Bsed 2h Diaz Edrian Unit1 Lesson1

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Republic of the Philippines

Bulacan State University-Bustos Campus

College of Education
Poblacion, Bustos, Bulacan

Name: Diaz, Edrian A. Subject: World History 1 (SSE 203)

Course/Year/Section: BSED Social Studies/ 2-H Instructor: Mr. Gaudencio Jr. C. Dy


Directions: In the following items, you will see a pair of related words. Write the term needed
on the blank provided on each number to complete the expression/relationship.

1. Mesopotamia: cuneiform; Egypt: Hieroglyphs

2. Paleolithic: nomad; Neolithic: settlement (village)

3. Egypt: Nile; Mesopotamia: Tigris and Euphrates

4. Mesopotamia: Iraq; Persia: Iran

5. Paleolithic: fire; Neolithic: farming

6. Nineveh: largest population; Sparta: large in terms of land

7. Alexander the Great: Macedonia; Julius Caesar: Rome

8. Rosetta stone: Egyptian script; Behistun Rock: Sumerian script

9. Greece: Aegean; Rome: Italy

10. Artifacts: objects shaped by human beings; Fossils: traces of human & animal bones
Survival of the Fittest

Directions: Imagine you time traveled in the Paleolithic era, and your only goal is to survive.
Choose two survival kits from the choices below and answer the guide questions.

Guide Questions:
1. What are your chosen survival kits?

I go for a fire and stone. First, as we all know fire has been serving as a great tool for
every human to be able to survive their everyday living. Before, you can't cook foods without
having any fire. The second one is stone. Stone played a rich role in the greatest history of

2. Why did you choose the following items?

I chose these items simply because I have connections with them. And I think I can use
my full ability on using these items to survive the Paleolithic era. I believe that my chosen items
have lots of usage that will be beneficial for me.

3. Can you live in that period using your chosen items? State a concrete example of how
you will utilize your item.

Definitely yes, I can survive this period in History by just having my chosen items along
by my side. I will use stone to kill animals and cut their body parts that will serve as my food to
ease starvation and continue living. Stone could also be used as a weapon in protecting myself
from any harmful creatures in this period. The second one is fire which I will use to cook my
foods that came from hunting and fishing. I will also use it to scare animals in the cave, because
according to the studies, some animals are afraid on fire, and then I will make this cave as my
shelter. In times of cold season, fire can be used to warm my body and do not get any disease due
to the climate.
Linking Past and Present
Directions: Below are the stated examples of the characteristics and advances made in the

Prehistoric period—state its importance and practice in the past and how it contributes to the
present time.

1. Discovery of fire

Fire is indeed very important in History. It was used to scare animals from anywhere and
making their body warm. And today what we have learned in Pre-historical usage of fire is very
essential because we can make some advancements of using it, where it is both being beneficial
and safe to use by everyone. Like Gas Stoves and such.

2. Herding of animals

Since then, husbandry played a major role in history. They herded and took care of
animals and made it multiplies to have foods that will give them enough energy to keep fighting
in life. Most of the things we see today are influenced by history. Through the help of the
information shared by history, humans in this time have more knowledge in practicing these
labors and even added it to courses in Schools. Application occurs now.

3. The establishment of permanent village settlements.

Settlements are essential since then. It served as their shelter to protect themselves from
any harmful creatures and from the continuously changing of climate itself. Before the earliest
humans established a village and settlements they first considered the area like what are the
things surround within this place. Mostly the village and settlements built near in the river
because they believe that the sand near the coast line of the river is fertile and also, river served
as a place where communication, socialization and transportation took place. In this present time,
we also considered the area before building a home for our family either it is safe to live or not.

4. Farming

Agriculture is indeed a very valuable both in history and present times. It is a way in
which humans can able to meet their basic needs in life. Humans started to farm the Earth during
the Stone Age. And it is the finest discovery of the earliest human in history because in this
present time we are being fortunate and blessed on what we learned in the past. Agriculture plays
a vital role in everyone’s life.

5. Utilization of stone tools

Stone tools shared bunch of importance in history. Humans used these to make their lives
more enhanced and civilized. They made survival tools made of stone and wood like, axe and
hammer which were very helpful for them in hunting and searching for food to eat. It made their
lives easier and safer. Today’s present times, we are also using improved and advanced stone
tools both in work and for household use.

Artifact Analysis

Directions: Imagine you are an Archaeologist, and you are tasked to research, find, and analyze
an artifact from Catal Huyuk and Neolithic Period. Refer to the guide questions below.

