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Yean Xyzra R.

Case of Stephanie

Although the cause of the bipolar disorder is not yet known, several factors
may increase the risk of developing the disorder, and in Stephanie's case, it is
clear that it is only psychological and environmental factors. For the
psychological factor, one factor that increases Stephanie's risk of developing
bipolar disorder is when she was diagnosed with PTSD but she was not able to
recover properly from it, then her PTSD reoccurred again after experiencing
another life threatening event. Another was when she took acetaminophen to
overdose herself to relieve the pain she was experiencing at the time. And for
the environment, there are events in her life that make her experience life-
threatening events that increase the possibility of why she developed bipolar
disorder. First is when she was 10 years old and she was involved in a car
accident then when she was in her sophomore year in college, she was involved
in a robbery, which caused considerable stress after these two incidents.
Another environmental factor is when her family doesn't voice their concerns
about her that lacks support from her family, which may increase the
development of her bipolar disorder.

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