Table 3, BM addition
CeOH stretching [21,22]. Around 1610 cm1, absorption bands regardless of the performed treatment, as well as the coupling
are due to adsorbed H2O in MB [22]. It is noteworthy that bands agent addition reduced Tc of PHB. That can be translated at
in 1700e1750 cm1 region, characteristic of hemicellulose and hindered crystallization of PHB-MAPE matrix and PHB com-
lignin, were not verified in FTIR spectrum of natural BM in, posites with different kinds of BM fillers [24]. PHB-MAPE ma-
indicating that aldehydes, ketones, acids, and esters are ab- trix and PHB and PHB-MAPE composites with different kinds
sent or below the equipment detection limit [23,24]. of BM fillers displayed lower Tm than PHB, indicating a slight
The spectra of BM in natura and the wax extracted from BM reduction in their crystal perfection [24,28]. Additionally, PHB
are shown in Fig. 4b. In general, the spectrum of the wax from composites with treated BM (PHB/BM by route 1 and PHB/BM
BM did not present new bands, and carbonyl bands in the by route 2) presented higher Xc than PHB matrix and PHB/BM
region of 1700e1750 cm1 were absent. The wideband ranging composite. Table 3 reports melting and melt crystallization
between 3600 and 3100 cm1 is due to the (n-OH) stretch, parameters of PHB, PHB-MAPE, and their composites with BM
which probably comes from starch, one of the extractives in natura and treated BM.
components [12,21]. The spectral region between 2980 and A significant increase in Xc was also observed for compo-
2850 cm1 corresponds to (n-CH) of sp3 carbon type. At sitions 4 and 6, which might contribute to improving their
1633 cm1 is observed an absorption band related to (d) mechanical properties relative to the reference matrix
deformation of (d-COH) bond usually found in biopolymers. [29e31]. BM filler treated by route 1 displayed a slight nucle-
Displayed bands in the range from 1200 to 912 cm1 corre- ating effect on the matrix, which can provide faster and lower-
spond to (n-CO) bonds, and in the range between 878 and cost processing.
400 cm1 are due to (d-CH) deformations in monosubstituted The thermal behavior observed corroborates with the role
aromatic rings. These bands from wax BM are proper to of proteins, lipids, and phenolic compounds in inhibiting
characterize it as a nonpolar component [22,23], corroborating retrogradation of amylose and also with the plasticizing effect
with the increased hydrophilicity of BM filler after route 2 of lipids in the starch matrix, both resulting in a less crystal-
(Table 2). line starch matrix, as it had already been observed by Maniglia
SEM images in Fig. 5 present spherical particles, as already et al. [22]. Nevertheless, in the present study, these effects
observed by McCrum et al. [25]. BM aggregation was verified were reflected on the PHBad matrix compounded with BM in
after physicochemical treatments, being more pronounced in nature (compositions 1 and 2), mainly, if compared with
route 1. Probably, partial wax removal from the filler surface
made them sticky, favoring coalescence. Subtle roughness is
verified in treated BM fillers since the initially smooth surface Table 3 e DCS parameters of the compositions.
is not observed afterward. Compositions Tm ( C)a Tc ( C)b Xc (%)c
Fig. 6 shows the microstructures as seen SEM images of all
PHBad 180.6 103.2 56.6
six investigated biocomposites compositions. In all micro- PHBad-MAPE 159.5 96.1 52.8
structures, is possible to verify the uniformity in the disper- 1 166.1 98.5 57.2
sion of BM fibers throughout the PHB matrix. It was also 2 173.8 107.8 62.4
verified a lack of aggregates, indicating that melt processing 3 169.8 94.8 69.4
was adequately carried out in order to avoid aggregates. 4 169.5 102.2 72.3
5 167.8 101.4 67.3
At the interface, there are voids around the BM filler, and
6 169.5 89.6 70.2
consequently, several BM particles were pulled out from the
PHB matrix. The low interfacial adhesion between different Tm: melting temperature.
Tc: crystallization temperature.
kinds of BM fillers and PHB matrix suggests a poorly affinity c
Xc: degree of crystallinity.
between these components [25]. Since the BM particles
j o u r n a l o f m a t e r i a l s r e s e a r c h a n d t e c h n o l o g y 2 0 2 1 ; 1 5 : 3 1 6 1 e3 1 7 0 3167

