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Ecosystems and People

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The voices of youth in envisioning positive futures

for nature and people

Sakshi Rana , Daniela Ávila-García , Viviane Dib , Lemuel Familia , Leopoldo

Cavaleri Gerhardinger , Emma Martin , Paula Isla Martins , Joao Pompeu ,
Odirilwe Selomane , Josefa Isabel Tauli , Diem H. T. Tran , Mireia Valle ,
Jonathan von Below & Laura M. Pereira

To cite this article: Sakshi Rana , Daniela Ávila-García , Viviane Dib , Lemuel Familia , Leopoldo
Cavaleri Gerhardinger , Emma Martin , Paula Isla Martins , Joao Pompeu , Odirilwe Selomane ,
Josefa Isabel Tauli , Diem H. T. Tran , Mireia Valle , Jonathan von Below & Laura M. Pereira (2020)
The voices of youth in envisioning positive futures for nature and people, Ecosystems and People,
16:1, 326-344, DOI: 10.1080/26395916.2020.1821095

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2020, VOL. 16, NO. 1, 326–344


The voices of youth in envisioning positive futures for nature and people
Sakshi Ranaa, Daniela Ávila-García b, Viviane Dibc,d, Lemuel Familiae, Leopoldo Cavaleri Gerhardingerf,
Emma Marting, Paula Isla Martinsh, Joao Pompeui, Odirilwe Selomane j,k, Josefa Isabel Taulil,m,
Diem H. T. Trann, Mireia Valle o,p, Jonathan von Belowq,r and Laura M. Pereira j,k
Wildlife Institute of India, Dehradun, India; bUNESCO Chair on Sustainability, Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC), Terrassa, Spain;
International Institute for Sustainability, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; dDepartamento de Ecologia, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Instituto
de Biologia, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; eDepartamento de Vida Silvestre, Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales, Santo Domingo,
República Dominicana; fOceanographic Institute, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil; gUnited Nations Environment Programme World
Conservation Monitoring Centre, Cambridge, UK; hWWF-Brasil, Tabelião Murilo Rolim, Campo Grande, Brazil; iEarth System Science Centre,
National Institute for Space Research (CCST/INPE), São José dos Campos, Brazil; jCentre for Complex Systems in Transition, Stellenbosch
University, Stellenbosch, South Africa; kStockholm Resilience Centre, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden; lGlobal Youth Biodiversity
Network ℅ German NGO Forum for Environment and Development, Berlin, Germany; mAnimal Biology Division, Institute of Biological
Sciences, University of the Philippines Los Baños, Laguna, Philippines; nThe Norwegian Environment Agency, Trondheim, Norway; oBC3,
Basque Centre for Climate Change, Scientific Campus of the University of the Basque Country (UPV-EHU), Leioa, Spain; pNational Center for
Ecological Analysis & Synthesis (NCEAS), Santa Barbara, CA, USA; qConsejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET),
Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina; rFacultad de Ciencias Forestales, Universidad Nacional de Misiones, Eldorado, Argentina


The unpredictable Anthropocene poses the challenge of imagining a radically different, equitable Received 18 December 2019
and sustainable world. Looking 100 years ahead is not easy, and especially as millennials, it Accepted 2 September 2020
appears quite bleak. This paper is the outcome of a visioning exercise carried out in a 2-day EDITED BY
workshop, attended by 33 young early career professionals under the auspices of IPBES. The Maraja Riechers
process used Nature Futures Framework in an adapted visioning method from the Seeds of Good
Anthropocene project. Four groups envisioned more desirable future worlds; where humanity KEYWORDS
has organised itself, the economy, politics and technology, to achieve improved nature-human Futures; IPBES; generation Y;
well-being. The four visions had differing conceptualisations of this future. However, there were millennials; human-nature
interesting commonalities in their leverage points for transformative change, including an connections; leverage
points; transformative
emphasis on community, fundamentally different economic systems based on sharing and change; youth visions;
technological solutions to foster sustainability and human-nature connectedness. Debates nature futures framework
included questioning the possibility of maintaining local biocultural diversity with increased
connectivity globally and the prominence of technology for sustainability outcomes. These
visions are the first step towards a wider galvanisation of youth visions for a brighter future,
which is often missing in the arena where it can be taken seriously, to trigger more transformative
pathways towards meeting global goals

1. Introduction longer an option for a thriving planet and people (Settele

If you asked the average citizen 100 years ago what they et al. 2020). Second, transformative change is now even
imagined the world would look like in 2020, it is unlikely more urgently required for transitioning to a sustainable
they would have predicted a global population of and safer future in an increasingly uncertain
7.7 billion with access to 2.71 billion smartphones, virtual Anthropocene (Díaz et al. 2019; IPBES 2019a; Settele
reality and artificial hearts. Nor would they had imagined et al. 2020). There is another lesson to learn - as humans,
that, with these great feats, humanity has also managed to we are pressed to imagine what better futures are possible
put one million species at risk of extinction, and con­ and how we can act to get there (Hulme 2020; Pereira
tinues to deplete natural resources in the name of eco­ et al., 2019c). A recent assessment by the World Labour
nomic growth. Even just going back a year -to early 2019- Organisation worryingly reports that over a half of the
it would have been difficult to think of the world brought young people (15–29 years old) in developed countries
to its knees by an unseen enemy- the COVID-19 virus, and approximately a third in emerging and developing
despite our knowledge of previous pandemics. countries are fearful or uncertain of their future working
We are now in the age of the Anthropocene, where life (ILO 2017).Therefore, it is paramount to engage the
human activity is the prime force driving unprecedented youth and early career researchers in sustainability initia­
environmental change (Steffen et al. 2018) and the recent tives to help address intergenerational problems with
COVID-19 pandemic further emphasises some impor­ fresher views on the future (Lim et al. 2017; Jørgensen
tant messages for humanity. First, business as usual is no et al. 2019).

CONTACT Laura M. Pereira

Supplemental data for this article can be accessed here.
© 2020 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

