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Time of catastrophes

The year 2020 was totally unpredictable. Who would have thought that
our lives will take such a drastic turn? Last year, I learned what longing,
suffering means. I lost loved ones, I fought with inner conflict and I'm still
struggling with the fear of losing everything I love.
A first lesson learned in 2020 was not to take for granted everything I
have. Over time, I begun to believe that everything belonged to me and it would
always be so. But, last year I hit that ruthless wall of awareness that everything
is ephemeral, including the people in our lives.
Unfortunately, 2020 stole not only a year of my life, but also a dear
person. Trying to cope with their eternal dissappearce, I have learned another
hard lesson: we must enjoy all the things we have while they are still here.
2020 also made me appreciate my friends even more and realize what an
important role they play in my life. In isolation, I tended to delve into my own
abyss, but each time, they were the ones who extended a helping hand, for
which I am forever grateful. A friend in need is truly a friend indeed.
The year 2020 turned our lives upside down, stole our happiness and
condemned us to suffering. It will remain forever in my heart as the year of the
greatest challenges. As cliché as it sounds, life is short and must be lived as
every second is our last chance to breathe.

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