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Requirements of a Good Water Distribution System

Requirements for the subject

Res 313: Research Method

During 1st Semester 2020-2021

Bachelor Science of Civil Engineering

School of Engineering

Biliran Province State University

Name: Anabel J. Montiadora

Professor: Engr. Melchor Llorono

Date Submitted: July 30, 2021

I. Introduction

Water is a basic necessity for human along with food and air. It is

considered to be basic need of human being, and even in agricultural aspect.

Providing stable and sufficient water supply for the community and

establishment for day to day needs is very important. However, due to poor

distribution of water supply, water shortage occurs that is now becoming one of

the biggest problem that the world is facing right now. As the population grew,

the challenges to meet the demand of consumers for quantity of water also

increases. The increase of population led for an innovative method and strategy

to manage water distribution and the water supply system.

A proper and good water distribution would help to resolve this

problem for everyone. The function of water distribution system is to deliver

appropriate quality, quantity and pressure of water for our consumer.

Distribution system it is way which is use to supply water from its source to its

consumer whether for the household, establishment or for agricultural use.

Furthermore, the American Water Works Association (AWWA,1974) defines the

water distribution system as “including all water utility components for the

distribution of finished or potable water by means of gravity storage feed or

pump though distribution pumping networks to customers or other users,

including distribution equalizing storage.” The purpose of of distribution system

is to provide and deliver ample amount of water supply that can sustain the

needs of the consumer.

As of today, water supply system consist of infrastructure that would

treats, stores, collect and even distributes the water between its source and to

the consumers.


This research would be helpful and significance to the following:

LGU. The research study might serve as a benchmark in executing programs that

would help improve the water resources and the requirements needed.

Brgy. Official. The research study will serve as guide in effective plans that they will

do to improve their water distribution.

Consumer. The household, the establishment that will be consuming water. The

research study would help them understand what those requirements to have a

good water resources are.

Future Researcher. This research study will serve as reference for those researcher

who will be conducting similar research problem.



It is generally considered to consist of the pipes, valves, pumps, valves, storage

tanks, reservoirs, fitting, meters and other hydraulic appurtenances that would

connect treatment plants or well supplies to consumers’ taps.

Pipes, transport water from its source to the consumers. It is categorized from

largest to smallest as transmission or trunk mains (convey large amounts of water

over a long distance), distribution mains, service lines, and even premise plumbing.


Researchers have continued to keep on developing new strategies,

methodologies and algorithms in support of the design, planning and management

of water distribution it was during 1960’s engineers and researchers keep on

expanding different water issue on how to improve the water distribution system.

During 1980’s additional research focus on water quality issues and the different

distribution system. One of the most widely studied water distribution systems is the

New York Tunnel system which was introduced to the research community in 1969

by Schaake and Lai (1969).

A water distribution system is a part of water supply networks with

components that carry potable water from a centralized treatment plant of wells to

its consumer. The objective of this paper is to identify different requirements for a

good water distribution system and how it would affect the water supply that would

be transported to the consumers.

The requirements of a good water distribution system are: water quality

should not get deteriorated in the distribution pipes, it should be capable of

supplying water at all the intended places with sufficient pressure head. It is also

necessary to keep on monitoring the pipes that being used to maintain the quality of

water being distributed especially if the number of consumer are growing each year.

Just like in the US, as the population grows and communities expand, 13,200 miles

(21,239 km) of new pipes are installed each year (Kirmeyer et al, 1994). Also, it
should be capable of supplying the requisite amount of water during firefighting, it

should be cheap with the least capital construction cost. Moreover, a good water

distribution system should be simple and easy to operate and repair thereby

keeping the RMO cost and troubles to the minimum and it should be safe against

any future pollution of water. Lastly, it should be fairly water-tight as to keep losses

due to leakage to the minimum and must be safe to prevent pipe lines from

bursting. Securing the pipe, having a maintenance check is needed to monitor if the

line pipe is secure and if it needed to be repair or change for a new pipes if


As for layout distribution networks, generally distribution pipes are laid below

the road pavements, and their layouts generally flow the layouts roads. The four

layout distribution networks that can be used for a particular places are; dead end

system, grind iron system, ring system, and the radial system. As for dead end

system it contains dead ends in the pipe system. The water does not flow

continuously in the dead end system. Moreover, in this system the whole pipe

networks is divided into several sub networks (main line, sub mains, branch lines

and service connections)

For grind iron system, it contains main line, sub lines and branch line but in

this system dead ends are eliminated by interconnecting all the lines but the water

flow continuously in this system without stagnation. Moreover, for the ring system, it

is a system which also called as circular system in which the pipe line is provided

around the specific area. So, from the main line, the branch lines as projected

perpendicularly and they are also connected with each other. With this system, the

distributed area will get sufficient quality of water. Lastly, as for radial system it is

opposite of ring system since the whole area is divide into small distribution districts
or zones and an individual distribution reservoir is provided for each distribution


As part for the requirements of a good water distribution system securing the

main source of the water system is very important like the water reservoirs and

water tank. Water reservoirs consist of four different types the underground

reservoirs, small ground level reservoirs, large ground reservoirs and lastly the

overhead tanks. Each reservoirs has level of storage capacity of water that is very

important to secure the amount of water, and to make sure that it could sustain the

daily needs of the consumers.


The research paper is to identify the different requirements for a good water

distribution system.

From the data above, it discuss the different requirements that is needed to

improve the water distribution system, to be able to supply adequate amount of

water for every consumers. The requirements has involved with reasonable

sufficient pressure head of water, it must supply sufficient amount of water for

firefighting, the capital cost for maintenance and construction cost must be

reasonable and not too expensive to keep the RMO cost and troubles to the

minimum. Moreover, being safe from any pollution of water is required, and

securing water pipes in every distribution network is very important to avoid

leakages of water.
Aside from those, proper distribution networks and securing the reservoirs

and its holding capacity of water is a big factor to help improve the water distribution



The above requirements for a good water distribution system above is very

important and effective. However, with regards to the known problem that most of

the barangay are facing right now with regards to scarcity of water. Proper

maintenance of line distribution of water must be done, if pipes is damage, it must

be repair automatically. Use the standard size of pipeline, main pipeline from the

street to the household is either ¾ or 1 inch in diameter, supply branches use ¾

inch diameter pipe, and pipes for individual components are ½ inch.

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