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firey WERU KAMAKU, PhD 4 JOMO KENYATTA UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE & TECHNOLOGY Office of the Director, Sports & Games P.O Box 62000-002-Nairobi, Kenya. Tel 067-527111 Ext 1709/1710 Email: REF: JKU/2/64/047(376) DATE: 14" SEPTEMBER 2021 TO: ALL STUDENTS/STAFF SUBJECT: INVITATION TO THE GROUND BREAKING CEREMONY FOR BASEBALL AND SOFTBALL FIELDS The above matter refers, We are honored and pleased to invite you to a ground breaking ceremony that will take place on 19" September 2021 at the JKUAT (Proposed Softball & Baseball Felds) at 10.00 am. The event will be graced by our Vice Chancellor Professor Victoria Ngumi, PhD and thereafter a Baseball tournament between North American Buffaloes Baseball Club (Buffaloes) and JKUAT Baseball Club (General) at our Soccer pitch. Dress Code: Sports wear with a white Top. Your presence will be highly appreciated as You grace this important event in our sports calendar. Thank you. DIRECTOR SPORTS & GAMES

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