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Bringing Psychotherapy to Primary Care: Innovations and

Cynthia L. Alexander, Diane B. Arnkoff, and Carol R. Glass, Department of Psychology,
The Catholic University of America

The segregation of mental health treatment and primary anachronistic on a theoretical level. That it may also
medical care in our health care system is increasingly have outlived its usefulness on a practical level is dem-
recognized as anachronistic, as a majority of patients onstrated by evidence that many individuals who seek
with psychosocial problems are turning to primary care mental health care do so from primary care providers
providers. Accordingly, the development and dissemina-
(Kessler et al., 2005; Norquist & Regier, 1996). In
developing countries with severe shortages of mental
tion of evidence-based psychotherapeutic interventions
health professionals and a lack of organized mental
compatible with the constraints of primary care is
health services, the integration of mental health services
becoming increasingly urgent. This article discusses the
within primary care is increasingly recognized as essen-
importance of finding feasible ways to bring psycho-
tial to the accessibility of treatment for mental illness
therapy to primary care, examines interventions either (World Health Organization, 2008). As it becomes
specifically adapted for primary care or consistent with clear that researchers and clinicians from both primary
its constraints, assesses the compatibility of these inter- care and specialized mental health settings must find
ventions with the primary care environment, considers ways to adapt to the changing health care landscape, a
barriers inhibiting the widespread integration of such large body of literature is developing that examines the
interventions into primary care, and discusses future possibilities for integrating mental health treatment
directions. with primary medical care.
Key words: behavioral health care, integrated primary This article specifically focuses on the integration of
care, primary care, psychotherapy. [Clin Psychol Sci Prac
psychotherapy in primary care. While psychotherapy is
by no means the only service that the psychology field
17: 191–214, 2010]
has to offer in primary care settings, it remains an
At the dawn of the 21st century, a paradigm change is integral component of evidence-based and guideline-
emerging in which previously drawn lines of demar- consistent treatment for most mental disorders (American
cation between the mind and the brain are giving way Psychiatric Association, 2000) and is preferred to phar-
(Beitman & Saveanu, 2005), making the demarcation macotherapy by a majority of patients (Churchill et al.,
between mental health care and primary medical care 2000; Unützer et al., 2003). Accordingly, a crucial
in Western health care systems seem increasingly component of the integration of mental health care
and primary medical care is the development and dis-
semination of evidence-based psychosocial treatments
Address correspondence to Cynthia L. Alexander, Depart-
that are specifically designed to be compatible with
ment of Psychology, The Catholic University of America,
the constraints and competing demands of the primary
O’Boyle Hall, Room 314, Washington, DC 20064. E-mail:
care system (Coyne, Thompson, Klinkman, & Nease,

 2010 American Psychological Association. Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc., on behalf of the American Psychological Association.
All rights reserved. For permissions, please email: 191
2002; Gray, Brody, & Johnson, 2005). Several authors Johnson, Unützer, Sherbourne, Tang, & Wells, 2001;
have recently provided useful reviews of various Jaycox et al., 2003).
aspects of the developing literature on psychotherapy Studies consistently show that a dishearteningly low
in primary care (Cabassa & Hansen, 2007; Hemmings, percentage of patients are receiving appropriate treat-
2000; Raue & Schulberg, 2005; Roth & Fonagy, ment for psychological disorders, especially in primary
2005; Skultety & Zeiss, 2006; Wolf & Hopko, 2008). care settings (Wang, Berglund, & Kessler, 2000; Wang
However, these reviews have not focused on the et al., 2005; Young, Klap, Sherbourne, & Wells,
compatibility of the interventions they discuss with 2001). Many patients remain untreated, and much
primary care goals and the challenges that must be treatment falls below accepted standards of care, espe-
addressed in order for these interventions to achieve cially for minorities and those without insurance cover-
widespread acceptance in primary care settings. age for mental health care (Wang et al., 2000, 2005). A
Robinson (2005) submits that most evidence-based cross-sectional national survey conducted by Young
mental health treatments in their traditional forms are et al. (2001) found that, of patients seeking treatment
unlikely to work well in a primary care setting, with for a probable anxiety or mood disorder, 80.5% of
its very different patient populations and philosophies those treated only by a primary care physician, 11.4%
of care. This article discusses the importance of find- of those treated only by a mental health specialist, and
ing feasible ways to bring psychotherapy to primary 10.1% of those treated by both did not receive appro-
care, examines a range of psychotherapeutic interven- priate care (defined in reference to relevant treatment
tions that are either specifically tailored for primary guidelines).
care or consistent with its constraints, assesses the The situation is even more dire in the developing
compatibility of these interventions with primary care world, where mental health care can be scarce when it is
goals, and discusses barriers that have prevented offered at all (Saxena, Thornicroft, Knapp, & Whiteford,
the widespread integration of mental health services 2007; Wang et al., 2007). The World Health Organi-
into primary care. zation (WHO), in a 2001 World Health Report
devoted to mental health, called for global and national
WHY INTEGRATION OF MENTAL HEALTH CARE AND PRIMARY initiatives to address the lack of adequate mental health
MEDICAL CARE MATTERS resources and inequalities in access to care. The Report
Many have described primary care as the current de offers ten recommendations; the first, described as a
facto mental health system in the United States (Strosahl, fundamental step, is to provide treatment for mental dis-
1996, 1998; Unützer, Schoenbaum, Druss, & Katon, orders in primary care (World Health Organization,
2006). Indeed, national epidemiological and other stud- 2001, p. 110). Among the advantages cited in the
ies indicate that about half of those seeking treatment Report are providing access to care for the largest
for mental disorders seek help from primary care pro- number of people, reducing stigma, improving screen-
viders alone (Kessler et al., 2005; Norquist & Regier, ing and treatment of mental disorders, and improving
1996). The use of specialty mental health care appears the treatment of physical disorders for those with men-
to be falling, whereas the use of primary care providers tal illness as well as the psychological aspects of physical
for mental health needs is rising (Olfson et al., 2002; illness.
Wang et al., 2006). Yet even those who seek help In the United States, the President’s New Freedom
from primary care providers tend to prefer psychother- Commission on Mental Health issued a report in 2003
apy to medication for the treatment of mental disorders that made similar findings and conclusions. The
(Brody, Khaliq, & Thompson, 1997; Churchill et al., Commission reported that the American mental health
2000; Unützer et al., 2003). Nonetheless, even when system remains fragmented, and that mental health
barriers such as cost and inconvenience are minimized problems are not adequately addressed in primary care
or even eliminated, a small percentage of patients actu- settings (New Freedom Commission on Mental
ally follow through with referrals to specialized mental Health, 2003). The Report noted that mental disorders
health care (Coyne & Thompson, 2003; Dwight- are underdiagnosed and undertreated in primary care,

