H.O.U.N.D 1. Choose The Correct Answer

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Chapter 7

1. Choose the correct answer:
1. Sherlock closed his eyes because he wanted __c__________ .
a) to take a nap;
b) his mind to relax;
c) to focus on the important details of the case.
2. He kept returning to the word _____b____ .
a) owned;
b) hound;
c) bound.
3. There was the Liberty _______b_____ in America.
a) Hell;
b) Bill;
c) Bell.
4. “In” was short for a longer word ____b______.
a) Indiana;
b) India:
c) Inn.
5. Sherlock remembered having read a short newspaper article about a secret
American government _____b____ in the town of Liberty.
a) expedition;
b) experiment;
c) expansion.
6. Major Barrymore joined the army when ______ ________ was Prime
a) Tony Blare;
b) Margaret Thatcher;
c) David Cameron.
7. The finally accepted password was “______c_____”.
a) Margaret Thatcher;
b) Thatcher;
c) Margaret.
8. The name “HOUND” came from the first letters of the names of ________ .
a) the chemicals used to make a drug that could change people’s minds;
b) the scientists working on the experiment;
c) the American government enemies.

2. Student A – read the first 1-3 statements out loud. Student B - express
agreement or disagreement with the assigned statements using suitable
conversational formulas below. Expand on the true statements where possible.
Deny the false statements through providing the true facts. Swap the roles,
practice likewise statements 4-6.
Agreement phrases: Exactly. Definitely. Totally agree with you here. I couldn’t
agree more. There’s really a lot of evidence of the fact that ….
Disagreement phrases: You’re wrong. You’re mistaken. Not exactly true. I can’t
agree with you. Nothing of the kind. But... (it is, they don’t, etc.). I don’t think
you’re right. Of course not. Just the other way round. On the contrary. Surely not!
By no means!
1. Having no password was enough to stop Sherlock.+
2. Major Barrymore was the sort of man who liked discipline.+
3. “Hound” was a name for a top-secret American drug in the 1980s.+
4. They decided to give up the idea of using the drug because it made some people
mad and wild.-
5. Some younger lab assistants from the HOUND programme wore each a T- shirt
with a picture of a big black bat on it.-
6. At the end of the chapter Henry Knight went mad right during the hypnosis
session and shot Lois Mortimer.-
3. Chapter 7 is called “H.O.U.N.D”. Why do you think the letters are
written in this way? What is H.O.U.N.D?

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