In sustainability science, transformative change successful (Turnhout et al. 2012; Lim et al. 2017;
refers to large, often long-term systemic changes of Díaz-Reviriego et al. 2019).
social-ecological systems (Meadows 1999; Westley In this paper, we document a visioning process
and McGowan 2017). Visioning exercises contri­ with youth participants from around the world to
bute to generating desired social change for inno­ help identify potential leverage points towards
vative interventions to flourish into transformative a more desirable future from their perspective.
changes (Totin et al. 2018). Contrary to scenarios With support from the Intergovernmental Science-
that focus on plausible future states, visions speci­ Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem
fically focus on desirable future states, thereby,pro­ Services (IPBES) capacity-building task force,
viding an inspiring narrative on which to galvanise a diverse group of youth interested in sustainability
action (Wiek and Iwaniec 2014). However, there is challenges was convened. This paper does not
currently a substantial gap in existing futures lit­ speak on behalf of all youth voices, but only of
erature relating to the plurality of desirable futures the participants represented at the workshop.
for humanity and how to reach them (Bennett et al. However, it generally highlights the importance of
2016). Increasingly, sustainability researchers are providing a youth perspective that could contribute
employing visions generated through participatory to driving major innovations towards sustainability
scenario processes (PSP) to promote collective (Jørgensen et al. 2019) as well as galvanise other
action for transitions toward desirable futures initiatives that seek to engage youth voices and
(Oteros-Rozas et al. 2015; Lundquist et al. 2017; bring them into relevant environmental decision-
Hamann et al. 2020). The participatory process of making processes.
visioning also generates futures literacy among the
participants through whom it can lead to change in
2. Rationale and methods
value systems, and can inspire people to make
radical shifts in behaviour (Wiek and Iwaniec The visioning exercise was organized as part of the
2014; Bennett et al. 2016; Pereira et al. 2018). IPBES Youth workshop that took place in São Pedro,
Analysis and comparison of different possible Brazil from 27 June to 28 June 2019 and was facili­
futures in the process of generating visions allows tated by IPBES experts and fellows of the Global
for the identification of ‘leverage points’. These are Assessment, the Americas, and Europe and Central
places in complex systems where a small shift may Asia regional assessments (IPBES 2019b). IPBES is an
lead to fundamental changes in the system as independent intergovernmental body of 134 member
a whole (Meadows 1999). According to the level states that was established to strengthen the science-
of influence on system behaviour, leverage points policy interface for biodiversity and ecosystem ser­
range from ‘shallow’ - interventions relatively easy vices for the conservation and sustainable use of
to implement that represent little change to the biodiversity, long-term human well-being and sus­
overall functioning of the system - to ‘deep’ com­ tainable development ( To achieve
plex interventions that could result in transforma­ its mandate, IPBES is undertaking assessments, cata­
tive change (Abson et al., 2017; Meadows 1999). lysing knowledge generation, promoting the develop­
Transformative change is arguably going to occur ment of policy support tools and undertaking and
from engaging and enabling systemic change facilitating capacity-building. The workshop was con­
through deeper leverage points, but the mechan­ vened by the IPBES technical support unit on capa­
isms for this are often much more difficult to city-building. It was organized in collaboration with
develop and foresee. the IPBES scenarios and models expert group, the
There are currently few futures-orientated Norwegian Environment Agency, the Brazilian
approaches that include diverse perspectives and Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services
values (Sharpe et al. 2016) and even fewer that (BPBES), the São Paulo Research Foundation’s
involve youth (Nilsson et al. 2019). Younger gen­ Research programme on Biodiversity,
erations are also still insufficiently integrated into Characterisation, Conservation, Restoration and
science-policy and decision-making arenas in gen­ Sustainable Use (BIOTA-FAPESP), the International
eral (Lim et al. 2017). Engaging young people in Institute for Sustainability (IIS), and the Inter-
these exercises gives them the opportunity to American Institute for Global Change Research (IAI).
become invested in shaping their societies’ futures The workshop contributed to the overarching
and can help to elevate factors that youth consider objective of IPBES by expanding involvement in
pivotal and significant. Such initiatives that actively IPBES’ efforts and increasing use of IPBES products
include youth in global sustainability decision- among early-career scientists, decision- and policy­
making and knowledge production processes makers and practitioners, including representatives of
increase the diversity of stakeholders and disci­ different knowledge systems. This workshop was
plines, which are crucial for these initiatives to be inspired by and had the same intention as the
328 S. RANA ET AL.

IPBES Fellowship Programme, to build capacities of capacity-building in collaboration with BPBES and
early-career individuals to enable and facilitate their IAI on the basis of nominations received from var­
participation in the work of IPBES. The IPBES ious governmental and non-governmental organiza­
Fellowship Programme brings early career profes­ tions and networks, with the aim to achieve
sionals from around the world into the assessment geographical diversity, gender balance and represen­
process fostering the development of intergenera­ tation of multiple knowledge systems. The partici­
tional, interdisciplinary and transnational partner­ pants of the workshop came from universities and
ships, and creates an atmosphere that serves the research institutions, nongovernmental organiza­
larger goal of facilitating sustainability transforma­ tions, youth networks, as well as from organizations
tions by empowering and embracing diversity in implementing policy and working in science-policy
skills, leadership styles, and values. interfaces.
The workshop supported the implementation of The visioning exercise focused on intentionally
the IPBES capacity-building rolling plan through pro­ developing positive visions of nature from the perspec­
moting the fellowship programme and further tive of the participants. Although there are limitations
expanding and supporting the development of com­ to only focusing on positive futures, there is plenty of
munities of practice among early-career professionals scenarios work emphasising on undesirable futures
inside and outside of the formal IPBES engagement. (Meadow 1972; Slaughter 2004; Bennett et al. 2016;
The specific objectives of the workshop were to: (1) Riahi et al. 2017; Wyborn et al. 2021). Our aim was to
Familiarize participants with the work of IPBES and explore the positive visions, and not be limited by
explore how participants and their networks can con­ current constraints and trajectories. This is in line
tribute to its work programme; and (2) Explore posi­ with the workplan for IPBES scenarios and models
tive futures of biodiversity and ecosystem services task force that has positive nature futures at its core
from the perspective of early-career professionals in (Rosa et al. 2017). For the visioning process, we used the
order to contribute to IPBES’ work on scenarios and adapted Manoa mash-up method that had been devel­
models. It brought together 33 early-career profes­ oped in the Seeds of Good Anthropocene project
sionals, with an average age of 29, from 23 countries, (Pereira et al. 2018). The traditional Manoa scenario
who work in the field of biodiversity and ecosystem method generates exploratory scenarios that evolve
services (Table 1). Selection of the participants was from emerging issues or weak signals over several dec­
done by the IPBES technical support unit on ades, to explore their long-range impacts and the pos­
sible outcomes of those impacts (Schultz 2015). This
Table 1. Details of the workshop participants. method is adapted in this paper by using seed initiatives
No. of instead of the weak signals as a starting point. ‘Seeds’
Category participants refer to existing initiatives that are not widespread or
Nationality Latin American and Caribbean 18 well-known; they can be social initiatives, new technol­
Group (GRULAC)
Africa 6 ogies, economic tools, social-ecological projects, or
Asia – Pacific 5 organizations, movements or new ways of acting that
Europe 4
Gender Female 21 according to someone, have the potential to make
Male 12 a substantial contribution towards creating a future
Sector Education/Research 13
NGO 7 that is just, prosperous, and sustainable (Bennett et al.
SPI 3 2016). This approach has previously been employed in
Policy 3
Research and SPI 2
the development of positive nature visions by the IPBES
Research and Youth network 1 task force on scenarios and models (Lundquist et al.
NGO and SPI 2 2017) and was the starting point of the Nature Futures
NGO and Youth Network 2
Broad expertise Biodiversity Conservation 11 Framework (NFF) that is used in this paper and will be
Environmental Science and 7 described below (Pereira et al. 2020). Being a fairly new
Agricultural Science 4 tool, the resulting NFF requires case studies to test its
Sustainable Development 4 applicability in a variety of contexts and stakeholders in
Environmental Policy and 2
Governance order (Pereira et al. 2020). The Brazil workshop was the
Disaster Risk Reduction 1 first case study of the new Nature Futures framework
Geography 1
Marine science 1
being developed by the IPBES task force on scenarios
Fisheries science 1 and models. It served as a starting point for generating
Development studies 1 visions and its results will feed into ongoing work by the
Knowledge fields Natural Sciences and 29
Engineering task force to further refine the framework and opera­
Social Sciences and Humanities 4 tionalise it globally. All workshop participants were
Knowledge systems Scientific knowledge only 20
participants work Both Scientific, and Indigenous 13 invited to take part in writing this paper, of which 10
with and Local Knowledge (ILK) participants eventually co-authored it. All except one of