that most individuals with common mental disorders collaboration between providers, and an integrated mis-
do not receive appropriate treatment in primary care, sion. Co-location, Strosahl says, is more than a matter
and that referrals to mental health specialists are often of physical location; behavioral health specialists must
not completed due to barriers including lack of practice as members of the primary care team. Accord-
available specialists, insurance restrictions, and stigma. ing to Strosahl, collaborative care that merely places a
The Commission recommended that evidence-based mental health provider who continues to provide tradi-
collaborative care models that include consultations tional mental health treatment in the primary care set-
between primary care providers and mental health spe- ting can perpetuate the continued separation of mental
cialists be implemented in primary care and reimbursed health and physical health care and the accompanying
by insurers. problems and barriers to care. For care to be truly inte-
grated, Strosahl suggests, a philosophical shift is
INTEGRATED PRIMARY CARE required so that behavioral health is viewed as a front-
Primary care providers and mental health specialists line feature of primary care. The behavioral health pro-
can collaborate in many ways, from merely exchan- vider would thus become a part of the primary care
ging information to working collaboratively to deliver team, whose cost is built into the cost of primary care
services (Blount, 1998). Integrated primary care is a term services and whose care is billed as a medical service
used to describe treatment models at the most collab- just as laboratory services are billed. Strosahl describes
orative end of the spectrum, where mental health care such changes as a reengineering of the health care system
and primary medical care are blended in a primary (p. 165).
health care setting, with providers working as a uni- Gallo and Coyne (2000), like Strosahl, caution that
fied team, often with a single treatment plan for each specialty mental health providers cannot expect to
patient (Blount, 1998). One well-developed model of import their work wholesale without modifications
integrated care is the Primary Care Behavioral Health into the primary care setting, and that merely locating
Model, in which behavioral health providers deliver mental health providers in primary care may be overly
brief consultative interventions and co-manage beha- simplistic. In recent years, the innovative efforts of
vioral health conditions in a primary care clinic as researchers from both primary care and mental health
part of a primary health care team (Robinson, 2005; disciplines have begun to establish an evidence base for
Robinson & Reiter, 2007; Strosahl, 1996, 1997, psychosocial interventions that are workable within the
2000). Collaborative care is another term frequently constraints of primary care settings. Such interventions
used to refer to multidisciplinary approaches that inte- are examined below.
grate primary care and specialty care, including mental
health care. Such integrated or collaborative care PSYCHOTHERAPEUTIC INTERVENTIONS IN PRIMARY CARE
models are the subject of an ample body of research Robinson (2005) identified several goals to guide the
and commentary, and evidence for their effectiveness development and adaptation of empirically supported
(which is beyond the scope of this article) is substan- treatments that may be feasibly implemented in primary
tial (e.g., Blount, 1998; Gilbody, Bower, Fletcher, care. First, she recommends that such treatments should
Richards, & Sutton, 2006; Oxman, Dietrich, & embrace the primary care philosophy of population-
Schulberg, 2005; Simon et al., 2001; Strosahl, 1997, based care designed to be accessible by a large percent-
1998, 2000). age of the population rather than the more intensive
In the midst of the growing interest in integrated individual client-centered care typical in the specialized
care, Strosahl (1998) sounds a warning. He argues that mental health sector. The remaining goals follow from
the plethora of integrated care models being developed this philosophy. Treatment protocols should provide a
lack an underlying philosophical or system design basis, range of interventions that permit treatment of patients
and that integrated care cannot move into the main- with varying symptom levels, including subthreshold
stream without more focus on three themes: co-loca- symptoms, as well as patients with diverse ethnic and
tion of mental health and primary care services, demographic backgrounds and those with comorbid


medical and mental disorders. To ensure adequate Six sessions are recommended for the treatment of
patient adherence, treatment length and intensity depression; fewer may be feasible for anxiety and
should be reduced, ideally to between four and six adjustment disorders (Mynors-Wallis, 2005). The pur-
30-min sessions, and should include psychoeducation pose of the treatment is not to resolve all of the
and self-management skill components. Service delivery patient’s problems, but rather to use the problems as a
should be flexible enough to be delivered in various means for teaching effective problem-solving skills
formats, such as in groups, by telephone, or individu- (Mynors-Wallis et al., 1995; Williams et al., 2000).
ally. Interventions should include relapse prevention PST-PC has received more research attention than
strategies. Finally, they should be designed to be deliv- most other treatments adapted for primary care. Studies
ered and supported by a health care team rather than examining its effectiveness in treating major depression,
an individual provider. These are useful guidelines with dysthymia and minor depression, and other conditions
which to evaluate efforts currently underway to adapt are discussed below.
or develop psychotherapeutic interventions for primary
care. Major Depression. Mynors-Wallis et al. (1995) con-
Many of these interventions are adaptations of well- ducted a study in which 91 primary care patients with
established psychotherapies with substantial empirical major depression were randomly assigned to PST-PC
support, such as problem-solving therapy (PST), cogni- (though it had not yet gained this moniker), pharma-
tive behavioral therapy (CBT), and interpersonal ther- cotherapy plus standard clinical management, or pill
apy (IPT) for depression, and CBT for panic disorder placebo plus standard clinical management. The investi-
and generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). The discus- gators found no significant difference between PST-PC
sion below examines adaptations to these established and pharmacotherapy on any outcome measures, and
therapies in turn, and then surveys some recent psy- patient satisfaction with PST-PC was high. In a later
chotherapy delivery innovations and interventions, study, Mynors-Wallis, Gath, Day, and Baker (2000)
many of which require minimal clinician time to admin- found that the combination of PST-PC and antidepres-
ister. The compatibility of each category of intervention sant treatment was no more effective than either treat-
with primary care goals as described by Robinson ment alone for major depression.
(2005) is assessed. We selected for inclusion representa-
tive studies that illustrate the feasibility and effectiveness Dysthymia and Minor Depression. Evidence for the
(or lack thereof) of a range of psychotherapeutic inter- effectiveness of PST-PC for dysthymia and minor
ventions either specifically adapted for use in primary depression is mixed. In a study by Barrett et al. (2001),
care or considered consistent with primary care 241 primary care patients with dysthymia or minor
constraints; we have not attempted to present an depression were randomly assigned to receive either
exhaustive review of every study investigating primary PST-PC, paroxetine, or a pill placebo. Dysthymia
care interventions. The studies discussed below are remission rates for patients treated with PST-PC
compiled in Table 1. (56.8%) and for those treated with paroxetine (80%)
were superior to the remission rate for those receiving
PST Tailored for Primary Care a placebo (44.4%). However, the remission rates for
Problem-solving treatment for primary care (PST-PC) minor depression were similar for all three groups. The
is a form of problem-solving therapy specifically investigators concluded that PST-PC should be consid-
adapted to be well suited for primary care because it ered an alternative to pharmacotherapy for dysthymia,
requires fewer and briefer sessions than traditional CBT but that watchful waiting is an appropriate treatment
or IPT, may be delivered by physicians or nonphysi- for minor depression.
cians without specialized mental health experience, and In a companion study in which 415 primary care
is well accepted by patients (Mynors-Wallis, 2005; patients aged 60 or older were randomized to receive
Mynors-Wallis, Gath, Lloyd-Thomas, & Tomlinson, PST-PC, paroxetine, or pill placebo, Williams et al.
1995; Williams et al., 2000). (2000) found that paroxetine, but not PST-PC, was

Table 1. Psychotherapy adaptations and innovations for primary care

Study Type Interventions Population Treatment effects

Mynors-Wallis et al. (1995) RCT PST-PC; pharmacotherapy; pill placebo 91 adult PC patients with PST-PC and pharmacotherapy superior to placebo;
major depression no difference between PST-PC and pharmacotherapy
Mynors-Wallis et al. (2000) RCT PST-PC; pharmacotherapy; 151 adult PC patients with All patients improved; no significant difference among
combination of PST-PC and major depression treatment groups
Barrett et al. (2001) RCT PST-PC; pharmacotherapy; pill placebo 241 adult PC patients with Dysthymia remission rates superior for treatment groups
dysthymia or minor compared to control; minor depression remission rates
depression similar for all three groups
Williams et al. (2000) RCT PST-PC; pharmacotherapy; pill placebo 415 PC patients age 60 or Pharmacotherapy, but not PST-PC, superior to placebo
older with dysthymia or
minor depression
Hegel et al. (2002) Data analysis Analyzed combined data from Barrett See above Predictors of response to PST-PC included capacity
et al. (2001) and Williams et al. to understand and apply PST-PC techniques, having a
(2000) studies CBT therapist, and lower initial depression severity levels
(dysthymia only)
Catalan et al. (1991) RCT Brief problem-solving therapy; 47 adult PC patients with Brief problem-solving therapy superior to usual care
usual care various symptoms (e.g.,
anxiety, depressed mood,
irritability, sleep
disturbances, somatic
Mynors-Wallis et al. (1997) RCT PST-PC by community nurses; 70 adult PC patients with No clinical difference between PST-PC and usual care;
usual care by physician emotional disorders but PST-PC group had fewer days off work, which offset


higher cost of PST-PC
Kendrick et al. (2006) RCT PST-PC by community nurses; 247 adult PC patients with No clinical difference between groups on outcome
generic mental health care by nurses; new episodes of anxiety, measures; both costs and satisfaction higher in groups
usual care by GPs depression, and life receiving nursing care
Roy-Byrne et al. (2005); Translational CBT adapted for primary care plus 232 adult PC patients with Combination of CBT and pharmacotherapy superior to
Craske et al. (2005, 2006) pharmacotherapy; usual care panic disorder usual care; CBT treatment intensity and number of
(usually pharmacotherapy) follow-up telephone calls predicted 12-month outcome
(more sessions ⁄ calls associated with lower anxiety
Stanley et al. (2003) Randomized CBT-GAD ⁄ PC; usual care 12 older adult PC patients All patients who received CBT-GAD ⁄ PC, but only one of
pilot study with generalized anxiety six assigned to usual care, demonstrated significant
disorder improvement in worry and anxiety
Stanley et al. (2009) RCT CBT conducted in primary care; 134 older adult PC patients CBT superior to usual care on measures of worry severity,
usual care with generalized anxiety depressive symptoms, and general mental health;
disorder no difference between groups on GAD severity
Scott et al. (1997) RCT Brief cognitive therapy plus usual 48 adult PC patients with Brief cognitive therapy plus usual treatment superior to
treatment by physician; usual depression usual treatment alone for depressive symptoms
treatment by physician alone
Miranda and Muñoz (1994) RCT CBT; control 150 adult PC patients with CBT resulted in greater improvement in depressive and
minor depression somatic symptoms compared to control condition
Lang et al. (2006) RCT Play Your Cards Right intervention; 60 adult PC patients with Depressive and anxiety symptoms significantly improved
usual care various mental health in intervention group compared to usual care group,
diagnoses but many symptoms returned at six-month follow-up

