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«> CAMBRIDGE COMPLETE KEY for Schools Student’s Book without answers STUDENT'S PACI 1 Student's Book Second edition A2 WITH ONLINE PRACTICE For the revised exam from 2020 | Your Online Practice | Activation code | Students @ Scratch panel to see code © Register or log in at Click on ‘Activate a New Product’ and use your Activation code Username: .. Ina class? Your teacher can provide a Teachers fr account at anc Help Go to <7 CAMBRIDGE COMPLETE KEY for Schools Student’s Book without answers Second edition A2 wir ONLINE: PRACTICE David McKeegan For the revised exam from 2020 Cambridge University Press Cambridge Assessment English Information on this ttle: ws © Cambridge University Press and UCLES 2019 This publication isin copyright. Subject to statutory exception and to the provisions of relevant collective licensing agreements, no reproduction of any part may take place without the written permission of Cambridge University Press. First published 2019 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 121110987654 Printed in the United Kingdom by Latimer Trend A catalogue record for this publication is available from the British Library ISBN 978-1-108-53933-3 Student's Book without answers with Online Practice The publishers have no responsibilty for the persistence or accuracy of URLs for external or third-party internet websites referred to in this publication, and do not guarantee that any content on such websites is, or will remain, accurate or appropriate. Information regarding prices, travel timetables, and other factual information given in this work is correct at the time of first printing but the publishers do not guarantee the accuracy of such information thereafter. Map of the units introduction A2 Key for Schools content and overview | Hi, how are you? We're going home jbulary and grammar review Uni 3 Dinner time 4 I'm shopping! yocabulary and grammar review Units 3 and 4 5 It’s my favourite sport! 5 Have you got any homework? wulary and grammar review Units 5 and 6 7 Let’s goto the museum 3 Did you get my message? ‘ond grammar ) I love that film! 10 It’s going to be sunny bulary and grammar review Units 9 and 10 11 | like to keep fit 12 Have you ever been on a plane? fo 13 What's your hobby? 14 Keep in touch! /ocabulary and grammar review Units 13.0 Srammar reference >hrasal verb builder rregular verbs ing bank peaking bank xtra resources Hi, how are you? irene Part2: Three English teenogers Part: on email en Part, Phase 1 We're going home Part dr Page 106 Grammar reference (Gooitebon) 2, staal | ) Present simple My brother is 12 © complete the sentences with the correct present simple form of the verb in brackets. Use short forms. 2 We use the present simple to talk about things that are always true or things that happen regularly eae A at football He lives in ou s My best friend’s name (1) (be) Louleabithe phates, TuRAiaSnecasannen we wets Dexter He (2). (Mot be) rom from the box. Then listen and check, bite ahd be arom aetica ae sai zi He (3) _.(love) sport, especially g 13 14 dancing France football football (4)... (netlike) sport ( piano Poland tennis atall, but Dexterand (5). (be) ane: very good friends. We (6) tive) Adrian is from Poland. He fees inthe same treet. Sometimes, (7) (go) to his house and watch films. He (8)... (not have) any brothers orsisters. His mum — and dad 9)... (be) really nice. ‘They both (10). (work) at home. They (11) (be) avery happy family. Have you got a bestfriend? © Workin irs. taketurs to tellyour portneraboutoneof these peopl. Then Tixand answer quectons asc them Ure theidea below (bestfriend brother father) mother sister teacher) befunny? betall? dosport? like music? ( ty best friends from Spain. ) shelivesin Malaga, i poi («stetomn) Y A 1 (Gees he do any sport?) een Farnily members Steve and ‘tary Gina and Alan Carl Megan Bob @ 00k at car's family tree. na Complete the sentences with words from the box. ioe Tee aunt brother cousin daughter granddaughter grandad grandma grandson husband sister son_uncle wife ) + There are three short texts about a similar topic, and seven questions. + You must match each question with one of the texts, Janet is Carl's...jrandwea Tom is Carl's Tom is Janet's + The questions are not in the same. order as the information in the text. Janets Tom's 1 2 3 4 5 Alanis Carl's : © work in small groups. Discuss the questions, 7 8 9 Ginais Carl's Are you similar or different? Bob is Car's oo + How old are you? + Doyou like sport? y + Wheredoyoulive? —»__Doyou like music? Megan is Steve and Mary's + Who do you live with? 10 Megan is Carl's 1 calisMegan’ © eacingPart2 often asks youto find information 2 see dims : Lookat these extracts Who as a brother and sisters? 