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Praise and thank the presence of Allah SWT for His grace and gifts so that this paper can
be completed in time. And I thank all those who have contributed by giving their ideas
so that this paper can be arranged well and neatly.

Hopefully this paper can be useful for readers in general and for us in particular. But
apart from that, we understand that this paper is far from perfect, so we look forward to
constructive criticism and suggestions for the creation of further papers.

My hope if there is more or less I beg for your advice and criticism because it is still in
the learning stage.

Wonosobo, March 2020



1.1 Background

Today most organizations engage in strategic planning. Strategic planning is

a way to help an organization be more productive by helping guide the allocation of
resources in order to achieve goals. It is a strategic management tool. In other words it is
a part of strategic management. In fact, strategic planning is a key to successful strategic
management. Strategic management is the continuous process of creating,
implementing and evaluating decisions that enable an organization to achieve its
objectives. Strategic management allows an organization to be more proactive than
reactive in shaping its own future; it allows an organization to initiate and influence
-rather than just respond to- activities -and thus to exert control over its own destiny
(David, 2003: 15). Strategic management consists of the analysis, decisions, and actions
an organization undertakes in order to create and sustain competitive advantages. The
strategic management process is a sequential set of analyses and choices that can
increase the likelihood that an organization will choose ‘good strategy’, that is, that
generates competitive advantages. It begins with vision. Vision is a picture of the future.
It describes the desired future position of the organization. The second step of strategic
management process is mission. An organization’s mission is its long-term purpose.
Missions define both what an organization aspires to be in the long run and what it
wants to avoid in the meantime. Objectives are the third step of strategic management
process. Objectives are concrete goals that an organization seeks to reach. The next
phases of the strategic management process is external and internal analysis, also
called SWOT Analysis. By conducting an external analysis, an organization identifies
the critical threats and opportunities in its competitive environment. It also examines
how competition in this environment is likely to evolve and what implications that
evolution has for the threats and opportunities an organization is facing. While
external analysis focuses on the environmental threats and opportunities facing an
organization, internal analysis helps an organization identify its organizational strengths
and weaknesses. It also helps an organization understand which of its resources and
capabilities are likely to be sources of competitive advantage and which are less likely
to be sources of such advantages. Based on SWOT Analysis, organizations can choose
the appropriate strategy. Strategic choice is associated with vision, mission, objectives
and the external and internal analysis of the organization; an organization is willing to
make strategic choices. This is to say that an organization is able to choose its ‘theory
of how to obtain a competitive advantage’. The next step of strategic management
process is implementation of strategy. Choosing a strategy means nothing if that
strategy is not implemented. Strategy implementation occurs when an organization
adopts organizational policies and practices that are consistent with its strategy
(Barney and Hesterly, 2006: 6-11). And the final step of this process is to obtain
competitive advantage.

One of the characteristics of a quality school is that it can respond to community

trust, meaning how the school is able to provide the best service for their children so as
to produce quality children in all respects. Given the development of the world of
science and technology and the era of globalization in front of the eyes, the aim is to
produce graduates in accordance with the demands of the community, the school needs
to reform in terms of professional human resources, reliable management, quality
teaching-learning activities, access to quality higher education institutions both at home
and abroad and the availability of facilities equivalent to international standard
education. The increasingly stringent challenges in the world of education, especially for
the executors of planning and management, education policy makers in this case the
government, must have tools or tools to evaluate the extent to which the development
of education, especially the performance of educational services for the community can
be achieved optimally. One managerial strategy developed to ensure an organization
(school) has the resilience and life force of the present and continues until the future is
to do a SWOT analysis.

SWOT analysis is the identification of various systematic factors to formulate an

organization's strategy for both business enterprises and social organizations. This
analysis is based on logic that can maximize strengths and opportunities, while
simultaneously minimizing weaknesses and threats. The strategic decision making
process is always related to developing an organization's vision, mission, goals, and
policy programs. Thus the strategic planner (Strategic planner) must analyze the
organization's strategic factors (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) in
the current conditions. The most popular model today is the SWOT analysis.

The organization chosen by the speaker in the study of this paper is SDN
KURIPAN. The SWOT analysis model above is used to analyze the strengths, weaknesses,
Opportunities, and Threats of the School. As a consideration for the selection of this
school is to see the extent of the value "PLUS" contained in the school and how the
conditions and situation of the school.

1.2 Problem Formulation

The formulation of the problem in this paper is as follows:

1. What is the definition of SWOT analysis?

2. How is the implementation of Vision and Mission through SWOT analysis at SDN

1.3 Purpose

1. KnowING the definition of SWOT analysis

2. Knowing how to apply the Vision and Mission through SWOT analysis at SDN

1.4 Benefits

Provide knowledge to students about SWOT analysis, how to apply the Vision and
mission through SWOT analysis in a school organization.


2.1 Definition of SWOT Analysis

SWOT is an abbreviation of Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities, Threats. SWOT analysis

is a tool used to identify internal and external issues that affect our ability to market our
events. SWOT analysis is a descriptive form of situation and condition analysis.