Fig. 7 e Torque versus time curves of matrices and their composites.

respective biocomposite with treated BM. Among extractives, compatibilizer (PHBad-MAPE) in order to verify its effect on
the lipids might have the major contribution, since no sig- the properties of the composites, which also resulted in a
nificant differences were observed between the two routes of decrease in the initial mixing torque compared to pure PHB
treatment. and PHBad. Based on this result, PHBad and PHBad-MAPE were
PHB is a rigid polymer and so, right at the beginning of the used as matrices for the production of composites. The torque
mixing process in the rheometer chamber, it exhibits a high flow versus time curves of the composites indicates that the
torque (Fig. 7a), which would make it difficult to mix with the presence of MAPE in the composite containing BM in nature
BM particles in the initial moments of mixing. Therefore, it (Fig .7b) made its mixing more difficult due to the increase in
was necessary to carry out an additive in the PHB (PHBad) torque, peak width, and time to reach the steady state of the
which resulted in the reduction of the initial torque in the mixture. . This behavior is an indication of interfacial inter-
mixing process. In addition, PHBad was mixed with MAPE action between the reinforcement and PHBad-MAPE. On the
other hand, for composites containing BM (routine 1) (Fig. 7c),
the addition of MAPE had little effect on the mixing process of
these composites, which were practically equal in terms of
Table 4 e Melt flow rate of the compositions. peak width and time to reach the state mixing stationary. The
Compositions MFR (g/10min)a BM composites after soxhlet treatment (sample 6) (Fig. 7d)
1 2.5 ± 0.4a show intermediate behavior in terms of torque and time
2 2.0 ± 0.3a required for the homogenization of the mixture in relation to
3 2.7 ± 0.3a the other composites.
4 2.1 ± 0.3a Gathered data for mechanical properties are presented in
5 3.5 ± 0.7a Fig. 8. BM additions to PHB matrix, regardless of treatment
6 3.0 ± 0.7a
applied, reduced PHB tensile strength, due to low interfacial
Values are given on average ± SD. Values with same adhesion between different kinds of BM fillers and PHB
lower superscript letters are not statistically significantly [12,16,19,32], as shown in Fig. 6.
different at type I error (a) of 0.05, using the Turkey-
The elongation at break behaved analogously to PHBad
Kramer test.
matrix independent of the kind of BM filler used. It suggests
3168 j o u r n a l o f m a t e r i a l s r e s e a r c h a n d t e c h n o l o g y 2 0 2 1 ; 1 5 : 3 1 6 1 e3 1 7 0

