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Nama : iga rosita dewi

Class :A/TLM
Nim :P07134121021

Taks (2)

*) listening (21)

1. Patient name : Mr. Eric Jamicson DOB :19.02.53

BP P RR T WT 02 Sats signature

120/80 128 33 37 75kg 95% Y.


2. Patient name : Mr. Daniel Samson DOB : 10.08.71

BP P RR T WT 02 Sats SIignature
100/65 130 25 37,5 32kg 95% T. Arrigni

*) listening (22)
Patient name : Anja Welling DOB : 21.11.02
BP P RR T WT 02 Sats Signature
100/65 130 25 37,5 32kg 98% B.Guzman

*) listening (23)
Taks 6

Chart g = Rose Steren ( R )

Chart b = Davina Chudry (D)
Chart c = Pilal Chank (P)

Taks 7

1. Her reps are still up and down (P)

2. Her BP is down from 160/100 to 120/80 (R)
3. Her reps vary between 25 and 30 (P)
4. Her temperature was up to 30,2 (D)
5. Her temperature stable now (D)

*) listening (29)
1. A
2. B
3. E
4. D
5. C
6. F

Taks 2

a. Can you give me your palm please ! (2)

b. That’s ninety – five beats per minute (4)
c. Mr. Daniels I’ll take your pulse now if I car (1)
d. I’ll put my fingers on your wrist (3)

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