the authors identifies as a millennial- and so this is the allocating them, asking them to choose a group or ran­
predominant generational perspective in the paper. domly selecting group members. The method increases
the likelihood of affinity between group members in terms
of how they perceive nature. By ensuring that the full space
2.1. Formation of groups through nature futures
of the NFF had been covered by the 4 groups, we hoped
framework (NFF) triangle
that the resulting visions would at least have some diverse
The facilitators used the NFF triangle as a starting point for appreciation of nature values across groups, even if this
the visioning exercise(Figure 1; please see Pereira et al. was not made explicit in the instructions. Once clustered,
2020 for a full description of the framework). The NFF each group was allocated a theme to focus their discus­
triangle explicitly recognizes that people consider multiple sions: cities for Group (1); rural landscapes for both Group
values of nature. (2) and (3), and coastal ecosystems for Group (4). As will
First, a triangle was drawn on the floor to represent the be made clear in the results, the groups found it difficult to
NFF triangle with the three vertices clearly marked on each stick to their allocated themes and so the resulting visions
corner to represent the different values of nature: ‘Nature are more general in their scope. This will be further
for Nature’ which primarily emphasises the intrinsic value unpacked in the discussion.
of nature, ‘Nature for Society’ which emphasises the instru­
mental value of nature and ‘Nature as Culture’, which
emphasises the intertwined way people and nature connect
2.2. Selection of seeds
(Pereira et al. 2020). Then, the participants were asked to
reflect on ‘why they value nature’, thinking on a particular The next task was for the groups to choose three seeds
context and situation, and position themselves within the from which they would build their vision- one technolo­
triangle on the basis of this preferred value. Next, the gical, one social or environmental and one economic or
participants were asked to pair up with their closest neigh­ political (Table 2). It is important to note that setting up the
bour in the triangle and discuss their respective examples visioning exercise around seeds with specific focus areas
and associated values of nature. The groups of two then influences the prominence of related themes in the result­
merged into groups of four and similarly, discussed their ing visions (see Pereira et al. 2018 for more discussion on
respective values. Subsequently, they merged into three the choice of seeds). Alternative processes include pre-
groups of eight and one group of nine (See Figure 1). selecting seeds for the groups or not choosing the range
This initial process had two aims: (1) to familiarize the of seed types (Pereira et al. 2019b). The facilitators wanted
participants with the NFF and to get them thinking about to leave some autonomy to the groups in being able to
diverse values for nature and how they could be incorpo­ select seeds within the predefined seed types and elected to
rated in a desirable future vision; and (2) to divide them use this method, however we acknowledge that alternative
into groups for the visioning exercise without pre- methods would have resulted in different outcomes.

Figure 1. The Nature Futures Framework (NFF) triangle representing the three values of nature. This is purely for visualization of
the process and the position of groups can change depending on the value preferred by the participants. In our study, we
ended up with 3 groups of 8 and 1 group of 9 (Adapted from PBL, 2018).
Table 2. Brief description of the seed initiatives used for each vision as well as the classification of the seed using the leverage points framework (see Figure 2).

Vision Theme Seed name and type Description Leverage Point Deep or Shallow
Anthropocene 2.0 Coastal ecosystems Urban farming: social/environmental Household and urban production of fruits and vegetables in urban gardens. The 10 Shallow
food will be shared within the community and there will be no food wastage.
Blockchain: technological A system that allows consumers to track information regarding goods or services 6 Deep
(CO2 emission, single plastic use, ocean pollution, labour conditions, sustainable
Sharing economy: economic/political Rather than individual materialistic ownership, goods and services are shared within 2 Deep
the community. For example, clothes, cars and food.

Rural Transformers Rural landscapes Alt-meat: social/technological Developing meat in laboratories and finding alternative protein sources to stop 8 Shallow
livestock rearing and ultimately, their negative impacts on the environment.
Plastic degrading bacteria: economic/technological Using bacteria to degrade plastics to tackle solid waste management problem. 10 Shallow
Drones for forest conservation: environmental/technological Using drones to detect areas of priority for preservation in forest areas. 6 Deep
Econetlands Cities Agro-ecological communal farming: social/environmental Ensuring sustainable production of food for all from agro-ecological communal 7 Shallow
Citizen science apps: technological Citizen science and Apps for gathering data, monitoring and identification of flora 6 Deep
and fauna.
Gen Woke: social/political Young people suing polluters in the name of intergenerational justice, which is 3 Deep
growing in the climate movement.
Iandé Etama Rural landscapes International land planning: political International land planning allowing effective use of productive landscape, 5 Deep
protected areas and connective intermediary belts and buffers.
Community ‘power’: technological/environmental Universal, community-owned, renewable energy production. 5 Deep
Land Sparing and Sharing: social/political Land-sharing schemes in which community or privately-owned land can be pooled 4 Deep
in order to gain access to government expertise, infrastructure and support,
sharing the resulting increased profit.


of reflection.
S1 for answers):

2.4. Data analysis

2.3. Development of visions

What do people look like?

What do we do with waste?

Who has a voice in the future?
How do people consume things?

How do people spend their time?

What are the key feedbacks in this future?

Are there important drivers in this future?
2018 for a more detailed description of the approach).

economic growth and development projections?

The data for this paper are the responses from each
What does ‘nature’ look like? How is it
questions to flesh out the skeleton visions (see Table
would look like in their positive future (See Figure 3).
Once a rough outline of visions was developed, each
implications of these seeds in the future. Once a good

a discussion session on the similarities and differ­

How does this vision compare to current ‘desired’
All visions were graphically recorded by Design de
group came up with a name for their vision, a tweet,
groups combined the three seeds by looking at similarities
the first, second and third- order social, technological,

description of their visions (Table 2). The visions

and a newspaper headline describing what the world
spread of implications for each seed was discussed, the

ences between the different visions, and other points

positive futures as a short play and concluded with
The groups then presented their visions of these
economic, environmental, political and value-based
justice. Using these ‘mature seeds’, the groups built up
on blockchain technology to track and exchange goods
doing things; these are defined as ‘mature seeds’. For
no longer marginal, but became the dominant way of
Having chosen their seeds (see Table 2), the groups

group to the key questions (Table S1) and the

What key innovations are important for this
What critical responses are needed to get to this
cess, the groups were asked to answer the following
described what it would look like if each of the seeds were

Conversas.1 On the second day of the visioning pro­

and key differences between the impacts (See Pereira et al.
ble for their bad decisions to ensure intergenerational
and services or formal legislative mechanisms helping
people to hold decision-makers or companies accounta­
example, the widespread use of virtual platforms running

were analysed for commonalities and differences and their starting seeds are described in Table 2 together
then compared to existing scenarios archetypes that with their codes. These codes correspond to the
were used in the IPBES regional assessments (See Meadows framework on where to intervene in
Sitas et al. 2019). We used keywords or phrases as a system (Figure 3).
indicators to identify themes or points in common Figure 2 also connects the NFF with the Leverage
between the four groups and also discussed how the points framework by illustrating that it requires
visions contribute to ongoing debates about pathways a bigger and broader triangle, i.e. a larger, more
towards more desirable futures by referencing where diverse set of values for nature to be able to open
they speak to existing recommendations (Table 3). up more radical alternatives that can engage deeper
Finally, following an iterative coding approach we leverage points around intent and design.
classified the seeds according to the 12 places to
intervene in a system framework (Meadows 1999)
and further identified these as deep or shallow using 3.1. Description of visions
the Leverage Points conceptual framework (Abson
Each of the four visions had a different flavour of the
et al., 2017) (Figure 3; Table 2). One person coded
types of better futures that may be able to unfold if we
the seeds, which was then verified by a second person
make better decisions in the present (Figure 3). These are
and then agreed on by two more members of the
elaborated in the following descriptions. Whilst reading
group to ensure consistency. If there was any dis­
these descriptions, it is interesting to bear in mind that
agreement with a code, the second person then
having the NFF triangle as a starting point was intended
coded it again in discussion with the first coder and
to increase the likelihood of the visions to focus on
this was then assessed by a third member. This pro­
specific perceptions of nature, and for the resulting
cess went on until the codes were agreed by four
visions to capture a range of value perspectives. Some
coding members and then by the full author group.
correlation was observed, such as how the Econetlands
vision- the only group who had participants from the
Nature as Culture corner of the triangle- prominently
3. Results
captured aspects of traditional knowledge and indigen­
The four future worlds that arose during the vision­ ous ways of knowing. Similar themes were also reflected
ing process were called Anthropocene 2.0, Rural by Rural Transformers whose participants generally
Transformers, Econetlands and Iandé Etama and stood at Nature for Society corner. The Rural

Figure 2. The leverage points framework presented here uses Meadows’s 1999 “Places to Intervene in a System” to illustrate
that shallow leverage points (7-12) are concerned with changing parameters and feedback in a system whereas the deeper
leverage points (1-6) aim to change design and intent (See Abson et al., 2017). Examples of the seeds from the Youth workshop
are mapped onto the figure. The NFF triangle can be seen as the pivot that can shift along the lever to open up more radical
alternatives that can make it easier to find deep leverage points. The increasing size of triangles represents the increasing
deepness of the leverage. (Figure adapted from Fischers & Riechers, 2019).
332 S. RANA ET AL.

