MMC 16101 - Compressor - 01 - Problem

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Following data relate to a performance test of a single acting 14 cm × 10 cm reciprocating

compressor are given: suction pressure = 1 bar, suction temperature = 20°C, discharge pressure = 6
bar, discharge temperature = 180 °C, speed of compressor = 1200 rpm, shaft power = 6.25 kW,
mass of air delivered = 1.7 kg/min. Calculate the following : (i) actual volumetric efficiency (ii)
indicated power (iii) isothermal efficiency (iv) mechanical efficiency (v) overall efficiency (vi) motor
power if motor transmission is 90%

R= 0.287 kJ/kgK 287 J/kgK

L= 10 cm 0.1 m
D= 14 cm 0.14 m
suction pressure p1 = 1 bar 100000 Pa
suction temperature T1= 20 °C 293 K
discharge pressure p2= 6 bar
discharge temperature T2= 180 °C 453 K
speed of compressor N = 1200 rpm
shaft power Pshaft= 6.25 kW or power input to compressor
mass of air delivered ma= 1.7 kg/min 0.028333 kg/s
Transmission eff ƞtrans = 90 % 0.9
Actual volumetric efficiency, ƞvol
Displacement volume Vd=π/4*D L*N
Vd= 1.847 m3/min pvn= c
FAD=mRT1/p1 1.430 m3/min
ƞvol=FAD/Vd 0.774022 77.4 %
Indicated Power, IP
T2/T1=(p2/P1)^(n-1/n) or (n-1/n)=ln(T2/T1)/ln(p2/P1)
n= 1.32
IP= 5.350227 kJ/s or kW

Isothermal Efficiency, ƞiso

Isothermal Power, Piso = mRT1ln(p2/p1)
Piso= 4.269007 kJ/s or kW
ƞiso=Piso/IP 0.797911 79.8 %

Mechanical Efficiency, ƞmech

ƞmech=IP/Pshaft 0.856036 85.6 %

Overall Thermal Efficiency, ƞo

ƞo=Piso/Pshaft 0.683041 68.3 %

Motor Power
Motor power= Pshaft/ƞtrans 6.94 kW

specific heat cv= 0.718 kJ/kgK

Work done and heat transfer during compression per kg of air
work done, W=mRT*(n/n-1)*((p2/p1)^((n-1)/n)-1)
W= 8.27 kJ/kg of air
Heat transferred during compression, Q=W+ΔU = (p1v1-p2v2)/(n-1)+cv(T2-T1)
Q= (p1v1-p2v2)/(n-1)+cv(T2-T1)=R(T1-T2)/(n-1)+cv(T2-T1)=(T2-T1)*(cv-R/(n-1))
Q= -28.0316 kJ/kg heat rejection
An air compressor takes in air at 1 bar and 20°C and compress it according to law pv = constant. It
is then delivered to a receiver at a constant pressure of 10 bar. R= 0.287 kJ/kgK, cv=0.718kJ/kgK.
Determine: (i) Temperature at the end of compression (ii) work done and heat transferred during
compression per kg of air

T1= 20 °C 293 K
p1= 1 bar
p2= 10 bar
n= (in pvn) 1.2
R= 0.287 kJ/kgK
m= 1 kg (to find out per kg of air)
specific heat cv= 0.718 kJ/kgK
Temperature at the end of compression, T2 2
compression process 1-2
T2/T1=(p2/P1)^((n-1)/n) p
T2/T1= 1.468 pv1.2= c
T2= 430.1 K 157.1 °C

Work done and heat transfer during compression per kg of air
work done, W=mRT*(n/n-1)*((p2/p1)^((n-1)/n)-1)
W= 236.03 kJ/kg of air v
Heat transferred during compression, Q=W+ΔU = (p1v1-p2v2)/(n-1)+cv(T2-T1)
Q= (p1v1-p2v2)/(n-1)+cv(T2-T1)=R(T1-T2)/(n-1)+cv(T2-T1)=(T2-T1)*(cv-R/(n-1))
Q= -98.2757 kJ/kg heat rejection