13. Megan s Tom and Janet's fie rm12and1 vein a city with my paren my two 0 ven ters hel and Sue, asd ny ebro Work Work in pairs. Draw your family tree, Ask and answer Laura: | live with my mum and dad. I'm nearly 13 and ; Choe, m3 yer ato yenrs older tha my ile a : iy asd amechant My sum ont Rom 7 eee eeland (Heemyance) Vtow you? Q Tecan ae INET eeu © Look atthe questions in Exercise 4 and underine the key wordsineachquestion. = For each question, choose the correct answer. Ellie Laura Chloe 1 Who has a brother and sisters? A Bo o¢ 2 Whodoesn'tiikesport? A B C 3 Who says she wants to go touniversity? AB ¢ 4 Whois the oldest? AB o¢ 5 Who has a pet? A Bo 6 Who hasa friend from another country? a 8G 7 Who can playa musical instrument? a Boe REE ENGLISH TEENAGERS (HLoE the guitar. She'sin a band. They're playing ‘2 musician, and my dad teaches at the still have fun! really likea cat! My dad is a mechanic. My 2 1) Grammar Adverbs of frequency > Page 107 Grammar reference Adverbs of frequency Look at this information about Ellie's week. Then complete the diagram with the underlined words. 1. Ellie always gets up at 7.00 am. She usually does her homework in the evening. She is never late for school. She often goes shopping on Saturday. She sometimes does the washing-up at home. 2 3 4 5 never, {| Listen and complete the sentences about Stevie. 1. Stevie ....aliaiys... gets up at 8 o'clock, 2 He does his homework in the morning, 3 Heis late for school on Mondays. 4 He ‘goes shopping on Wednesdays. 5 He does the washing-up. Complete the rules with before or after. 1 Adverbs of frequency come the verb fo be. other verbs. 2. Adverbs of frequency come Exam candidates often make mistakes with adverbs of, frequency. Correct the mistakes in the sentences. 1 Istayoften atthe beach, often stay You are welcome always in my home. | usually can go out with my friends on Saturdays. 3 4 Ourteacher forgets never our homework. 5. My dad goes often to work by bus. 6 | usually am a good student, Write sentences about yourself. amhappy amhungry do sport dothewashing-up ride a bike walk to school Lam dlinays hapey on Saturdays. (e's the weekend Work in pairs. Ask and answer How offen ...? questions about your sentences from Exercise 5. ee eal > Page 146 Speaking Bank ‘speaking Part 1 + There are two main parts in the Speaking paper. + In Part 7, you will talk with the examiner for three or four minutes. + The examiner will first ask you obout your name, your age, and where: you are from. © what things do you asks person about when you mest them for the first time? Pohat's your name € atch questions 1-6 with answersa-f. Then isten and check. 1 What's your name? « 2. Where are you from? 3. How old are you? 4 How many people are in your family? 5 Who in your family do you like spending time with? 6 How often do you meet your friends? a I'm from Sao Paulo. In Brazil b There are five people. © Fm 13 years old. dike spending time with my grandma, © My name is Gabriel Silva, f Imeet them every day. © Workin pairs, ask and answer questions 1-6 from Exercise 2. Writing Part 6 > Page 139 Writing Bank Wrting Parts + There are two parts in the Writing tost. + First, you must write a note or an email + There are three points you need to write about, Co por + You must write 25 words or more, © Reacts email underine the thre points youneed to write about Hi, My nameis Alex. 'm your new pen friend. 