Figure 3. Graphical representation of the youth visions of positive nature futures a) Anthropocene 2.0; b) Rural transformers; c)
Econetlands; and d) Iandé Etama. Each representation includes an image of each mature seed, the tweet and the newspaper
headline describing what the world would look like in their positive future.

Transformers vision also included themes that suggest an the Nature for Nature corner was the only group to
instrumental value of nature for society – where people explicitly include aspects of protected areas, which are
value and conserve nature for a sustained flow of ecosys­ often established to conserve biodiversity for its intrinsic
tem services. Iandé Etama, whose participants stood at value.
Table 3. Summary of comparative analysis of the visions according to 18 identified general themes.
Themes Anthropocene 2.0 Rural Transformers Econetlands Iandé Etama
Technology Blockchain, virtual reality AI and drones Citizen science apps Self-driving cars, robots
Production of food Local production, equal access Artificial meat Local production, equal access Areas specifically designated to growing
and producing
Waste management Recycled and reusable products, sharing Bacteria for degrading plastics Recycled and reusable products, sharing and exchanging rather Recycled and reusable products, sharing
and exchanging rather than buying than buying and exchanging rather than buying
Green technologies Renewable energy Restoration strategies based on drones and AI, Energy Green energy and green infrastructure in cities Renewable energy
and Nature-based from plastic degrading bacteria
Economy Sharing economy Regenerative economic activity Circular economy Sharing economy
Sustainable Responsible consumption. Sharing, Responsible consumption Responsible consumption. Sharing, exchanging or recycling Responsible consumption. Sharing,
consumption exchanging or recycling rather than rather than buying products exchanging or recycling rather than
buying products buying products
Agricultural activities Household and urban production Drones for sowing seeds Agroecological communal farms Agriculture more efficient supported by
Nature-society Closer connections between people and Traditional knowledge is more valued. Closer Traditional knowledge is more valued. Closer connections Closer connections between people and
interaction nature connections between people and nature between people and nature nature
Participatory Not considered Communities are connected and value collaboration Agroecological communal farms, Participation of the most Community cooperatives, Community-
community on nature-based solutions and promote restoration vulnerable and marginalised groups owned power grids
development strategies
Social structure Just and inclusive society All are equal Empowered and informed society. Fairness, equity, Equal and empowered society
responsibility, accountability, and inclusivity are valued
Education Education supported by hi-tech tools Accessible education Not considered Education supported by hi-tech tools
Conservation of Not considered Restoration of degraded areas through AI-based Citizen science for mapping and monitoring biodiversity Conservation of species and ecosystems at
biodiversity and drones. global and local scales by protecting
ecosystems spared lands
Human rights Equal rights and non-discrimination Not considered Human rights to a clean and healthy environment of all, Equal rights and non-discrimination
including future generations; enhanced participation of
marginalised groups
Land tenancy Not considered Not considered Agroecological communal farms Community or privately-owned land and
community cooperatives
Governance Not considered Governance aimed at making people’s lives better Decentralized government. Empowered young people. Good governance and land sharing policies
Human health Fast, fatty, high sugar foods are obsolete. People live a healthy life Not considered Not considered
Intangible Cultural Not considered Restoration of degraded land by traditional and Traditional knowledge and biocultural diversity are recognised Not considered
Heritage indigenous people and valued
Urban and regional Improved planning across jurisdictional Not considered Greener areas and more connected to surrounding rural Areas designated for growing and
planning levels landscapes producing a handful of products
334 S. RANA ET AL.

3.1.1. Anthropocene 2.0 (coastal systems) individual greed. It was recognized that this positive
In this vision, transformative behavior change, in both and ambitious vision will need to be complemented
individuals and society as a whole, was considered the with innovative strategies and practical actions as well
key leverage point to sustaining nature in the long- as a stable population in order to ensure that everyone
term. People would value nature above their own does indeed have equal access to all of nature’s benefits.
materialistic goals, thereby rendering the need to
measure success by GDP, or individual wealth use­ 3.1.2. Rural transformers (rural landscapes)
less. Instead, a happiness index would be the wide­ The rural landscapes of the future world were ima­
spread metric used to measure success. It will be gined as a new age where rural areas are hubs of
a world of sharing where individual materialistic regenerative economic activity and value matters
ownership is non-existent. more than money. The laws and dynamics of
All used goods and services are recirculated back into human societies are more integrated with ecosystem
society; ‘once worn’ dresses are shared within their processes. With better and widely accessible educa­
communities, as is transport - driverless cars and flying tion, people also have a greater awareness. People
delivery vehiclesas well as shared bicycles and surf­ make a conscious choice of using only sustainable
boards - because health and fitness are as important as options. Science and technology have played a big
ever in this future! Renewable energy is the only option, role in this vision. Revolutionary innovations like lab-
single-use plastic is no longer used, and all products are grown meat and plastic-eating bacteria have helped in
recyclable and reusable, meaning there is no need to achieving a greener world. As meat is produced in
continue mining for coal, oil and gas (although mining laboratories in this world, people no longer prefer
is still needed for other goods such as solar photovoltaic keeping livestock. This lab-grown meat is now the
cells) and the ocean will be free of plastic. main source of protein for people. This has helped in
Technology will become an even more fundamen­ stopping deforestation, associated waste production,
tal part of decision-making processes in human socie­ greenhouse gas emissions and other negative impacts
ties as a key mechanism to meet human needs. which are driven by livestock rearing. The meat meets
Through virtual platforms run by blockchain technol­ all food safety standards, which makes it a safer and
ogy, it will be possible to articulate and organize the sustainable alternative, and hence preferable.
exchange of goods and services in a solidarity econ­ However, it also means that there are no longer
omy, as well as transport, food and energy produc­ livelihoods associated with the rearing of livestock.
tion. Whilst advanced education and specialist Using artificial intelligence (AI) and drones, degraded
consultation could be provided to remote areas via areas were identified and prioritized for restoration by
virtual reality, people will still appreciate human-to- spreading native tree species seeds. The restored forests
human connections. Technology supports a highly have helped in achieving greater biodiversity and also led
efficient economy, freeing up significant time for to better provision of ecosystem services. This requires
leisure activities, giving people the opportunity to working closely with the local communities, especially
cultivate art, culture, personal health, as well as their traditional and indigenous people who have immense
interpersonal and environmental relationships. knowledge about these native trees and through whom
People are able to spend greater amounts of time in the seeds are collected and fostered. This helped the
the coastal ecosystems surrounding their city; walking communities to value their connection with nature and
on the coast and diving in the ocean to enjoy the knowledge of it, and feel a sense of stewardship and
biodiversity. This will, in turn, lead to a greater hopefulness for nature. The drones are also used in farm­
human-nature connection. ing. Farmers can mix the seeds and sow using these
Household and urban production of fruits and vege­ drones; taking away the drudgery of non-mechanised
tables is the norm, with healthy products delivered to agriculture. Technology, in general, has helped them to
your door from urban green gardens. Fast, fatty, high save a lot of time and effort, which has led to a boost in
sugar foods are obsolete, as is obesity. The value of sustainable agriculture production.
‘sharing is caring’ means there is zero hunger; everyone Lab-modified plastic-eating bacteria have dramati­
has access to safe, affordable and nutritious food, with cally led to a reduction in the more persistent and
clean water. Food wastage is a thing of the past, with difficult to degrade non-biodegradable component of
more efficient and sustainable food and fibre solid waste. There is a reduction in pollution due to
production. less solid waste, pollution has reduced. Also, these
Greater accessibility and equality will be achieved by plastic-eating bacteria are the primary source of
optimizing production and consumption in cities, both clean energy in this world.
of food and goods, and improved planning across jur­ People-nature relationships have also greatly
isdictional levels. This equal and sustainable, ‘no person improved as a result. People see nature as the ultimate
is left behind’ utopian world is a possibility because system that they are part of. The value of land has also
environmental and human needs are put before changed in this world: land with high levels of

