The Freshwater Habitats Fishes and Fisheries of TH

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The freshwater habitats, fishes, and fisheries of the Orinoco River Basin

Article  in  Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management · June 2007

DOI: 10.1080/14634980701350686

23 2,213

4 authors, including:

Marco A. Rodríguez Kirk O Winemiller

Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières Texas A&M University


Donald Charles Taphorn

Royal Ontario Museum


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The freshwater habitats, fishes, and fisheries
of the Orinoco River basin
Marco A. Rodrı́guez,1∗ Kirk O. Winemiller,2 William M. Lewis, Jr.,3
and Donald C. Taphorn Baechle4
5 Département de chimie-biologie, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, 3351 boul. des Forges, Trois-Rivières,
Québec, G9A 5H7, Canada
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Dept. of Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences, Texas A&M University, 2258 TAMU
College Station, TX 778943-2258, USA
Professor and Director, Center for Limnology, Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences,
10 University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado, USA
UNELLEZ, BioCentro, Mesa de Cavacas, Guanare, Estado Portuguesa, Venezuela 3310

Corresponding author: Fax: (819) 376-5084; E-mail:

The Orinoco River of Venezuela and Colombia is one of the great rivers of the world, ranking third
by discharge after the Amazon and the Congo. In the Orinoco basin, riverine and floodplain habitats,
including riparian forests, play key roles in the conservation of biodiversity and support commercial,
sport, and subsistence fisheries. The basin’s three major floodplains regulate the amplitude and duration of
floods, maintain fertile agricultural terrain, provide habitat for numerous terrestrial and aquatic species,
and support the fishery. The fish fauna, which includes some 1,000 species, encompasses a great deal of
ecological diversity in terms of geographic distributions, habitat affinities, functional morphology, and
reproductive and feeding strategies. The Orinoco fishery is still multispecific, with around 80 different
species found in the fish markets at different times of year. Current estimates indicate that annual sustainable
yield is 40,000 – 45,000 metric tons. Fish culture in the region is underdeveloped despite decades of research
and promotion. There is no serious commercial trade for ornamental fishes. Large regions of the Orinoco
basin are still in a relatively pristine state, but aquatic resources are increasingly threatened by habitat
destruction, overharvesting, pollution, and hydrological perturbation. Scientific understanding of diversity
hotspots, critical habitats, and conservation status of fishes in the basin is currently insufficient to satisfy
management needs. Compliance to fishery regulations is low and fishing is drastically modifying the relative
abundance, population structure, and distribution of fish stocks. However, many sectors of the Orinoco basin
are unexploited or only lightly exploited, and fish stocks can recover quickly if given the opportunity. Stricter
enforcement of current fishery regulations would reduce the likelihood of stock collapses and other, possibly
irreversible, changes in the fishery.
30 Keywords: Aquatic resources, conservation, ecology, management, neotropical, floodplain, Venezuela

Introduction commercial, sport, and subsistence fisheries, and 35

harbor tremendous biodiversity, including various
The Orinoco River basin is a vast reservoir of nat- species of emblematic value for conservation ini-
ural resources. Aquatic habitats in the basin support tiatives, such as the Orinoco crocodile, the Arrau

Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management, 10(2):140–152, 2007. Copyright 
C 2007 AEHMS. ISSN: 1463-4988 print / 1539-4077 online

DOI: 10.1080/14634980701350686
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2 Rodrı́guez et al. / Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management 10 (2007) 140–152