've got a little brother, and | love playing football. Have you got any brothers and sisters? What things do you like doing? What kind of music do you like? Alex © ‘ead wo students answers tothe email Which student answers all the points in Alex's email? Hello Alex My nameis Juan. I've got three brothers and one sister. love spending time with my friends and | enjoy sports. | ike all kinds of music - but Taylor Swiftis my favourite! Juan HiAlex Thanks for your email. My name is Stef and |am your pen friend, Tennisis my favourite sport. love it. My mother doesn’t ike it, Stef © ten yor or ante aus aan: wit 25 words Mieke © wnat kind of home can you see in the photos i! Which one would you ike to live in? Why? SU Mec © workin pats. whieh homes do you think have © iorkin srs Look atthe adoor afirstfloor agar f stairs _a swimming pool © what kind of home do you live in? What does it have? Time Listening Part 3 sometimes has a question about time. Look at the clocks. Match them to the times (1-6). two o'clock quarter past four half past twelve quarterto ten twenty-five to three ten pasteeight You will hear a conversation between two people. + There are five multiple-choice questions. You must choose between three possible answers: A, B or C. The answers may be sentences, numbers or words, For these questions, choose the correct answer. You will hear Jarred talking to his friend Gemma about a party. 1 How does Jarred feel about Jake's party? A worried B excited € surprised 2. What time does the party start? A 2.00 B 2.30 ¢ 3.00 3. Rachel is Gemma's A cousin B friend € brother 4 The partyisat A 14Green Street B 24.Green Street C 40 Green Street 5 What sort of music does Jarred think is best for parties? A pop Do you like parties? What do you like doing at parties? B hiphop. € rock Present continuous Page 108 Grammar reference It's Jake's surprise party. Look at the picture. Are these things true (T) or false (F)? Emily is eating a sandwich. T Jenny is writing an email. & Jarred is singing, Suzy is wearing sunglasses. Simon is enjoying the party. Jake and Rachel are dancing, 7 Martin isn't taking a selfie. Choose the correct option in italics to complete the rules. We use the present continuous to talk about things that are happening now / usually happen. We form the present continuous with fo be / fo have and the -ing form of the verb. Correct the sentences. 1 Heissteeping. (play) LHe int sleeping He's playing 3. She's watching TV. (listen / to music) 4 They're laughing. (ery) Wend Rooms © Label the picture of Jake’s new house. © Listen. what room are they in? Listen and tick (/) the correct answers. 1 Isherunning? A Yes, heis. 7 B No, heisn't. 2. Are they dancing? A Yes, they are, B_ No, they aren't. 4 Ishe playing? A Yes, heis. B No, heisn't. 5 Are they singing? A Yes, they are, 3. Isshe typing? B_ No, they aren't. A Yes, sheis. B No, sheisn't, Complete the questions. Write true answers. Bohn YOU sleeping? No, not 2 yousitting down? 3 your friends siting near you? ‘ your teacher helping you? s itraining? Student A, look at the picture on Page 149. Student B, look at the picture on page 150. What is different? Ask and answer questions. What's David doing in your picture? bathroom -bedreemr diningroom garage garden hall kitchen livingroom Work in pairs. Take turns to say what you are doing, Your partner tries to guess what room you are in, pec neue y = | . c Histeve, I've got the present for Miguel. It cost $12, so can you give me half ofthat when you see me? Thanks, Chloe Ben wants to do his homework in the dining Ben doesn't want dinner before he finishes his homework. Ben has gata lat of homework and doesn’t want any dinner. Seavista Restaurant Opening this weekend. Free food for children ~_—~-«“_e_ eres Jooe Toby, Julie's party starts at Spm, but we have football then, \We can go afterwards at about 6pm. Let me know what you think, kyle. 7 e IMPORTANT NOTICE. Class 5C English is in Room 4 today, (2.25 start, as usual) © Workin pars. Lock t the messages in Exercize2 Where arty na restaurant, 8 a plone, er © Foreach question, choose the corect answer. + You will ead short messages (short emails, text messages, notices, emails or labels), + There are three options, Choose the option which means the same as the short message. Chloe wrote this message because ‘A. she wants to borrow money to buy a present, B sheneeds ideas about what present to buy. she wants to share the cost of a present. Dan wants