that neither the observed porosity on the matrix, nor the re- The Melt Flow Rate - MFR data for the compositions are
sidual extractives content of BM by route 1 (composition 3) presented in Table 4. The coupling agent addition, i.e., stearic
affected its mechanical properties. For PHBad-MAPE com- acid, modified flow properties of PHB-MAPE composites with
posites, the BM by route 2 (composition 6) presented similar different kinds of BM fillers (compositions 2, 4 and 6) relative
elongation at break relative to respective PHBad-MAPE matrix. to PHBad composites. MFR data are almost similar since they
All other PHBad-MAPE composites improved their elongation are into standard deviation intervals. Thus, interaction dif-
at break relative to reference matrix. Again the MAPE effect on ferences between BM in natura and treated BM with PHB ma-
tensile strength was reproduced in elongation at break of trix, as verified in the tensile strength test, could not be
composites. confirmed through MFR experiments.
The coupling agent (MAPE) addition to PHBad reduced tensile Only the MFR of composition 5 composite showed a slight
strength, an indication of poor compatibility between compo- increase relative to the others. Higher MFR may be associated
nents. Nevertheless, MAPE addition to PHBad composites with with higher BM (treated by route 2) hydrophilicity (Table 2) and
BM promoted increased tensile strength relative to respective PHB susceptibility to hydrolysis [14]. Furthermore, there is also
MAPE-free composites (compositions 1, 3 and 5). Otherwise, the the moisture plasticizing effect in starch viscosity during melt
PHBad-MAPE composites have similar or greater tensile processing [8]. Moisture acts as starch plasticizer, forming
strength compared to reference matrix (PHBad-MAPE). These strong bonding interactions with starch, weaking starch chain
results suggest that starch hydroxyls groups from BM surface interactions and facilitating movement among starch mole-
favors physicochemical interaction with the maleic anhydride cules [8]. Nevertheless, the observed lipids plasticizing effect
part of coupling agent by means of strong ester linkage, result- in the solid state of compositions 1 and 2 (Table 3) did not
ing in starch granules more stronger and flexible than starch prevail in the molten state. Another approach can be associ-
granules without MAPE addition [7,9,10,16,32]. As a result, ated with the lower content of total phenolic compounds in
despite poor interfacial adhesion between BM particles and the PHBad and PHBad-MAPE composites with BM filler treated
polymer matrix, composite properties were improved. by route 2 [6], as compared to the BM in nature. Nevertheless,
As PHBad-MAPE biocomposites with BM in nature (compo- this hypothesis can be neglected because only a small amount
sition 2) exhibited the best tensile strength and elongation at of phenolic compounds have been enough to provide the
break among all PHBad biocomposites, and PHBad with BM in antioxidant activity for starches with different phenolic
nature (composition 1) the second highest tensile strength of compounds content [6]. However, in the couple agent (MAPE)
prepared biocomposites, these behaviors might have contri- presence, the increased MFR of composition 6 was not sig-
bution of lipids and proteins (extractives) present in the nat- nificant compared to the PHB-MAPE matrix. Probably, some
ural filler. As evidenced in thermal analysis (Table 3), the lipids interaction of MAPE with BM (route 2) may have subtly
have plasticizing effect on starch matrix [6]. Therefore, the contributed to increase composite viscosity [32], counter-
starch from BM in nature is more flexible than starch from balancing the above-mentioned opposite effect of increased
treated BM. On the other hand, zein protein has been suc- BM hydrophilicity, discussed for composite 5. Moreover, MAPE
cessfully used as coupling agent for natural fibers and hy- addition significantly reduced the MFR of PHBad-BM in nature
drophobic polymer matrices [15,19,21], and any further effect composites, increasing the viscosity of these composites (1
of BM flour proteins in composite compatibilization is a hy- and 2), as also observed in the torque curves (Fig. 7b). From
pothesis that cannot be disregarded. Mainly, because the this point of view, a possible hypothesis is that there is an
worse mechanical performance was just acquired for PHBad improvement in the physicochemical interaction of MAPE
composites with BM prepared by route 2, and the nonpolar with BM in nature, and consequently an improvement in the
nature of extractives [26,27] was confirmed by FTIR analysis tensile strength data of PHBad-MAPE composites with BM in
(Fig. 4B). nature. Although the single addition of MAPE reduced MFR of
PHBad matrix and PHBad composite with BM in natura, this
decrease was not within the same order of magnitude than
those pointed out for MAPE addition to PHBad composites
with treated BM.

4. Environmental impacts

In view of these results, it is possible to conclude that the

compound with the treated fiber improves the adhesion in the
polymer matrix, the treatment by
Soxhlet exhibited better removal of wax, however the
treatment by a surfactant is an environmentally correct
alternative that can be used, besides saving costs produc-
tion and favoring environmental aspects, reducing the use
of solvents, reduces the risk of possible diseases such as
organic psycho syndrome (PSO) that is developed by
Fig. 8 e Tensile strength and elongation at break of the exposed employees, with great frequency of handling sol-
compositions. vents [31].
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