sideneck turtle, the Caribbean manatee, freshwa- 4,000 mm y−1 ), whereas the alluvial zones of the
40 ter dolphins, and the giant river otter. As well, north are semiarid. The area-weighted precipitation
the Orinoco basin is inhabited by many indigenous of the entire basin (2,000 mm y−1 ) is approximately 90
cultures that derive sustenance from its resources. equal to that of the Amazon basin (Lewis et al.,
Although vast areas within the basin have been his- 1995). The wettest portions of the watershed (gen-
torically subjected only to mild anthropogenic pres- erally to the south) consist of tropical moist forest,
45 sures and are still in a relatively pristine state, threats whereas the low-elevation portion of the northern
from habitat destruction, overharvesting, pollution, half of the watershed is primarily savanna grassland 95
and hydrological perturbation are rising. (Figure 2). Precipitation in the Orinoco basin shows
This article summarizes the state of knowledge strong seasonality. River discharges throughout the
on the freshwater habitats, fishes, and fisheries of the watershed increase from approximately April to
50 Orinoco River basin, with particular attention to the August and decrease thereafter to a plateau that lasts
region within Venezuela, which accounts for 71% approximately two months (February, March). The 100
of the total basin area. The focus is primarily on (1) annual range in water levels for the Orinoco lower
the aquatic habitats of the Orinoco main stem, its main stem is approximately 12 m.
tributaries, and their floodplains; (2) fish systemat- The taxonomically rich fish fauna of the Orinoco
55 ics, ecology, and conservation; and (3) fisheries and basin encompasses a great deal of ecological di-
fish culture, including current legislation. versity in terms of geographic distributions, habitat 105
affinities, functional morphology, and reproductive
Overview of freshwater resources, and feeding strategies. The morphological diversity
freshwater fish fauna, and encompassed in local fish assemblages of the high
plains (“Llanos”) is greater than that observed in
freshwater fisheries of the fish assemblages in comparable habitats in North 110
60 Orinoco basin America, Central America, and Africa (Winemiller,
1991). The latest published species lists (Taphorn
The Orinoco River of Venezuela and Colombia et al., 1997; Lasso et al., 2004a) include some
is one of the great rivers of the world, ranking third 1,200 freshwater fishes, most of them from the
by discharge (38,000 m3 s−1 ) after the Amazon and Orinoco basin. Machado-Allison (1993) provides an 115
the Congo. The environmental and biotic compo- overview of the natural history, ecology, and bio-
65 nents of the Orinoco River ecosystem are described geography of the fishes of the Venezuelan llanos.
in Weibezhan et al. (1990), the proceedings of a sym- Novoa (1982, 1989, 2002) reviewed the status
posium on large South American rivers published in of commercial fisheries in the Orinoco River. The
1990 as a special issue of the journal Interciencia, largest inland fishery in Venezuela is centered at 120
Vol. 15(6), and Lewis et al. (2000). San Fernando de Apure in the western llanos. The
70 The Orinoco River basin extends over 1.1 mil- Orinoco River and its marginal lakes, wetlands, and
lion km2 and covers 84% of Venezuela’s territory. tributaries also support commercial fisheries, with
The basin is bounded on its entire southern margin major markets located in Puerto Ayacucho, Guasdu-
by the Rio Negro, a major Amazon tributary, and on alito, Bruzual, Caicara del Orinoco, Maripa, Ciudad 125
the north and west by coastal drainages of the Andes Bolı́var, Ciudad Guayana, and Barrancas. A great
75 (Figure 1). The southern side of the drainage is al- variety of species are exploited, with dominant fishes
most entirely accounted for by the Guayana Shield in in the harvest varying according to region and time
the states of Bolı́var and Amazonas, which consists of year.
of thoroughly weathered crystalline basement rock. The most important sportfishes in Venezuela are 130
To the north and west, the Orinoco is flanked for a the pavones, or peacock cichlids (Cichla spp.). Their
80 distance of several hundred kilometers by alluvial ecology, distribution, and conservation challenges
deposits of Andean origin. Toward the periphery of were summarized by Winemiller (2001). Other pop-
the watershed, beyond these deposits, the northern ular sport fishes include the payara (Hydrolycus
and western headwaters of the Orinoco rise in the armatus) and large pimelodid catfishes including 135
Andean montane zone at elevations above 3000 m. the bagres rayados (Pseudoplatystoma fasciatum,
85 The southern part of the Orinoco basin (Guayana P. tigrinum), valentón (Brachyplatystoma filamento-
Shield and western portion of Andean montane and sum), and cajaro (Phractocephalus hemioliopterus).
alluvial zones) has high annual precipitation (1,000– These species remain common in rivers of the llanos,
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Rodrı́guez et al. / Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management 10 (2007) 140–152 3

Figure 1. Map of the Orinoco River basin, showing major geographic regions, tributaries, cities, and the three major types of floodplain
(internal delta, fringing floodplain, and Orinoco delta). The extent of the inundation on the internal delta was kindly provided by S.K.
Hamilton (Michigan State University).

Figure 2. Map of the Orinoco River basin, showing the distribution of major vegetation types.
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4 Rodrı́guez et al. / Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management 10 (2007) 140-152