Table 1. (Continued)

Study Type Interventions Population Treatment effects

Klerman et al. (1987) Pilot study IPC; comparison group of untreated 128 adult PC patients with IPC resulted in greater symptom improvement than
participants symptoms of anxiety, untreated comparison group
depression, or distress
Mossey et al. (1996) RCT IPC; usual care 89 medically ill older adults IPC resulted in greater improvement in depressive
with subthreshold symptoms and self-rated health than usual care
symptoms of dysthymia
or major depression
Neugebauer et al. (2007) Open pilot study IPC by telephone 17 miscarrying women Depression levels reduced after six-week IPC treatment by
Telephone interventions
Mohr et al. (2008) Meta-analysis of Telephone-administered Adults with depressive Psychotherapy by telephone associated with significant
12 studies psychotherapy; control symptoms decrease in depressive symptoms compared to control
conditions and to pretreatment symptom levels


Bee et al. (2008) Meta-analysis of Psychotherapy by remote Adults with depression or Pooled effect size of .44 for remote depression therapies
13 studies communication; control anxiety disorders compared to control conditions and of 1.15 for remote
anxiety therapies
Computerized and Internet-based interventions
Reger and Gahm (2009) Meta-analysis of Internet-based and computer-based Adults with anxiety Internet-based and computer-based interventions superior
19 studies CBT interventions for anxiety; symptoms to control conditions and equivalent or superior to
therapist-delivered CBT; control therapist-delivered CBT
Spek, Cuijpers, et al. (2007) Meta-analysis of Internet-based CBT; control Adults with mood or Effect sizes of interventions for anxiety symptoms higher
12 studies anxiety disorders than those of interventions for depressive symptoms;
difference possibly related to clinician support
Kaltenthaler et al. (2008) Review of Computerized CBT for depression Adults with mild to Drop-out rates similar to those for other types of therapy;
16 studies moderate depression most rated treatment favorably
Greist et al. (2002) Randomized study Computerized CBT self-help 218 adults with Computerized CBT more effective than systematic
intervention with ERP techniques; obsessive-compulsive relaxation but less effective than therapist-guided ERP in

• V17 N3, SEPTEMBER 2010

systematic relaxation treatment; disorder reducing symptoms
therapist-guided ERP
Kenwright et al. (2005) Randomized study Computerized CBT self-help 44 adults with Treatment compliance and symptom improvement greater
intervention with ERP techniques obsessive-compulsive for scheduled telephone support group than
with scheduled telephone support disorder participant-initiated support group
from therapist; same intervention
with telephone support from therapist
only if participant-initiated
Proudfoot et al. (2003) RCT CBT intervention (Beating the Blues); 167 adult PC patients with CBT intervention superior to usual care
usual care by physician anxiety and ⁄ or depression
Proudfoot et al. (2004) RCT CBT intervention (Beating the Blues); 274 adult PC patients with CBT intervention superior to usual care
usual care by physician anxiety and ⁄ or depression
Cavanagh et al. (2006) Open trial in routine CBT intervention (Beating the Blues) 219 adult PC patients with CBT intervention resulted in significant improvement in
care settings anxiety and ⁄ or depression depression and anxiety symptoms
Litz et al. (2007) Pilot RCT Internet-based CBT intervention for 45 adults with PTSD Internet-based CBT intervention superior to Internet-based
PTSD; Internet-based supportive supportive counseling
counseling control
Marks et al. (2003) Open trial Computerized self-help CBT treatments 210 adults with anxiety All patients experienced significant reduction in symptoms;
for depression ⁄ anxiety, phobia ⁄ panic, and ⁄ or depressive effect sizes of .8 or greater for most programs
and obsessive-compulsive disorder symptoms

Table 1. (Continued)

Study Type Interventions Population Treatment effects

Kiropoulos et al. (2008) Randomized study Internet-based treatment for panic 86 adults with panic No significant difference between groups; both
disorder and agoraphobia; disorder and agoraphobia interventions produced significant improvement in
face-to-face manualized CBT symptoms
Orbach et al. (2007) RCT Internet-based CBT intervention for 90 adults with test anxiety Symptoms improved for both groups; improvement
test anxiety; Internet-based placebo significantly greater for intervention group on most
control measures
Andersson et al. (2006) RCT Internet-based self-help CBT 64 adults with social Intervention group, but not control group, had clinically
intervention for social phobia; phobia significant improvement in social phobia symptoms
wait-list control
Van Voorhees et al. (2008) Randomized study Internet-based PC intervention to 85 adolescents with risk Supplementing Internet-based PC intervention with
prevent depression plus brief factors for developing motivational interviewing superior to supplementing
physician advice; same intervention major depression with brief advice in preventing depression
plus brief motivational interviewing by
Spek, Nyklı́cek, et al. (2007) RCT Internet-based CBT intervention for 301 older adults with Treatment response for both treatment groups significantly
subthreshold depression in older subthreshold depression better than control; no significant difference between
adults; traditional CBT; wait-list treatment groups


Rodgers et al. (2005) RCT Text-message intervention for smoking 1,705 adult smokers Significantly more participants in the intervention group
cessation; generic text-message quit smoking compared to the control group
Whittaker et al. (2008) Pilot study Mobile phone system to deliver video 15 young adults Of 13 participants who completed the study, 9 quit
and text messages to support age 16 and over smoking and reported that the intervention helped
smoking cessation them quit
Weitzel et al. (2007) RCT Text-message intervention addressing 40 college students Intervention group reported significantly less drinking than
consequences of alcohol use; control control group during study, but provided negative
group feedback about frequency and repetitiveness of messages
Patrick et al. (2009) Pilot RCT Text-message intervention for weight 75 overweight adults Participants in intervention group lost significantly more
loss; control condition weight than those in control group, but average weight
loss was modest
Robinson et al. (2006) Pilot study Text-message intervention for 21 adults with bulimia Intervention had low levels of patient use, high attrition,
preventing relapse in patients with and relatively negative feedback

Notes: PC = primary care; PST-PC = Problem-Solving Treatment for Primary Care; CBT = cognitive behavioral therapy; CBT-GAD ⁄ PC = Cognitive-Behavior Therapy for Late-Life Generalized
Anxiety Disorder in Primary Care; IPC = interpersonal counseling; RCT = randomized controlled trial; ERP = exposure and response prevention; PTSD = posttraumatic stress disorder. GP = general