Angela to ‘A. take him to swimming classes. B_beready earlier than usual, € meet him at the pool A. The restaurant is old. The restaurant has great food, € Guests don't have to pay for children’s meals, What should Toby do now? A. Tell Kyle if he agrees to go to the party late, B Find out what time the party begins. Ask Julieif he can come to the party. > ‘This lesson is in a different place today. ‘This lesson is not happening today, ‘This lesson begins a bit later today. have got Furniture ED Label the picture. bed bookshelf carpet chair curtains @ Match the sentences with the pictures. dee aD 1. P've got the present for Miguel. 2. Ben has got a lot of homework. a Word stress (two-syllable words) Choose the correct option in italics. we PF — , (A) Listen to the words. Underline the stressed parts. 1 have got /has got blue eyes. 2. Mydad hasn't got /heven't got dark hair bedroom curtain 3. Have/Has you got abig bedroom? bookshelt leven No, | hoven't/ hasn't ‘pet ae I hasn't/haven't got a desk in my room, © Listen again and repeat the words. 5 Have/Has your brother got 2 new smart phone? @) Yes, he have /has. pha D Write sentences to describe your room. Pra 6 Thisis my cat, Ithas/have got a long tail @ saying them to your partner. © write five true or false sentences. Read them to your partner. Guess if they are true or false. Uoe got ved curtains in mayb ve got four brothers. False! You haven't got four brothers. Yes, Ihave. It's true! @) Pe man > age 146 speaking bank Speaking Part) + In tho second part of Speaking Part 1, the examiner will ask two questions about a topic. + Then, the examiner will say Please fell me something about You should say at least three things. G) istentotwo students doing Speaking Part 1. 1 What does the examiner want to know? 2 How many things does each student say? 3 Which student gives the best answer? ©) write thre true things or each answer. 1. Please tell me something about your school. It’s a big school. It's got a swimming pool. ike it. 2 Please tell me something about your English teacher. His/Her name is 3. Please tell me something about your favourite hobby. My favourite hobby is 4 Please tell me abouta nice day you spent with your family, Cie asuied > Page 141 Writing bank Wiring Part © Workin pairs. Look t the pictures. Write down things youcansee. © discuss he questions. ture 2 + What do you want to call the boy? Picture 2 + Whereis the boy? Picture 3 + Who can yousee? ‘+ What are they doing? + There are three pictures, + You must wite a short story. + You must wile 36 words or more. + How old is he? + Whereis he? + What is he doing? + How does the boy feel? © seas thesesidea for picture Which idea do youthe bese Why? 1. Thisis Jack. Heis 13 years old 2 One day, Jack walks home from school. © Fish writing the story B workin ptr. isuss the topes rom Exercise. 3 Jackis walkinghome from school. Were going home Vocabulary and grammar review © complete the emaitwith the present simple form of the verbs in brackets. My name (1) is. (be) Carla. (2) (tive) in England with my family | (3) (rave) a brother called Sam. (a) (not have) any sisters. (5) (love) dancing, sam (6) (love) sports, but he (n {not lke) school. Ithink schoo! (8) (be) OK, but! 0) {not like) sports. My parents (10) (be) teachers. They (ua) (not work) at our school. | (12) (be) happy about that! Write soon! Carla © Putte frequency adverbs in the correct lace. lam late for school. (never) We go shopping in the evening, (often) My dad has breakfast at 7.30 am. (usually) Dan does the washing-up. (never) Do you do your homework in the morning? (often) watch TV in the evenings. (sometimes) Maths lessons aren't fun. (usually) Soraya is happy! (always) eens © complete the number tists. 1. three, four, five, six, seve, eight, nine 2 eight, ten, fourteen, sixteen 3. ninety, seventy, sixty, fifty 4 twenty, , thirty, thirty-five, forty 5. thirteen, twelve, + ten, nine, eight 6 one hundred, one hundred and ten, 7 one hundred and thirty 7 twenty-two, thirty-three, fifty-five 8 three, six,nine, twelve, eighteen Complete the crossword with family members. Across 1 Myfatheris my mother’s. 3 My mother’s mother. 5. My dad’s brother. 8. My parents’ daughter. 