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When did trainers first ______in shops?


 I was never _________ in comics when I was young. Interested

My sister never wears clothes that are out of __________. Fashion

There’s a great____________of designs to choose from. Variety

I can’t_________life without mobile phones. imagine

Kevin wants to________ his old computer and get a laptop. Sell

The hotel was __________. We loved it. Incredible

I bought Janet this __________. Do you like it? Bracelet

Tablets are very_____________ with young people nowadays. Popular

It is _____________for people learning a foreign language to make mistakes. Common

Mr Foster ________________ the meeting because he was ill. Cancelled

Steve lives _______his own. On

1. Lucy did not use to study hard when she was in secondary school, but now that she’s a
university student, she does. She wants to become an accountant.

2. Did Greg use to work for a computer company?

3.  My grandparents did not use to like living in the city, but now they don’t mind so much.

4. Your friends used to come over often. Why don’t they visit you anymore?

1. A: Hi, Debbie. What’s going on?

B: Not much. I am cooking.

A: Where’s your flatmate? She usually cooks on Fridays.

B: Yeah, but she did a lot of housework yesterday and I did not help her, so today I have to

cook lunch. Stay and have lunch with us.

A: Why not? I have not got any other plans for the day.

2. A: Peter and his friends went on a trip abroad last month. They visited Mexico and Peru.

B: Really? Greg and I are travelling to Spain next week. Do you want to come with us?
A: Sorry, I can’t. I am working.

Tina usually works_________ eight to four o’clock. From

We bought our house ten years________. Ago

__________his spare time, Tony plays video games. In

What time do you get up_________ weekdays? At

The Baseball Cap

1. When did the first baseball cap appear? In 1860

2. What did hat makers use to use to make caps? Wool or cotton

3. Why did they start using rubber in the peak? to make the pick harder and protect
4. What kind of athletes wear baseball caps? baseball, tennis, golf players

Ted isn’t here. He’s ____ to shopping centre. gone

Fred is taking a course to _____ his French. Improve

You can always rely ____ me for help and advice. On

Mike called ten minutes ___. Ago

We haven’t made any plans for our holiday _____. yet

____ the police, two people died in the fire. According to

I have lived in this neighbourhood ____ two years. For

John is very ____, so don’t be surprised when be starts telling you what to do. Bossy

I don’t know harry that well. He’s just a business ____. Acquaintance

1. Do you want to take pictures like a professional photographer?

2. Could I have a word with you? It’s extremely important.

3. Let’s take Park Avenue to avoid the traffic.

4. I hate it when people behave in a rude way.

5. I can’t stand people with no sense of humour.

6. When the teacher fell down in front of the whole class, she was very embarrassed.

7. Oh, you’ve changed your hair! I didn’t recognise you at first.

8. It’s best to study in a room with natural light.

I can’t get ___ of Mrs White. Do you know where she is? Hold

My sister doesn’t really get ____ my flatmate and that’s creating problems. Along with

1. A: I have already seen this film.

B: Really? When did you see it?

A: Last Saturday with Nancy and Jill. Nancy did not like it, but I think it’s one of the best films I

have seen so far this year.

2. A: has victor called yet?

B: No. Why are you so worried?

A: I hope he doesn’t get lost.

B: Don’t worry. He has been there twice before.

A: Yeah, but he got lost last time, remember?

3: A: Hey, Charlie. Did you go to the new bowling alley with Terry yesterday?

B: No, I think bowling’s boring.

A: What have you tried it?

B: No, I have never tried it, but I don’t think it’s much fun.

