Marigold (Tagetes Erecta) : The Potential Value in The Phytoremediation of Chromium

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Marigold ( Tagetes erecta ): The Potential Value in the Phytoremediation of


Article  in  Pedosphere · June 2017

DOI: 10.1016/S1002-0160(17)60351-5


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9 authors, including:

ana rosa ribeiro Bastos Paulo Pinho

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Guilherme Amaral de Souza

Universidade Federal de Lavras (UFLA)


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Pedosphere 27(3): 559–568, 2017
ISSN 1002-0160/CN 32-1315/P
⃝c 2017 Soil Science Society of China
Published by Elsevier B.V. and Science Press

Marigold (Tagetes erecta): The Potential Value in the

Phytoremediation of Chromium

Lı́via C. COELHO1,∗ , Ana Rosa R. BASTOS1 , Paulo J. PINHO1 , Guilherme A. SOUZA1 , Janice G. CARVALHO1 ,
Viviane A. T. COELHO1 , Luiz Carlos A. OLIVEIRA2 , Rimena R. DOMINGUES1 and Valdemar FAQUIN1
1 Soil Science Department, Federal University of Lavras, Lavras 37200000 (Brazil)
2 Chemistry Department, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte 31270901 (Brazil)
(Received December 30, 2016; revised March 9, 2017)

Environmental pollution with chromium (Cr) is harmful to humans, animals and plants, while in plants it causes diminished growth,
anatomical alterations and death. In the present study, the potential value of marigold (Tagetes erecta) in the phytoremediation of
Cr has been investigated. The randomized experimental design involved the exposure of plants to nutrient solutions containing 0.00,
0.04, 0.08, 0.12, 0.16 or 0.24 mmol L−1 Cr(III). Chromium toxicity was observed at Cr(III) concentrations ≥ 0.12 mmol L−1 as
demonstrated by diminished growth of the aerial parts and reduced density of the root system. Increasing Cr(III) concentrations in
the nutrient solution resulted in a higher bioaccumulation of total Cr in the tissues, although translocation from roots to aerial parts
was not efficient (maximum value of 25% at 0.12 mmol L−1 Cr(III)). The Cr bioaccumulation was up to 11-fold greater in roots than
in the aerial parts. Tagetes erecta exhibited leaf plasticity when exposed to Cr, indicating the existence of a tolerance mechanism
to Cr in this species. Chromium caused a reduction in xilem vases, resulting in a plastic effect in T. erecta leaves that increased
the metal tolerance in culture solution. Tagetes spp. are potential Cr hyperaccumulators; at Cr(III) concentrations up to 0.12 mmol
L−1 , the plants accumulated levels above that proposed for hyperaccumulators and still maintained a considerable growth and even
flourished. However, this study was conducted in nutrient solution, and studies on species confirmation as Cr hyperaccumulator should
be conducted in soils for further clarification.
Key Words: anatomical alterations, heavy metal, hyperaccumulor, leaf anatomy, toxicity

Citation: Coelho L C, Bastos A R R, Pinho P J, Souza G A, Carvalho J G, Coelho V A T, Oliveira L C A, Domingues R R, Faquin
V. 2017. Marigold (Tagetes erecta): The potential value in the phytoremediation of chromium. Pedosphere. 27(3): 559–568.

INTRODUCTION lue for drinking-water (WHO, 2011).

Although an essential biological role for Cr in
Chromium (Cr) is a heavy metal that is found plants has yet to be established, some studies have
widely in the trivalent or hexavalent forms in soils, indicated that it may stimulate plant growth at low
rocks, volcanic ashes and groundwaters (Shanker et concentrations (ca. 1 µmol L−1 ) (Hossner et al., 1998).
al., 2005). It is employed extensively in the production Furthermore, there appears to be considerable inter-
of steel, pigment, paint and paper, in galvanization and intra-species variations regarding the absorption
processes, in the refining of oil and in the wood and of Cr and its subsequent retention in roots and/or
leather industries (Kabata-Pendias and Mukherjee, translocation to other tissues via the xylem. A number
2007; Gupta et al., 2010). The release of Cr residues of factors influence the storage and translocation of Cr
into the atmosphere and wastewaters can cause si- in plants, including stage of development, duration of
gnificant damage to living organisms, owing primarily exposure to the metal and the presence of other chemi-
to the conversion of Cr(III) to Cr(VI). Although the cal elements. Root tissues play an essential role in the
trivalent form of Cr is essential for human and ani- differential tolerance of a species to heavy metals, sin-
mal nutrition and plays a key role in glucose and lipid ce they are able to regulate absorption from the rhi-
metabolism, the hexavalent form is toxic and muta- zosphere and the subsequent sequestration (in order
genic owing to its strong oxidizing capacity and its to preserve the integrity and primary functions of the
ability to cross biological membranes (Ferreira, 2002; plant) and/or translocation to aerial parts (Soares et
Kolomaznı́k et al., 2008). Thus, a concentration of 0.05 al., 2001).
mg L−1 of total Cr was established as the guideline va- Chromium accumulation differs greatly between si-