140 Guayana Shield, and Amazonas. Two migratory except at times of highest flow, when turbidity in-
characids, the saltador (Salminus hilarii) and the tercepts light. Thus, the benthic habitat is suitable
palambra (Brycon whitei), are also popular fish with for a diversity of both fishes and aquatic inverte- 190
anglers. brates. On the alluvial plains, the gradients are low.
Fish culture centers on the cachama (Colos- The seasonal turbidity of these “white waters” can
145 soma macropomum) (reviewed in Ginelly, 1990), be high (Saunders and Lewis, 1988), but the smaller
which dominates commercial production, and the amounts of runoff per unit area and the large amount
exotic “tilapias” (includes Tilapia, Oreochromis, of moving alluvial material in the channels promotes 195
and Sarotherodon spp.). Cultivation of cachama and the development of shallow stream channels that can
its hybrid with the morocoto (Piaractus brachypo- produce benthic algal growth at low flow and often
150 mus) has been practiced for many years. are connected to off-channel waters that diversify
There is no serious commercial trade for orna- aquatic habitat.
mental fishes in Venezuela. Ornamental fishes have The white waters contain large amounts of dis- 200
been harvested from the wild by a few companies, solved and suspended solids produced by rapid
but these ventures have not persisted, probably be- weathering in the Andes. In contrast, the black wa-
155 cause of administrative hurdles to exportation. Trade ters flow primarily through the Guayana Shield,
statistics are not reliable because an unknown and which has been weathered so extensively that it
possibly large proportion of all exportation is made yields only small amounts of suspended and dis- 205
illegally via Colombia from the Amazonas region. solved solids. Because it receives both white-water
However, overexploitation does not seem to be a ma- and black-water tributaries, the Orinoco is a mix-
160 jor concern because operations are on a relatively ture of water types of sharply contrasting physical,
small scale. chemical, and biological characteristics.
Floodplains are habitats of great consequence to 210
the aquatic fauna and flora of the Orinoco basin.
State of freshwater science in the There are three major types of floodplains within
Orinoco Basin the Orinoco basin (Lewis et al., 1995; Figure 2).
The Orinoco delta (∼21,000 km2 ) consists mainly of
Habitats of the Orinoco River floodplain overlying deltaic deposits and dissected 215
165 and its tributaries by a large number of distributary channels. Aquatic
grasses predominate in the freshwater portions of
Aquatic habitats available to fishes and other this floodplain, about which very little is known.
aquatic organisms vary partly by climate and ge- Along the main stem, extending from the delta
omorphology and partly by stream order. Lakes are to the Apure (approximately 600 km), a fringing 220
rare, except on floodplains; there is only one large floodplain (∼700 km2 ) encompasses both banks
170 reservoir (Guri, on the Caronı́). The small streams of but is considerably wider on the north than on the
the Guayana Shield are predominantly canopied and south. The fringing floodplain is approximately 79%
have relatively low gradient, with the notable excep- canopied. The uncanopied portion of the fringing
tion of streams and rivers that flow from the edges floodplain corresponds to 2300 topographic depres- 225
of tepuys. The waters from the south are predom- sions that can be called floodplain lakes. They are
175 inantly darkly colored by dissolved organic matter joined with each other and with the surrounding
of terrestrial origin (”black waters”), although some canopied areas at high water, but are isolated during
are clear waters as well. Major tributaries emerge the dry season. Within the uncanopied areas, Pas-
from the canopy, but are generally deep because of palum repens, an aquatic C4 grass, is the dominant 230
the abundance of rainfall and, because they are pri- vascular plant, although other vascular plants are
180 marily darkly colored, do not efficiently transmit ir- present as well. Paspalum provides critical physical
radiance to the substrate. Also the substrate is often habitat for floodplain invertebrates and fishes (Lewis
fine and mobile, which reduces habitat diversity for et al., 2000; Valbo-Jørgensen et al., 2000). Although
both fish and benthic invertebrates. water persists within the lakes during the prolonged 235
To the north, tributaries of small to intermediate seasonal drought (approximately 100 days), habitat
185 size flow at high gradient from the flanks of the An- space shrinks at this time to a small percentage of
des over substrate of moderate to high coarseness its annual maximum. Thus, fishes and other aquatic
beneath waters that typically are highly transparent organisms must contend with strictly lacustrine
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Rodrı́guez et al. / Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management 10 (2007) 140-152 5

240 conditions of the dry season, but also may exploit for fishes in pelagic ecosystems. Food webs of the
resources on the floodplain at large during the in- Orinoco floodplain and its major tributaries (Jepsen
terval of full inundation. Benthic environments of and Winemiller, 2002) therefore show marked food
the Orinoco floodplain typically are oxygenated, and chain compression, which is the only means of sus- 295
thus are more habitable than similar environments taining high fish production on such a small fraction
245 of the Amazon, which may become anoxic (Lewis of the potentially available carbon.
et al., 1995). Accumulation of organic sediment is
negligible on the floodplain because of high oxida- Current state of knowledge
tion rates; the substrates of the floodplain lakes are of Orinoco fishes
primarily fine and inorganic.
250 The third floodplain of the Orinoco consists of an Venezuelan and Colombian ichthyologists have 300
large internal delta near the Apure River (∼70,000 collaborated on a complete revision and update of
km2 ) that forms as seasonal floodwaters moving to- the list of freshwater fishes of the Orinoco basin, in-
ward the main stem are impeded by the high vol- cluding lists for each major Orinoco tributary (Lasso
ume of water in the main stem. Thus impounded, et al., 2004b). The most current estimate places the
255 the water fills depressions and spreads over much of species richness for the Orinoco basin at 995 fish 305
the landscape, where it provides temporary aquatic species, of which 939 are found in Venezuela and
habitat over many thousand square km to the north 627 in Colombia (Lasso et al., 2004a, b), but new
of the Orinoco main stem. These shallow ephemeral species are being described every year. Nearly 85%
habitats are highly productive during the wet season. of the species, including those most important to
260 As rainfall and floodwaters subside drying pools fisheries and aquaculture, fall within three major 310
often become anoxic, with struggling fishes pro- orders, the Characiformes, Siluriformes, and Per-
viding an abundant food resource for birds and ciformes (Table 1).
crocodilians. Within the Orinoco basin, two basic biogeo-
In the main stem of the Orinoco itself, habitat for graphic divisions of the ichthyofauna can be rec-
265 fishes and invertebrates is limited. If found in the ognized, each associated with a distinctive water 315
main stem Orinoco at all, most fish species in the type. The first division is found in the sediment-
basin seem to use this habitat for dispersal between and nutrient-rich whitewaters concentrated in the
backwaters and tributaries. Nonetheless, a compar- northern portion of the drainage, such as the Apure
atively small community of specialized fishes feeds and Meta Rivers, whose watersheds originate in the
270 within lotic waters of the main stem (Lundberg et al., Andes Mountains. The second division is found 320
1987; Barbarino Duque and Winemiller, 2003). in clear to blackwater rivers with low productiv-
Multiple sources of carbon are available to pri- ity and biomass, but relatively high fish diversity,
mary consumers on the Orinoco floodplain: phy- mostly in the southern portion of the drainage,
toplanktonic and periphytic algae, macrophytes, in isolated pockets of sandy or lateritic soils in
275 litterfall, and organic matter transported by the the llanos, and draining the Guayana Shield. Pre- 325
river. Trophic flows from primary producers to top liminary attempts have been made to explain ob-
consumers on the Orinoco floodplain have been served distributions (Chernoff et al., 1991; Lasso
analysed by means of estimation of P:B ratios com- et al., 1991; Pérez and Taphorn, 1993), but biogeo-
bined with trophic-level analysis through stable iso- graphical analyses for many groups are still limited
280 tope tracers (Lewis et al., 2001). Strikingly, although by poor knowledge of alpha taxonomy. The depth 330
macrophytes and litter jointly account for ∼98% of of taxonomic coverage varies considerably across
total available carbon, production of both fish and in- groups. Detailed monographs are available for some
vertebrates on the floodplain is supported primarily groups, e.g., the caribes or piranhas (Machado-
by algal carbon. Many fish of the Orinoco flood- Allison and Fink, 1996), whereas the state of knowl-
285 plain have adaptations for feeding directly on al- edge for other groups is poor even at the familial 335
gae, a nutritious source of carbon that accounts for level.
approximately 20% of fish production, or on her- Venezuelan fishes occupy a broad range of
bivorous invertebrates, which account for most of ecological niches that represent the full range of
the remaining 80%. Fish production is thus derived consumer trophic positions in aquatic food webs.
290 mostly from the 1st and 2nd trophic levels, rather Some species feed exclusively or opportunisti- 340
than at and above the 2nd level as is more usual cally on seeds/fruits, macrophytes, algae, wood,
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6 Rodrı́guez et al. / Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management 10 (2007) 140-152