9. My brother is my mother’s Down 2. My parents’ son. My brother is my grandfather's My mother's sister. My uncle’s daughter. ‘My mother is my father’s... Vocabulary and grammar review ci» Put the words in the correct order. © ook at the clocks. write the times. 1. three brothers / has / Greg /got 2 Raven't/ your /1/ got/ pen 3. got /All my friends /laptops /have 4. black hair / My grandfather / got/ hasn't 5 got/You/aniceroom /have 6 you/my book /Have / got ? 7 got/acar/We haven't 8 sister /a big desk / got / Has / your? Look at the pictures. What are the people doing? Write sentences using words from the box. laugh listen to music play football ) readabook swim writea story ) Put the words in the correct order to make words for rooms and furniture. Rooms 2 LAHL All 2. MOTHBORA 3. THICNEK 4 MOREBOD Furniture 5 DEB 6 SKED 7 HARC 8 BETAL 22 Braun Work in pairs. What types of food can you see in the photos? Write down the English words that you know. fruitand dairy vegetables meat and other types fish of food Which food in the photos do you like best? Which is healthy? What is your favourite meal? Find someone in your class who has the same favourite meal as you. eerie Reading Part 3 tests your understanding of a long text. There are five multiple-choice questions. You must choose between three possible answers: A, Bor C, Work in pairs. + Doyou knaw any recipes? + Doyou help in the kitchen? What do you do? recipe (noun) a set of instructions telling you how to 0k food, including a list of what food you} prepare an need for this Young chef School lunches {a yearold Marcwcnor has rf incon cooking show on TV Sy © Label the wnches wth he words from the box. Hare, when dd you start — i Sad cooking? apple banana biscuits cake cheese chicken ) I started helping my mum in the icecream lemonade orange juice lichen whent wc mage her Soe eae cafe -itwas teil was seven __stondwihes salad _ice_water sient made steal a plaza wiinfourdferentkindsctcheese. De youhave a favourite recipe? isha because haveso many. Theeasy onesaretun things withpastatortoes and onion. My foveurtes oe te ones at Include fish There aes many diferent things you con dl hat do your parents think of your cooking?» then emmy st competion my mum anddadunderstoed totlwasarealchet.-Theyre fled Wet they do'thvetormate dinner every rights ond they eloy my food sua Bue you eartinakeeeneneheppralietme ithat'sthe best way to get good at cooking First, threw away some of what | made because it was no good Apiches: ~ that's how you learn. Then, | did it differently the next time. You 2 anda 2 need to practise, sof you know a chef, ask if you can help them 2 9 inthe kitchen sometimes, 3 10 Finally, what's it like being on TV? »+- +++» 4 a it’s interesting. I'm actually avery quiet person, som amazed 5 2 that | really enjoy myself making the shows. They're watched by 6 3B millions, but Istill find it strange when people! don't know say 7 hello to mein the street. Listen to three students talking about their school fp) lunches. Match the names with lunches A-C in Exercise 1. ©) Forcach question, choose the correct answer aay 1 How oldwas arc when he started ooking? vray kar Tina B se Work in pairs. Say what you have for lunch at school. Use adverbs of frequency (always, usually, sometimes, etc.). IPL [sh/ahfi2/ Listen and underline the end-of-word-s in each word. Notice how they sound different. Murray likes his mum's chicken sandwiches. © seven 2. Marc says that his favourite recipes A use one kind of food. B are easy to make. include a variety of vegetables. 3. What does Marc say about his parents? A. They are happy that he wins prizes for cooking, B They get bored of cooking the same things. © They don't always like his cooking (C apples “chips dishes fridges onions wants 4. What does Marc thinks the best way to improve? B Goto cooking classes. tkes a sindpadex © Learn from your mistakes, Listen and complete the table with words from the box. 50 50 0 5. How does Marc feel about having a TV show? ‘A happy that heis now famous B surprised at how much fun itis excited by talking to so many people © I @© Read the conversation. Then complete the rules with some or any. Countable and uncountable nouns | Noah: Hi