∗ Corresponding author. E-mail: liviacoelho

560 L. C. COELHO et al.

tes and plants. The hyperaccumulators must achieve garding the possible mechanisms by which T. erecta
their high metal concentrations while remaining hea- tolerates the presence of Cr and verify the phytoreme-
lthy enough to maintain a population (van der Ent diation potential of this species.
et al., 2013). Given the very low Cr concentrations in
plants, it is proposed to set 300 mg kg−1 for hyper- MATERIALS AND METHODS
accumulator status both on normal and metalliferous
Experimental layout
soils. Since no specific Cr transporters have been iden-
tified in plants, it is likely that the metal is transported This study was conducted in the Soil Science De-
by carriers of essential elements. Indeed, it has been partment at Federal University of Lavras, Lavras, Mi-
demonstrated that Cr competes with Fe, S and P for nas Gerais, Brazil (21◦ 14′ S, 45◦ 00′ W, 910 m above sea
binding sites in protein-transporters (Shanker et al., level). Nutrient stock and Cr(III) solutions were pre-
2005). Additionally, all biological processes associated pared using analytical grade (PA) reagents and deio-
with Cr, including absorption, translocation and accu- nized water. Commercially acquired seeds of T. erecta
mulation, depend on the oxidation state of Cr. There- were germinated in 72-cell styrofoam trays containing
fore, the absorption of Cr(VI) probably occurs via an substrate. After 11 d, the seedlings were transferred to
active mechanism, whereas that of Cr(III) is by passive plastic trays containing 36 L Hoagland and Arnon nu-
transport (Hossner et al., 1998; Shanker et al., 2005). trient solution (Hoagland and Arnon, 1950), the ionic
Marigold (Tagetes erecta) is an attractive and wide- strength of which (25%, 50% or 100%) was increased
ly grown ornamental species of the family Asteraceae sequentially every 7 d, when constant aeration condi-
(Compositae) (Lorenzi and Souza, 2001). Members of tions were maintained.
the genus Tagetes are also of interest as sources of bi- Following the adaptation period, the plantlets were
ologically active compounds (Vasudevan et al., 1997) transferred to separate 3-L plastic pots containing
and natural food colorants (Barzana et al., 2002). In appropriate treatment solutions, and were subjected
this context, the pigment extracted from T. erecta is to continuous aeration with compressed air supplied
used in the preparation of vegetable oils, pasta, bread, using transparent hoses. The experiment was a com-
juices, mustard and milk derivatives (Delgado-Vargas pletely randomized design and involved six treatments
and Paredes-López, 2003), and is added to chicken feed with four repetitions each. The treatments consisted
in order to intensify the yellow coloration of broiler of Hoagland and Arnon nutrient solutions (100%) con-
flesh and egg yolks (Martinez et al., 2004). taining 0.00 (non-treated control), 0.04, 0.08, 0.12,
The rapid growth and well-developed root system 0.16 or 0.24 mmol L−1 Cr(III) as Cr(NO3 )3 ·9H2 O.
of T. erecta, together with its ability to act as a pio- The concentrations of Cr(III) employed were sele-
neer on poor soils, suggest that this species might be cted on the basis of preliminary assays (results not
suitable for the remediation of areas degraded by me- shown). Throughout the experiment, the volume of nu-
tal pollution. Indeed, in the last decade, phytoreme- trient was maintained daily by addition of deionized
diation technologies have received increasing attention water, and the nutrient was replaced by fresh solution
from scientists and private companies for the clean-up every 15 d. During the growing period, plants were sup-
of soils contaminated by organic and inorganic sub- ported by styrofoam sheets. At the start of flowering,
stances, by either reduction, removal, degradation or which occurred 10 weeks after the commencement of
immobilization of the contaminants (Das and Maiti, treatment, plants were evaluated with respect to stem
2007). diameter and height. Plants were then harvested, sepa-
Thus, T. erecta could be employed with the mu- rated into roots and aerial parts, washed under running
ltiple purpose of decontaminating urban areas and water, rinsed with distilled water and dried to constant
brownfield sites, while providing environment-enhan- weight in a hot air oven at 65–70 ◦ C. The dried plant
cing green spaces and a source of commercially valu- parts were weighed separately using a precision digital
able products. Within this context, the objectives of scale, reduced to a powder in a Wiley mill and analyzed
the present study were to investigate: i) the growth of for total Cr concentration.
T. erecta in nutrient solutions containing different con-
Quantitative determination of Cr and calculation of
centrations of Cr(III); ii) Cr bioaccumulation in roots
plant indicators
and aerial parts of the plants and iii) signs of Cr toxici-
ty in the anatomy of the leaves. The accomplishment The concentrations of total Cr in root and aerial
of these objectives will improve our understanding re- tissues of experimental plants (mg kg−1 ) were determi-