Table 1. Distribution of Orinoco fish species among orders, family, and genera (modified from Lasso et al., 2004b). Species important
to fishery or aquaculture are listed also.

Order Families Genera Species Fishery or aquaculture species

Anguilliformes 2 2 3
Batrachoidiformes 1 1 1
Beloniformes 2 5 8
Characiformes 14 124 399 Brycon spp., Colossoma macropomum,
Hydrolycus armatus, Mylossoma spp.,
Piaractus brachypomus, Prochilodus mariae,
Semaprochilodus kneri, S. laticeps
Charchariniformes 1 1 1
Clupeiformes 3 12 20
Cyprinodontiformes 4 12 27
Elopiformes 2 2 2
Gymnotiformes 5 24 59
Lophiiformes 1 1 1
Myliobatiformes 6 9 12
Osteoglossiformes 1 1 2
Perciformes 15 65 126 Cichla spp.,Plagioscion squamosissimus
Pleuronectiformes 3 5 11
Pristiformes 1 1 2
Scorpaeniformes 1 1 1
Siluriformes 12 150 314 Brachyplatystoma spp., Phractocephalus
hemioliopterus, Pseudoplatystoma fasciatum,
P. tigrinum
Synbranchiformes 1 1 1
Syngnathiformes 1 2 2
Tetraodontiformes 1 2 3
Total 77 421 995

zooplankton, terrestrial arthropods, fish fins, fish acteristics and water quality features. Water type
mucus, or blood. This high degree of feeding spe- is a particularly strong predictor of ichthyofaunal
cialization is assumed to allow greater species coex- assemblages. Suites of species are affiliated with
345 istence during intervals of resource scarcity in sea- blackwater (low pH, low conductivity, intermediate 365
sonal aquatic habitats. Most fish assemblages that transparency), clearwater (variable pH and conduc-
have been investigated at small spatial scales also tivity, high transparency), or whitewater (high pH,
reveal significant partitioning of space and time (Ar- high conductivity, low transparency) lakes, rivers
rington and Winemiller, 2003; Willis et al., 2005), and streams. In some cases, geographic barriers
350 and marked daily fluctuations in activity patterns limit fish dispersal, but in many other cases wa- 370
have been documented at the level of individual ter quality features appear to limit dispersal and
species (Rodrı́guez et al., 1990). At larger spatial gene flow (Turner et al., 2004). Taxonomic struc-
scales, fish assemblages are strongly patterned, with ture of fish assemblages of the Casiquiare region
species distributions segregating to varying degrees (river connecting the headwaters of the Orinoco and
355 according to longitudinal position in river gradients Negro/Amazon basins) is significantly associated 375
(Hoeinghaus et al., 2003, 2004), lateral position in with a longitudinal clearwater-blackwater gradient
floodplain rivers (Barbarino Duque and Winemiller, (Winemiller et al., unpublished). Species primarily
2003), or water type (Rodrı́guez and Lewis, 1997; restricted to black waters of the Amazonian forests
Jepsen and Winemiller, 2002). in southern Venezuela (e.g., the cardinal tetra,
360 At the watershed scale, fish distribution pat- Paracheirodon axelrodi and the Orinoco angelfish, 380
terns are strongly associated with landscape char- Pterophyllum altum) are sometimes encountered as
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Rodrı́guez et al. / Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management 10 (2007) 140-152 7

