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A) Common Verbs Followed by Gerunds

admit He admitted stealing the money. mention She mentioned going to the cinema.
advise She advised waiting until tomorrow. mind Would you mind opening the door?
anticipate I anticipate having a good time on vacation. miss I miss being with my family.
appreciate I appreciated hearing from them. postpone Let’s postpone leaving until tomorrow.
avoid He avoided answering my question. practice The athlete practiced throwing the ball.
complete Finally I completed writing my composition. quit He quit trying to solve the problem.
consider I will consider going with you. recall I don’t recall meeting him before.
delay He delayed going to Ankara. recollect I don’t recollect meeting him before.
deny They denied committing the crime. recommend She recommended seeing the show.
discuss They discussed opening a new business. resist I couldn’t resist eating the dessert.
dislike I dislike driving long distances. risk She risks losing all of her money.
enjoy We enjoyed visiting them. suggest He suggested going to the cinema.
finish She finished studying about ten. tolerate She won’t tolerate cheating in the exam.
can’t help I can’t help falling in love with you. understand I don’t understand his leaving the school.
keep I keep hoping he will come.

B) Common Preposition Combinations Followed By Gerunds

be responsible for be excited about complain about / of insist on
be famous for be worried about dream about / of believe in
be guilty of be accustomed to talk about / of participate in
be capable of be committed to think about / of succeed in
be tired of be devoted to keep (someone) from apologize for
be accused of be opposed to prevent (someone) from thank (someone) for
be interested in be used to prohibit (someone) from object to
stop (someone) from look forward to

C) Go + Gerund

“Go” is followed by a gerund in certain idiomatic expressions to express recreational activities.

go bird-watching go fishing go sailing go skating

go bowling go hiking go shopping go swimming
go camping go hunting go sightseeing go window shopping
go dancing go jogging go skiing go running etc…..

We went fishing on Saturday.

They will go mountain climbing next weekend.

D) Special Expressions Followed by Gerunds

have fun / a good time We had fun playing beach volley. / I had a good time talking to you.
have trouble / difficulty He had difficulty solving the math problem.
have a hard time / difficult time I had a hard time finding your house.

spend time / money doing sth. She spends her time studying at the library. fghfghfghfghfghfghfghfg
waste time / money doing sth. He wasted most of his time playing video games

find someone doing sth. When I walked into the class, I found him sitting on my desk.
catch someone doing sth. When I went to the kitchen I caught a thief looking into the fridge. cb

it is worth Do you think it is worth buying such an old car?

there is no point in You passed the exam. There is no point in studying a lot.
there is no use doing something There is no use giving him advice. He never keeps our advice.
it is no good doing sth. It is no good talking to him, he is so angry.
it is no use doing sth. It is no use waiting here, he won’t show up. fghfghfghhhhhhhhhhhhhh

E) Common Verbs Followed by Both Gerunds And Infinitives

The verbs in this group may be followed by either a gerund or an infinitive with little or no difference in

begin It began raining. There is no difference between “began to

It began to rain. rain” and “began raining”.
start I started working.
If the main verb is progressive, an Infinitive
I started to work.
(not a gerund) is usually used.
continue They continued studying.
They continued to study.

like I like playing football. I enjoy playing football.

I like to play football. I want to play football.
love I love watching western movies.
I love to watch western movies.

hate I hate saying this, but I don’t like him.

I hate to say this, but I don’t like him.

prefer I prefer staying home to going to the concert. Notice the patterns with prefer.
I prefer to stay home than (to) go to the concert.

F) Common Verbs Followed by Infinitives

afford I can’t afford to buy that new car. manage She managed to finish her work early.
agree They all agreed to help us. mean I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings.
appear She appears to be tired. offer They offered to help us.
arrange I’ll arrange to meet you at the airport. plan I am planning to have a party.
beg He begged to come with us. prepare We prepared to welcome them.
care I don’t care to see that show. pretend He pretends not to understand.
claim She claims to know a famous film star. promise I promise not to be late.
consent She finally consented to marry him. refuse I refuse to believe his story.
decide I have decided to leave on Monday. seem That cat seems to be friendly.
demand I demand to know who is responsible. struggle I struggled to stay awake.
deserve She deserves to win the prize. swear She swore to tell the truth.
expect I expect to enter the school in the fall. threaten She threatened to tell my parents.
fail She failed to return the money on time. volunteer He volunteered to help the poor.
hesitate Don’t hesitate to ask for my help. wait I will wait to hear from you.
hope We hope to see you again. want I want to tell you something.
learn He learned to play the piano. wish She wishes to come with us.

