Skimming: Skimming Is A Process of Speed Reading That Involves Visually Searching The Sentences of A

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When we see page with a lot of information on it, we can become intimidated and not want
to read any further. When we worry about what we may not understand, it's easy to get
discouraged. Skimming is a strategy that helps you read over something quickly to see what
you already know and get an idea of what the reading may be about. Skimming can help
you understand a reading and prepare to read the whole thing. Read this article on
skimming strategies. When you're done, complete the activity "Applying for a Job". 

Skimming is a process of speed reading that involves visually searching the sentences of a
page for clues to the main idea or when reading an essay, it can mean reading the
beginning and ending for summary information, then optionally the first sentence of each
paragraph to quickly determine whether to seek still more detail, as determined by the
questions or purpose of the reading. For some people, this comes naturally, but is usually
acquired by practice.

How to Use It

1. Read the title, subtitles and subheading to find out what the text is about.
2. Look at the illustrations to give you further information about the topic.
3. Read the first and last sentence of each paragraph.
4. Don't read every word or every sentence. Let you eyes skim over the text, taking in
key words.
5. Continue to think about the meaning of the text. 

When to Use It

1. When one needs to know the overall sense or the main ideas of a text.
2. When there are large amounts of reading and limited time to review it in detail.
3. When one is seeking specific information rather than reading for comprehension or
4. When it is necessary to find out if it is a book should be read at all or in more detail.
5. When one needs to know if a text may be of interest in one's research.

Ask These Questions

When you are faced with something new to read it's not uncommon to be a little afraid you
won't understand it. Taking a new reading in small pieces can help you understand a
complicated reading. For this exercise, you'll read "The Most Amazing Structure on Earth".
Step 1: Before you read "The Most Amazing Structure on Earth", answer the following
questions in the text box below.

 What do I think this reading will be about?

 What do I already know about this topic?
 What would I like to learn from this reading?

Type in the box below

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