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How To PREPARE YouR FAMILY ror EarTHQuakeE? 1. Check the earthquake hazards in your area. 2. Assess safety of your house using the DOST- PHIVOLCS “How Safe Is my House?" tool. Identify the safe and unsafe spots in your house. 3. Orient family members on earthquake and its hazards, and earthquake preparedness. 5. Prepare family evacuation plan. & Identify family meeting place, in case of emergency. 4, Prepare family emergency supply kit. 6. Know the community evacuation plan. Walk-through the evacuation route going to evacuation area (open space). Know the community emergency contact numbers and the locations of facilities such as police and fire stations, hospitals, schools, barangay hall, etc Gl foo oo] loo.00| o 8. Participate in community-wide earthquake preparedness planning and drills. Regularly practice the evacuation procedure with your family members. 10. Agree on how to reunite with family members and plan to communicate. 9. Teach your family basic first aid, how to Use the fire extinguisher, and switching off waterlines, gas tanks, and circuit breaker. Be aware of location of family members and places they frequent. ¥ Agree on a safe meeting place and how to get there. J Designate a relative or friend outside your atea as your contact person Ifyou have children, inquire with the school administrators about their policies or guidelines during earthquakes. Know where the school-designated evacuation area is. feel acai Community & Family EARTHQUAKE SAFETY GUIDE (ood Teese [te rao Wuat's INSIDE AN EMERGENCY Suppty Kit? Basic items inside the emergency supply kit that could last for 3 days or 72 hours. It should be in water proof storage, in safe place and accessible. O Firstaid kit O Food O Bottled water Flashlight and spare batteries 1 Battery-operated radio Candles and matches, lighter O Whistle O knife 1D Blankets, spare clothes and shoes © Rope (at least seven (7) meters) O Toiletries Permanent marker, pen and paper Emergency contact information D2 Important documents 1D Cash Ifnecessary Baby food D Medication (those with special needs) Department of Science and Technology PHILIPPINE INSTITUTE OF VOLCANOLOGY AND SEISMOLOGY PHIVOLCS Building, CP. Garcia Avenue, UP Campus, Diliman, Quezon City Telephone no, +63 2 426-1468 to 79 Telefax no, #63 2 927-8524; 929-8366 Form a Disaster Risk Reduction and Management, Committee (DRRMC) or if already existing, or if already existing, update it Oorccene Qa gga CQ) revs tem is b. Conduct community data gathering such as, Butang safety Team ere ptn Q)rcotn —_—_ stmt gn SER am GY Race! ‘and pregnant women . Conduct community watching exercise 1» Assess the strength of the houses or buildings. For Concrete Hollow Block (CHB) Masonry Houses, use the DOST-PHIVOLCS "How Safe is my House?" tool for earthquake safety. «Identity safe and unsafe areas within the community INSIDE ouTSsIDE Ramp Open spaces for evacuation Wide corridors Pala system Visible emergency exits Wide pathways ‘lass windows and pones Powering, posts, conte stuctures, tres bridges overpass or fyores ‘Seles, mschneres,opplonces and frre that may topple fl rr Natrow ays ‘Step slopes or ndslde prone and or Narow corer wihbstctns | Set 2998": en 4. Conduct inventory of available resources and faci that can be utilized during emergencies. Ce Ue Cul sults ute 3.1 Preparations prior to the earthquake drill, a. Organize lecture about earthquake and its hazards, and how to protect one’s self. dT | tg Pra tit) St ee ee eT Se oy reed roid If UTDOORS .. ‘= move open space Stay away from trees, powerlines, posts, buildings, and wails = move away from steep slopes b. Introduce the evacuation plan and routes going to the identified evacuation areas. Post the evacuation map in visible places. c. Regularly check available warning devices such as alarm systems and sirens. d. Assign building marshals to be in-charge of ensuring that exit points are open during shaking e. Assign marshals who will manage the traffic; and assist the persons with disabilities, elderly, children and pregnant women. £. Announce the drill schedule and ensure maximum. community participation. g. Assign observers and evaluators who will give ‘comments/suggestions during post-drill evaluation, How To Prepare YouR COMMUNITY For EartTHQUAKE? e. Make provisions for persons with disabilities, elderly, children, and pregnant women e.g. accessible pathways, assign marshal/s DEVELOP COMMUNITY. EARTHQUAKE EVACUATION PLAN Identify hazards present in your area using the available hazards maps = Establish warning system and putup signage. b. Evacuation area m Assess safety of all available open spaces for evacuation sites, ‘ Cc une = Consider the number of eccupants per house or building (daytime and nighttime). designate a speciic open space for everyone, lentify high grounds. has ath «Formate bling and community evacuation procedures il sm Identity and mark all possible emergency exits in he building and pathyrays going to evacuation area. sm Set a buffer zone from the house or building sm Map the fastest and safest way out going to designated evacuation area, = Prepare an evacuation procedure or plan, including a back-up or contingency plan 3.2 Conduct of Earthquake Dri 1 ‘Lminute alarm indicates earthquake EARTHQUAKE (or shaking. 2 ‘While the alarm is ongoing - "DUCK, COVER RESPONSE and HOLD". Remain in this position until the shaking stops, ‘As soon as the shaking stops, immediately evacuate and proceed to identified evacuation 3 ‘areas using the pre-determined routes, EVACUATION If inside a building, take the safest and fastest way out. Be prepared for aftershocks If you need to leave, post a message stating when you left and where you can be located. 4 ‘At the designated evacuation area, residents ‘ASSEMBLY must be grouped per household 5 LLeaders/head of the family should check and HEAD COUNT make sure that all members are accounted for. Leaders/head of the family should = check others for injuries R = check gas, electrical, and water lines for damage ASSESSAND = check spills of chemical, toxic and 'ADDRESSEFFECTS —_i2mmeble materials s put out small ies which may spread = check the house or building for eracks and damage 7 Overall coordinator will announce the EVALUATION termination of drill or “All clear (Must be ‘OF DRILL ‘applied to offices and community)

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