A lucky photo by Jack Owen

1. Jack went on the trip to learn how to take pictures. False

2. Tim saw the hummingbird before Jack. True

3. Tim didn’t see Jack take a picture of the hummingbird. True

4. They each entered a picture in the competition. False

Kelly has ____ returned from her trip abroad. Just

1. The carrot soup was nice and greasy/creamy. It was absolutely delicious.

2. The text wasn’t very difficult, but I came from/across a few unknown words.

3. My sister and I had a long discussion/expression and then we reached a final decision.

4. I learnt a lot from Mr Stevens’ interesting presentation/preparation about contemporary art.

5. I ate the chocolate bar. I just couldn’t resist/persuade it.

6 I’m so exhausted/confused from the trip. I just want to go to sleep.

7. It snowed all day yesterday but today the snow is starting to melt/rise.

1. I made a reservation at the Thai restaurant down the street for tonight.

2. Don’t let the cat come I’m allergic to them.

3. Could I please have some whipped cream on my apple pie?

4. I saw an old classmate of mine yesterday by chance.

5. Maggie has taken up jewellery making and she’s very creative.

6. I often post different photographs that I take on my blog.

7. My yoga instructor has many years of teaching experience.

A: I bought a new car!

B: You’re kidding!

A: I left my wallet in the taxi.

B: Are you serious?

A: I graduated from university a week ago!

B: Congratulations!

A: What do you recommend?

B: The beef and potato soup.

A: I decided to become a vegetarian.

B: Get out of here!

A: Can I come with you?

B: Just this once

1. There are very few apples left. Let’s go to the supermarket.

2. I need a few more things from the supermarket. Do you want to come along?

3. We have very little left before the match starts, so hurry up.

4. Louisa is outgoing and has a lot of friends.

5. Kevin can’t go out tonight because he hasn’t got much money.

6. I made a chocolate cake today. Would you like some?

7. There’s no bread left, so get some on your way home.

8. We haven’t got any information about the new hotel, but we can ask.


1. Goldsworthy made land art sculptures while working on a farm. False

2. Goldsworthy makes sculptures with things he finds in nature. true

3. Goldsworthy is interested in the way the seasons change his work. True

4. Artists often use things to help in the balancing of the rocks when doing ‘rock balancing’.


1. I  1  my wrist while I was playing tennis.

2. I couldn’t see anything while I was driving home because my  2

w indscreen
was dirty.

3. Fortunately, the earthquake didn’t cause a lot of    3 to our


However, lots of houses in my neighbourhood  4 .

4. Mr Phillips  5 his horn to make the people get out of his way.

5. The 6 are doing whatever they can to help the people

affected by the earthquake.

6. I hurt my ankle, but I don’t need to put a(n)  7  on it.

7. Did you see the tsunami on the news? The wave was  8    !
Dorothy was _______when she saw her old school friend at the supermarket. Surprised

Elisa_________ really loudly, but nobody heard her. Screamed

When Tony saw the cat in the middle of the street, he slammed on the __________. brakes

I have to pay a ________ for parking illegally. Fine

Can you ___________ me up from the station at 6 o’clock? Pick

A fire broke  __________ at the stadium on Sunday afternoon. Out

Tony fell off his bike and ________ his knee. Grazed

1. I  fell (fall) asleep in front of the TV last night.

2. Hilary was talking (talk) to her friend on the phone while I was making (make) dinner. They

was planning (plan) their summer holiday.

3. Dan was cleaning (clean) his car all morning yesterday.

4. The building was on fire for hours, but it did not collapse (not collapse).

5. As soon as I saw (see) Ted, I crossed (cross) the street to talk to him.

6. Luckily, we were wearing (wear) seat belts and did not get (not get) injured in the accident.

1. I saw my gym instructor while / as soon as I was walking in the park.

2. while / as soon as we entered the room, the lights went out.

3. Ray was checking his messages on his mobile while / when he lost control of the car.

4. The phone rang as / as soon as we were watching the news bulletin.

5. while / during Kelly was looking out of the window, a helicopter flew past.

A: Look out!

w atch w here you are going!

B: Hey! 1               

A: I’m so sorry. 
B: That was close. You almost hit me.

A: It’s these brakes on my bike.

w hat is the matter w ith them?

B: 2           

A: I think they’re broken. I knew they had a problem, but I didn’t check them before I left. 

you should know better than that.

B: 3             

it is my ow n fault.
A: I know. 4 Maybe I should go to the bike shop right now.

B: Good idea.

A bad night to have an accident.

