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Center 1: 10H Trần Nhật Duật, Q1, TPHCM

Center 2: 408/16 Tân Phú, Q7, TPHCM

Hotline: 0949.888.629 – 0949.729.229

Chào các bạn,

Mình là Lê Đình Hiếu, Thạc sỹ giáo dục & khởi nghiệp tốt nghiệp từ ĐH Pennsylvania. Trước đó, mình có
may mắn học tập và nghiên cứu tại 2 ĐH lớn khác của Mỹ là Stanford (Chương trình Lãnh đạo Doanh
nghiệp xã hội năm 2017) và UCLA (Cử nhân Kinh tế năm 2010). Hiện mình đang là Giám đốc Điều hành
Doanh nghiệp xã hội G.A.P Institute (chuyên về phát triển kỹ năng và tư duy cho người Việt trẻ từ 16 – 25
tuổi) và là một Scholarship Coach tại Tổ chức giáo dục quốc tế MAX Education (chuyên về coaching hướng
nghiệp và săn học bổng). Ngoài ra, mình là Adjunct Lecturer tại các ĐH VinUni, Fulbright Vietnam, ĐH Đà
Nẵng, ĐHQG TPHCM, v.v.

Mình muốn dành thư này để chia với các bạn trẻ rằng việc MUỐN HỌC MIỄN PHÍ trên Coursera/ EdX hoàn
toàn không hề khó. Bên dưới là các mẫu thư FINANCIAL AID mà trực tiếp chính mình và học trò mình đã
xin tiền thành công từ các nền tảng Coursera và edX. Đầu tiên hết, các bạn cần biết 1 số điều sau:

● Background Info: các em cứ khai trung thực vì bản thân EdX hay Coursera là 1 cỗ máy machine
learning cực lớn (Founder là GS Andrew Ng, GS về Computer Science ở Stanford), họ thu thập dữ
liệu rất lớn nên những thông tin nào ko đúng thì họ sẽ đặt câu hỏi liền.
● Điều thứ 2, Coursera cực kỳ ưu tiên cho người dùng đến từ nước đang phát triển. Đây là con số
họ chính thức công bố: (a) 60% đơn xin hỗ trợ tài chính là đến từ các nước đang phát triển và (b)
một bạn SV từ nước đang phát triển sẽ dễ xin tiền gấp 7 lần so với các nước giàu. Như vậy, mình
là người VN thôi đã là 1 lợi thế.
○ 60 percent of Financial Aid applications come from learners in countries considered to
have developing economies, despite the fact that those learners represent only 38
percent of total course enrollments.
○ Learners from developing economies are about seven times as likely as learners in higher-
income countries to apply for and receive Financial Aid.
● Về câu hỏi quan trọng thứ 1 trên các đơn xin hỗ trợ tài chính: "Why are you applying for Financial
Aid?". Mình có 3 nguyên tắc rất rõ ràng với câu hỏi này:
○ - Nêu rõ hoàn cảnh của bản thân.
○ - Nêu rõ nguồn thu nhập của chính bản thân bạn.
○ - Nêu rõ bậc học của tụi em: high school, university, etc. Nếu các bạn đã ở bậc ĐH và thậm
chí ngành học có không liên quan thì cũng đừng ngại, Coursera rất thích các bạn đã học
Center 1: 10H Trần Nhật Duật, Q1, TPHCM
Center 2: 408/16 Tân Phú, Q7, TPHCM
Hotline: 0949.888.629 – 0949.729.229

ĐH và muốn explore các majors khác nhau (đó là 1 trong những sứ mệnh ban đầu mà
Andrew Ng thành lập Coursera)
● Về câu hỏi quan trọng thứ 2: "How will taking this course help you achieve your career goals?".
○ - Nói rõ về bức tranh tổng quát nghề nghiệp của các bạn.
○ - Nói rõ về động lực học tập.
○ - Chịu khó đọc kỹ syllabus của lớp để chứng tỏ mình là người đầu tư nghiêm túc, có đọc
kỹ lưỡng mọi thứ trước khi enroll.
○ - Phải giải thích được là vì sao việc có certificate quan trọng với mình nhé.
○ - Nhớ là phải hứa sẽ tham gia "discussion forum" nhé. Nó là 1 trong những thứ tự hào của
Coursera đó. Mô hình vận hành của Coursera phụ thuộc rất lớn vào việc người học tham
gia trên discussion forum để tăng hiệu quả học tập.
○ - Cũng phải hứa là mình sẽ complete khóa học đúng hạn. Nó là pain point lớn nhất của
Coursera hiện nay, tỉ lệ completion của Coursera báo cáo vào 2018 chỉ đạt 17% - điều này
làm nhiều nhà đầu tư cũng question vào tính nghiêm túc của người dùng Coursera. Do
đó, Coursera đang spending rất nhiều để make sure là người học complete khóa học.
○ Cuối cùng, nói về benefits của khóa học & nó sẽ thay đổi cuộc đời của bạn ra sao.