isolated populations in small blackwater tributaries migrations of the coporo between rivers draining the
of the Orinoco located hundreds of kilometers to the Andean piedmont and lowland rivers of the western 435
north in the vicinity of Puerto Ayacucho. llanos (Lilyestrom, 1983). During the early wet sea-
385 Fish assemblages of Orinoco floodplain lakes are son, ripe coporos migrate from these rivers to the
structured by causal relationships connecting pis- lowlands where they spawn in midriver and then re-
civory to transparency and transparency to lake mor- main to feed in rain-swollen rivers and seasonal wet-
phometry (Rodrı́guez and Lewis, 1997). During the lands. During the falling-water period (November- 440
dry season, fish with sensory adaptations to low light January), huge schools of coporos and several other
390 are dominant in turbid lakes, whereas fish relying on migratory species such as the mije (Leporinus frid-
vision predominate in clear lakes. Piscivores modify erici), morocoto, and bagres rayados, participate in
assemblage structure by culling the most vulnerable “ribazones” (annual migrations at the end of the
prey species. Vulnerability in turn is strongly related flood season) where they move upstream then grad- 445
to transparency and to the sensory and foraging ca- ually disperse within major tributary rivers (Bar-
395 pabilities of individual species. Transparency at low barino Duque et al., 1998).
water is predictably related to the depth and size of
lakes: resuspension of sediment leading to turbidity Current status of freshwater fisheries
occurs at specific thresholds of depth and fetch. In and fish culture
addition to its role as a determinant of transparency,
400 lake morphometry affects vulnerability through the The Orinoco fishery is still multispecific, with 450
relationship between lake relative depth and avail- around 80 different species found in the fish mar-
ability of structural cover. Furthermore, prey species kets at different times of year, but the bulk of the
may be able to use lake morphometry as an indica- harvest consists of prochilodontids and pimelodid
tor of predation intensity, and predators may select catfishes. Novoa (1989) reported that commercial
405 lakes that are most compatible with their mode of fisheries of the Orinoco basin expanded during the 455
predation. Although assortment of fish among lakes 1980s accompanied by shifts from large pimelodid
seems largely unpatterned at the onset of the dry catfishes to greater proportional reliance on migra-
season, assemblages are molded by predatory in- tory prochilodontids. Novoa previously calculated
teractions that are intensified by the shrinking vol- an estimated annual yield of 40,000–45,000 metric
410 ume of lakes during the dry season (Rodrı́guez and tons for the Orinoco River and noted that yields ap- 460
Lewis, 1994). Assemblage structure is thus strongly pear to be correlated with intensity of annual floods.
deterministic in the dry season because lake mor- The multispecies fishery yields were estimated at
phometry channelizes the outcome of interactions about 12,000 metric tons in the mid 1980s. Between
between predators and prey in the same way from 1984 and 2000, INAPESCA, the Venezuelan na-
415 year to year. tional fishery agency, reported annual harvests of 465
Most fishes move between aquatic habitats on a 16,000–60,000 tons, representing between 3–12%
seasonal basis, and this behavioral pattern is par- of the country’s total fishery production (Novoa,
ticularly prevalent in floodplain regions where an- 2002). A comprehensive foodweb analysis yielded
nual flood pulses create and destroy shallow aquatic an estimate of 79,000 metric tons for total fish pro-
420 habitats (Arrington et al., 2005). Local fish assem- duction on the Orinoco floodplain (Lewis et al., 470
blages in floodplain creeks are influenced by local- 2001). This value supports Novoa’s estimate of an-
scale movements in response to variation in water nual yield, which represents just over half of total
quality and availability of habitats for feeding, shel- fish production, as an upper limit for harvests in the
tering, and reproduction (Winemiller, 1996a; Wine- Orinoco fishery.
425 miller and Jepsen, 1998; Hoeinghaus et al., 2003). The western llanos of Venezuela is an impor- 475
Fish assemblages in floodplain lakes show marked tant nursery area for major commercial species such
interannual stability despite strong seasonal fluctua- as the coporo, bagres rayados, mije, and moro-
tions in abundance that are driven by movements be- coto. Coporos and bagres rayados dominate fish-
tween the lakes and adjacent floodplain (Rodrı́guez eries in San Fernando and other areas in the west-
430 and Lewis, 1990, 1994). Some of the most impor- ern llanos (Apure-Arauca basin). The main stem 480
tant fishery species perform seasonal, long-distance Orinoco River yields large catches of catfishes
migrations of several hundred kilometers (Saldaña (Brachyplatystoma spp.), morocoto, palometas (My-
and Venables, 1983). Most notable are the annual lossoma spp.), payara, palambra (Brycon spp.), and
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8 Rodrı́guez et al. / Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management 10 (2007) 140-152