ned according to the methodology described by Mala- and anatomical characteristics were analyzed with the
volta et al. (1997). The total Cr bioaccumulation (BA, help of UTHSCSA Image Tool software.
mg) in plant tissue (roots or aerial parts) was calcula-
Statistical analysis
ted using the equation:
Data were submitted to analysis of variance (ANO-
BA = Total Cr concentration in the tissue × VA) and the mean values were compared using the
Dry biomass of the tissue (1) Scott-Knott test at the 5% probability level. The con-
centrations of Cr(III) in the nutrient solutions were
The capacity of a plant to absorb Cr from the nu-
considered dependent variables in the regression analy-
trient solution was determined by calculating the phy-
ses. The strengths of the relationships (as described by
toextraction coefficient (PEC) (Henry, 2000) according
the regression equations) were estimated from the coef-
to the equation:
ficients of determination (R2 ), and the significances of
Total Cr concentration in the plant such relationships were established using the Student’s
PEC = (2)
Total Cr concentration in the solution t test at the 5% probability level. Regression models
which presented the highest R2 values were selected to
where the total Cr concentration in the plant was ta-
explain the variation within the data and the biological
ken as the sum of the concentrations of Cr in roots
significance of the model. All statistical analyses were
and aerial parts, and the total Cr concentration in the
performed using SISVAR software (Ferreira, 2003).
solution was calculated as the product of the concen-
tration of Cr(III), the volume of nutrient solution per RESULTS
plastic pot and the number of changes of nutrient so-
lution during the trial period. The higher the value of Growth of T. erecta
PEC, the greater the absorption of Cr.
The influence of Cr(III) concentration in the solu- Exposure to Cr(III) affected all of the studied
tion on plant yield was determined by calculating the growth parameters of T. erecta, namely, stem diame-
relative dry biomass yield (RBY, %) according to the ter, plant height and dry biomass of roots and aerial
equation: parts (Fig. 1). Stem diameter and dry biomass of the
aerial parts diminished linearly with increasing Cr(III)
Dry biomass in the presence of Cr concentrations. However, plant height and dry biomass
RBY = × 100 (3)
Dry biomass in the absence of Cr of roots varied with Cr(III) concentration in a quadra-
The translocation index (TI, %) was employed to tic fashion, with plant height reaching an estimated
evaluate the capacity of T. erecta to translocate Cr maximum value of 97 cm at 0.005 mmol L−1 Cr(III)
from the roots to the aerial parts (Paiva et al., 2002), and root dry biomass attaining an estimated maximum
and was calculated according to the equation: value of 6.33 g at 0.05 mmol L−1 Cr(III).