associated with greater symptom improvement than in the study conducted by Catalan et al. (1991), leading
placebo. However, the symptoms of those treated with Mynors-Wallis (2005) to conclude that PST-PC should
PST-PC improved more rapidly than those treated be used for patients with emotional disorders including
with placebo during the later weeks of the study, rais- minor depression only if their symptoms do not remit
ing the possibility that long-term treatment effects may with usual care by a primary care provider. Kendrick
be more positive. The authors conclude that PST-PC et al. (2006) came to a similar conclusion after finding
cannot yet be recommended for the treatment of dys- that referral to community mental health nurses for
thymia or minor depression in older adults treated in problem-solving treatment provided no clinical advan-
primary care. tage and was significantly more expensive than usual
Hegel, Barrett, Cornell, and Oxman (2002) analyzed care by general practitioners for primary care patients
the combined data from the Barrett et al. (2001) and with common mental illnesses.
Williams et al. (2000) studies to identify predictors of
response to PST-PC for dysthymia and minor depres- Other Conditions. Evidence is beginning to accumu-
sion. The three variables that most strongly predicted late that PST-PC may be promising in other contexts
response were the patient’s capacity to understand and and for other conditions. Mynors-Wallis (2005) cites
apply the problem-solving techniques at the beginning studies in which PST-PC has shown benefit for
stages of the treatment, having a CBT therapist provide patients after an episode of deliberate self-harm,
the treatment, and, for participants with dysthymia, patients with diabetes and comorbid psychological
having lower initial depression severity levels. The problems, and obese patients, and may also be useful in
finding that patients with CBT therapists were more the context of cancer support, palliative care, and fam-
responsive to treatment was surprising, given evidence ily therapy for families caring for a member with
from other studies that nurses and physicians could schizophrenia or with physical needs.
administer the treatment effectively.
Evaluation and Compatibility With Primary Care
Other Common Emotional Disorders. The results of Goals. PST-PC is consonant with many of the recom-
studies that do not limit participants to those with mendations set forth by Robinson (2005) for adapting
symptoms of depression are also mixed. Catalan et al., treatments for primary care. It permits treatment of
(1991) conducted a randomized controlled trial patients with varying ethnic and demographic back-
comparing a four-session course of problem-solving grounds, as well as comorbid medical and mental disor-
therapy (which was very similar to PST-PC) to usual ders, although its effectiveness for those with less severe
care using a sample of 47 primary care patients with symptomology appears to be no better than usual care.
symptoms of anxiety, tension, depressed mood, irrit- Treatment length and intensity approach the ideal four
ability, sleep disturbances, or somatic problems who to six 30-min sessions. It includes a skills-training com-
were deemed to have a poor prognosis based on a ponent, in which the patient is taught to use problem-
psychiatric interview. After eight weeks, significantly solving techniques to solve problems. Although relapse
greater symptom reduction had occurred in the prevention is not formally included, the final session
problem-solving group, and the effects were main- includes discussion of potential future problems with
tained at a 28-week follow up. The treatment was well implementing the newly learned problem-solving skills.
accepted by the patients. The treatment is designed to be administered by physi-
On the contrary, a similar randomized controlled cians or nonphysicians with or without specialized
study by Mynors-Wallis, Davies, Gray, Barbour, and mental health training, but specific training in PST-PC
Gath (1997) found no differences in symptom reduc- is required and the therapy is probably too time-
tion between patients who received PST-PC provided consuming for most primary care physicians to provide
by community nurses and those who received usual (Mynors-Wallis et al., 2000).
care by a physician. The 70 participants in this study However, it appears that not all patients benefit
had less severe symptoms than those who participated equally from PST-PC. Wolf and Hopko (2008)

categorize PST-PC as an efficacious intervention for efficacious than placebo for panic disorder (Barlow,
major depression, and possibly efficacious for minor Gorman, Shear, & Woods, 2000). To adapt the CBT
depression or dysthymia. Evidence to date suggests that intervention for primary care, the investigators reduced
PST-PC may be as effective as pharmacotherapy for the number of sessions from 12 to 6 while expanding
treating major depression, better than placebo for dys- the original content (which targeted panic symptoms)
thymia (but not for older adults), and not particularly to address medication adherence and coping strategies
useful for treating minor depression. Similarly, for for phobic behavior, depression, and social anxiety that
other common emotional disorders, it appears to be may accompany panic disorder (Roy-Byrne et al.,
useful for treating more severe symptomology, but its 2003). In the treatment protocol, six CBT sessions
effectiveness for less severe symptoms is not established. were followed by up to six brief (15- to 30-min) tele-
Investigators have concluded that usual care should be phone booster sessions (Roy-Byrne et al., 2005).
the first-line treatment for minor depression and other The investigators randomized 232 primary care
less severe disorders and PST-PC used only if symp- patients with panic disorder to receive either usual care
toms do not remit. Further investigation is needed to or a combination of CBT and pharmacotherapy. They
determine whether there is a severity level at which found that the combination of medication and CBT
PST-PC is significantly less effective than longer-term resulted in significantly improved outcomes compared
or more intensive specialty mental health treatment for with usual care (typically pharmacotherapy), and the
depression or other common disorders. Moreover, fur- changes persisted over time (Roy-Byrne et al., 2005).
ther research is warranted to determine whether the A follow-up analysis indicated that CBT treatment
findings of Hegel et al. (2002)—that both the capacity intensity significantly predicted outcome at 12 months
of the patient to quickly grasp the treatment techniques (Craske et al., 2006). The more CBT sessions attended,
and the expertise of the therapist are predictive of the lower the anxiety sensitivity at 12 months. An even
treatment response—extend beyond dysthymia and stronger effect was found for the number of follow-up
minor depression to other disorders. phone calls, which predicted lower anxiety sensitivity,
depression, and phobic avoidance at 12 months. The
CBT TAILORED FOR PRIMARY CARE study also demonstrated that the addition of CBT to
Many of the interventions being adapted for use in pri- medication resulted in statistically and clinically signifi-
mary care settings include a significant CBT compo- cant improvements in outcome compared with medi-
nent. Citing a study by King et al. (2002) finding that cation alone, results that were sustained at a 12-month
a training program to teach CBT skills to primary care follow-up (Craske et al., 2005).
physicians in four half-day sessions had no effect on
patient outcomes, Wolf and Hopko (2008) note that Generalized Anxiety Disorder in Older Adults. CBT
the training required to administer CBT may limit its has demonstrated at least moderate promise as a treat-
feasibility in primary care. Nonetheless, a number of ment for GAD in older adults (Stanley et al., 2003;
CBT adaptations have shown promise in clinical trials. Wetherell, Gatz, & Craske, 2003). Cognitive-Behavior
Adaptations designed for the treatment of panic dis- Therapy for Late-Life Generalized Anxiety Disorder in
order, GAD, and depression are discussed below. Primary Care (CBT-GAD ⁄ PC) is a version of CBT
designed to treat older adults with GAD in primary
Panic Disorder. While the majority of studies investi- care settings (Stanley et al., 2003). This eight-session
gating interventions for use in primary care are treat- course of psychotherapy includes psychoeducation,
ments for depression, Roy-Byrne et al. (2005) relaxation training, cognitive therapy techniques, prob-
undertook one of the first translational studies to deter- lem solving, graduated exposure, and sleep manage-
mine whether evidence-based treatments for an anxiety ment skills. In a small randomized trial for patients
disorder could be adapted for use in primary care. In over age 60 with a diagnosis of GAD, all six patients
efficacy studies, CBT, pharmacotherapy, and their who received CBT-GAD ⁄ PC, but only one of six
combination have been shown to be significantly more patients assigned to usual care (comprising weekly


