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The 4th International Power Engineering and Optimization Conf.

(PEOCO2010), Shah Alam, Selangor, MALAYSIA: 23-24 June 2010

A New Proposal to Solar and Grid-Connected

Hybrid Electricity for Homes and
Buildings in Malaysia
Rosnazri Ali, Ismail Daut, Soib Taib, Noor Shahida Jamoshid

Malaysian government through Pusat Tenaga Malaysia in

Abstract--This paper presents the proposal of a solar and grid- 2007 had established a national MBIPV (Malaysia Building
connected hybrid electricity system for homes and also buildings. Integrated PV) program dubbed as ‘Suria 1000’ to spearhead
A new concept of using a DC motor and synchronous generator the project. Incentives are given to people that involve in the
as an electromechanical inverter is proposed as an alternative area. Tenaga Nasional Berhad or TNB has granted permit to
system to presently popular approach of using solid-state connect of PV installations to its LV distribution with
inverters to convert the solar DC supply into AC, suitable to run
provision the PV capacity does not exceed the consumer’s
common electrical appliances. A 2kW hybrid system is proposed
with the block concept of the system, solar panels quantity and
maximum demand. Then, the grid-connected PV installation
synchronizing control. A simulation was done for the system needs to comply with the MBIPV standard MS 1837:2005
using PSIM and the results are shown as the system was work of practice [2].
subjected to some voltage and phase variations.

Index Terms-- Electromechanical inverter; solar electricity; II. SYSTEM CONSIDERATION

solar hybrid; solar PV; static inverter.
PV installations can be categorized into 3 ways; stand-
alone or off-grid, grid-connected and hybrid systems. In
I. INTRODUCTION contrast to the advantage of grid-connected systems in
providing small-scale generated power such as PV and wind to
S OLAR energy is cheap, clean and readily available as few
of natural energy resources. With the widely usage of solar
photovoltaic (PV) cells or solar panels to provide electricity
be interconnected, grid-connected systems also have several
technical drawbacks need to be resolved. Such issues are low
total inertia of synchronous generators which causes unstable
for remote places, homes and buildings, the technology grid frequency [3], higher network voltage when active power
regarding solar electricity is highly demanding. With the ever generation is higher than load demand, harmonic injections,
increasing prices related to conventional fuels such as crude DC injections, islanding problems, voltage dips and unbalance
oil, coal and natural gas, the rationale of seeking into other and grid impedance variation [4].
alternative energy sources seems to be vital and placed this In hybrid, the system has the capability to switch-over
kind of researches into among of present major interests. This between the two power sources whenever necessary and only
research in particular will focus on the kind of hybrid system, one power source is utilized at one particular time. With this
together with its related components or subsystems, necessary arrangement, the drawbacks of grid connected systems greatly
to effectively optimizing conditions between solar and grid can be reduced.
supply in providing electricity to homes and buildings. Installed together with the PV systems are power inverters
Even-though such a tropical country as Malaysia receives its that convert the DC voltage of the solar PV into AC in which
highly potential solar energy year round with a yearly average suitable to run normal AC appliances. Most of the power
of 2200kWh/m2, harnessing the bounty to generate electricity inverters installed use static switching (solid-state MOSFET,
in providing power to conventional users still possesses some IGBT) technology in their circuits. Some of the common
technical and economical issues in realizing the solar problems associated with solid-state inverters are susceptible
electricity generating systems. to high inductive loads such as motor compressors in
With an average of 6 hours of sunshine Malaysia receives per refrigerators, air-conditioners and chillers; high harmonics
day [1], it is estimated that one-third of the present energy content and output waveform changes with nature of loads
consumption could be saved by using solar energy. due to high output impedance of the static switches.
A new proposal to the existing PV systems is to consider a
Rosnazri Ali is currently a PhD student in the School of Electrical Systems conservative approach to the power inverter issue by
Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Perlis, Malaysia (e-mail: introducing an electromechanical inverter with a synchronous
Ismail Daut and Noor Shahida Jamoshid are with the School of Electrical generator and DC motor system. Conversely to static
Systems Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Perlis, Malaysia (e-mails: inverters, this electromechanical system will provide complete, power isolation, harmonic isolation, very low harmonics
Soib Taib is with the School Of Electrical & Electronic Engineering,
Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), Malaysia (e-mail:

978-1-4244-7128-7/10/$26.00 ©2010 IEEE 445

The 4th International Power Engineering and Optimization Conf. (PEOCO2010), Shah Alam, Selangor, MALAYSIA: 23-24 June 2010

content, greater surge and transient protection and sag Pout 2000
The current, Idc = = = 41.67 A
(brownout) protection through increased momentum [5][6]. Vdc 48