prochilodontids. The fishery of the Caura River smaller detritivores and herbivores are still healthy 535
485 (large Guayana Shield tributary) is dominated by the in the delta.
morocoto and bagres rayados, but at least 27 species Most sport fishing in Venezuela centers on the
comprised an estimated 250 metric tons of fishes pavones. Five Cichla species occur in the country,
harvested annually (Vispo et al., 2003). Slightly less but only three (C. intermedia, C. orinocensis, and
than half of the annual harvest was taken by subsis- C. temensis) appear to be widespread. Pavón popu- 540
490 tence fishers. lations appear to be highly sensitive to overharvest,
The fishery has drastically modified the relative and this is probably a function of their occupation of
abundance, population structure, and distribution of unproductive ecosystems, their reproductive strat-
fish stocks in the Orinoco basin. Overharvesting of egy involving nesting and parental care, and their
large fishes began with the arrival of nylon seines trophic position as top predators. Overharvest has 545
495 over 30 years ago and has been compounded re- been a serious problem in all areas with good access
cently by habitat destruction and the doubling of to anglers and net fishers. In recent years, pavón pop-
Venezuela’s population in the last 25 years. Patterns ulations in remote areas in Amazonas (Casiquiare
of human consumption have responded to selective region) and the Guayana Shield (Caura and Caronı́
reduction or depletion of fish stocks. Caribes, do- rivers) have begun to be exploited more heavily. Im- 550
500 radid catfishes, and payara, once considered “trash” pressive pavón fisheries in the Aguaro River and Las
fish and discarded from catches, are now common in Majaguas Reservoir were destroyed after only about
markets because previously preferred species have a decade of illegal fishing activity.
disappeared or become rare and expensive. The saltador, a predatory characid, is a sport fish
Spatial shifts in the fishery have occurred at sev- that was once common in rivers of the Andean pied- 555
505 eral scales. Near fishing centers, the largest species mont but has now been nearly eliminated by over-
of commercial fishes are now scarce or absent, and fishing, deforestation and siltation, and dam con-
fishers are required to make longer journeys and stay struction (Winemiller et al., 1996). The saltador has
out more days to fill their boats. At larger scales, the a migratory life history similar to the coporo in this
commercial fishery for prochilodontids has shifted region. Blockage of migration routes by dams is 560
510 and is now concentrated in the lower portions of particularly damaging to these species. The palam-
the Orinoco tributaries. Highland rivers with dams bra, another migratory characid, has been reduced
or dykes and irrigation canals that block migration in numbers due to dams and other human impacts in
have lost significant portions of their prochilodontid this heavily populated region of Venezuela (Lilye-
populations (Barbarino Duque et al., 1998). Agricul- strom and Taphorn, 1983). 565
515 tural development has led to extensive deforestation Cachama hatcheries have been in existence in
and concomitant sedimentation of the upper sections Venezuela since the 1970’s (Ginelly, 1990). Most
of rivers draining the Andes mountain range. The stations use earthen ponds to cultivate the cachama,
dry season is more severe and extended, permitting but cage culture has also produced positive experi-
fishers to completely fish out these smaller rivers. mental results. Artificial feeds incorporating indus- 570
520 These conditions, along with peak demand for fish trial byproducts and locally produced ingredients are
for Holy Week during the dry season, have caused the key to successful commercialization.
severe overexploitation. The practice of blocking Several species of cultivated tilapia have escaped
rivers downstream with large seines to harvest the into the wild. Use of these exotics poses a serious
blocked migrators with cast nets has contributed to potential threat to native species and the integrity 575
525 declines in population sizes and earlier maturation of the ecosystems on which they depend. Expect-
in the prochilodontids. ing extraordinary profits and high production, many
The effects of overharvesting generally are most farmers abandoned the cachama in favor of tilapia.
notable in the upper sections of the Orinoco basin. Unfortunately, there was little appreciation for the
On the delta, catch per unit effort has actually in- pitfalls associated with tilapia culture: reproduction 580
530 creased in the last 25 years, but the composition of of commercial numbers of these mouth-brooders is
the catch has changed over the same period (Novoa, expensive, labor intensive, and time consuming. Al-
2002). The largest predatory species are now caught though tilapias were first introduced into Venezuela
at much smaller sizes or have disappeared com- in 1959, the currently cultivated variety, red tilapia,
pletely from the commercial harvest, but stocks of is a relative newcomer. 585
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Survey of freshwater management Linkages with biodiversity conservation 635