This analysis is divided into four basic components, namely:

1. S = Strength, is a situation or condition which is the strength of the current

organization or program.
2. W = Weakness, is a situation or condition that is a weakness of the current
organization or program.
3. O = Opportunity, is a situation or condition which is an opportunity outside the
organization and provides developing opportunities for the organization in the
4. T = Threat, is a situation that is a threat to organizations that come from outside
the organization and can threaten the existence of the organization in the

In the world of education this analysis is used to evaluate the function of curriculum
development, the function of planning and evaluation, the function of personnel, the
function of finance, the function of teaching and learning processes, the function of
student services, the function of developing the academic climate, the function of school
relations with the community and so on. So to achieve the level of readiness for each
function and its factors a SWOT analysis (Ministry of National Education, 2002) was
carried out.

SWOT analysis is carried out with a view to recognizing the level of readiness of
each function of all school functions needed to achieve the set targets. Since the level of
function readiness is determined by the level of readiness of each factor involved in
each function, the SWOT analysis is carried out on all factors in each function, both
internal and external factors (Ministry of National Education, 2002).

2.2 Vision and Mission of SDN KURIPAN

The initial step in the formulation of a strategy (Strategy Formulation) is the

establishment of a vision. Vision is a picture of the future that is realistic and wants to be
realized in a certain period of time. Vision must be able to give a strong sensitivity about
the area of business focus. This was further expressed by Hax and Majluf in Akdon
(2007: 95), that vision is a statement which is a means to:

1. Communicating the reasons for the existence of the organization in terms of

objectives and main tasks.
2. Showing the framework of the relationship between the organization and
stakeholders (human resources of the organization, consumers / citizens, other
parties involved).
3. State the main goals of organizational performance in terms of growth and

The vision statement needs to be well expressed so that it can become a theme that
unites all units in the organization, becomes a medium of communication and
motivation for all parties, as well as a source of organizational creativity and innovation.
The criteria for making a vision include:

1. Vision is not a fact, but a picture of an ideal future view to be realized.

2. Vision can provide direction in encouraging members of the organization to
show good performance.
3. Can inspire and be ready to face challenges.
4. A realistic and credible picture with an attractive future.
5. Its not static and not forever.

A vision will be realistic, trustworthy, convincing, and attractive, so in the manufacturing

process it needs to involve all stakeholders. In addition to the involvement of all parties,
the vision needs to be intensively communicated by all members of the organization so
that they feel they are the owners of the vision. Besides the vision is made in short
sentences so that it is easy to remember and be made a commitment

The vision we have obtained must be translated into more pragmatic and concrete
guidelines which can be used as a reference in developing strategies and activities in
organizations. For that we need a mission. The statements in the mission are sharper
and more detailed when compared with vision. Mission is a statement of the things that
must be achieved by the organization for the parties concerned in the future. The
mission statement reflects all the explanations that will be offered that are needed by
the community to achieve the mission.

The mission statement shows the main tasks that must be carried out by the
organization in achieving organizational goals. The mission statement contains a clear
definition of the work or main tasks carried by an organization and desired within a
certain period of time. The mission statement clearly shows the importance of the
organization's existence, because the mission represents the basic reason for the
organization's founding. Many organizations fail because the mission statement
formulated only concerns their own interests and ignores the interests of the customer
and stakeholder community. Therefore, the mission must clearly state the organization's
concern for the customer's interests.

The mission statement must:

1. Show clearly about what is to be achieved by the organization and the main
areas of activity of the organization concerned.
2. Explicitly contains what must be done to achieve it.
3. Contains broad community participation in the development of the main fields
in which the organization engages.

A clear mission statement will provide long-term direction so as to provide

organizational stability and management leadership. The mission changes if the will of
the organization changes or because of the validation of steps / other strategic
management components. The mission statement reflects about everything to achieve
the vision.

Criteria for making missions include:

1. Explanation of the business / product or service offered that is needed by the
2. It must be clear that it has a public target to be served.
3. The quality of the products and services offered have a competitive edge that
convinces the public.
4. explanation of the desired business aspirations in the future as well as the
benefits and benefits for the community with the products and services

Following are the Vision and Mission of SDN KURIPAN



"The creation of a school that is disciplined, achievers and comfortable

based on imtaq "


1. Familiarize students behave in discipline

2. Increase the average value of US / UN
3. Improving academic and non-academic achievements
4. Increasing cooperation with the community to create a conducive school
5. Fostering religious observance that is reflected in daily life
6. Cultivating greetings as silaturrahmi, gratitude and thanks as dedication and
forgiveness as a sign of devotion.


1. School Pages Are Garden Available

2. School Class Wall Created With A Beautiful And Light Color
3. All School Communities Create A Friendly And Conductive Atmosphere
4. All Class Applying Paikem Learning
5. Every Class Is Available Of Tree Of Science And Science Breakfast
6. Every Class Is Available In Advanced Learning Facilities
7. Maximizing Self-Development Of Students Through Extra Curricular
Activities According To Mining And Tourism Regional Characters
8. Building Of Individuals, Personal, Noble, Culture And Responsibility

2.3 SWOT Analysis of Vision and Mission

An activity can be carried out well and achieve the target if previously carried out
a careful planning. No exception in the world of education, where planning as a first step
will be sufficiently taken into account in order to achieve the objectives to be achieved
(Sanjaya, 2009). This analysis places situations and conditions as input factors, which are
then grouped according to their respective contributions.