In order for the PV panels to generate 48V and 41.67A to the

III. METHODOLOGY DC motor, the panels are connected as an array as shown in
Fig. 2.
Given in Fig. 1 is the conceptual block diagram of solar and
grid-connected hybrid electricity system.
Sola Grid / Mains
Photovoltaic 240Va
Panel Supply


Home /
D Mai Synchronize Building
Moto Controller 240Va
Driver an Breakers Supply Fig. 2. Connection of the solar PV panels

The brushless DC motor acts as prime-mover with a

maximum rating of 3kW which is necessary to drive the
2.5kW rated synchronous generator. The DC motor driver unit
and main controller act as a power and speed controller to the
Brushless Synchronous DC motor in order to turn the synchronous generator
D Moto Generato producing the correct output to the electrical load. A battery
storage unit is also incorporated into the system to stabilize
Fig. 1. Solar and grid-connected hybrid electricity system.
and buffering or ride-through during brief cloudy moments
(suggested to be 15 seconds) so that the synchronous generator
The solar panels will provide a DC voltage (48V) when is still generating the power momentarily until the synchronize
subjected to enough sunlight during daytime. The DC current detection and breakers unit switch-over to mains supply if the
then flows across the battery, to charge-up and maintaining cloudy condition persists. The load then runs by the power
stable DC supply voltage to overall system operation. The DC from the mains supply.
motor driver unit that controls the operation of the DC The role of synchronize detection and breakers unit is very
brushless motor, is being controlled by the main controller important to consider during the power switch-over, between
unit, either increasing or decreasing the speed with reference solar to mains and vice-versa. This is to ensure of no power
to the synchronous generator voltage and frequency outputs. disturbances that affecting the present running loads that
The outputs from the generator set are supposed to match the connected to the supply system as disruption to the operation
grid or AC mains parameters. The synchronize detection and of the loads would be unacceptable to the hybrid system.
breakers unit in the command of main controller, compares the The synchronize detection and breakers unit is consisted of
voltages and frequencies of the generator and grid. electronic circuits in detecting the synchronous generator’s
Withstanding to predetermined criteria, then decides the voltage, frequency and phase angle to match with mains
switch-over power selection. Hence, the home or building supply. As the parameters are matched as shown in Fig. 3,
240Vac supply will get its supply either by solar or grid Breaker 2 will turn-on and immediately the synchronous
depending on the weather conditions during the daytime. generator is in parallel operation with the mains supply as
Breaker 1 has already turn-on since all the while in supplying
These are the design requirements for the system. power to the AC load. The parallel operation mode is expected
to last about 15 seconds to ensure stability of the output
Output power, Pout = 2000W parameters and undisrupted power supply to the load. Then
Each PV panel voltage and output power (Ppanel) = 12V, 100W Breaker 1 that connects the mains supply to the load will turn-
DC system voltage = 48Vdc off and the power to the load is solely supplied from the
AC voltage output = 240Vac, 50Hz sinusoidal. synchronous generator. Reverse operation will occur when
cloudy conditions persist, where Breaker 1 will turn-on and
Pout 2000
Number of PV panels needed = = = 20 units. immediately in parallel operation for 15 seconds, then Breaker
p panel 100 2 will turn-off. The load is then solely supplied by the mains.
Fig. 4 illustrates the process flowchart to summarize the
system operation.

The 4th International Power Engineering and Optimization Conf. (PEOCO2010), Shah Alam, Selangor, MALAYSIA: 23-24 June 2010

supply impedance of R = 0.4Ω and L = 0.8mH was chosen as

in reference to IEC725:1981 standard for impedance of low
voltage (LV) network [7][8]. To simplify the analysis, the
impedance of synchronous generator is assumed similar to the
grid’s impedance. The resistive load that acts as the rated 2kW
of power is considered to be approximately 30Ω .

Fig. 3. Synchronizing breaker control.

Fig. 5. Simulation model of solar and grid-connected.

A. Synchronous generator voltage varies but in-phase

Using the simulation model, an assumption to the voltage
conditions that the grid voltage (Vgrid) is always stable to be
240Vac, while the synchronous generator voltage
(Vsync_gen) is subjected to some variations. The simulation
results are shown as in Table I.