Chúc các bạn sớm nhận được cái thư như trong hình :))
Center 1: 10H Trần Nhật Duật, Q1, TPHCM
Center 2: 408/16 Tân Phú, Q7, TPHCM
Hotline: 0949.888.629 – 0949.729.229



Sample essay cho câu 1 - Why are you applying for Financial Aid?

I am an international student. I have completed my masters in Cyber Security, my interest is inclined

towards machine learning and cyber analytics. I am student and I don't have any special source of income
I was in government school which means that i had a free educational in my country.I don't really have
money to afford joining top world universities,i had no job and my family income low.I plan on adding any
certificates I've attained to all of my applications/resume.I need all the help I can get to land a job. I live
only for my scholarship,it is very much difficult for me to gather such an amount of money for the
certificate. Financial Aid will help me take this course without any adverse impact on my monthly essential
needs. So I’m badly in need of this financial aid.I want to take this course as I want to learn.This Course
will boost my job prospects after graduation from my institute. It will help perform better in understanding
and learning this technology and give me an edge over my competitors. A verified certificate will attach
credibility to the certificate I receive from this course.I plan to complete all assignments on or before time
as I have done in previous Signature Track Courses. Also I intend to participate in Discussion Forums, which
I have found to supplement my learning immensely in the other online courses I have taken on Coursera.
I also plan to grade assignments which are peer reviewed which I believe will be an invaluable learning

Sample essay cho câu 2 - How will taking this course help you achieve your career goals?:

Right now I am jobless. Companies ask for experience and i don't have any experience. I have taken an
educational loan of $45,000 CAD and some living expenses. But as an international student I have to pay
rent, bills and sometimes take care of my parents. I come from a very poor family and would like to show
a good life to my mom and dad. They have worked very hard for me to send me here. I want to gain skills
which I feel will be beneficial not only for me and family but also for future generations to come. My main
career goal is to learn every day. I really want to learn and to progress in my career. Programming requires
constant learning and improving. Taking this course will help me to learn and study this Neural Networks
and Deep Learning and also to implement it. It can help me advance in my knowledge.This course will help
Center 1: 10H Trần Nhật Duật, Q1, TPHCM
Center 2: 408/16 Tân Phú, Q7, TPHCM
Hotline: 0949.888.629 – 0949.729.229

me in defining Neural Networks and Deep Learning ,understanding how Neural Networks and Deep
Learning could potentially impact our business and industry,to write a thought leadership piece regarding
use cases and industry potential of Neural Networks and Deep Learning ,explain Neural Networks and
Deep Learning to clients, friends, joining a community of economists, business leaders, entrepreneurs,
and technologists that are shaping this as we speak. Identifying which aspects of Neural Networks and
Deep Learning seem most important and relevant to us, Walking away with a strong foundation in where
Neural Networks and Deep Learning is going, what it does, and how to prepare for it. A Neural Networks
and Deep Learning course will help me achieve it. Courses on Coursera helped me to greatly increase my
programming knowledge in the past.



I am a high school student in Vietnam. My parents were tailors, but our store had been struggling for more
than two years, and we have to close our store for over a year now. So they are both jobless. Our
household income has always entirely depended on this store, so we have to live on our savings now.
Thus, my parents are all very struggling to afford me and my sisters' education, and it would be out of the
question to pay more. Above all, Financial Assistance would be of great help for me to advance my
knowledge. Besides, I am in the process of preparing for the university application, and I hope that I can
get a scholarship. A verified certificate of this course would significantly boost my resume so that I am
applying for Financial Assistance.

I am an international student. I am preparing for the application process for a scholarship in [Name of a
university] in Vietnam, and my intended major is computer science. My interest is inclined towards
machine learning and artificial intelligence. I am a student, and I don't have any particular source of
income. I was in a governmental school, which means that I had free education in my country. I don't have
money to afford to join top world universities, I had no job, and my family income is meager. I plan on
adding any certificates I've attained to all of my applications. I need all the help I can get to land a
scholarship. I live only for my scholarship, and it is very much difficult for me to gather such amount of
money for the certificate. Financial Aid will help me take this course without any adverse impact on my
monthly essential needs. So I’m badly in need of this financial aid. I want to take this course as I want to
Center 1: 10H Trần Nhật Duật, Q1, TPHCM
Center 2: 408/16 Tân Phú, Q7, TPHCM
Hotline: 0949.888.629 – 0949.729.229

learn. This course will boost my resume after graduation from high school. It will help perform better in
understanding and learning this technology and give me an edge over my competitors. A verified
certificate will attach credibility to the certificate I receive from this course. I plan to complete all
assignments on or before time. Also, I intend to participate in Discussion Forums, which I have found to
supplement my learning immensely in the other online courses I have taken on Coursera. I also plan to
grade peer-reviewed assignments, which I believe will be an invaluable learning opportunity.

EdX - Tell us about your current financial situation. Why do you need assistance?

