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2 Historical Background of Teaching Vocabulary

As carter (1989) indicated, for many years’ vocabulary has been the victim of
discrimination by researchers who Claimed syntax to be a more significance issue in
the language development process.

In communication, the appropriate choice of vocabulary plays an important role in

conveying the meaning as much as grammar. Insufficient vocabulary hinders the
comprehension of the meaning in a text. Vocabulary plays a more important role in
interpreting a text than that of syntax or background knowledge [Laufer, 1997].
Oxford learner’s pocket dictionary [oxford university press 1991]
Diana Bonet, vocabulary improvement, [Boston: Thomson, course 1991]

2.3 Types of Vocabulary

Vocabulary is searched under two headings:

2.3.1 Passive Vocabulary

Harmer defines passive vocabulary as; the words which the students will recognize
when they meet them but which they will not be able to produce [1991:159]. Wallace
on the other hand uses the term receptive vocabulary, instead of passive vocabulary.

2.3.2 Active Vocabulary

According to Harmer active vocabulary refers to vocabulary that students have been
taught or learnt and which they are expected to be able to use. On the other hand,
passive vocabulary refers to words which students will recognize when they meet
them but which they will not be able to produce [1991:159].

2.4 Principles of Teaching Vocabulary

Learning the vocabulary of a language bis a complex process than it might appear at
first sight Wallace mentions that to know a word in the target language as well as a
native speaker knows it, may mean the ability to:

 Recognize in its spoken or written form;

 Recall it at will;
 Relate it to an appropriate object or concept.
 Use it in the appropriate grammatical form.
 Be aware of its connotation and associations [1982:27].

At this point, the teacher has the role of meaning that the learner can do these things
with the target vocabulary that is to be learnt. Therefore, this process has to have
some on which principal occur.

2.5 Techniques of Teaching Vocabulary

2.5.1 Visual Techniques

These pertain to visual memory, which is considered especially helpful with
vocabulary retention. Learners remember better the material that has been presented
by means of visual aids.

Visual techniques include picture, photographs, drawing, flashcards, wall charts,

picture stories, diagrams, graphs, maps, advertisement, films, forms, crossword
puzzle, magazine and newspaper. They are particularly useful for teaching concrete
items of vocabulary.

2.5.2 Verbal Techniques

This pertains to the use of illustrative situations, synonymy, antonymy, scales,
definition and categories.

Verbal Techniques are:

Definitions and illustrative sentences: The introduction of a word in English using

other words in the same language. Offers the advantages of contextualization. In
addition, example sentences complement the definition because they show how the
new word is used.

Synonyms and antonyms: Synonyms and antonyms are especially important in

building new vocabulary because learners can use known vocabulary.

Real thing: the teacher shows the real things of the words.

Game: In this way the teacher held different types of game, like: Puzzle, board games,
slap the word game to teach vocabulary.

Likewise, there are many other techniques to teach vocabulary items in the basic

3. Methodology

3.1 Research Design

In this study, three school’s teachers at the same elementary were compared
according to techniques they used in their class to teach vocabulary items. This study
involves a descriptive survey research design whereas quantitative data will be
collected. This survey carried out through questionnaire.

3.2 Source of Data

In order to research design to carry out the research I used both primary and
secondary source of data.

3.3 Data Collection Procedure

The population of my study were three different school’s teachers at the same
elementary level. I took the sample school’s with using non-random judgement
sampling procedure. Data collection procedures are categorized into three parts;
Before the study, during the study and after the study.

3.4 Study Field/Area

In this study, three different school’s teachers of Kavre districts are included. All
the teachers are the English teacher of same level who teach vocabulary items also, I
study in those school’s because it is chosen in sampling procedure.

3.5 Tools for Data Collection

The main tools for data collection are questionnaire. Here, used only close ended
questions to collect the data.

3.6 Process of Data Collection

Following procedures had conducted by the writer to collect the data.

 The writer selected the three basic level schools of Kavre district by using
non-random judgement sampling procedure.
 The writer visited the selected schools and built rapport with basic level’s
 After that, writer explained them about the purpose of study.
 Writer requests them to help by responding the questionnaire.
 Writer distributed questionnaire to them.
 Finally, the writer collects the respond questionnaire with thankful notes to

3.7 Data Analysis and Interpretation Procedures

The purpose of this study was to find out which techniques of teaching
vocabulary are used by many teachers.

To achieve this goal, 10 basic levels English teacher of three different schools were
asked twenty questions.

Interpretation and Analysis of Data

Data analysis and interpretation is the process of assigning meaning to the collected
information and determining the conclusions, significance and implications of the
findings. It is an important and exciting step in the process of research in all research
studies, analysis follows data collection. In this report, the writer uses bar-graph, table
and pie-chart to describe the result of questionnaire.

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