Vgrid Vsync gen V1(Vac) A1(A) V2(Vac) A2(A) VL(Vac) AL(A)
240Vac 240Vac 238 3.96 238 3.96 238 7.92
240Vac 230Vac 232 14.31 232 7.83 232 7.75
240Vac 250Vac 243 7.02 243 13.75 243 8.08

It is observed from the results above, when both supplies

are equal in voltage, the current delivers to the load is shared
equally between the grid and synchronous generator. But as
the voltages between the two power sources are unbalanced,
larger unequal currents (A1 and A2) flow out from the sources
and reducing slightly the supply voltages (V1 and V2) and
load voltage (VL) in the system. Nevertheless, the supply
current to the load (AL) does not change significantly.

B. Same voltage but out of phase

Same method of simulation was done on condition that
Vgrid and Vsync_gen are 240Vac but only Vsync_gen is out
of phase with respect to Vgrid by certain degrees. The results
are tabulated in Table II.
Fig. 4. Flowchart summary of the system operation.

Vgrid Vsync gen V1(Vac) A1(A) V2(Vac) A2(A) VL(Vac) AL(A)
The simulation was done using PSIM version 4.1 software to
0 deg 30 deg 231 125 231 129 231 7.70
predict certain parameters under synchronized and 0 deg 90 deg 167 339 167 342 167 5.57
unsynchronized conditions. Fig. 5 shows the simulation model 0 deg -30 deg 227 132 227 128 227 7.57
0 deg -90 deg 162 360 162 357 162 5.40
of solar and grid-connected hybrid system. The grid/mains

The 4th International Power Engineering and Optimization Conf. (PEOCO2010), Shah Alam, Selangor, MALAYSIA: 23-24 June 2010

The results indicate that very large currents (A1 and A2) [3] Driesen, J.; Visscher, K.; , "Virtual synchronous
flow through the grid and synchronous generator and reducing generators," Power and Energy Society General Meeting -
their terminals and load voltages (V1,V2 and VL) drastically Conversion and Delivery of Electrical Energy in the 21st
as the phase angle between the two power sources difference Century, 2008 IEEE , vol., no., pp.1-3, 20-24 July 2008
increases. It also can be noticed the reduction of the load [4] Demirok, Erhan; Sera, Dezso; Teodorescu, Remus;
current (AL) as the difference in angle gets larger. Rodriguez, Pedro; Borup, U.; , "Clustered PV inverters in LV
networks: An overview of impacts and comparison of voltage
control strategies," Electrical Power & Energy Conference
C. Grid operation
(EPEC), 2009 IEEE , vol., no., pp.1-6, 22-23 Oct. 2009
Under grid operation only, whenever the synchronous [5] Zhou, Y.; Ferreira, J.A.; Bauer, P.; , "Grid-connected and
generator or solar is not in operation, the simulated load islanded operation of a hybrid power system," Power
current (AL) is 7.87A and the load voltage (VL) is 236V. Engineering Society Conference and Exposition in Africa,
2007. PowerAfrica '07. IEEE , vol., no., pp.1-6, 16-20 July
D. Synchronous generator / solar operation 2007
Under this stand-alone or off-grid operation, whenever the [7]
grid is disconnected from the load, the simulated load current [8]
(AL) is 7.87A and the load voltage (VL) is 236V which are
similar as in the grid operation.

E. Parallel operation / synchronization VIII. BIOGRAPHIES

Under this operation whereby paralleling mode of two
power sources is established, the simulated results are given as Rosnazri Ali received his
in Table I in which the voltages of Vgrid and Vsync_gen are B.Eng.(Electrical) from Royal
240Vac. The load voltage (VL) is 238V while the current to Melbourne Institute of Technology in
the load (AL) is 7.92A and is equally shared with 3.96A each 1988 and M.Sc.(Electrical) from
by the power sources. Universiti Sains Malaysia in 2008. His
major interest of researches includes
renewable energy, energy efficient
V. DISCUSSION systems and power electronics.
In order to parallel the synchronous generator to the grid, its
voltage and frequency must be the same as the grid system.
Also, at the instant of closing the circuit breaker during Ismail Daut is presently a Professor
synchronization, the generator voltage must be in-phase with and Dean at the School of Electrical
the grid voltage. If those criteria are not matched, the system Systems Engineering, Universiti
will be subjected to heavy currents flow and additional Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP). His main
protection is necessary to avoid such condition causing severe research interests are energy
damage as shown in the simulation results. conservation, renewable energy and
electrical machines design.

A hybrid electricity using solar PV and grid-connected that
consists of a brushless DC motor and a synchronous generator
as an electromechanical inverter system is proposed for a 2kW
output. Main controller and synchronize detection units are
incorporated in the designed proposal as the control strategy to
realize the system operational as intended. Simulation of the
system was done to show the voltage and current parameters
in different conditions. The system serves as an alternative
approach to static inverter systems with the advantages of
using a synchronous generator in producing the electrical




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