telephone calls to assess symptoms and identify need ingful therapy in such a short period and recommended
for immediate treatment), demonstrated significant im- against its delivery by novice therapists.
provement in measures of worry and anxiety (Stanley Miranda and Muñoz (1994) randomly assigned 150
et al., 2003). Patients treated with CBT-GAD ⁄ PC had primary care patients with minor depression to an
high levels of satisfaction, expectation for treatment intervention group that received an eight-week didac-
success, and credibility of treatment ratings. tic course on CBT or a control condition. The CBT
A larger randomized clinical trial compared a three- intervention resulted in greater improvement in depres-
month course of CBT delivered in primary care with sive and somatic symptomology than the control con-
enhanced usual care (which included biweekly tele- dition. These improvements persisted at a one-year
phone calls) for 134 older adults (Stanley et al., 2009). follow-up. The intervention consisted of eight two-
The investigators found that CBT resulted in signifi- hour sessions taught by doctoral-level psychologists in a
cant improvement compared with enhanced usual care small-group format.
on measures of worry severity, depressive symptoms, Casmar and Lang (2005) designed a brief treatment
and general mental health, but found no difference in approach for depression and anxiety in primary care
GAD severity between the groups. Thus, the treatment that the authors describe as incorporating techniques
appears somewhat promising and awaits further investi- from CBT as well as rational emotive behavior ther-
gation. apy, IPT, acceptance and commitment therapy, and
solution-focused brief therapy. The intervention, called
Depression. In their review of interventions for Play Your Cards Right, consists of four 30- to 60-min
depression, Wolf and Hopko (2008) classify CBT in pri- sessions in which patients use problem-solving strate-
mary care as possibly efficacious for major depression, gies to address one of three areas of change (either
minor depression, and dysthymia; they also consider people in their lives, their commitments, or their
cognitive therapy without a behavioral component pos- health). In a study in which 60 primary care patients
sibly efficacious for major depression. A variety of CBT with a range of mental health diagnoses were ran-
adaptations are emerging to treat depression in primary domly assigned to receive either the Play Your Cards
care settings. Right intervention or usual care, Lang, Norman, and
For example, Scott, Tacchi, Jones, and Scott (1997) Casmar (2006) found that patients in the intervention
investigated brief cognitive therapy (BCT), a version of group showed significant reductions in depressive and
cognitive therapy adapted to treat depression in pri- anxiety symptoms compared with the usual treatment
mary care which consists of six weekly 30-min therapy group, although many symptoms had returned at a
sessions. In a randomized controlled trial in which 48 six-month follow-up. The authors suggest that the
primary care patients with depression were randomly durability of treatment gains may be enhanced if the
assigned to receive either BCT plus usual treatment by intervention is modified to increase the number of ses-
a primary care physician or usual treatment alone, Scott sions and conduct them over a longer period of time,
et al. found significantly greater improvement in symp- and also suggest future inclusion of relapse prevention
toms after seven weeks for patients who received BCT materials.
plus usual treatment compared with patients who
received usual treatment alone. The significant difference Evaluation and Compatibility with Primary Care Goals.
between the groups persisted after one year, when pre- As the studies discussed above illustrate, the CBT vari-
existing neuroticism level was controlled. The authors ants being developed for use in primary care contain
suggest the results are encouraging but concede that their many of the features extolled by Robinson (2005) for
evidence is somewhat equivocal given the wide range conforming with primary care goals. The CBT adapta-
of usual care treatments, including medication, received tions generally are appropriate for treatment of patients
by the participants during the study. They also note with varying ethnic and demographic backgrounds, as
that considerable expertise in core CBT techniques and well as a variety of comorbid medical and mental disor-
in schema-based work was required to provide mean- ders and a range of symptom levels. Treatment length

and intensity are reduced to levels manageable in a pri- personal Counseling (IPC), a manualized intervention
mary care setting, although it appears that length and designed to be administered by nurse practitioners in
intensity may be related to outcome gains. Many inter- primary care settings. IPC consists of six or fewer
ventions include psychoeducation as well as skills-train- 30-min counseling sessions focused on current func-
ing or self-management components, and most include tioning with emphasis on recent life changes, sources
relapse prevention strategies. CBT lends itself to alter- of stress, and difficulties in interpersonal relationships.
native delivery formats (as discussed in the context of In a pilot study conducted using 128 participants with
psychotherapy delivery innovations, below). As Scott elevated scores on a questionnaire measuring symptoms
et al. (1997) found, however, a potentially significant related to anxiety, depression, and distress, Klerman
obstacle to implementing some CBT adaptations for et al. found that the symptoms of patients who
primary care may be the expertise required to provide received IPC improved significantly more than the
abbreviated yet meaningful therapy. Predictors of symptoms of those who did not, and that the symp-
response to these CBT adaptations should be studied to toms of some participants improved markedly after
determine whether any patient characteristics can assist only one or two sessions. The investigators determined
in the identification of those most likely to benefit that this briefer treatment was feasible in the primary
from these interventions. It seems likely that the find- care environment because of its brevity and because it
ings of Hegel et al. (2002) regarding the importance of was easily learned by nurse practitioners who received
therapist expertise and patient capacity to quickly grasp 8 to 12 hours of training.
techniques are not limited to PST-PC. Another impor- Mossey, Knott, Higgins, and Talerico (1996) further
tant area for investigation is the relationship between adapted IPC for the treatment of subdysthymic depres-
symptom severity and treatment outcome. Are these sion in medically ill older adults. They increased the
CBT adaptations like PST-PC in that they may be less number of sessions to 10, lengthened each session to
effective for patients with less severe symptoms? Do one hour, and used flexible scheduling to accommo-
they work for patients with the most severe symptoms date patients’ medical status. In a randomized clinical
or should these patients be referred to the specialty trial comparing this version of IPC to usual care,
mental health sector? Is there an optimal level of treat- patients who received IPC showed greater improve-
ment length and intensity for various disorders or the ment after three months in both depressive symptoms
gradations of symptom severity or both? Cost-effective- and self-rated health than those who received usual
ness research is needed to determine whether these care. For the study, 89 hospitalized patients aged 60
CBT-based interventions in primary care are feasible or older with subthreshold symptoms of dysthymia or
given the preliminary evidence that substantial training major depression were randomly assigned to IPC
is required to deliver them and that their effectiveness or usual care; 13 were excluded from the analysis
is related to treatment intensity. Given the findings that because they did not complete follow-up assessments.
CBT requires a level of expertise unlikely to be regu- IPC was provided by psychiatric nurses following
larly found in primary care settings, it may be useful to hospital discharge.
explore whether simpler, more easily administered ver-
sions of these interventions can be effective. Evaluation and Compatibility With Primary Care Goals.
IPC reflects many of the goals of primary care identi-
IPT Tailored for Primary Care fied by Robinson (2005). Treatment length and inten-
Wolf and Hopko (2008) categorize IPT in primary sity are consistent with the constraints of primary care
care as an efficacious intervention for major depression, and with the philosophy of accessibility of care. The
and possibly efficacious for minor depression or dysthy- flexibility of treatment would accommodate patients
mia, but note that the duration of treatment and the with varying symptom levels, although studies to date
expertise required to administer it limit its usefulness in have not included patients with severe symptomology.
primary care. Klerman et al. (1987), addressing this IPC would be accessible to patients with diverse
problem, developed an adaptation of IPT called Inter- ethnic and demographic backgrounds and those with


comorbid medical disorders. IPC may be delivered by Wierzbicki and Pekarik (1993) in a meta-analysis of
various members of a health care team in a variety of 125 studies of face-to-face psychotherapy interventions
formats. Indeed, there is preliminary evidence that IPC (46.9%). However, in light of significant heterogeneity
may be administered effectively by telephone. In a in outcome among the studies, the authors caution that
small pilot study, Neugebauer et al. (2007) found that conclusions about whether telephone interventions are
depression levels in women who miscarried were comparable to face-to-face psychotherapy in reducing
reduced after receiving up to six weekly IPC sessions depressive symptoms (and, if so, for which populations)
by telephone. However, the authors acknowledge that must await randomized trials directly comparing the
a randomized controlled trial will be necessary to two forms of treatment.
determine whether the improvement exceeds that Bee et al. (2008) conducted a similar meta-analysis
which would be expected in the absence of treatment. of randomized trials of psychotherapy provided by
IPC does not contain an explicit relapse prevention remote communication. Of the 13 studies included in
component, but it actively encourages self-reliance and the meta-analysis, 10 utilized telephone interventions,
discourages dependence on the treatment. However, two utilized Internet technology, and one utilized vid-
evidence supporting the use of IPC in primary care is eoconferencing. The authors found a pooled effect size
currently scant and preliminary. Its effectiveness for the of .44 for remote therapies for depression compared
treatment of patients with various disorders and levels with control conditions, and a pooled effect size of
of symptomology remains to be investigated. Also 1.15 for remote therapies treating anxiety-related disor-
remaining to be investigated are predictors of treatment ders. Because only two of the studies directly compared
response and cost-effectiveness. remote therapies with equivalent face-to-face psycho-
therapy, no definitive conclusions regarding the com-
Psychotherapy Delivery Innovations parison could be drawn. The authors found attrition
Psychotherapy delivery innovations utilizing telephone, rates ranging from 9% to 73%. Like Mohr et al.
computer, Internet, and text-messaging technologies (2008), they concluded that telephone and other
are increasingly being investigated as treatments that remote technologies are promising for overcoming the
may overcome some of the economic and logistical barriers associated with traditional face-to-face psycho-
barriers to mental health treatment. These interven- therapy, and that a priority for future research should
tions represent further iterations of treatments adapted be the comparison of remote interventions to face-to-
for primary care, and typically involve variants of face psychotherapy in large-scale trials.
Computerized and Internet-Based Interventions. Comput-
Telephone Interventions. In a recent meta-analysis of erized and Internet-based psychotherapeutic treatments
12 studies investigating telephone-administered psycho- have perhaps even more potential than telephone-based
therapy, Mohr, Vella, Hart, Heckman, and Simon interventions to sidestep many of the barriers to dissemi-
(2008) found that psychotherapy provided by telephone nating psychotherapeutic interventions in primary care,
was associated with a significant decrease in symptoms such as limited supply of clinicians, cost, transportation
of depression compared with control conditions and difficulties, and the stigma associated with mental health
compared with pretreatment symptom levels. The treatment. Outcome studies for a range of mental disor-
duration of treatment in the studies ranged from 5 to ders have been generally positive (Kaltenthaler et al.,
16 weekly sessions. Of the 12 studies, 8 utilized some 2006; Titov, 2007), but often plagued by methodological
form of CBT, and the authors found a trend suggesting weaknesses that prevent drawing conclusions regarding
that CBT was more effective than other treatment ori- efficacy or effectiveness (Kaltenthaler, Parry, & Beverley,
entations, such as IPT, supportive emotion-focused 2004).
therapy, and emotional expression therapy. They also In a meta-analysis of 19 randomized controlled
found that the attrition rate across the studies (7.6%) studies examining the effects of Internet-based and
was lower than the attrition rate reported by computer-based CBT interventions for anxiety, Reger