Total Cr concentration in the aerial parts Biomass production of T. erecta

TI = ×
Total Cr concentration in the plant Production of dry biomass (evaluated as RBY va-
100 (4) lues) of T. erecta decreased markedly as the concentra-
tion of Cr(III) in the nutrient solution increased (Table
Light microscopy
I), with a reduction of 82% being recorded after expo-
Leaves of plants that had been exposed to Cr were sure to 0.24 mmol L−1 Cr(III).
examined under the light microscope in order to detect The reduction in linear growth with increasing con-
possible anatomical alterations. Leaves were collected centrations of Cr(III) could be readily observed, es-
from the mid-third sections of each of the experimental pecially in the concentration range from 0.12 to 0.24
plants, and subsequently fixed in formaldehyde, acetic mmol L−1 (Fig. 2a). At these concentrations, the leaves
acid and 70% ethanol for 72 h and stored in 70% alco- were slender and fragile, and flowering was premature
hol (Johansen, 1940). Cross sections of the leaves were in comparison with those of the non-treated plants.
cut with a microtome, clarified in 5% sodium hypochlo- Furthermore, the root system was dark in color, re-
rite solution (Kraus and Arduim, 1997) and stained latively undeveloped, and exhibited an abnormal ar-
with astra blue/safranin. Slides were prepared in 20% chitecture with thicker lateral roots in comparison
glycerin and observed under a light microscope. Pho- with the white dense roots of the non-treated plants
tomicrographs were recorded using a digital camera, (Fig. 2b).
562 L. C. COELHO et al.

Fig. 1 Influence of increasing concentrations of Cr(III) in nutrient solutions on stem diameter, plant height, dry biomass of aerial parts
and dry biomass of roots of Tagetes erecta.

Influence of increasing concentrations of Cr(III) in nutrient solutions on the relative biomass yield (RBY) and the ratio of total Cr
bioaccumulation (BA) in the roots (BAroots ) to that in the aerial parts (BAap ) of Tagetes erecta

Parameter Concentration of Cr(III) (mmol L−1 )

0.00 0.04 0.08 0.12 0.16 0.24

RBY (%) 100.0 87.1 78.6 75.1 64.2 18.0
Ratio of BAroots /BAap – 9 11 3 10 4

Concentration and bioaccumulation of total Cr in T. when the concentration of Cr(III) in the nutrient so-
erecta lution was 0.16 mmol L−1 , and under these conditions
BA in the roots was 10-fold greater than that of the
Concentrations of total Cr in roots and aerial parts aerial parts.
of T. erecta increased linearly with increasing concen-
Phytoextraction and translocation of total Cr by T.
trations of Cr(III) in the nutrient solutions (Fig. 3), in-
dicating a direct correlation between the bioavailability
of the metal and the absorption by plants. The value of PEC provides information regarding
The variation in BA of total Cr in the aerial parts the capacity of a plant to extract a specific contami-
of T. erecta presented a quadratic profile, whereas it nant from the surrounding substrate. The higher the
followed a somewhat erratic pattern that could not be PEC value, the greater the level of uptake (Henry,
described by a simple mathematical function in the 2000). In the case of T. erecta, the highest value of PEC
roots (Fig. 3). For this reason, the ratio of BA in roots was obtained when Cr(III) was present in the medium
and aerial parts was also extremely variable (Table I), at a concentration of 0.16 mmol L−1 (Fig. 4). At this
although total Cr BA in roots was always much greater concentration of Cr(III), the calculated value of total
(up to 11 fold) than in the aerial parts. The largest Cr BA in the roots was maximal (Fig. 3), while the TI
values of BA in roots and shoots were both observed was one of the lowest values recorded at different levels

Fig. 2 Influence of increasing concentrations of Cr(III) in nutrient solutions on linear growth and aerial parts (a) and root morphology
(b) of Tageteserecta. Cr (0), Cr (0.04), Cr (0.08), Cr (0.12), Cr (0.16) and Cr (0.24) = 0.00, 0.04, 0.08, 0.12, 0.16 and 0.24 mmol L−1
Cr(III), respectively.