biodiversity is valued more than other areas. This also largely come directly from local producers, sustainable
gives people a reason to be happy as they feel that they clothing is the norm, and unsustainable options are
are not destroying the planet, and thus have a healthy phased out. There would be ways and technology avail­
life and a balanced environment to live in. The govern­ able to encourage repair rather than replacement.
ment also understands its people and their needs, Imagine having a ‘library’ for objects- wherein it would
respects their rights, and makes efforts to improve be possible and widely practised to simply borrow things
their lives. from a common place rather than buying new products,
thus reducing waste. More and more, products would be
3.1.3. Econetlands (cities) made with sustainability, durability, and re-usability in
This vision is rooted in a shift in societal values where mind.
people value fairness, equity, responsibility, accountabil­ In this future, nature is thriving. Cities are greener
ity, and inclusivity, which we believe are core values for with the use of green energy, technology, infrastruc­
determining how we value and use nature. The human ture, and designed to decrease the impact of cities on
right to a clean and healthy environment for all, includ­ the environment. Green spaces are valued and main­
ing future generations, is respected. Full and effective tained. Agroecological communal farming in urban
participation of the most vulnerable and marginalized areas is practised widely and has helped in achieving
groups, including youth, women, and indigenous peo­ food sovereignty. These self-governing lands are also
ples, are given greater attention as well as meaningful connected with each other. It is envisioned that
and non-tokenistic spaces in decision making. This increasing capacity to grow food locally could reduce
recognizes the important role they play in the conserva­ the negative impacts of long-distance transport, waste
tion of biodiversity. The value of indigenous and local from packaging, and unsustainable energy sources.
knowledge to a healthy planet is also recognized and This has helped in blurring the dichotomy between
respected. Young people are able to hold environmen­ rural and urban areas.
tally destructive individuals, companies, and govern­ People feel good about doing good and are happier
ments accountable through formal legislative because of it. People act, produce and consume in
mechanisms that have been put in place for them to consideration of other peoples’ needs and the well-
fight for their rights and the rights of future generations being of nature. Rather than money, power, eco­
to a healthy future. This has helped in achieving greater nomic gain, and development being the primary
transparency and accountability in governance. As goals, this vision would instead value happiness, well-
a result, it is a decentralized and citizen-led world being, and the integrity of our life-support system,
sustained by an empowered and informed citizenry. which is biodiversity. In this world, conserving bio­
People embrace and celebrate diversity and the very diversity is envisioned to be ingrained in our way of
things that make cultures and places unique. There is life.
also less of a divide between rich and poor because all
are living within a safe operating space for nature, and 3.1.4. Iandé Etama (rural landscapes)
this has meant a drastic reduction in consumption of Iandé Etama means ‘our land’ in Tupi, an indigenous
previously defined ‘luxury goods’. Brazilian language. In this vision, the rural landscapes
Communities are connected and value collabora­ are no longer synonymous with poverty, degradation
tion, which is manifested in the ways we come up and hardship, but are now centers of advancement
with nature-based solutions. These processes are and nature-human harmony. As basic human needs
facilitated and made easier through technology and are taken care of easily, the countryside has repopu­
applications that, for example, gather data on world­ lated due to reverse migration, and there is neither no
wide flora and fauna and monitor our environment longer financial disparity nor stigma attached to liv­
through citizen science. These have not only got ing in town or country. People live comfortably, with
people interested in nature again but to some extent excess consumerism replaced by high quality, sustain­
have also helped to bridge the ‘disconnect’ from nat­ able luxuries and ready access to travel opportunities.
ure that often comes with the growing use of tech­ High-quality education is easily available to all. Using
nology, especially in cities where there is less nature hi-tech tools like holograms, you can have a life-like
to be found. With the increased access to technology projection of a teacher from any part of the world to
also comes the ease of communication. Relevant teach you and this has helped to spread a global
information is able to reach more people so that appreciation of diverse cultures.
they can make more informed decisions and actions. Goods move freely and easily, meaning that land
However, to ensure the privacy and the management planning can be conducted at an international level,
of other associated risks, there are safeguards as well. with regions designated to growing and producing
This world has transitioned into a circular economy, a handful of products for which they are most suited.
which relies on fair trade practices. People consume Networks of automated electric vehicles carry people
things sustainably, mindfully, and responsibly. Goods from one side of the world to another in hours, using
336 S. RANA ET AL.

the local community-run power grids. Enough clean were envisioned independently from each other and
renewable energy is generated from them to meet all using different seeds, all of them had certain common­
energy demands round the year. We have successfully alities between them, yet in certain aspects, they were
phased out fossil fuels. Alongside the increased speed different. We identified 18 general themes or key points
of travel, people readily mix at a global scale, and related to socio-economic, political and environmental
racial segregation has become a thing of the past. sectors from analysing each vision (Table 3, See Table S2
The community has the voice and power in this in the appendix for a more detailed version). The rele­
future to take decisions regarding development and vance of some of the themes was partly related to the
natural resources management. Everyone has an design of the visioning exercise, which was built around
equal representation as discrimination is no longer seeds focusing on a combination of technological, social,
accepted, or ignored. environmental, economic and political aspects.
Technological advancement has made our lives All the four visions were based on the principle of
easier and more efficient with robots doing all the a different economic paradigm to what we experience
labour-intensive work. People do not have to work as now. Economic growth is exchanged for economies
much as they do now and have more free time to that are driven by common values of respecting nat­
spend on travelling, looking after themselves, or ure’s limits and collective interest. A fundamental
exploring something new. The efficiency in agricul­ shift from consumerism to post-consumerism has
tural production means that large natural areas, led to people making a conscious choice for sustain­
including areas of high endemism, can be spared as able and responsible options. Communities believe in
protected areas, with additional buffer zones and sharing, exchanging, recycling or reusing to minimize
connectivity corridors given over to recreational use consumption and thus waste. However, these goals
or less intensive production, such as low-intensity are achieved in different ways in the various visions.
cattle grazing or shade-grown coffee. Private property There is also a close connection between people and
and land-ownership still underpin the land tenure nature in all four visions, which is facilitated by the
system, however, community co-operatives are now revival of biodiversity and green spaces (cleaner oceans
dominant due to the support given by the govern­ in Anthropocene 2.0; restored forests in Rural
ment. The community is responsible for taking care Transformers; urban green spaces in Econetlands; ende­
of the land that they share and use. Facilitated by mic area protected under land sparing scheme in Iandé
good governance and strong land-sharing policies that Etama), technology (technology has freed up more time
ensure technical and technological expertise, there are for people to connect with nature in Iandé Etama and
no fights for land and everyone has equal access to it. Anthropocene 2.0; citizen science apps in Econetlands),
Our land is more connected and productive. This has shift in values (protecting nature rather than exploiting
helped to bring biodiversity back from the brink of it, more towards ecocentrism in all four) and education
another mass extinction and into our backyards. (Anthropocene 2.0, Rural Transformers and Iandé
Conservation of species and ecosystems is greatly Etama).
improved at global and local scales; as a result, the Technology is central to all the visions, but it plays
extinction rate has declined to its lowest in a different role in each of them. There were notable
5,000 years. Our environment is much cleaner and differences related to the type of technology (block­
healthier to live in. chain, virtual reality, artificial intelligence, drones,
This world follows a sharing-based economy and citizen science apps, self-driving cars, robots and
exchange is the new way to get things. Attitudes to biotechnology) used under different contexts to
production and economics have changed from sup­ monitor biodiversity, produce food, manage waste,
porting competition and growth to collaboration for restore ecosystems, improve education or share
increased efficiency. The wealth of resources available knowledge and information. All the groups also envi­
from this economic model means that people no sioned the application of green technology, green
longer compete with each other, cultural boundaries infrastructures, nature-based solutions or renewable
are less important, and aggressive nationalism is no energy for cleaner environments, and development is
longer accepted. Financial security from the new eco­ no longer based on the exploitation of natural
nomic model and a sustainable lifestyle derived from resources (renewable energy in Anthropocene 2.0
cultural and lifestyle changes have helped in achiev­ and Iandé Etama; Green energy and infrastructure
ing nature to be viewed as a vital part of the commu­ in Econetlands; lab-grown meat and modified plastic-
nity to celebrate and be proud of. eating bacteria in Rural Transformers). Technology is
also largely responsible for enabling people to enjoy
more free time (especially in Iandé Etama and
3.2. Comparison of visions across themes
Anthropocene 2.0), which allows them not only to
All the visions developed in the workshop aimed to reconnect with each other and enjoy what it means to
reach sustainable and equitable societies. Although they be human but also to connect with the environment.