and Gahm (2009) found that the interventions were The development of specialized interventions for
superior to wait-list or placebo conditions across anxi- specific disorders is proceeding at a rapid pace. For
ety disorders and, contrary to expectations, equivalent example, a computerized CBT self-help intervention
or superior to CBT delivered by therapists. However, incorporating exposure and response prevention (ERP)
the authors noted that the therapists in most studies did techniques has shown promise for obsessive-compulsive
not use empirically supported manualized treatments. disorder (Tumur, Kaltenthaler, Ferriter, Beverley,
The analysis revealed no difference in outcome & Parry, 2007). The computerized intervention, which
between patients who received face-to-face contact is delivered via an interactive voice response system
with a therapist or other provider and those who accessed by telephone or computer, was more effective
received no contact. The authors found that effect sizes at reducing symptoms than a systematic relaxation
were similar for patients with anxiety disorders and treatment, but less effective than therapist-guided ERP
those with subclinical symptoms. However, they noted in a randomized study with a sample of 218 patients
that the limited number of studies and methodological conducted by Greist et al. (2002). A randomized study
weaknesses such as small sample sizes, high dropout conducted by Kenwright, Marks, Graham, Franses, and
rates, and unblinded experimental designs limit the Mataix-Cols (2005) demonstrated that treatment com-
generalizability of some of the findings. pliance and symptom improvement were greater for
In another recent meta-analysis of Internet-based patients receiving scheduled brief telephone support
CBT interventions, Spek, Cuijpers, et al. (2007) found from a therapist (in which the mean total duration of
that effect sizes of interventions for anxiety symptoms the support calls was 76 min over the course of the
were higher than effect sizes for depressive symptoms, 17-week study) compared with patients who received
but the data indicated that the difference may have such telephone support only when they initiated the
been related to the presence or absence of clinician calls (in this group, the mean total duration of the calls
support. Interventions in which a therapist provided was 16 min over 17 weeks). Of 44 patients randomized
limited supportive or facilitative contact with partici- to these two conditions, two in the scheduled support
pants had higher mean effect sizes than interventions group and six in the patient-initiated support group
that did not include such support. The analysis dropped out before they reached the self-treatment
excluded studies in which therapists served a traditional modules of the program.
therapeutic role. Two randomized controlled trials (with sample sizes
Whether computerized interventions are acceptable of 167 and 274 primary care patients) found that a
to patients is an important and often neglected question computerized CBT intervention called Beating the
in the literature. Kaltenthaler et al. (2008) conducted a Blues led to significant improvement in symptoms of
review of 16 studies of computerized CBT for depres- anxiety and depression and was superior to usual treat-
sion to assess patient acceptability using factors such as ment by a physician for primary care patients with a
the percentage of patients offered treatment who variety of anxiety and depression profiles (Proudfoot
agreed to take part in the studies (uptake rates), the et al., 2003; Proudfoot et al., 2004). The intervention
dropout rates, and any information collected about consisted of a brief introductory video followed by
patient preferences, satisfaction, or acceptability. They eight interactive computerized 50-min therapy sessions.
found that the dropout rates ranged from 0% to 75% The therapy included cognitive components such as
with a mean of 31.75%, a rate the authors note is com- addressing automatic thoughts as well as behavioral
parable with dropout rates for other types of therapy. components such as activity scheduling and graded
None of the studies surveyed patient satisfaction among exposure. Cavanagh et al., (2006) investigated the gen-
dropouts. Only three studies reported uptake rates; eralizability of these findings to routine care settings in
these ranged from 2.4% to 25%. Among patients an effectiveness study consisting of an open trial of the
who completed treatment, most rated the treatment Beating the Blues program in four rural general prac-
favorably, but the data were too sparse to permit any tices, four urban general practices, two community
substantive conclusions. mental health teams, and one primary care clinical


psychology service. They found that the program were directed to the most suitable of four programs
resulted in significant improvement in depression and (one was for phobia ⁄ panic symptoms, one for obses-
anxiety symptoms for patients completing the program. sive-compulsive disorder, and two for depression ⁄
The authors suggest that the program may be a useful anxiety) for their presenting problems and instructed
initial tool in a stepped care system for treating com- on its use. They were also provided with three to six
mon mental illnesses. Moreover, an economic analysis brief therapist contacts either by phone or face-to-face
suggested a high probability that the intervention is during the treatment period. Two of the programs
cost-effective (McCrone et al., 2004), but further were typically accessed on a computer in the clinic
research is needed to compare the cost-effectiveness of (and later on the Internet) and two were accessed by
such interventions to more traditional face-to-face telephone. Outcome data indicated that all patients
therapies for various disorders and severity levels. This experienced significant improvement in symptoms,
intervention is now recommended by the National with clinically meaningful effect sizes of 0.8 or greater
Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) in the United attained by participants using three of the four pro-
Kingdom for the treatment of mild or moderate grams. The only program not associated with clinically
depression (National Institute for Health and Clinical meaningful effect sizes was a depression ⁄ anxiety inter-
Excellence, 2006). vention that was more basic and of shorter duration
In a randomized controlled pilot study with 45 par- than the other programs. Participants were generally
ticipants, Litz, Engel, Bryant, and Papa (2007) found satisfied with the interventions, although they indicated
that an Internet-based CBT intervention for posttrau- a slight preference for therapist-guided treatment. The
matic stress disorder (PTSD) was superior to an Internet- investigators also assessed cost-effectiveness, finding that
based supportive counseling control. Both the treatment the per-patient cost advantage of computerized CBT
and control websites provided access to educational compared with face-to-face CBT rose with the num-
information about PTSD and commonly co-occurring ber of patients treated. The advantage was estimated at
symptoms as well as anger management and sleep strat- 15% for 350 patients per year and 41% for 1,350
egies. The CBT intervention prompted participants to patients per year. The authors note that computerized
engage in affect management strategies, including CBT systems cannot entirely replace clinicians because
identification of situations that triggered trauma-related patients require, at a minimum, appropriate screening
distress, the hierarchical organization of these triggers, and brief advice. They suggest computerized self-help
self-guided in vivo exposure to the items in the hierar- interventions as a first level of care in a stepped care
chy, and narrative writing about the trauma. The sup- model for most patients with depression or anxiety.
portive counseling website prompted participants to They note that a significant obstacle to dissemination
monitor and write online about nontrauma-related of these treatments in the United Kingdom is lack of
daily concerns. Participants in both groups received an funding; the clinic set up for the study lost its finding
initial two-hour session with a therapist who performed at the end of the study period.
a baseline assessment, provided psychoeducation about Building on studies demonstrating the superiority of
PTSD and stress management, and demonstrated use of an Internet-based treatment for panic disorder and ago-
the assigned website. Both groups had periodic e-mail raphobia to control conditions, Kiropoulos et al. (2008)
and telephone contact with the therapist throughout compared the intervention (Panic Online) with the
the eight-week study. Fewer people completed the best evidence-based treatment, which at present is
CBT treatment than the supportive counseling treat- 12–15 sessions of face-to-face manualized CBT treat-
ment, and the authors suggest that future research ment. Participants assigned to the Internet intervention
investigate factors that would increase usage. were supported via email by a psychologist. The inves-
Marks et al. (2003) set up a self-help clinic offering tigators randomly assigned 86 adults to the treatment
free computerized CBT treatments for depression ⁄ groups and found that both interventions produced
anxiety, phobia ⁄ panic, and obsessive-compulsive dis- significant improvement in symptom severity and
order. After an initial screening interview, patients frequency on a variety of outcome measures, with no