1. Linda was driving back from her family’s house through the countryside. false

2. She wasn’t injured, but she couldn’t understand what had happened. True

3. She tried to call her friend for help, but her mobile phone had no battery.  True

4. In the end, she took an apple from the boot and walked back along the road.  False

1. The two boys succeeded / managed in swimming to the island.

2. Could you please solve / fasten your seat belt?

3. You should reduce / rent the amount of sugar you eat. It’s not good for you. 

4. You will find all the information you need in the insurance / brochure.

5. Let’s go and get our supplies / luggage from the conveyor belt.

6. Who discovered / invented the planet Mars?

7. I went to the travel agency / tour guide to book a holiday in Sicily. 

1. Don’t forget to bring your towel to the gym.

2. Jenny bought the camera because it was a real bargain.

3. Peter studied Medicine and now he has become a very successful doctor. 

4. Come on. Let’s visit the ancient ruins.

5. What time does your plane land?

6. Come on. It’s time to board the plane. 

7. John was a little dizzy and left work early today.

1. A: What time did Joey come (come) over last night?

B: He was (be) late, as usual. We had already started (already / start) eating by the time he

arrived (arrive).

2. A: Hi, Mary. Are you feeling better today? You looked (look) very tired yesterday.

B: I know. It was because I had not slept (not sleep) well the past two days.

3. When Jenny got (get) into her car, she realised (realise) that she had not taken (not take)

her purse with her. 

1. A: Can / Will I borrow this pen?

B: Yes, of course.

2. A: May / Would you get me a glass of water, please?

B: Sure, no problem.

3. A: Could / May you drive me to the supermarket tomorrow morning?

B: I’m sorry, I can’t. I have to go to work.

4. A: Hello. May / Will I help you, sir?

B: Would / Could I make an appointment, please?
A: Certainly.

A: What are you doing?

B: I borrowed Tony’s shirt yesterday and now I can’t find it anywhere! d. Could you help me

look for it?

A: Oh, Jake! b. You should be more careful.  You’re always losing things. 

B: a. You have a point.  But I need to find it now. Help me, please.

A: Is it that blue one you were wearing yesterday? I think I saw it in the bathroom. 

B: Really?

A: Yes, let me check...  e. There you go.

B: Thanks! Just in time, Tony’s outside waiting for me!

To the North Pole

1. Roald Amundsen died when he reached the South Pole in 1911. nm 
2. Robert Peary returned from his first expedition with a picture of the pole. f
3. Modern explorers think that Peary never managed to reach the North Pole.  t
4. No human has ever actually walked all the way to the North Pole.  F

1. Cathy bought me two shirts, because there was a 20%1
 on them.
2. Kevin doesn’t know much about the job, but he is very 2
to learn.
borrow ed
3. Patricia3  a book from me last month and she still hasn’t given it
4. I am 4 to coffee. I drink at least three cups a day.
5. The 5 of my colleagues live close to work.
6. I bought a tablet because it is a very useful and 6 device.

1. I haven’t got enough money to buy this book. Can you afford me some?
2. Unfortunately, pollution is increasing in many cities around the world.
3. I regret shouting at John, because now he won’t talk to me.
4. The reporter interviewed the athlete after he had won the race.
5. I don’t understand what you’re saying. You aren’t making any sense.
6. One of the advantages of learning English is being able to communicate easily when you
7. Don’t be so pessimistic. Things will get better.
A: Why don’t you get a GPS device for your car?

B: d. I don’t see much point in them

A: Really? Why not?

B: There are many reasons. c. To begin with, a map does exactly the same thing and it is not as


a. What is more, using a GPS device can be dangerous because it distracts you from your


A: f. You have a point, but personally I think that a GPS is more reliable than an ordinary


B: I disagree. b. The way I see it, people were able to drive and get around without getting lost

long before GPS devices. So, why use them?

A: You’re a little old-fashioned. I’m going to buy this new GPS device I found on the Internet

for my car and I don’t care what you say about it. 