(p1v1-p2v2)*n/(n-1)= -236.026 *
(p1v1-p2v2)/(n-1)= -196.689 *
cv(T2-T1)= 98.4128
Q= (p1v1-p2v2)/(n-1)+cv(T2-T1)= -98.2757 kJ/kg

cp= 1.005
mCp(T2-T1)= 137.7505
A single stroke, double acting compressor has a free air delivery (FAD) of 14 m3/min measured at 1.013
bar at 15°C. The pressure and temperature in the cylinder during induction are 0.95 bar at 32°C. The
delivery pressure is 7 bar and the speed of compressor is 300 rpm. Take the clearance volume as 5 % of
the swept volume with compression and expansion index of n = 1.3. Calculate (i) swept volume of the
cylinder (ii) volumetric efficiency (iii) the delivery temperature (iv) indicated power
p= 1.013 bar 101300 Pa
T= 15 °C 288 K
T1= 32 °C 305 K
p1= 0.95 bar
p2= 7 bar 3
n= (in pv ) 1.3
N= 300 rpm pv1.3= constant
Free air to be delivered, FAD= 14 m3/min p
clerance volume Vc= 0.05 *Vs

vc 4 1
specific heat cv= 0.718 kJ/kgK
R= 0.287 kJ/kgK 287 J/kgK
swept volume of the cylinder
mass delivered/min m=pV/RT 17.157859 kg/min V= FAD per minute at p, T
Swept volume Vs = V1-V3 = V1-Vc
V1= 1.05 *Vs
Volume induced per cycle = V1-V4
m=pV/RT=p1(V1-V4)/RT1 or V1-V4 = (FAD/(2*N))*(T1/T)*(p/p1) ,
V1-V4= 0.0263494 m3
V4/V3= 4.65
V4= 4.65 *V3 0.232371 *Vs
V1-V4= 0.82 *Vs
Vs= 0.0322 m3
Volumetric efficiency, ƞvol
ƞvol=V/Vs, V=FAD/cycle 0.7240413
V= 0.724 *Vs
ƞvol=V/Vs, V=FAD/cycle 0.724 72.40413 %
ƞvol=1+k-k(P2/p1)^(1/n) 0.818
Temperature at the end of compression or delivery temparature, T2
compression process 1-2
T2/T1= 1.585
T2= 483.6 K 210.6 °C

Indicated power required

IP=(n/n-1)*p1(V1-V4)*((p2/p1)^((n-1)/n)-1) or (n/n-1)*mR(T2-T1)
IP= 3810.53 kJ/min 63.50891 kJ/s or kW
A single acting, two stage reciprocating air compressor having 4.5 kg of air per min are comprerssed from 1.013
bar and 15°C through a pressure ratio of 9 to 1. Both stages have the same pressure ratio, and the law of
compression and expansion in both stages is pv1.3 = constant. If the intercooling is complete, minimum work to
be given to compressor, calculate (i) indicated power (ii) swept volume required. Assume that the clerance ratio
is 5% and that the compressor runs at 300 rpm.

Amount of air compressed 4.5 kg/min

Ps = 1.013 bar 101300 Pa
Ts = 15 °C 288 K
pd/ps= 9
n= 1.3
Vc = 0.5 Vs
R= 0.287 kJ/kgK 287 J/kgK
N= 300 rpm
clerance volume/swept volume (k)= 0.05 * clearance ratio

Indicated Power, IP
2 2
pi =(ps*pd)= 9 *ps
pi= 3 *ps = 3.039 bar 303900 Pa
pi/ps= 3
Ti= 371.11 K
Total work required per minute = 2*(n/(n-1))*mR(Ti-Ts) 7 6
930.20 kJ/min pd
IP 15.50 kW
The cylinder swept volumes required
mass induced per cycle m = Amount of air compressed/N 8 5
0.015 kg/cycle 3 2
LP cylinder pi
FAD for LP cylinder V1-V4=mRTs/ps 0.0122 m3/cycle
ɳvol=(V1-V4)/Vs = 1+k-k(pi/ps)^(1/n) 0.934 LP
Swept volume of LP cylinder Vs= 0.0131 m3/cycle

ps 4 1
HP cylinder
Volume drawn in =mass induced per cycle m*R*Ts/Pi
0.00408 m3/cycle v
ɳvol=(V5-V8)/Vs = 1+k-k(pd/pi)^(1/n) 0.934
Swept volume of HP cylinder Vs= 0.00437 m3