of Cr(III) (Fig. 4). The TI is an indicator of the capaci- the epidermis and close to the main vein (Fig. 5b), to-
ty of a plant species to transport nutrients and other gether with xylem (upper surface) and phloem (lower
substances from the roots to leaves. As shown in Fig. 4, surface) vessels.
the translocation of Cr from roots to the aerial parts Various structural modifications of T. erecta were
of T. erecta was typically modest, with a maximum observed at different concentrations of Cr(III), which
translocation of just 25% at 0.12 mmol L−1 Cr(III). In- could contribute to tolerance towards Cr. The thick-
deed, most of the Cr absorbed by the roots of T. erecta ness of the spongy parenchyma increased when Cr(III)
was accumulated there, with a maximum accumulation concentrations were in the range from 0.04 to 0.12
of 92% at 0.08 mmol L−1 Cr(III). mmol L−1 (Table II). However, the thickness of the
palisade parenchyma was significantly reduced and the
Anatomical characteristics in leaves of T. erecta
number of xylem diminished in the presence of 0.16
The compact and dorsiventral mesophyll of the leaf mmol L−1 Cr(III) in comparison with untreated plants
blade of T. erecta (a dicotyledon) which was clear- (Fig. 5c).
ly differentiated into palisade and spongy parenchyma
(Fig. 5a). The former comprised a single layer of cells, DISCUSSION
while the latter consisted of four or five layers of round
Growth of T. erecta
and thin-walled cells that were loosely packed and
characterized by small intercellular spaces. The epider- At high concentrations, Cr(III) causes oxidative
mis of the adaxial and abaxial surfaces exhibited a sin- stress, alterations in chloroplast structure and degene-
gle layer of cylindrical cells. Vascular bundles of vari- ration of photosynthetic pigments. Furthermore, Cr
able dimensions were integrated into the spongy me- also reduces the catalytic activity of antioxidant en-
sophyll. The collenchyma, which provides mechanical zymes (Taiz and Zeiger, 2004) and cellular metabolism
support to the leaves, was readily discernable beneath in shoots (Shanker et al., 2005). These factors may have
564 L. C. COELHO et al.

Fig. 3 Concentration and bioaccumulation (BA) of total Cr in the aerial parts and roots of Tagetes erecta exposed to nutrient solutions
containing different concentrations of Cr(III).

of plants exposed to Cr(III) at concentrations ≥ 0.12

mmol L−1 (Fig. 2a). In contrast, very low concentra-
tions of Cr(III) may stimulate plant growth (Hossner
et al., 1998), and could have exerted a beneficial effect
on T. erecta exposed to Cr(III) with concentrations <
0.12 mmol L−1 .
According to Castilhos et al. (2001a, b), the dry
biomasses of leaf and root tissues of soybean plants
were not significantly affected by exposure to Cr(VI)
at 5 mg L−1 (ca. 0.096 mmol L−1 ) or to Cr(III) at 20
mg L−1 (ca. 0.38 mmol L−1 ) in comparison with plants
grown in the absence of the heavy metal. However, dry
biomass was significantly reduced when soybean plants
were exposed to Cr with concentrations above the sta-
ted levels. Tolerance to low concentrations of the heavy
metal has also been reported for hydroponically-grown
tomato (Moral et al., 1995) and lettuce (Figliolia et al.,
1992) plants in which growth was diminished only in
the presence of Cr(III) at 100 mg L−1 (ca. 1.92 mmol
L−1 ).
Biomass production of T. erecta
Production of dry biomass of T. erecta decreased
Fig. 4 Variations in Cr phytoextraction coefficient (PEC) and markedly with increasing concentrations of Cr(III) in
translocation index (TI) of Tagetes erecta exposed to nutrient
solutions containing different concentrations of Cr(III). Vertical the nutrient solutions (Table I). Similar findings have
bars are standard errors of the means (n = 4). been reported for eelgrass (Vallisneria spiralis), com-
mon purslane (Portulaca oleracea), cauliflower (Bras-
contributed to the observed reduction in linear growth sica oleracea var. botrytis), cabbage (Brassica oleracea

Fig. 5 Photomicrographs of cross sections of leaves of Tagetes erecta showing: leaf blade (a) and main vein in the absence of Cr(III) (b)
and main vein under exposure to 0.16 mmol L−1 Cr(III) in nutrient solution (c). AdE = adaxial epidermis; AbE = abaxial epidermis; PP
= palisade parenchyma; SP = spongy parenchyma; Xy = xylem; Ph = phloem; VB = vascular bundles; AC = angular collenchyma.