On the other hand, food production was differently 4. Discussion

envisioned under each of the four visions. Some visions
4.1. Archetypes
were focused on collaborative farming and local pro­
duction distributed in a more equitable and accessible We contextualized the four visions within the scenario
way (Anthropocene 2.0 and Econetlands) while other archetypes used in the IPBES regional assessment pro­
creative visions suggested that technology could be cess to synthesise and harmonise the analysis of existing
a revolutionary innovation to lead positive changes in regional and global scenarios (See Sitas et al. 2019). As
agriculture (Rural Transformers and Iandé Etama). In this was such an important organising principle for
Anthropocene 2.0 and Econetlands, local production of IPBES scenarios work, it is important to see what addi­
food is mainly driven by the aim of making urban tional contributions this visioning process based on the
centers self-sufficient in food and reducing the cost of Nature Futures Framework can make for future assess­
transport and distance, and waste. Econetlands was ments. Since all the visions developed at the workshop
also the only group to acknowledge agroecological were framed as ‘desirable’ in focusing solely on the
communal farms for sustainable and healthy food pro­ positive aspects of reaching sustainable and equitable
duction. In Iandé Etama, efficiency of agricultural lands societies, the scenario archetypes relevant for these
has been increased by technology, especially robots, visions are particularly Regional Sustainability and
which do most of the labour work such that some Global Sustainable Development (IPBES 2016).
amount of land can be spared even with intensive Regional Sustainability envisions a regionalised world
cultivation. In Rural Transformers, the revolutionary with a shift towards local and regional decision-making
innovation of lab-grown meat has completely replaced motivated by increasingly environmentally aware citi­
animal meat as a major source of protein, leading to zens, focusing on welfare, equality and environmental
a decline in livestock rearing. protections through local solutions. In contrast, Global
While Rural Transformers suggested bacteria Sustainable Development envisions a globalised world
for degrading plastic, the other visions saw plastic steered by policy-makers proactive in environmental
as ‘something from the past’, with no single-use issues through high levels of regulation and strong
plastic in the world any more. This implies multi-level governance, behavioural change through
a fundamental difference in the management of education and technological change.
waste by Rural Transformers to the other groups, Two of the Youth Workshop visions, Anthropocene
allowing at some point the production of goods 2.0 and Econetlands, closely resembled the Regional
made from plastic with the possibility of using Sustainability archetype, emphasising changes in
technology for degradation and possible re-use of values, localised decision-making and local food pro­
this material. Additionally, the group proposes duction. However, the archetype assumes slow tech­
energy generation from the process of plastic nological development, whilst Anthropocene 2.0 and
degradation by bacteria, highlighting that all of Econetlands envisage highly technologically sophisti­
the life cycle of plastic goods is used for the cated societies, emphasising the use of virtual reality
benefit of society. and data-driven approaches to sustain sharing econo­
The recognition of traditional knowledge and the mies. While bottom-up and top-down technology-
active participation of the most vulnerable and mar­ driven innovation is an important part of the solutions
ginalised groups in decision making is emphasised mix of the future, it is also important to reflect that it
by Econetlands. This vision differs from the other can also generate undesired sustainability outcomes,
groups in the nature-society interactions and in such as further social inequalities (e.g. the digital
participatory community development themes divide). The use and implications of new-age technol­
because inclusivity is explicitly taken into considera­ ogies for social innovation are still understudied, and it
tion. However, inclusivity is assumed in all of the is critical to ensure these technologies are upholding
visions regarding broader aspects, such as societal the principles of fairness, accountability, and transpar­
organisation. Econetlands emphasised communal ency (Gupta et al. 2019). In addition, these discussions
and cooperative land tenancy arrangements, con­ could be nuanced with philosophical reflections from
ventional private lands were envisioned by Iandé currents such as accelerationism (Sharzer 2018). In
Etama. The other groups did not reference land contrast, Regional Sustainability archetype focuses on
tenancy, however, the communal and sharing econ­ environmentally aware citizens and higher intrinsic
omy is assumed for all of the goods, which might and relational values of nature, while the
also include land. Anthropocene 2.0 and Econetlands imagine future
Finally, human health and cultural heritage were communities who understand sustainability and envir­
topics described more in-depth only by Anthropocene onmental harmony as key contributors to happiness
2.0 and Econetlands, respectively. All of the themes, as and equity, replacing GDP as measures of societal
envisioned by each group, is shown in Table 3. success. Already there are promising proposals for
338 S. RANA ET AL.