Mum, it’s Noah. I'm in the supermarket > Page 110 Grammar reference Have we got any cheese in the fridge’ Countable and uncountable nouns ‘Mum: Let me see... yes, we've got some cheese. @ via ana woah ares for food, Look at what Noah: Have we got any lemons? Ee ee ee eae Mum: No, we haven't got any lemons. Can you get, they've got in their shopping baskets and read the statements. Whose baskets full of countable food? Whose is full of uncountable food? ‘two or three, please? Noah: Sure. Would you like me to get some chocolate? Mum: No, thanks. But could you get some biscuits? Noah: OK, 1 We usually use. and requests. in positive sentences, offers 2 We usually use. In questions. in negative sentences and Complete the conversation with a/an, some or any. S)_ Then listen and check answers. Mia: _ I've got some cheese, butter, orange juice and Mia: Dad, I'm hungry. chocolate in my basket, Dad: Would you like (1) apple? Noah: {Ve got three tomatoes an onan fourcras, no thans done apples Can have and six eggs in my basket. (2) cheese? © complete the rules with countable or Uncountabe i No, wehaven® got) st ata Have we got (4). biscuits? ohyes. Therese) inthe cupboard creat have) biscuit then Me oo! : ouns do net take a/an or a number. Exam candidates often make mistakes with a/an, some and any. Correct the mistake in each sentence. oo nouns have a singular and a plural form, Can havea orange? (On Sundays, we have great time together. I start a work at eight o'clock. nouns do not have a plural form. 1 2 3 4 Ibought a black trousers and a pink T-shirt. 5 6 nouns can take a/an or a number. © complete the table with the words from the box. Don’t forget to buy a milk, Do you know shops near here? ( Biscuit breed burger chips grape milk rice tea © Workin pai Choose three things to eat and three things to drink from this section, Write them on a piece of paper. Take turns to offer your partner something. bouvger bread (Would you ike some mith? piel (No, thenis. trike ite Have you got any pis Stk con ena Nae ' How much / many; a few a little a lot of How often do you eat cake? Do you eat it when you have a special day? > Page 111 Grammar reference How much /many; a few; little; alot of Mia wants to enter the cake competition. Listen and complete the conversation with words from the box. afew(x2) all le alot much many) | want to make a cake for the cake competition. Dad: What do you need? Mia: Let's see... eggs. | Dad: How (1) way... do youneed? Mia: Just (2) | Three, | think | also need (3) milk for my recipe. 1 How (4) doyou need? | don't need (5) of milk. Just half a cup, Andit'sa lemon cake, so thinklineed + In stoning Part 2, you will hear one person, (6) lemons. Really? How (7) 2 + There are five questions and an example. Let me see - oh, actually | only need one. + You must wtite five pieces of information fo. complete the notes. Which phases from Exercise 1 can we use with countable nouns? Which can we use with uncountable nouns? + The information can be a number, time, date, word or spelling, Choose the correct options in italics. | 1A: How many / much chocolate have we got? @ Motch questions 1-5 in Exercise 3 with the answers eee ee mene (ef. 2 A: How many / much juice isin the fridge? | Br Justalitle/ afew. Leave some for me. a adayordate 0 a number 3° A: How many/ much apples do you eat ina week? Boat ei jie B: A few /Alittle. About three. & apetsonsnaine: frie 4: How many/much brothers have you got? B) Forthese questions, write the correct answer in each, B: I've got seven. gap. You will hear a teacher talking to her class about a ‘A: That's a little/a lot of brothers! cake competition. Write one word or a number ora date 5 A: How many/ much sandwiches do you want? oratime. = Bt Just afew /a itl, please. 'm not very hungry. eT © eas o (sremyamnaa) LL \uncleshaveyou got?) 1ye gotatot of aunts, but bi racers - (sorta Time: (1) er: Room number a a © Workin pairs. sk questions with How much/many Usethe eas inthe table anda feu tle, aet of Cakes must include: (3) flour, butter, sugar and friends fruit milk ae : aa books biscuits bottles of water More information from: (4) MIS... a ae Prize: (5) Dinner i

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