in the Orinoco basin and ecosystem management

Water quality and fisheries laws Riverine and floodplain habitats, including ri-
parian forests, play a key role in conservation of
in Venezuela biodiversity in the Orinoco basin. For example, the
590 A regional development agency, the Corpo- floodplain regulates the amplitude and duration of 640
ración Venezolana de Guayana (CVG), is a major floods, maintains fertile agricultural terrain, pro-
player in environmental management in the lower vides refuge and feeding or breeding grounds for
Orinoco basin. The agency is responsible for plan- numerous terrestrial and aquatic species, and sup-
ning, promoting, and implementing projects in agri- ports the fishery. Strategies for preserving aquatic
595 culture, forestry, mining, tourism, urban develop- habitats and biota in the basin will be more likely to 645
ment, and water resources. Historically, there has succeed if they account for and adapt to local needs
been a lack of concerted efforts by CVG and other and constraints. In the llanos, the development of
governmental institutions to manage water qual- ecotourism ventures on private lands managed for
ity and discharges with conservation as an ex- ranching of cattle and capybaras (large cavimorph
600 plicit aim. In 1995, new regulations were created rodents) has proven economically viable. Similar 650
that tightened the standards for treatment of efflu- management schemes, encouraging conservation by
ents (BOD; solids) prior to release into natural wa- the landowners, could be promoted to maintain key
ters. However, these regulations contain a “grandfa- aquatic habitats in a natural state even as economi-
ther” clause which provides exemptions from en- cally profitable activities develop around these areas.
605 vironmental rehabilitation and the aluminum in- Conservation of aquatic habitats in Venezuela is 655
dustry, among others, has legally discharged ef- fostered by the existence of a network of protected
fluents into natural lakes. Without remedial treat- areas (ABRAE, or areas under special administra-
ment, the pollutants accumulated in the lakes may tion regime), which collectively cover two thirds of
be sporadically washed into the river by extreme the country’s territory. Most of these areas, though,
610 floods. afford only nominal protection because they are not 660
The Ministry of Agriculture (MAC) is responsi- actively managed or monitored. The categories of
ble for management of the fisheries in Venezuela, protected areas most relevant to conservation, Na-
including stock assessment, issuing of permits, and tional Parks, Natural Monuments, Faunal Refuges,
regulation of fishing gear and effort. Unfortunately, Faunal Reserves, and Biosphere Reserves (26% of
615 harvest regulations are often violated by all sec- Venezuelan territory), are concentrated in the south- 665
tors of society throughout the country. Law en- ern part of the Orinoco basin and the Orinoco delta.
forcement entities make occasional citations and With some exceptions, surveillance and control of
arrests of illegal netters, often confiscating nets fishing in protected areas is minimal or altogether
and boat motors, but these are too few and in- lacking, even within the National Parks. Protected
620 frequent to create an environment of widespread areas therefore probably contribute to the mainte- 670
deterrence. nance of aquatic biodiversity mostly by prevent-
Although more than 70% of all fishery harvests ing large-scale degradation of the watersheds from
in Venezuela are captured by rural fishers using tra- forestry, urban development, and mining.
ditional gear, the relatively low value of these fish- Although most of the Orinoco basin is rela-
625 eries has led to official neglect. Both the MAC and tively unaltered physically, the conservation status 675
the Ministry of the Environment (MARNR) have as- of fishes and the state of local fisheries is corre-
sumed roles in regulating the harvesting of fishes, lated with human presence. The most deteriorated
sometimes with conflicting objectives and ineffec- regions in the Orinoco basin are the once exten-
tive results. Between 1999 and 2001, legislators es- sively forested Andean piedmont regions and high
630 tablished regulations that permitted harvests during plains regions in the states that border the Andes 680
reproduction and migration phases and were thus mountains in the north, Apure, Barinas, Portuguesa,
highly detrimental to the fishery. This undesirable Cojedes, and Guárico, and the eastern plains of
situation might be corrected under the newly en- Anzoátegui, Monagas, and Delta Amacuro. Agri-
acted fishery law (Novoa, 2002). culture and cattle ranching are extensive in these
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10 Rodrı́guez et al. / Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management 10 (2007) 140-152

685 regions and deforestation has reached over 80% of in both areas. The law was recently changed to al- 735
original existing forests (Winemiller et al., 1996). low commercial fishing of pavón for the first time
In the still sparsely settled southern Apure state and in Venezuela, and this is certain to have negative
the rivers draining the Guayana Shield, the vegeta- impact on populations.
tion has suffered less and rivers are in better shape. The creation of dams, while devastating to mi-
690 However, gold mining in many rivers of Bolı́var gratory fishes, has created new habitat for lentic- 740
and Amazonas has contaminated the water and the adapted sport fishes, especially the pavones. New
aquatic food chain with mercury. pavón fisheries have been established in reservoirs
Conservation of biodiversity has been hindered within piedmont regions of the Andean and Coastal
by an almost exclusive focus by fisheries managers mountain ranges. These reservoirs bring a valuable
695 on harvest, with little attention to preservation of new fishery resource to people in areas having the 745
a diversified fishery, genetic integrity, and balanced highest human population densities. Unfortunately,
trophic structure (including large predators). these fisheries are no better regulated than those
Although maximum sustainable yield perhaps has of the rivers, and, following the initial production
not been attained in the Orinoco fishery, various burst after reservoir formation, pavón populations
700 indicators point to overexploitation for almost have been depleted by illegal fishing over intervals 750
all of the large predatory catfishes. Though still as short as a decade (e.g., Las Majaguas Reservoir
classified as a low technology fishery, the use of in Cojedes state).
nylon seines pulled by small boats or canoes with
outboard motors and cast nets has greatly increased Conclusions
705 fishing efficacy and contributed to the decline of
stocks of large catfishes. Declining mesh sizes Science and management: Summary
in the commercial seines indicate that the larger overview and priority gaps and needs 755
individuals are no longer present in commercially
attractive quantities. There is evidence that com- Scientific understanding of diversity hotspots and
710 mercial netting is also causing reductions in the critical habitats in the Orinoco basin, including their
average size and age at maturity. In the Orinoco distribution and the ecological processes that main-
delta, threats to biodiversity include trawling of tain them, is currently insufficient to satisfy man-
channels and use of unselective fishing gear, which agement needs. Various knowledge gaps hamper the 760
result in habitat destruction and high by-catches management of freshwater resources in the Orinoco
715 and discarding of non-commercial species. basin. For example, basic data on population sta-
tus, demographic parameters, and genetic structure
Management success stories are unavailable for most fish species. Only 13 fishes
are listed (all risk categories combined) in the sec- 765
Regrettably, Venezuela provides few examples of ond edition of the Venezuelan Red List of threat-
specific management practices that have protected or ened animals (Rodrı́guez and Rojas-Suarez, 1999),
enhanced stocks of freshwater fishes or their natural up from five in the 1995 edition. A minority of the
720 habitats. We are only able to cite a couple of ex- 13 species is from the Orinoco basin and the rest are
ceptions: the pavón sport fisheries of the Cinaruco from densely populated areas near the coast. The 770
River, forming the border of Santos Luzardo Na- sparse representation of Orinoco fishes in the Red
tional Park, and Guri Reservoir, where access is List probably reflects current lack of knowledge on
controlled by EDELCA, a government-run mining population status rather than true absence of risk.
725 and power company. In both cases, local sportfish- Various potentially effective and relatively inexpen-
ing interests were sufficiently motivated to request sive tools for evaluating and managing freshwater 775
increased enforcement of fishing laws. Protection of resources, such as biotic metrics of habitat quality
pavón stocks was the primary concern. Sometimes (indicator species; indices of biotic integrity) and
aided by donations of boats, motors, and fuel from rapid assessment protocols, still await development
730 sportfishing groups, the Guardia Nacional was able and implementation in Venezuela. The feasibility of
to periodically patrol these areas, which provided rapid biological appraisals to map diversity and as- 780
a degree of deterrence. Following recent political sess management needs is illustrated by the Aquatic
and social conflicts in Venezuela, these patrols have Rapid Assessment Program (AquaRAP) conducted
all but stopped, and illegal net fishing has increased recently (2000) in the Caura River basin.
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Rodrı́guez et al. / Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management 10 (2007) 140-152 11