B: e. Go for it then

1. I will be able to (be able to) download the information as soon as I 2

 (have) access to the Internet.

w atches
2. After Tania3 (watch) the news, she

w ill go
4  (go) to bed.
w ill visit invites
3. I  5 (visit) Brian when he 6

  (invite) me to his new house.

w ill not talk
4. Kelly 7 (not talk) to you until you  

8 apologise (apologise).
w ill w ash
5. Ted 9 (wash) his car before he

10  (leave).

1. A few months ago, George can’t drive.

2. Will you show me how this gadget works, please?
3. Soon, free parking will be available to all our customers.
4. You won’t be able to use the lift today. It’s out of order.
5. A: Carrie doesn’t know about the meeting tomorrow morning.
B: I will call her now and inform her.

1. Hadfield’s final trip into space lasted five months. True
2. When Hadfield returned to Earth, he used social media to tell people about his time on the
ISS. False
3. Hadfield made a music video with the help of David Bowie while in space. False
4. Hadfield is now a resident of the USA. False

 Do you think Elisa is more suitable for the job              Alison? Than
It was             beautiful day yesterday that we went for a picnic. Such a
A:        I’m going on a trip to Barcelona!
            B:                     wonderful! How
Julie keeps putting off / up going to the dentist because she’s scared.
think it’s unnecessary / unsuitable to bring a jacket on such a nice day.
I found a(n) admission / flyer for a festival on my windshield.
I don’t know anything about the project. You should ask Mr Davis             he arrives. When
Lindsey             come to the lecture tomorrow. She hasn’t decided for sure yet. May not
Stanley made / changed his mind about coming to the museum. 
I liked Jim’s suggestion because it was             complicated than Tony’s. less

If Mrs Tailor calls,             her to call back later. Tell

The show was             entertaining that we didn’t want it to end. So

1. Can I make a(n) _______ about

what colour to paint your living c. suggestion
2. Teaching a class of over 30
b. stressful
children can be very ________.
3. I’m sorry, but the ______ age for d. minimum.
this film is 16.
4. Mr Jackson __________ of the
way they had cleaned his car at the e. disapproved
car wash.
5. The police officers told the
residents to f. stay
6. What have you managed to
a. achieve
__________________so far in your career?

1.         If my team reaches (reach) the cup final, we will win (win).
2.         If I arrive (arrive) home early, I will cook (cook) something for dinner.
3.         What will the TV station do (do) if the newsreader decides (decide) to leave?
4.         I think we will have (have) a nice time at the barbecue if it does not rain (not rain).

Alex Ferguson

1. Alex Ferguson played for both Scottish and English teams.      false.
2. It was a difficult decision for Ferguson to leave his job as Manager of Scotland.      false.      
3. Manchester United became champions during the first year Ferguson was manager.      false.    
4. Manchester United hadn’t won a  trophy for 26 years.          true.

It was ___ cold that we couldn’t sit outside. So

Keeping our customers happy is our number one role/priority

The ski school will complete/provide all the necessary equipment.

The players did their best. They didn’t want to let their fans off/down.

The crowd admired/cheered on the team.

Players wear knee pads/goggles when they pay volleyball.

I didn’t get much sleep last night because I ___ finish my project. had to

You ___ bring a cake. I’ll make one. Don’t have to

I’m going on a trip to Barcelona! ____ wonderful! how

It was ___ beautiful day yesterday that we went for a picnic. Such a
The show was ____ entertaining that we didn’t want it to end. so

I had an accident. ___ a nightmare! what

You ____ drive on the wrong side of the road. mustn’t

Why do we ___ make a reservation? Have to

You _____ take this medicine to get better. must

The football player passed / kicked the ball and scored!

We can’t play tennis after work, because I forgot to bring my racket / bat. 

Carrie never watches animated / horror films because she gets scared easily.

1. Tennis is easy. You just have to hit the ball over the___________. net
2. You have to follow the__________ of the game. rules
3. That’s a(n) __________ idea. I’ve never heard anything like it before. original
4. The __________ character of the film is Alicia Garner. main
5. I love action- __________ films with realistic special effects. packed
6. The scene is ___________ in a beautiful village in the Alps. set
7. The whole __________ performed beautifully. cast
8. Vanessa isn’t very _________ about her business trip to Budapest. I wonder why.

