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Laboratory of Architectural Theory, History and Criticism - ITS

Published : 29 August 2021

Undergraduate Program (Sarjana)

Assignment 02 – Climate and Geography Consideration
DA 184505 (3 sks)
Semester 5 – Autumn Academic Year 2021/2022

Course Coordinator : Nur Endah Nuffida, S.T., M.T. [NUF]

Teaching Team : Fenty Ratna Indarti, S.T., M. Arch. [FEN]
Dr. Eng. Didit Novianto, S.T, M.Eng. [DIT]

Lesson Learning Outcomes

Capable of explaining the theoretical concepts of Nusantara architecture, interpreting and
understanding architectural and building knowledge, which includes architectural understanding in
the context of Indonesian architectural practice (grand design).

Assignment Details
Objects : Architecture works from one ethnicity in Nusantara (house and or shed
/ assembled buildings)

Tasks : - Identifying the climate and geographical aspects that potentially

affect the selected works.
- Reviewing how the climate and geographical aspects shape the
formal and spatial of Nusantara architecture.
- Explaining the response of Nusantara architecture to the
environmental context.

Method : Presentation of group works

Output : Presentation file (PDF)

Tutorial Date : Wednesday, 13 October 2021

Submission Due date : Tuesday, 26 October 2021 at 23.59 WIB

Presentation : Wednesday, 27 October 2021 (duration : 10 min per group)

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Laboratory of Architectural Theory, History and Criticism - ITS
Published : 29 August 2021

Marking Criteria
• Group work (80%) :
- Completeness of study
- Critical thinking
- Quality of communication
• Individual participation (20%)

Band Descriptors
Band Score Description

A 86 - 100 - Clearly describe the conditions of climate and geography from the
selected work
- Critically explain how climate and geography influence formal and
spatial aspects of Nusantara architecture
- Effectively present the ideas verbally and through illustration
- Confidently give critical opinions / answer / question

AB 76 - 85 - Clearly describe the conditions of climate and geography from the

selected work
- Sufficiently explain how climate and geography influence formal
and spatial aspects of Nusantara architecture
- Effectively present the ideas verbally and through illustration
- Confidently give opinions / answer / question

B 66 - 75 - Describe some conditions of climate and geography from the

selected work
- Sufficiently explain how climate and geography influence the
general shape of Nusantara architecture
- Present the ideas verbally and through illustration
- Forcefully give opinions / answer / question

BC 61 - 65 - Describe some conditions of climate and geography from the

selected work
- Sufficiently explain how climate and geography influence the
general shape of Nusantara architecture
- Present the ideas verbally and through illustration
- No opinions / answer / question

C 56 - 60 - Write unclear conditions of climate and geography from the

selected work
- State insufficient concepts and principles of how climate and
geography influence Nusantara Architecture
- Present the ideas verbally and through unclear illustration

pg. 2
Laboratory of Architectural Theory, History and Criticism - ITS
Published : 29 August 2021

Band Score Description

- No opinions / answer / question

D 41 - 55 - Write unclear conditions of climate and geography from the

selected work
- No statement of how climate and geography influence Nusantara
- Present the ideas verbally and without illustration
- No opinions / answer / question

E 0 - 40 No submission / unfinished work

Assignment Policy
• All assignments should be paperless and submitted via myITS Classroom. No excuses for late
submission (except for force major). Students should be aware of each assignment’s deadline.
• Late submission will affect the group work as follows:
- 16 – 60 minutes : 5 point deduction
- More than 60 minutes : 10 point deduction
• Please contact the responsible lecturer if you have trouble submitting your assignment as soon
as it occurs.

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