alternative measures of societal progress, which con­ approach by which ‘rapid technological progress pre­
sider more than just turnover of goods and services in sents the sole means by which to avoid dangerous
a given economy, such as the Genuine Progress climate change and ensure human welfare’ (Isenhour
Indicator (Costanza et al. 2014) and happiness index, 2016). These are critical challenges to sustainable devel­
reported in the annual World Happiness Report of the opment underpinning current pledges for a new
United Nations (Helliwell et al. 2019). Sustainable Development Goal to ensure that the trans­
The two remaining visions, Iandé Etama and Rural formative power of the digital age truly supports people,
Transformers- seem to be similar to the Global planet, prosperity and peace (see Luers 2020;
Sustainable Development archetype. They emphasise FutureEarth 2020). Furthermore, rather than advocat­
strong multi-level governance, high levels of regula­ ing for a state-directed innovation system to provide
tion, a global shift away from meat consumption and global public goods within the realms of a capitalist
a focus on renewable energy production. The biggest economy that in essence further separates humans
difference lies in the limitations of these changes. from nature (Symons and Karlsson 2018), the visions
Whilst the archetype discusses ‘moderate economic explicitly deal with alternative economic systems,
development’ and ‘low availability of luxury goods’, engaged citizenship and diverse values for nature.
the Youth Workshop visions do not problematise the
access to resources that would be required to maintain
4.2. Linking youth perspectives to leverage
access to renewable energy, and instead focus on how
technologies, such as plastic degrading bacteria, can
help to overcome these constraints through recycling The starting seeds (Table 2) in each vision included
and reuse- a concept that is central to all the visions. a range of leverage points and later in the process,
These worlds have an increased emphasis on regula­ these translated into a set of more fundamental lever­
tions creating greater land-use and food production age points at the heart of each vision (Table 4). The
efficiencies, highlighted by Iandé Etama imagining seeds included proposals on the structure of flows
globally organised farming and Rural Transformers and stocks of materials and information as well as
not having livestock production. deeper aspects, such as improving the self-
The interesting role that technological advancement organisation of the system, changes in legal rules
plays in all the visions is an important addition to the and regulations and, indirectly, changes in economic
standard archetypes approach. The only explicit refer­ and cultural paradigms. Through the interaction of
ence to a technological future world is in the ‘Techno- the seeds and the participants during the visioning
garden’ description of the Millennium Ecosystem process, the resultant visions also centre around key
Assessment. It describes a ‘globally connected world, leverage points that relate directly to ongoing debates
relying strongly on environmentally sound technology, in the sustainability literature on what pathways and
using highly managed, often engineered, ecosystems to interventions are required to achieve a better future
deliver ecosystem services, and taking a proactive for people and the planet (Table 4). Although each of
approach in the management of ecosystems in an effort the visions started with a group who had an affinity
to avoid problems’ (MEA 2005). for one part of the triangle, all of the visions ended up
These youth visions go substantially further in recog­ acknowledging diverse values for nature. This could
nising the positive role that technology could play in be attributed to the participants themselves having
creating a more sustainable future. However, there is diverse values for nature. This would make sense as
also scope for a critical analysis of these to ensure that they were pre-selected to participate in the workshop
they are not purely perceived as techno-optimist, but because of their commitment to nature and biodiver­
that they carry a much wider range of values for nature, sity conservation. However, using the triangle as
especially recognising relational value for nature (see a starting point may also have triggered the partici­
Chan et al. 2016; West et al. 2018). It would be inter­ pants to think more broadly about diverse nature
esting to have further research on more diverse groups values. Further research and more case studies are
of millennials to see whether technology plays required in order to analyse this more definitively.
a significant role in their visions of more sustainable Of the deeper leverage points in each vision, core
futures. Research has shown that millennials are much components included the need for alternative econo­
more connected to and comfortable with technology mies and new metrics that recognise well-being and
than previous generations (Keene and Handrich 2010; happiness, moving beyond simply economic growth,
Serres 2014; Circella et al. 2016). This could potentially and proposing a post-monetary economy. These sug­
be a hallmark for how the youth envision the future, gestions echo other broader conversations in the litera­
how technology often plays a big role in their visions ture and public, such as the doughnut economics
and how to overcome the sustainability challenges asso­ model, or genuine progress indicator, inclusive wealth
ciated with it. However, it is important to emphasise index, and others (Costanza et al. 2014; Polasky et al.
that none of the visions advocates for an ecomodernist 2015; Ede 2016; Raworth 2017). Some of this thinking

talks directly to ongoing debates about what kind of

Land sharing- sparing continuum: the agricultural efficiency leaves space for nature to thrive, but people also return to rural areas and live
economy is preferable for a sustainable future with

Inclusive governance and full participation of all citizens, particularly ensuring effective participation of marginalised groups including
some recent publications suggesting degrowth and
other alternative economic models are critical in order
to halt biodiversity losses (Hinton and Maclurcan 2017;
D’Alessandro et al. 2020; Otero et al. 2020). Other deep
leverages revolved around new governance structures
and institutions, tackling issues such as intergenera­
tional justice (Johnston et al. 2020) and inclusive plan­
ning and management (Fischer et al. 2014). These
leverages would change property rights laws that cur­
rently allow large corporations to own much of the

Decoupled economy- not growth and competition, but collaboration for increased efficiency
Highly technological world, but technology deployed to foster human-nature relationships world’s natural resources, and therefore, hinder the

Ecomodernist approach to enable access to goods and experiences (Robots, VR teaching)

cooperation needed to address sustainability challenges.
The hyper-connectivity proposed in some of the
Sharing economy premised on durability rather than growth and is mainly local
Key leverage points

visions is currently manifesting in various forms

Behaviour change underpinned by optimised production and consumption

facilitated by the internet and other platforms and is

Intergenerational justice spearheaded by youth environmental movements

already affecting different cultures and languages in

ways that may not be obvious right now. Therefore, it
is an open question whether it would be possible to
Technology used to enable a circular and solidarity economy

have connectivity as global citizens and also maintain

local biocultural diversity (Pereira et al. 2018;
Raudsepp-Hearne et al. 2019). The complex analysis
Regenerative economy and post-monetary society
Table 4. Visions and their key leverage points as they relate to ongoing discussions and their position on the triangle.

of telecoupling- for example how demand in one part

indigenous peoples, women, and youth

of the world drives environmental degradation in

another part- is a cutting-edge area of sustainability
New metrics, e.g. Happiness index

science research (Liu et al. 2013). Highlighting this in

the visions opens this up as a critical area for science
and policy to engage.
All of the visions offered alternative patterns of
development with technology as central in all of them
close to nature

but manifested in different ways. In Anthropocene 2.0

and Econetlands, technology was generally used to
drive circular and solidarity economies, whereas, in
Rural Transformers it was used to foster closer human-
nature connections (Kahn et al. 2009). In contrast,
Iandé Etama tended towards a more eco-modernist
Rural landscapes

Rural landscapes
Coastal systems

approach where technology was deployed to enable

better access to resources and experiences but was
decoupled from natural resource use.
Nature as Culture; Middle of the Cities

One key question with any new suggestion for policy

or innovation or change is how it is going to be imple­
Position on the triangle

mented. Various modes of collaboration exist, from

which lessons can be drawn. For example, the recent
Middle of the triangle

collaborative process to enable the IPBES and IPCC

Nature for Society

Nature for Nature

communities to work together potentially provides an

opportunity to develop more actionable outputs for

governments to take up. Such discussions are also rele­

vant in the ongoing processes under the Convention on
Biological Diversity (CBD), particularly in the develop­
ment of the Post-2020 global biodiversity framework,
which is set to outline global action targets to address
Rural Transformers
Anthropocene 2.0

biodiversity loss for the next decades as a follow up to

the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011–2020. Other
Iandé Etama

examples include the roles of environmental move­


ments in driving social innovation in the food system


(Pereira et al. 2019a; Stringer et al. 2020).