Katie never talks about             . herself

A: I enjoy jogging early in the morning.

B:  ____ do I. So

My younger brother didn’t know how to ride a bike so I taught             . him
Could you all please introduce              to our new colleague? Yourselves
A: My cousin doesn’t like watching TV.
B: ____ does Sandra. Neither
has finished
1. A:  1  Peter  2 (finish) painting
the room yet?
B: No. 
has been painting
A: But he  3 (paint) it since eleven o’clock! How many hours is it
going to take him?
has not managed
B: I don’t know, but he  4 (not manage) to finish it yet.  
2. A: Hey, Sally! What are you up to?
have been looking
B: Well, I   5 (look) for a dress for Diane’s wedding for hours now. 
have found
I6 (find) two dresses that I like so far but they’re both expensive.
have been trying
A: Well, good luck with that. I 7 (try) to find shoes all morning, but
no luck.
have been living
3. I   (live) in Seattle for the past three months, but I 
have not decided
 9  (not decide) if I’m going to stay here. 

Do you know anyone who’s _______________ in Japanese? Fluent

Kelly has been working hard for the past year and luckily her boss gave her a(n) ____________ .
The _______________ at the pool in our gym works from 9 am to 6 pm.  Lifeguard
My parents are thinking about getting a(n) __________ to buy a bigger flat. Loan

My computer _____________ again so instead of fixing it, I bought a new one.  Crashed

The new secretary was _______________ because she always came in late.  Fired

There is a problem with the dishwasher. We should call a _______________ . plumber

I can’t speak Russian, but I ____________ a few words when I visited Moscow. Picked up

There are about fifteen employees / employers at the office where I work.

I can’t watch Spanish films without qualifications / subtitles. 

Jose chose to learn French in secondary school.       false 

He has travelled to France several times.          true

He doesn't go to a French conversation group meetings any more. false

After university he worked on a farm in France.    false

He has acquired every skill of language very well.       False

I’ve put on 10 ______________ since last year.  Pounds
I don’t think the venue is ____________ for the event.  Big enough
The money will go                                             into your account. Directly
_____________ the milk into the bowl and then stir.  Pour
You can                                             a lot of files on this USB memory stick.  Store
Don’t take those pills on a(n)                                             stomach. Empty
Fortunately, we raised a lot of money for the _________________ charity
What colour are you going to ________________ your hair? Dye
Brenda didn’t come over yesterday. She had  __________ things to do. Too many
There is no entrance                                             to the Science Museum. Fee
You need to add two ___________________ of powdered sugar.  Tablespoons
We can send it to you free of                                            .  charge
There is a(n)                                             to how many times I’ll lend him money.  Limit
Keep all medicine bottles out of_________________ of children. Reach
I think the film was ____________ for children to watch.  Too violent
I need to go to the cash machine and _______________________ some money. Withdraw
Lisa didn’t have __________ to visit her aunt.  Enough time
After that, put all the __________________   in the pot. Ingredients
The test was____________for most of the students to pass. Too hard
Have you got                                             for a twenty-pound note? Change
Could you                                             what you were saying? I didn’t hear you. repeat

to look
1. I’ve decided  1 (look) for a new job. 

2.   2  (memorize) things by heart doesn’t mean you actually learn


3. How about   3 (go) to the park later?

4. You shouldn't  (let) the children 

(play) outside in the rain.

to w ake
5. It is difficult for Kevin   (wake) up early in the morning. 

6. Samantha and Anne are interested in  7  (learn) Italian. 

7. I enjoy 8  (do) crosswords because I'm so good at 
9  (find) the answer to them. 

to eat
8. Mike would like 10 (eat) at the Chinese restaurant tonight. 


What is true about Brad Williams? He doesn’t mind people testing his memory.

What does Williams remember when you tell him a date? Both of the above.

What happened when Williams appeared on the TV show? He couldn’t answer questions

that were about topics that didn’t interest him.

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