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the noisy classroom

This House
Believes That
Child Should H
ave To
Join A Sports
Club Or
recco mmend Team
Fact: Doctors at least 60
that children al activity a d
s o f p hys ic

Do you already have P.E lessons in

school? Is that enough exercise?
t h e 20 hree- What about running around at break
of tt s
e t ime , almos sport and lunchtime?
t h s a
nd me d in
A rou mic Ga playe What if someone doesn’t enjoy
t: p n
Fac don Oly f childre d idn’
playing sport? Would forcing them to
Lon ters o . h o
a r a m 1 /4w do it make them enjoy it?
qu or te h e
u b b o ut t
c l t a
wha What if sports clubs are expensive?
B u t
Would people just stop playing sports
when they became adults and they
weren’t being forced to do it?
How man Would this create good habits that
y differen
can you th t sports people would continue as grown
ink of?
Are sports clubs a good way to meet
children other schools and make
Is learning about competition a good
What if someone wasn’t very good at
Would boys or girls be more likely to
play sport? Would making everyone
play sport change this

© The Noisy Classroom, 2017

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