340 S. RANA ET AL.

More work is needed to develop pathways to iden­ However, the participants found the process challen­
tify how these visions could be enabled, and what ging and the given time frame insufficient to capture
trade-offs and conflicts might arise. For example, feedback and tensions in the visions. The seeds
there is a growing literature emphasising the ‘dark approach is highly adaptable to work across different
side’ of transformation where the risks associated time frames (from 1day to a 5-day process), but this
with transformation are highlighted, such as not tak­ does mean the resulting visions will have slightly
ing into account power dynamics and putting the different outcomes. We acknowledge these methodo­
burden of change on the most vulnerable (Blythe logical differences and do not assume that all result­
et al. 2018). This can be true of all transformations, ing visions are directly comparable.
whether innovations are designed for incremental or More work is also required to see how much of an
radical change (E.g. Szekely and Strebel 2013), and is influence the NFF has in framing the group discus­
ever more important to consider when referencing sions, whether it is useful as a heuristic device for
deliberate transformations towards sustainability (See analysing diverse perspectives and for getting partici­
O’Brien 2012; Moore et al. 2014: Iwaniec et al. 2019 pants to reflect on the multiple values of nature that
for more on deliberate transformations). It is not in the participants hold. Further adaptation of the meth­
the scope of this paper to analyse the pathways of ods is important to be able to see how to ensure
getting to the visions described by the four groups, a genuine collection of positive nature futures can
however, it is important to emphasise that the ‘how’ be generated from participatory processes at the glo­
to get somewhere is as important as the ‘what’ bal level. The more case studies there are that make
towards which we aim to transform. A deeper analy­ use of the seeds approach and NFF, and explicitly
sis of the pathways, highlighting what would actually employ different ways of choosing the initial seeds
need to change to get to these futures, their potential will allow for a more rigorous interpretation of the
conflicts and repercussions, is an important next step resulting visions (See Pereira et al. 2020). Also, we
in using these visions to open up discussions about suggest that more studies following the seeds
enabling a diversity of desirable futures for the planet. approach also focus on including discussions on feed­
back and tensions that might arise from the interac­
tion in the imagined future world.
4.3. Limitations, learnings and future
Another limitation comes from the composition of
the participants in terms of regional and gender bal­
One of the limiting aspects to highlight is that while ance, sufficient representation of knowledge systems
the prominence of themes (e.g. technology) in the apart from science, and their interests and expertise.
youth visions illustrates issues of importance for the We acknowledge that achieving better representation in
community of youth change-makers, this may also terms of these aspects would have produced richer
have been influenced by the visioning method, which visions and discussions that reflect more realities. The
predetermined the topics to discuss. In this study, the themes represented in the visions are due to the inter­
visioning exercise was framed around the Nature ests and expertise of the workshop participants and
Futures Framework and set up around three seeds. uncovering alternative deep leverages could be related
To a certain extent, these topics became central to the to disciplines not represented in this group of partici­
resulting visions and were given more attention than pants; or even due to limited time available to explore
the original group themes. This could have resulted the deeper implications of each vision, especially the
from the constraints imposed on the groups to ensure feedbacks. Future regional workshops could be devel­
that they discussed across the technological, social- oped in order to address more local perspectives in
environmental and economic-political domains. And order to develop more representative regional and glo­
even though each group has more affinity to one bal futures. Broader participation of sectors and disci­
value of nature, all four visions held a combination plines should be sought and encouraged, such as by
of value perspectives. Despite this, the approach was actively involving youth from indigenous peoples and
designed as a means through which to create partici­ local communities, social movements, policy, varied
pant buy-in to the process, whilst still generating academic fields, and grass-root organisations and, as is
positive nature future visions within time constraints. often the case for such processes, more time can be
This methodological approach allowed the work­ allocated to ensure a deeper discussion.
shop participants to focus and discuss certain aspects Finally, it is important to emphasise that this work is
of the positive futures more in-depth, but it did lead in no way meant to represent the diverse voices of the
the final narratives in a particular direction. With not global youth. Rather, it is meant as a starting point for
enough focus given on capturing tensions and feed­ more such initiatives to take place, maybe led by the
backs in many scenario approaches (van Vuuren et al. participants themselves in their respective communities.
2012; Raudsepp-Hearne et al. 2019; Hamann et al. However, there is learning from this workshop on how to
2020), we attempted to include them in this exercise. invest in participatory processes that tap into the vast

potential of young people, including researchers. The knowledge, values and expertise) to maximise their
process in this workshop was unique in that the facil­ impact and outcomes. It is critical that as many
itators and participants were all classified as millennials diverse youth visions as possible are incorporated in
(Generation Y). This means that the process was com­ the future generation of scenarios and main decision-
pletely youth-led and almost all the author team of this making processes to benefit.
paper are early career researchers and practitioners.
Although it seems that up to now, there has been little
space for the voices of the youth to be clearly articulated
5. Conclusion
in intergovernmental processes, initiatives for early
career researchers in global sustainability programs has The advent of the Anthropocene- the age in which
recently become one way to engage youth and to connect humans have become the dominant force of change
their visions with scientific assessments (Lim et al. 2017). on the planet- brings with it the challenge of how to
However, Jørgensen et al. (2019) argue that some initia­ imagine what a radically different, more just, equi­
tives so far have had an emphasis on youth, but not made table and sustainable world could be (Bennett et al.
an explicit connection with the increasingly organised 2016). Looking 100 years ahead is not an easy task,
early career researcher community as a whole. This is and especially as millennials, it looks quite bleak.
a challenge to be addressed by the scientific community Given the rise in far-right political movements that
in order to contribute to a sustainable future for the next do not have equity and sustainability concerns at the
generations. heart of their manifestos (Muradian and Pascual
A key finding of this process was that engaging 2020), this is an important time for the youth to be
early career professionals in participatory visioning able to counter such political path dependencies
exercises is of extreme relevance in the political- with more hopeful alternatives. However, the youth
scientific context of coproduction of science and are often forgotten in terms of involvement in both
solutions. With growing exposure to a diverse world shaping the narrative and participating in the solu­
along with a familiarity with emerging communica­ tions for building a more desirable future. In these
tion and engagement technologies, young voices can visions, we have laid out a set of possible visions of
bring perspectives that might not always be captured the future- we know that none of them will actually
by senior scientists (Lambini and Heubach 2017; come about, but by engaging in such a creative
Hackenburg et al. 2019). Through this work we exercise, it is possible to chart the course for
have made a first step towards including youth voices a better future. These stories that we draw on in
in envisioning a better world, which also feeds into our time of need will determine the direction that
the ongoing IPBES work on scenarios and modelling. we take (Evans 2017). We, therefore, need to ima­
Imagining more positive futures and steering institu­ gine a better set of futures for the people and the
tions to pursue them is a powerful tool to engage planet so that we can affect better choices in the
youth in shaping the future of their societies (Nilsson present.
et al. 2019). Geographical and gender balance, the Decisions being made in global environmental gov­
inclusion of a broad range of disciplines, world- ernance arenas such as the UNFCCC and the CBD, as
views, and knowledge systems, as well as representa­ well as all other levels of governance, need to take the
tion from indigenous peoples and local communities, voices of young people very seriously and actively include
are increasingly recognized as crucial in sustainability those whose chance at a safe, clean, healthy, and sustain­
initiatives (Turnhout et al. 2012; Tengö et al. 2014; able future with a good quality of life rests largely in the
Lim et al. 2017). Future vision building initiatives hands of decision-makers of today. As the 16-year-old
should aspire to reach such representation. In this Swedish climate change activist Greta Thunberg
sense, it is urgent to identify the absent youth voices addressed the United Nations in September 2019:
and make sure that their future visions are repre­ “You are failing us. But young people are starting
sented (Jørgensen et al. 2019). to understand your betrayal. The eyes of all future
IPBES is making sincere efforts in bridging the gap generations are upon you. And if you choose to fail
between different stakeholders and world-views and us, I say: We will never forgive you.
engaging them through its increasingly inclusive and We will not let you get away with this. Right here,
participatory initiatives with a focus on early-career right now is where we draw the line. The world is waking
scientists (the youth with scientific knowledge) (Díaz- up. And change is coming, whether you like it or not.”
Reviriego et al. 2019). By learning from this first We offer these visions as a starting point for open­
Youth workshop, more diverse youth can be reached ing up the conversation about what desirable futures
out through similar workshops in other regions of the might look like from the perspective of young people.
world under the capacity building program of IPBES. We urge others to undertake their own visioning
However, these workshops definitely need to be tai­ processes to enrich the set of diverse stories that the
lored to suit the diversity (in terms of demography, youth is able to tell about the future that they want.
342 S. RANA ET AL.

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