I am a high school student in Vietnam, so I do not have any particular source of income. My parents were
tailors, but our store had been struggling for more than two years, and we have to close our store for over
a year. They are both nearly 60 years old now and jobless. Our household income has always entirely
depended on this store, so we have to live on our savings. Thus, my parents are all very struggling to afford
me and my elder sister's education, and they barely can afford my university. It would be out of the
question for them to pay for the course. Above all, Financial Assistance would be of great help for me to
advance my knowledge and my interest in computer science. Furthermore, I am in the process of
preparing for the university application, and I am determined to get a scholarship majoring in computer
science in the [Name of a university] in Vietnam. A verified certificate of this course would attach
credibility and significantly boost my resume so that I am applying for Financial Assistance with the hope
that I can be fully prepared and qualified for my university. This certificate will surely help me to be more
confident in my choice of pursuing this field and achieve my dream. I would like to show a good life for
my mom and dad as soon as possible because my mom is suffering from Parkinson’s and heart disease,
so time is running out for me.

Tell us about your learning or professional goals. How will a Verified Certificate in this course help you
achieve these goals?

I am an international student. I am preparing for the application process for a scholarship in [Name of a
university] in Vietnam, and my intended major is computer science. My interest is inclined towards
machine learning and artificial intelligence. I am a student, and I don't have any particular source of
income. I was in a governmental school, which means that I had free education in my country. I don't have
money to afford to join top world universities, I had no job, and my family income is meager. I plan on
Center 1: 10H Trần Nhật Duật, Q1, TPHCM
Center 2: 408/16 Tân Phú, Q7, TPHCM
Hotline: 0949.888.629 – 0949.729.229

adding any certificates I've attained to all of my applications. I need all the help I can get to land a
scholarship. I live only for my scholarship, and it is very much difficult for me to gather such amount of
money for the certificate. Financial Aid will help me take this course without any adverse impact on my
monthly essential needs. So I’m badly in need of this financial aid. I want to take this course as I want to
learn. This course will boost my resume after graduation from high school. It will help perform better in
understanding and learning this technology and give me an edge over my competitors. A verified
certificate will attach credibility to the certificate I receive from this course.

Tell us about your plans for this course. What steps will you take to help you complete the course work
and receive a certificate?

I plan to complete all assignments on or before time. Also, I intend to participate in Discussion Forums,
which I have found to supplement my learning immensely in the other online courses I have taken on edX.
I also plan to grade assignments that are to peer-reviewed, which I believe will an invaluable learning
opportunity. I will do the course modules daily and try to complete the course before the deadlines
specified. I am planning to major in computer science at my university. Also, I have a keen interest in
teaching as well as doing projects with robots and domains like automation, communications, artificial
intelligence. I want to complete the course due to my curiosity and also that I can put an excellent resume
to get applied to a scholarship at university. A verified certificate will attach credibility to the certificate I
receive from this course and give me an edge over my competitors. I plan on getting my certification in
the next two months. I have already completed the first section and will be scheduling the rest in the next
seven weeks. My completed certification will put me on the path to the larger goal of becoming a
computer scientist. I plan on gaining additional skills by taking related classes and continuing my
involvement with a variety of professional associations. I noticed that edX provides various courses, and I
would certainly be interested in taking relevant courses.
Center 1: 10H Trần Nhật Duật, Q1, TPHCM
Center 2: 408/16 Tân Phú, Q7, TPHCM
Hotline: 0949.888.629 – 0949.729.229


Câu 1

I am a Math teacher in Vietnam. I have completed my master's in Education and have been working in
education for 10 years. In addition to teaching High-school and College students, I also have free-of-charge
classes to have deaf-and-mute students in my city. I just got married and is on my way to build up a small
family. Financial Aid will help me take this course without any adverse impact on my monthly essential
needs. So I’m badly in need of this financial aid. I want to take this course as I want to learn. It will help
me perform better in understanding and learning this technology and give me chances to become a better
teacher. A verified certificate will attach credibility to the certificate I receive from this course. I plan to
complete all assignments on or before time as I have done in previous courses. Also, I intend to participate
in Discussion Forums, which I have found to supplement my learning immensely in the other online
courses I have taken on Coursera. I also plan to grade assignments that are peer-reviewed which I believe
will be an invaluable learning opportunity.

Câu 2

I truly believe in the power of technology and always try to learn more about this field. The Digital
Transformation class will help me understand better how the world is changing and I can become a better
teacher. "Digital transformation" is also a big topic in Vietnam now; however, not many places in my
country has a course about this. Even my friends who are teaching at University of technology in Vietnam
has little understanding about this topic. Therefore, the knowledge I learn will be shared with all my
students. Moreover, I hope I can apply some of the knowledge here to my real-life works: including
digitalizing my curriculum, making my lessons online and accessible to more students. I also have a high
intellectual curiosity that I keep reading books and taking online courses to broaden my knowledge base.
Finally, I am a big fan of both BCG and the University of Virginia.
Center 1: 10H Trần Nhật Duật, Q1, TPHCM
Center 2: 408/16 Tân Phú, Q7, TPHCM
Hotline: 0949.888.629 – 0949.729.229

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