Anatomical characteristics of leaves of Tagetes erecta exposed to different concentrations of Cr(III) in nutrient solution

Concentration Thickness No. of

of Cr(III) vessels in
Palisade parenchyma Spongy parenchyma Adaxial epidermis Abaxial epidermis Leaf blade Phloem xylem
0.00 108.5ba) 135.8a 11.7a 9.0a 281.8b 92.4a 42.6b
0.04 107.8b 147.3b 11.9a 8.2a 289.1b 102.1a 41.6b
0.08 105.7b 150.9b 14.1b 8.5a 298.3b 97.1a 35.8b
0.12 119.2b 192.5c 14.4b 9.4a 364.4c 105.1a 28.3a
0.16 79.9a 123.9a 12.9b 9.1a 240.7a 89.9a 27.3a
0.24 103.6b 159.6b 9.9a 9.3a 289.0b 94.6a 30.5a
CVb) (%) 7.79 8.34 10.65 10.9 8.56 13.03 20.11
a) Means followed by the same letter in a column are not significantly different at the 5% probability level according to Scott-Knott
b) Coefficient of variation.

var. capitata), radish (Raphanus sativus), common present symptoms of toxicity when the concentration
bean (Phaseolus vulgaris), maize (Zea mays), oat (Ave- of total Cr in aerial tissue exceeds 5.2 mg kg−1 dry
na sativa), cucumber (Cucumis sativus), lettuce (Lac- mass (Hossner, 1998). In maize, e.g., growth was re-
tuca sativa), millet (Panicum miliaceum) and white duced by 50% when Cr attained a level of 5.9 mg kg−1
mustard (Sinapis alba) (Shanker et al., 2005), and the in the dry plant biomass (Chang et al., 1992). On the
reductions in dry biomass were attributed to Cr to- other hand, Losi et al. (1994) have claimed that most
xicity. The exposure of plants to heavy metals appa- plants exhibit signs of toxicity when the concentration
rently induces the generation of reactive oxygen species of Cr in the leaves is > 18 mg kg−1 . In the present
(ROS), such as superoxide anion, singlet oxygen, hy- study, signs of Cr toxicity in T. erecta, i.e., reductions
droxyl and hydrogen peroxide, which have the poten- in growth and dry biomass production, were observed
tial to cause oxidative damage to biomolecules simi- when the concentrations of total Cr in the aerial tissues
lar to that caused by abiotic and biotic stress factors, were even higher than the limits reported previously.
including drought, UV radiation and chemical pollu- Thus, visual signs of phytotoxicity in T. erecta were
tion (Foyer et al., 1994; Sanità di Toppi and Gabbriel- observed only when the concentration of total Cr in
li, 1999; Benavides et al., 2005). This type of oxidative the nutrient solution was ≥ 0.12 mmol L−1 , and under
burst may lead to a considerable reduction in growth these conditions the concentration of total Cr in the
and productivity, and may even trigger plant death aerial parts was approximately 300 mg kg−1 , whilst
(Foyer et al., 1994). that in the roots was ≥ 10 g kg−1 . Since the roots are
the main organs involved in the absorption of water,
Concentration and bioaccumulation of total Cr in T.
nutrients and pollutants, it is not surprising that the
largest concentrations of Cr are located in these tissues
Some authors have reported that higher plants (Grant et al., 1998). This finding is in agreement with
566 L. C. COELHO et al.