significant differences between the groups. An explo- tional phone calls from a case manager). At a 12-week
ratory economic analysis conducted in Australia sug- follow-up, the percentage of participants with depres-
gested that Panic Online would be cost-effective sive symptoms had declined from baseline in both
whether the support component is offered by psycho- groups; depressive episodes were significantly less likely
logists or general practitioners (Mihalopoulos et al., in the motivational interviewing group than in the
2005). brief advice group (Van Voorhees et al., 2009).
An Internet-based CBT intervention for the treat- An eight-week Internet-based CBT intervention for
ment of test anxiety was superior to a credible Internet- subthreshold depression in adults over age 50 was
based placebo control program in a 90-participant investigated by Spek, Nyklı́ček, et al. (2007). They
randomized controlled trial conducted by Orbach, randomly assigned 301 participants over age 50 who
Lindsay, and Grey (2007). Both the treatment and the had both symptoms of subthreshold depression and
control group showed clinically significant improve- Internet access to an Internet intervention group, a
ment, but improvement was significantly greater for traditional CBT group, or a wait-list control group.
the intervention group on most measures. A nine-week Treatment response was significantly better for partici-
Internet-based self-help CBT intervention for social pants in both treatment groups than for those in the
phobia resulted in clinically significant improvement in control group, and no significant difference between
symptoms in a randomized controlled trial with 64 par- treatment groups was found. In this study, the Inter-
ticipants conducted by Andersson et al. (2006), and the net-based intervention consisted of eight self-help
benefits of treatment remained at a one-year follow-up. modules covering the same subjects as the group inter-
The intervention included minimal contact with a vention. Participants accessed the program from their
therapist via email and two group exposure sessions. homes via the Internet and received no professional
Interventions that target particular age groups are support. At a one-year follow-up, treatment response
also in development. An Internet-based primary care remained significantly better for the Internet-based
intervention incorporating CBT and IPT techniques to treatment group than for the control group, and there
reduce behaviors that increase vulnerability for depres- was a nonsignificant trend toward better results for the
sion and increase protective behaviors has shown Internet-based treatment than for the group CBT treat-
promise for the prevention of depression in young ment (Spek et al., 2008). The authors noted that
adults (Van Voorhees, Ellis, Stuart, Fogel, & Ford, because Internet access was required for inclusion in
2005; Van Voorhees et al., 2007, 2008). A small pilot the study, many participants expected to participate in
study indicated favorable trends for reducing depressive an Internet-based treatment and some were disap-
symptoms, reducing risk factors such as dysfunctional pointed to be assigned to the group CBT condition.
thinking, and increasing social support (Van Voorhees
et al., 2005), and a small preliminary process evaluation Text Messaging. Mobile phone technology, including
study indicated that the intervention was potentially text messaging, is increasingly used in medical contexts
feasible, acceptable to patients, and effective for pre- to, for example, improve attendance in primary care by
venting depression (Van Voorhees et al., 2007). Van sending appointment reminders (Leong et al., 2006),
Voorhees et al. (2008) randomized 84 adolescents with provide results of testing for sexually transmitted diseases
risk factors for developing major depression to receive to decrease the time to treatment (Menon-Johansson,
the Internet intervention combined with either brief McNaught, Mandalia, & Sullivan, 2006), and monitor
advice (a 2- to 3-min discussion in which a physician diabetes symptoms (Logan et al., 2007), asthma symp-
advises the adolescent that he or she is experiencing a toms (Cleland, Caldow, & Ryan, 2007), and side effects
depressed mood and should complete the Internet of chemotherapy (Weaver et al., 2007). This delivery
intervention) or motivational interviewing (a 5- to innovation has become the newest frontier for mental
15-min interview in which a physician facilitates a health treatment and is inspiring the development of
favorable attitude regarding participation and comple- very brief psychoeducational and supportive interven-
tion of the Internet intervention, plus three motiva- tions. This is an area in which the literature is just


beginning to develop, but some of the interventions consisting of individually tailored text messages that
have already been subject to study. addressed the consequences of alcohol use and that
For example, Rodgers et al. (2005) found that an were tailored based on individual participants’ reported
intervention for smoking cessation delivered by text drinking behavior as well as an initial assessment. Forty
messaging was superior to a control condition in a ran- participants were provided a handheld computer and
domized controlled study of 1,705 smokers in New instructed to record their alcohol consumption on a daily
Zealand. The intervention group was sent regular per- basis. Half were randomly assigned to receive the text
sonalized text messages that provided information related messages; the other half served as a control group. Parti-
to quitting, advice for avoiding triggers and coping with cipants in the intervention group reported significantly
craving, motivational support including success stories less drinking than participants in the control group over
and benefits of quitting, and distraction. The messages the course of the two-week study. However, partici-
were personalized from a database of more than 1,000 pants provided negative feedback about the frequency
messages based on individual participant characteristics. and repetitiveness of the messages.
The control group received biweekly generic text mes- Patrick et al. (2009) conducted a randomized con-
sages thanking them for participating in the study and trolled pilot study comparing a text message interven-
providing information about the study. Another text tion for weight loss, which included two to five daily
messaging intervention for smoking cessation has shown personalized text messages, printed materials about
promise in reducing smoking rates among college weight control, and brief monthly phone calls from a
students, but has not been subject to randomized con- counselor, to a control condition in which participants
trolled studies (Obermayer, Riley, Asif, & Jean-Mary, received written materials on nutrition and weight loss.
2004; Riley, Obermayer, & Jean-Mary, 2008). Over a four-month intervention period, the partici-
Whittaker et al. (2008) are taking mobile phone– pants in the intervention group lost significantly more
based smoking interventions to the next level. After weight than those in the control group, but the average
convening an advisory group to provide expert advice weight loss was relatively modest at 2.88 kg (approxi-
on a range of topics including smoking cessation, youth mately 6 pounds).
health, public health, and psychology; consulting with Text messaging interventions are also being explored
student focus groups to gather information about cur- for the purpose of providing aftercare and prevention
rent and potential uses of mobile phones; and pretest- relapse in patients who have received treatment for
ing a range of video material, they designed a mobile bulimia nervosa (Bauer, Percevic, Okon, Meermann,
phone–based system to deliver video and text messages & Kordy, 2003; Robinson et al., 2006). However, in a
to support smoking cessation efforts. Messages included feasibility pilot study, an intervention in which patients
a series of 30-second videos in which a role model dis- send weekly text messages regarding symptomology
cusses her quitting experiences and antitobacco video and mood states and receive computer-generated
clips in which students talk about the tobacco industry tailored feedback messages (which were checked for
and the effects of smoking. In a small pilot study, the plausibility before being sent) was found to have low
intervention was well received, and of 13 participants levels of patient use, high levels of attrition, and
who completed the study and were available for follow relatively negative feedback, suggesting limited accept-
up, 9 quit smoking during the five-week study period ability to patients (Robinson et al., 2006). It remains to
and all 9 said that the intervention helped them quit. be determined whether text messaging interventions in
The investigators are now evaluating the effectiveness general are ill-suited for bulimia aftercare and relapse
of a six-month version of the intervention designed prevention.
based on the findings of the pilot study.
Tailored text messaging has also been used to Evaluation and Compatibility With Primary Care Goals.
reduce negative consequences of alcohol use among Psychotherapy delivery innovations such as telephone,
college students. Weitzel, Bernhardt, Usdan, Mays, computerized, Internet-based, and text messaging inter-
and Glanz (2007) developed and tested an intervention ventions seem particularly well suited to overcome