Catal Huyuk Artifact

Guide Questions:

1. Describe the characteristics of the excavated artifact that you found in Catal Huyuk.

There are many artifacts to be founded in Catal Huyuk and I found one of them and it is
Carved Figurines. Archaeologist is looking for a pattern when studying different artifacts. They
often search for ways and considered climate for analyzing one. During the Neolithic Period
what happened on their everyday life has big impacts to their arts. And Neolithic Period also
wants beauty and creative design so they demanded for aesthetic decoration which may be
placed inside houses, like small statue. They started to carve stones using the sharp objects to be
found within the place.
2. How this artifact symbolizes Catal Huyuk? State its importance during that time and in
the present.

During the Neolithic period, man started to develop their belief systems in supernatural
deities. This carved figurines also influenced by these social developments. Catal Huyuk said to
be the "First Religious Designed City." wherein like the other countries it has own rituals and
ways of praising their Gods. The influences of this ancient belief brought to present times have
been being beneficial and useful to Humanity. Today, we cannot deny that people still believe in
supernatural Gods and Goddesses. Where it sometimes leads to criticize one's belief system
hence, it made a group of societies that will treasure their cultures forever.

3. State the characteristics of Catal Huyuk base on your investigation.

Catal Huyuk is the best example of early Neolithic City where most of the houses have
painting designs inspired by the series of hunting. There are spaces in the area allocated for
religious practice where the walls are painted with the wide range of different subjects and
decorated with panels of red. According to my investigation cited in World History site, most of
the furnitures were built in, having bricks platforms for sitting, sleeping and working on. After
these platforms, you can find the bones of the dead which they believe as still remain part of the

Neolithic Period Artifact

1. Describe the image of the pottery above. Take note of its characteristics and style.

The pottery itself suggested a meaning behind the crafts. The characteristics of each
pottery during the Neolithic era depend on the culture and groups of people where it belongs. As
seen in the given image, the pottery itself has geometric design and somehow formed another
broken lines or objects. According to what I have read, terracotta was also used in the creation of
this one and were often symbolizes by the deities and seated by small figures. Textiles have
become more patterned and of higher quality during this age and another form of decorative arts
continue to emerge as people want something new and different.

2. What vital role does the artifact play in the past?

This said artifacts played a vital role in the past. This pottery was used in religious
practices, in bearing foods and waters, for rituals and even used it for eating. The said
development of pottery started when man learned how to farm the Earth. Archaeologists believe
that for them to enable carry the water from the soil they must have equipment made in solid
objects that will do the job. Then, later on this pottery has begun very significant in everyday life
of people who lived during the Neolithic Period.

3. Concerning the artifact, research about the Manunggul Jar in the Philippines and state
its importance in Philippine pre-colonial society.

Manunggul Jar is very important in the Philippine Pre-colonial society. It was found in
Manunggul Cave, Lipuun Pt., Palawan around 895-775 BC. This represents the precious beliefs
of ancient Filipinos. According to the National Museum Collections, at the top of the Jar cover
you can find a boat with two human figures sitting on it which represent the two souls on a
voyage to the afterlife. The boatman is one of the human figures who is seated behind a human
figure whose hands are crossed on the chest. This suggested that the position of the hands is
observed when arranging the corpse. It is included on the list of richest traditional Filipino
practice. Manunggul Jar proved the importance of water to ancient Filipino and a rich form of
communication and spreading of culture where it is said to be merely influenced by other groups
came from Asia, mostly Austronesian.

Civilized or not civilized?

Question: Base on your learning about the meaning and features of civilization, is Pre-colonial
Philippines an example of civilization? Justify your answer.

Yes I believe, the Philippines was already civilized even just before the arrival of the
Spaniards here in our country. The Customs of the Tagalogs by Juan De Plasencia proves that
the Philippines was a civilized country because it has its own government and political system
where the barangay were headed by the Datu and served by the Alipins. The Tagalogs or ancient
Filipinos also practiced some rituals and beliefs wherein they praise nature and some form of
other things. They have customs that still use by the present Filipinos. They also had God and
Goddesses like the other first civilizations in History, like Greece and Egypt. These are the
following proofs that the Pre-colonial Philippines was a civilized country and lived a par better
life compared to the other neighborhood countries in Southeast Asia.

Reflection/Learning Insights
Question: Is history only applicable to people and civilizations with written records? Elaborate
your answer.

For me no, history is applicable to everything that happened in the past and that is now
contributing something to the present. Eons passed humans leaved marks without any written
records. The artifacts that found in every corner of the world proved that it was historically used
though it sometimes brought lots of questions and wonders about their ways of living and such.
History occurs merely even before Humans learned to leave written records. These written
records will answer lots of questions about their existence. Therefore, History still lives on even
without having any written records.


Araling Panlipunan Book/ Kasaysayan ng Daigdig

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