Management priorities for fishes in the Orinoco duced in areas where gillnets stretched across the
785 basin are associated with four major threats: defor- river channel can catch virtually every migrating
estation, dams, overfishing, and pollution (summa- individual. Fish populations in the western llanos
rized in Winemiller et al., 1996). The introduction seem to be relatively resilient to fishing pressure,
of exotic species, such as tilapias, can be added to probably because these populations normally expe- 840
this list of threats most of which now exist through- rience explosive growth and catastrophic decline in
790 out the country. Deforestation has perhaps the most concert with habitat changes and ecological dynam-
widespread and far-reaching impacts on aquatic life ics derived from the annual flood pulse (Winemiller
within the Orinoco basin. Deforestation in the An- 1996a, 1996b). Fish populations in unproductive
dean piedmont results in erosion and siltation of blackwater rivers appear to be more sensitive to 845
streams and rivers, greater solar radiation and stream exploitation (e.g., pavón discussed above).
795 desiccation, and alteration of instream habitats and Pollution in Venezuela derives from several
food webs. Deforestation has the same effects in sources, most of which have severe negative im-
the llanos and Amazonian/Guayana Shield regions, pacts on fish stocks. In the Guayana Shield, large
however, siltation is usually not as extensive in these mining operations for bauxite, iron, and gold cause 850
regions. siltation and introduce toxic chemicals and elements
800 Dams have multiple impacts on rivers and into rivers. In regions exploited by gold miners,
aquatic life, including alteration of natural hydro- mercury contamination poses a particularly acute
logic regimes and nutrient cycles, reduction of sedi- threat to fishes and other aquatic organisms (Nico
ment transport, and blockage of fish migrations. Al- and Taphorn, 1994). Organic waste from sewage 855
teration of river hydrological regimes in Venezuela and agriculture results in severe aquatic hypoxia
805 has serious consequences for fishes, most of which in several rivers and streams in Venezuela. Sugar
are adapted for seasonal spawning in response to sea- cane processing plants in the western llanos re-
sonal flood pulses (Winemiller, 1989). Dams tend to lease large amounts of liquid organic waste into
reduce flows in downstream reaches during normal streams that provide critical dry-season habitat for 860
high-flow periods, and often increase flow during a great diversity of fishes (Winemiller et al., 1996).
810 the annual dry period that normally has low flows. Normally, adult fishes from these dry-season refu-
Seasonal, or periodic, spawning fishes depend on gia move into seasonally flooded marshes to spawn
annual floods for spawning cues and creation of sea- during the rainy season. Thus, induction of se-
sonal wetlands in floodplains that function as nurs- vere hypoxia during the dry season has the poten- 865
ery areas. Dams also trap sediments and nutrients, tial to completely extirpate entire populations from
815 especially in whitewater ecosystems. These rivers watersheds.
normally show high primary and secondary produc-
tivity in low-velocity habitats within channels and
floodplains. Lentic habitats of whitewater rivers gen- Future trends and potential for habitats,
erally support dense growth of emergent and floating fishes, and fisheries
820 aquatic macrophytes, that in turn support high den-
sities of aquatic invertebrates and fishes, especially More than half of the population in southern 870
juveniles. Venezuela lives in poverty, and this region is there-
As discussed above, overfishing is a serious prob- fore a high development priority for the country.
lem throughout Venezuela. Most of the major com- The decline of opportunities in the large north-
825 mercial and sportfish stocks already have been fully ern cities has led to massive migrations to the
or overexploited throughout their ranges. Only pop- Guayana region of people seeking new economic 875
ulations in remote regions of the Guayana Shield opportunities. Three zones potentially threatened by
and Amazonas have escaped heavy exploitation by rapid development in the future merit special notice.
commercial and subsistence fishers. Large piscivo- First, aquatic environments in the scarcely populated
830 rous catfishes and pavones tend to be the first species delta will likely be degraded by the development of
to show signs of overharvesting (i.e., reduced av- infrastructures (dredging, channeling of wetlands, 880
erage size and stock abundance). The coporo and road construction, drainage networks, and peat min-
other species that mature in 1-2 years and produce ing), and burning and clearcutting of forests to cre-
large numbers of eggs seem to withstand harvest- ate agricultural land and rangeland. Second, the
835 ing better, but even these populations have been re- Orinoco oil belt, which spans the states of Guárico,
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12 Rodrı́guez et al. / Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management 10 (2007) 140-152

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