G) Common Verbs Followed by Both Gerunds And Infinitives

The verbs in this group may be followed by either a gerund or an infinitive with difference in meaning.

Judy always remembers to remember + infinitive = remember to

remember lock the door. perform a responsibility, duty, or task.
I remember seeing the Alps remember + gerund = remember (recall)
for the first time. The sight something that happened in the past.
was impressive.
Sam always forgets to lock forget + infinitive = forget to perform a Forget followed by a
forget the door. responsibility, duty, or task. gerund usually occurs
I’ll never forget seeing the forget + gerund = forget something that in a negative sentence
Alps for the first time. happened in the past. or a question.
I regret to tell you that you regret +infinitive= regret to tell someone,
regret failed the test. to inform someone of bad news.
I regret lending him some regret + gerund = regret something that
money. He never paid it back. happened in the past.
I’m trying to learn English. try + infinitive = make an effort.
It was hot inside. I tried try + gerund = experiment with a new or
opening the window, but it different approach to see if it works.
didn’t help.
I was working in the garden stop + infinitive = infinitive of purpose,
when he came. I stopped to talk in order to
stop to him.
When the professor entered the stop + gerund = finish doing something
room, the students stopped that is in progress.
talking. The class became quite.

A: Choose the correct choice
1. to study- studying
a- I remember …………………………………. this piece of grammar last year.
b- I must remember ………………..…………. my notes on gerunds and infinitives tonight.
2. to announce-missing
a-We regret …………………….….. ….that all trains to Ankara will be delayed for two hours.
b- I regret ……………………….…….. the train to Ankara. I got to the meeting two hours late.
3. to buy- buying
a- I stopped ……………………..…………. a newspaper on my way home from the office.
b- I have stopped ………………………….. newspapers. You can’t believe a word you read in them.
4. 4- to have – having
a- I tried …………………….…… lessons, but they didn’t make much difference to my game.
b- I tried ………………………….. tennis lessons, none of the teachers were available in the evening.

B: Choose the correct answer

1) John prefers reading / to read books to watching TV.
2) Fiona remembered to do / doing the shopping before she came home.
3) Helen tried to find / finding her ring, but she couldn’t.
4) I regret to tell / telling you that your application has been rejected.
5) Tim prefers to study / studying in the library rather than do his homework at home.

C: Complete the sentences using Gerunds or Infinitives

1) She avoided ……………………..…… (look) at me while I was criticising her.
2) She chose ……………………….……..(stay) home while we went out.
3) Don’t hesitate……………………(contact) me if you need any help.
4) He admitted ……………………….…..(steal) his mother’s money but denied………….………..(sell) it for drugs.
5) I don’t recall……………………..….…..(meet) you before.
6) My parents won’t tolerate………………..……………(lie).
7) You will risk …………………………… (lose) all your money in that business.
8) He never seems ……………………………… (succeed).
9) I didn’t agree …………………………....…….. (work) with him.
10) They had to postpone ……………...………….. (give) a party because of the car accident their son had.

D: Complete the sentences using the correct form of the verbs from the box.
1- There is no point in …………………….… for the class. It has already started.
feel - watch -
2- This book isn’t worth………………….…. . Its plot is nonsense.
run - meet -
3- You waste a lot of time ………………………….. those ridiculous series on TV.
read - get - try
4- It is no good ……………… to persuade my father. He won’t allow me to come with you.
- visit
5- Are you sure you won’t have any difficulty ……………….…….. to the airport on your own?
6- My friend in England says in his letter that he is having a good time there ………….……….. . interesting places and
………………………… people from various cultures.
7- I can’t help ………………….. sorry for them when I see small children in the street begging for money.

E: Complete the following sentences using the verbs

with their correct prepositions 3- How does this snake stay cool in the desert?
waiting listening having going (It buries itself in the sand)
1) I’m interested ………………………… to music.
2) She is afraid ……………………out in the dark. G: Complete the following sentences using ( without +
3) He is looking forward………………….his gerund )
holiday soon.
4) I’m tired …………………for the bus to come. 1- She answered the questions. She didn’t hesitate.
Let’s take a taxi. ……………………………………………………………

F: Answer the following questions using by + gerund 2- He lied to his friends. He didn’t think of the
1- How do you satisfy your hunger? ……………………………………………………………
(I eat some fruit) …………………………………..
2- How do you manage to make ends meet with such a 3- My brother rides his bike and he doesn’t hold on to the
small salary? handlebars.
(I don’t spend anything on luxury items) ……………………………………………………………


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