previous reports, demonstrating that accumulation of anatomical changes, related to their anatomical plas-
the Cr absorbed by roots is highly regulated in order ticity or adaptative measures, in order to develop tole-
to minimize toxic effects, with most of Cr being im- rance to toxic levels of such metals in their tissues.
mobilized in the vacuoles of root cells and only small Following exposure to 0.16 mmol L−1 Cr(III), the con-
amounts being translocated to the leaves (Losi et al., centration at which total Cr BA and PEC attained
1994; Hossner et al., 1998; Shanker et al., 2005). their maximum values, the thickness of the palisade
According to Tan (2000), the uptake of heavy me- parenchyma was significantly reduced in comparison
tals by plants and the subsequent translocation to aeri- with untreated plants. This negative outcome was asso-
al parts vary according to species. When plants of hy- ciated with Cr toxicity which, according to Panda and
brid willow (Salix sp.) were exposed to solutions con- Choudhury (2005), can cause modifications in the ul-
taining Cr(III), concentrations of Cr in leaves, stems trastructure of chloroplasts and cell membranes, resul-
and roots varied considerably (Yu and Gu, 2007). In- ting in the inhibition of photosynthetic reactions and,
terestingly, the concentration of Cr in the roots of consequently, in the diminution of growth. Indeed, the
plants that had been exposed to 7.5 mg L−1 (ca. 0.14 signs of Cr toxicity were readily observable in T. erec-
mmol L−1 ) Cr(III) was higher than that in the roots ta as reductions in height, dry biomass and stem dia-
of plants that had been exposed to 30 mg L−1 (ca. meter. Similar findings have been reported for Indian
0.58 mmol L−1 ) Cr(III). These studies demonstrate mustard (Brassica juncea), in which the sizes of the
that when plants are exposed to toxic levels of metals, palisade parenchyma cells were reduced when plants
their capacity to absorb and bioaccumulate declines were grown in soil contaminated with Zn and Cr, while
markedly, probably because of a generalized reduction the collapse of palisade and spongy parenchyma cells
in metabolic rate. In our study, at Cr(III) concentra- was observed when plants were cultured under Zn and
tions up to 0.12 mmol L−1 , the plants accumulated Cr Cd stress (Maruthi Sridhar et al., 2005).
levels (ca. 800 mg kg−1 ) above that proposed by van The thickness of the spongy parenchyma of T. erec-
der Ent et al. (2013) for hyperaccumulators (300 mg ta increased when concentrations of Cr(III) were in the
kg−1 ) and still maintained a considerable growth and range of 0.04 to 0.12 mmol L−1 (Table II), demonstra-
even flourished. ting plasticity within this tissue in order to minimize
the accumulation of Cr in the palisade parenchyma
Phytoextraction and translocation of total Cr by T.
and diminish possible damage to developing chloro-
plasts. Vollenweider et al. (2006) showed that although
Evidently, a high concentration of Cr(III) in solu- small amounts of Cd accumulated in the leaf mesophyll
tion, together with an extended time of exposure, pro- of Salix viminalis that had been exposed to the metal,
duced serious damages to the structure and metabo- the distribution through the leaf layers indicated that
lism of the plant, and especially to organelles re- levels in the photosynthesizing parts were minimal. In-
sponsible for the production and conversion of ener- deed, plants may store metals in non-photosynthetic
gy (Figs. 1, 2, 5, Table II). Thus, the level of damage tissues as a strategy to improve tolerance when toxic
caused by Cr was associated with the concentration of levels are present. Interestingly, the thickness of the
Cr(III) in the nutrient medium and the time of expo- spongy parenchyma in T. erecta did not increase when
sure of T. erecta to the additive. Over evolutionary plants were exposed to concentrations of Cr(III) ≥ 0.16
time, plants have developed complex molecular and mmol L−1 . However, under these conditions, the pali-
physiological mechanisms in order to survive in metal- sade parenchyma was reduced and, in relative terms,
rich environments and to ensure the preservation of was still thinner than the spongy parenchyma. Hence,
the species. One of these strategies is stress escape, the rationalization regarding the preservation of pho-
which is related to external protection, while anoth- tosynthetic structures under conditions of metal stress
er involves tolerance, which is associated with internal remains applicable. Additionally, at 0.16 mmol L−1
protection. Plants growing in contaminated soils can- Cr(III), the thickness of the leaf blade diminished (Ta-
not escape entirely from absorbing toxic metals, al- ble II), caused presumably by downsizing of the me-
though they can limit damage by accumulating the sophyll cells (Zhao et al., 2000; Maruthi Sridhar et al.,
toxins in specific tissues. In this case, tolerance rather 2005). This type of anatomical plasticity or adaptation
than escape would be the main survival strategy (Paiva ability has been observed in other plant species as a re-
et al., 2002). sponse to stress conditions (Melo et al., 2007), and is
believed to represent a compensation mechanism that
Anatomical characteristics in leaves of T. erecta
allows sunlight to reach photosynthetically active cells
On exposure to heavy metals, plants may undergo more readily. The specific combination of responses to

Cr stress observed in T. erecta likely account for the ACKNOWLEDGEMENT

maximum accumulation of Cr detected in this plant
that had been exposed to 0.16 mmol L−1 of Cr(III). The authors thank the Coordenação de Aper-
While the leaf adaxial epidermis was significant- feiçoamento de Pessoal de Nı́vel Superior (CAPES),
ly enlarged in plants that had been exposed to 0.08– the Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de
0.16 mmol L−1 Cr(III), exposure to Cr(III) had no Minas Gerais (FAPEMIG) and the Conselho Nacional
influence on the thickness of the leaf abaxial epider- de Desenvolvimento Cientı́fico e Tecnológico (CNPq),
mis (Table II). The epidermis of roots and leaves is Brazil for financial support and scholarships.
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