some of the more significant constraints of primary care tings (Druss, Rohrbaugh, Levinson, & Rosenheck,
and seem consistent with the primary care philosophy 2001; Felker et al., 2004, 2006; Hedrick et al., 2003),
of widely accessible population-based care as well as and evidence that providers tend to prefer integrated
the other goals enumerated by Robinson (2005). Such care once they have been exposed to it (Gallo et al.,
interventions embody the goal of flexible delivery of 2004), the segregation of general medical care and
services. A range of interventions for patients of vary- mental health care remains the norm in the United
ing symptom levels, various ethnic and demographic States (Gray et al., 2005). As with any significant para-
backgrounds, and various mental health and medical digm shift, substantial barriers must be overcome before
profiles is possible. Treatment adherence is likely to be widespread integration of mental health services in pri-
enhanced by the convenience of the treatments. Psy- mary care is achieved.
choeducation, self-management, and relapse-prevention Financial considerations pose one such barrier.
components may be easily incorporated. These inter- Insurance companies and government programs such as
ventions may offer a plausible solution to the most Medicare and Medicaid that provide reimbursement for
prominent obstacle to adapting CBT to primary mental health care impose varying restrictions on cov-
care—the expertise required to administer it in person. erage and tend to be slow to adapt to service delivery
They may be particularly useful in rural areas where innovations. The development of cost-effectiveness
mental health services are relatively scarce and a culture data to identify the most efficient treatment and deliv-
of self-reliance and stigma associated with mental illness ery methods will be an important step in increasing the
may discourage the seeking of treatment (Griffiths & availability of reimbursement for such services.
Christensen, 2007). These interventions may also be The literature supporting the feasibility and effec-
incorporated into stepped care models in which treat- tiveness of mental health interventions in primary care
ment approaches are tailored for different patient is growing, but gaps remain and, as with most rapidly
groups, as they may be delivered as stand-alone self- developing bodies of research, inconsistent results and
help approaches, integrated with minimal contact from differences in methodological rigor and design quality
a therapist or other provider, or included as an adjunct can complicate implementation decisions (Drake et al.,
to traditional face-to-face therapy. Additional research 2001). Moreover, even interventions with strong
is needed to determine how to integrate face-to-face empirical support can take years or even decades to be
clinician time with the interventions to optimize not incorporated into routine patient care (Institute of
only resource efficiency but also patient acceptability. Medicine Committee on Quality of Health Care in
Acceptability data have been mixed, and most patients America, 2001).
tend to favor therapist-provided interventions. Primary care providers’ perceptions of the compati-
Further, these technologies introduce obstacles of bility of these interventions with primary care con-
their own. While they have the potential to substan- straints may be vastly different from the perceptions of
tially increase the availability of mental health care to those who are adapting the interventions for primary
previously underserved segments of the population, care use and those conducting the research to assess
those without access to the relevant technologies will their feasibility. Moreover, lack of familiarity with the
be left out, as will many with potential access who lack technology involved may impede the adoption of some
the ability or motivation to become literate with the of the more recent delivery innovations by providers as
technologies. Further research on the relevance of age, well as by patients.
education, and economic status will be relevant in Some of the treatment delivery innovations raise ethi-
assessing the limitations of these innovations. cal and legal questions that may make providers reluctant
to embrace them. For example, computerized and
BARRIERS PREVENTING WIDESPREAD IMPLEMENTATION OF Internet-based interventions raise a host of privacy and
INTEGRATED CARE confidentiality issues as well as liability questions.
Despite the impetus toward integrated care, its gener- Whitfield and Williams (2004) investigated the reasons
ally successful implementation in various practice set- for the limited availability of computerized CBT


interventions in a survey of CBT practitioners in the inform stepped care models designed to provide the
United Kingdom. In addition to a perceived lack of evi- most efficient care for each patient. The optimal level
dence for their effectiveness or acceptability to patients, of therapist involvement for the telephone, computer-
the providers expressed concern about taking clinical ized, Internet-based, and text messaging interventions
responsibility for patients interacting only with a com- remains largely uninvestigated.
puter. Although delivery innovations have the potential Further research in these areas might shed light on
to make mental health care available to large segments of what, if anything, is being lost as traditional forms of
the population, questions about who, if anyone, would therapy are reconstructed into briefer, simpler versions
be clinically and legally responsible for the care of for primary care. Although anecdotal evidence suggests
patients using these systems must be addressed. that these interventions have generally been well toler-
ated by primary care practices, as noted above there is
FUTURE DIRECTIONS little evidence of their widespread adoption, even
DeGruy (2006) notes approvingly that mental health among practices that had participated in the studies.
researchers, rather than deluging primary care providers More knowledge about the attitudes of primary care
with treatment guidelines that are not feasible in pri- providers toward these interventions and the practical
mary care, or insisting that all patients needing mental obstacles to wider dissemination is needed.
health care be referred to mental health specialists, have More broadly, the clinical psychology field has an
instead worked with the primary care sector to develop important role to play as reform of the health care sys-
innovative collaborative treatment models and research tem reaches the top of the national agenda. Ideally, this
designs that are tailored to the primary care setting. role would include participation in a large-scale, coor-
Yet much remains to be done. dinated, multidisciplinary research effort to determine
Many of the studies examining interventions that how best to provide integrated mental health and med-
are compatible with the constraints of primary care are ical services in primary care. Because simply patching
preliminary, meant to set the stage for larger, more traditional mental health services onto the fabric of pri-
rigorous investigations. Long-term outcomes and mary care is problematic for the reasons discussed
cost-effectiveness remain to be assessed. Additional above, emphasis must be on the development of inno-
effectiveness studies that include patients with compli- vative interventions and service delivery models. More-
cated presentations and comorbid psychological and over, like the clinical interventions and delivery models
medical disorders are needed to determine how useful being studied, the research effort itself must be inte-
the interventions are in real-world practice. Many of grated so that both mental and physical health, as well
the studies to date have compared these interventions as their interaction, are investigated. The computeriza-
with usual care by a primary care provider; it is also tion of medical records will facilitate such research,
important to compare their effectiveness and cost to making available sufficient data not only to study such
traditional therapies provided in specialty mental health interactions but also to assess and monitor long-term
settings in order to inform referral decisions where treatment outcomes.
access to specialty care is available. Because such access The identification and, where necessary, develop-
is often limited, additional studies assessing the effec- ment of valid measures is a key component of such an
tiveness and cost of these interventions as adjuncts to ambitious research agenda. A consensus regarding a
usual care are also needed. Evidence that such inter- standard, valid, and reliable battery to measure mental
ventions enhance the effectiveness of usual care (such health and medical outcomes across studies is critical.
as antidepressant medication) in a cost-effective manner Equally important will be the investigation and, ulti-
would provide a powerful incentive for their adoption mately, the identification of potentially relevant inde-
in primary care settings. Also critical is the identifica- pendent variables that comprise treatment interventions
tion of characteristics of patients most likely to benefit as well as variables such as diagnosis, patient character-
from each treatment modality, including care in spe- istics, and provider characteristics that may mediate or
cialized mental health settings. Such research will moderate their effects. Valid and reliable measures for

these variables must be identified or developed. Of Bee, P. E., Bower, P., Lovell, K., Gilbody, S., Richards, D.,
course, the utility of such instruments is not limited to Gask, L., et al. (2008). Psychotherapy mediated by remote
the research realm, but would also be invaluable in the communication technologies: A meta-analytic review.
ongoing monitoring of mental health services. An BMC Psychiatry, 8, Article 60. Retrieved September 30,
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ambitious research agenda such as this would have the
added benefit of expanding the knowledge base of clin-
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ical psychology by studying populations (such as pri-
cotherapy and psychotherapy. In J. C. Norcross & M. R.
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the field’s reach, and ultimately extending needed ser- ed., pp. 417–436). New York: Oxford University Press.
vices to those populations. Blount, A. (1998). Introduction to integrated primary care.
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foreseeable future. Primary care providers and mental Brody, D. S., Khaliq, A. A., & Thompson, T. L. 2nd.
health professionals—and the programs that train (1997). Patients’ perspectives on the management of emo-
them—will ignore this trend at their peril. The innova- tional distress in primary care settings. Journal of General
Internal Medicine, 12, 403–406.
tions that are emerging offer the promise of extending
Cabassa, L. J., & Hansen, M. C. (2007). A systematic review
the reach of mental health care to those who lack
of depression treatments in primary care for Latino adults.
access to adequate treatment for reasons that may
Research on Social Work Practice, 17, 494–503.
include economics, geography, and sensitivity to Casmar, P. V., & Lang, A. J. (2005). Meeting the mental
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