I. Identify The Detail Information of The Following Sentences

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NIM : 20120015

I. Identify the detail information of the following sentences

1. You can relieve tension trough exercise
2. The English instructor summarize the plot
3. any students in computer science course can use the computer terminals only at night
4. Many shoppers clip coupons to reduce their grocery bill
5. After class I am going to talk to my instructor
6. Astronomers have learned about stars and galaxies by analyzing radiation they emit
7. The world’s oil supply is concentrated in only few places around the globe
8. Light traveling through empty space will move in straight line

9. Cobalt, essential for the manufacture of jet aircraft engines, is a valuable recourses
10. Ebbingaus, one of psychology’s pioneers, studied learning and memory processes

II. Answer the questions

1. How does astronomy help Muslim’s life?

Astronomy help Muslim’s life such as : By the sun the Muslims calculating prayer times
and fasting and determine the precise direction of the Qiblah, to face the Ka'bah in Makkah,
during prayer

2. What did Muslim astronomers invented that contributed to European

Muslim astronomers also invented instruments such as the quadrant and astrolabe, which led to
advances not only in astronomy but in oceanic navigation, contributing to the European age of
3. What did Muslim scholar contributed to Geography?

Muslim scholar contributed to Geography who produced very accurate maps, including a
world map with all the continents and their mountains, rivers and famous cities

4. What did graphic art show us?

Excelled in geometry

5. Who establish trigonometry?

Al-Biruni, who established trigonometry as a distinct branch of mathematics
6. What did Ibnu Sina famous for?
Ibnu Sina is famous with his book, Al-Qanun fi al-Tibb, remained a standard

7. What is Ibnu Sina’s contribution to medical world?

Ibnu Sina’s contribution to medical world such as IbnSina'sKitab al-Shifa' (Book of
Healing), and in public health

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