It is also noted that clearance ratio (k) is same in each cylinder, and the suction temperature are same since
intercooling is complete, therefore ratio of LP and HP swept volume is equal to the the ratio of the suction
and deliver pressure of that stage.
Vs (HP)= 0.00437
A single acting, two stage reciprocating air compressor with complete intercooling delivers 10.5 kg of air per min at 16 bar . the
suction occurs at 1 bar and 27 °C. The compression and expansion process are reversible, polytropic index n=1.3. Considering
minimum work to be done on compressor, Calculate (i) power required to drive the compressor (ii) The isothermal efficiency (iii)
the FAD (iv) the heat transferred in intercooler. Consider the compressor runs at 440 rpm. If the clearance ratio for L.P. and H.P.
cylinders are 0.04 and 0.06 respectively, calculate swept and clearance volumes for each cylinder.

Amount of air delivered 10.5 kg/min 0.175 kg/s

P1 = 1 bar 100000 Pa
P2 = 4 bar 400000 Pa
P3 = 16 bar 1600000 Pa
T1 = 27 °C 300 K
n= 1.3
R= 0.287 kJ/kgK 287 J/kgK
N= 440 rpm
clerance ratio for L.P. (k)= 0.04
clerance ratio for H.P. (k)= 0.06
cp= 1.005
pressure ratio = √(p1p3)= 4

Power required (for perfect intercooling) = 2n/(n-1)*mRT1*((p3/p1)^((n-1)/2n)-1)

49.232 kW
7 6
Isothermal Work = mRT1*ln((p3/p1)) pd
Piso= 41.77598 kW HP
ƞiso= 0.849

FAD: 8 5
3 2
V=mRT1/p1 9.041 m3/min pi

Heat transfer in intercooler: LP

T2=T1*(p2/p1)^((n-1)/n) 413.1028 K
Heat transferred in intercooler, Q= mcp(T2-T5)=mcp(T2-T1)=
19.89196 kW ps 4 1
The cylinder swept volumes and clearance volume required
volumetric eficiency for L.P. Stage, ƞLP= 1+k-k(p2/p1)^(1/n), =(FAD/cycle)/Vs(LP) v
volumetric eficiency for H.P. Stage, ƞHP= 1+k-k(p3/p2)^(1/n), =(FAD/cycle)/Vs(HP)
Swept Volume V(LP)=V1-V3=(FAD per cycle)/(ƞLP)=(FAD /speed)/(ƞLP)
0.022241 m3
clearance volume=kLP*V(LP) 0.00089 m3

Swept Volume V(HP)=V5-V7=(FAD per cycle)/(stage pr. Ratio*ƞHP)=(FAD /speed)/(stage pr. Ratio*ƞHP)
0.005799 m3
clearance volume=kHP*V(HP) 0.000348 m3
A centrifugal compressor used as a supercharger for aero-engines handles 150 kg/min of air. The
suction pressure and temperature are 1 bar and 290 K. The suction velocity is 80 m/s. After
compression in the impeller the conditions are 1.5 bar 345 K and 220 m/s. Calculate (i) Isentropic
efficiency (ii) Power required to drive the compressor (iii) The overall efficiency of the unit. It may be
assumed that KE of air gained in the impeller is entirely converted into pressure in the diffuser.

ṁ= 150 kg/min 2.5 kg/s

p1= 1 bar
T1= 290 K
V1= 80 m/s
p2= 1.5 bar
T2= 345 K T
V2= 220 m/s
γ= 1.4 3
T03' 3' p1
cp= 1.005 kJ/kgK
T02 2

T01 1

(i) isentropic efficiency s

T2'= 325.619 K
Isentropic work done =cp(T2'-T1)+(V2^2-V1^2)/(2*1000)
Isentropic work done = 56.80 kJ/kg
Work done in impeller=cp(T2-T1)+(V2^2-V1^2)/(2*1000)
Work done in impeller= 76.28 kJ/kg
ƞisent= 0.745

(ii) Power required to drive the compressor

P=ṁ×Work done in impeller(kJ/kg)
P= 190.69 kW

(iii) Overall efficiency ƞo

As KE gained in the impeller is converted into the pressure hence , cp(T3-T2)=(V2^2-
T3= 365.90 K

Pressure of air after leaving the diffuser, p3

p3= 1.843 bar

After isentropic compression, the delivery temperature from diffuser, T3'

T3'= 345.34 K
ƞo=(T3'-T1)/(T3-T1) 0.729

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