One thing that must be remembered by users of the SWOT analysis, that the
SWOT analysis is merely an analysis tool intended to describe the situation that is being
faced or that might be faced by the organization, and not a magic analysis tool that is
able to provide the right solution for the problems faced by the organization. The SWOT
analysis aims to find important aspects of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and
threats in an institution so as to maximize strengths, minimize weaknesses, reduce
threats and build opportunities.

SWOT analysis is part of the strategic planning stages of an organization which consists
of three stages: the data collection stage, the analysis phase, and the decision making
stage. At this stage the data can be divided into two namely external data and internal

External data can be obtained from outside the school environment such as:

o The role of the community, donors, government, other organizations.

o Retrieval of external data taken from Opportunity (Opportunity) and Threat
o Internal data can be obtained from within the school itself, including:
o School financial reports
o School administration
o Teaching and learning activities
o The state of teacher and student
o School facilities and infrastructure
o Teacher administration and others

Retrieval of external data taken from Strength (Strength) and Weakness (Weakness)

2.1.1 Strength

a. The motivation of teachers and students is quite high so that they are able to
develop effective learning methods and are accompanied by the application of
faith and piety so that their students are quite enthusiastic in responding to
each learning.

b. A good relationship between teacher and teacher or teacher and students is

very conducive both in extracurricular activities or learning to establish positive
student quality

c. In terms of approach, the methods taught by teachers are varied so that

teachers use varied learning methods so that students can develop themselves
in line with the development of science and technology

d. Has a unique geographical location based on the very positive carrying capacity
of the community so that it can improve the cooperative relations between
schools, committees, parents of students and the community

e. Teaching staff are relatively young so they have high performance and
enthusiasm and are educated 95% of S1 graduates and 5% of high school
graduates in improving all personal discipline and improving performance to
shape students to become more experienced and gain knowledge according to
their level

f. Extremely effective extracurricular learning activities with sufficient operational

staff to improve student achievement according to their talents, interests and

2.1.2 Weakness
a. Teacher and staff recruitment is sometimes not suitable to the needs and
loaded with elements of the family

b. Admission of new students / transfer Student acceptance has not been done
by means of a test but there is still entrusted from various parties and the
reach of the school location with student residence so that the ability of
students in terms of learning is disrupted and the mindset of students who
take the new student admission test.

c. Financing Parents in development budgets are very difficult due to the

economic conditions that are mostly below average.

d. It has not been able to facilitate the facilities and infrastructure that support
learning, especially in the library, so it is less conducive to the completeness of
books and also the practical tools used by students to support learning.

e. School buildings that are still lacking like classrooms, and also office space that
does not yet exist.

2.1.3 Opportunity

a. Local government support in completing School facilities and infrastructure by

submitting proposals to Level I and Level II Local Governments needs to be
done to complete school facilities and infrastructure
b. Development with large tracts of land can support a transparent direction
c. Facilities and infrastructure are the strengths that already exist so that they
can be used and their use must be developed continuously.
d. Community support that wants to make students quality in the community and
wants after graduating from SDN KURIPAN to continue to a higher level
e. Given the strategic location is a strength in the development of schools in the
recruitment of elementary school graduates has a big chance
f. The carrying capacity of parents is high and is proven by enrolling their children

2.1.4 Threat

a. The social environment of schools does not yet have adequate sports fields
b. The building of learning space is still lacking where housing / the Office of the
School Guard and the Library as a classroom so the teaching and learning
process is disrupted.

c. Poorly educated community.



3.1 Conclusions

After analyzing the SWOTS on VISION and MISSION in SDN KURIPAN, it can be seen in
each of the weights between strengths and weaknesses that can be concluded that the
strengths and weaknesses of SDN KURIPAN are balanced. This can be used as a lesson
for the school that the strengths that are less so maximized to minimize existing
weaknesses. It is hoped that with this analysis schools will continue to strive and
increase school strengths to the maximum extent possible so that existing weaknesses
can be overcome. Likewise, the opportunity in facilities and infrastructure is the greatest
opportunity owned by SDN KURIPAN, although this opportunity is still far from the
highest, but it must be maximally utilized with good cooperation between the school
and parties outside the school, where this opportunity will minimize a threat. This threat
can be minimized by this opportunity by not only the infrastructure being watched but
the qualified teaching staff must also be fulfilled

3.2 Suggestions

SDN KURIPAN schools must be able to improve the various achievements of their
students, so students can compete with students from other elementary schools whose
quality is above SDN KURIPAN. If the performance of this school increases, the
surrounding community has an interest so that people who have children who have
entered elementary school will register their children at SDN KURIPAN with the
consideration that their children if the school at this elementary school can become
outstanding children.

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