Marian Quizzzzz

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Of all the New Testament books, the Gospels of Matthew and Luke
speak about Christ's conception and birth the most. Mary gave birth
to Christ in Bethlehem, but she was only visiting there. In which city
did she herself live?

Your options: [ Jerusalem ] [ Cana ] [ Magdala ] [ Nazareth ]

Answer: Nazareth

Luke 1:26-28 in the Names of God translation:

"Six months after Elizabeth had become pregnant, God sent the angel Gabriel to
Nazareth, a city in Galilee. The angel went to a virgin promised in marriage to a
descendant of David named Joseph. The virgin's name was Mary. When the angel
entered her home, he greeted her and said, 'You are favored by the Lord! The Lord is
with you.'"

While the Bible doesn't include many details about Mary's personal life, we can probably
assume that, at this point, she was a young woman (what the ancients considered a
young woman would be more like a teenager in modern terms) who lived with her
parents and maybe siblings. When the Gospels introduce Mary, no family members
beside Elizabeth are discussed, but John 19:25 suggests that she had a sister.

Mary traveled a lot, whether she wanted to or not. In Luke 1:39, she went to the country
of Judah to visit her relative, Elizabeth. Then she had to go to Bethlehem because
Joseph's ancestors were from Bethlehem. She, Joseph, and the child Jesus lived in Egypt
for a while to escape King Herod. Finally, they moved back and Mary raised Jesus in her
hometown of Nazareth (see Matthew 2:23).

 From Quiz: Mary Nodded . Question by author Ceduh.

2 On which date is the feast of Our Lady of the Annunciation

celebrated, in Roman Catholicism?

Your options: [ March 25 ] [ April 2 ] [ December 24 ] [ February 28 ]

Answer: March 25

The feast of Our Lady of the Annunciation is celebrated on March 25. The Roman
Catholic doctrines of the Incarnation and Annunciation were proclaimed by Pope
Benedict XIV. The prayer, "The Hail Mary" contains both these events. "Hail Mary, full of
grace, the Lord is with thee, Blessed art thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of
thy womb, Jesus".

 From Quiz: For It Was Mary . Question by author Irishrosy.

3 Mary was greeted by St. Gabriel the Archangel to announce the
birth of the Son of God. What was her reply to this greeting?
Answer: "Be it done unto me according to your word."

Mary's response was "Be it done unto me according to your word" (Luke 1:38). This reply
was brought about by humility, her complete resignation to the will of God.

 From Quiz: Mary, the Mother of God . Question by author GentlePetal145.

4 In 1531, an Aztec Indian in Mexico named Juan Diego reported

encountering a beautiful woman surrounded by a bright light who
called herself "Mary, the Virgin." In presenting the information to
the local bishop, a great miracle occurred. What was that miracle?
Answer: His cape contained an image of the Virgin Mary

The Virgin told Diego to ask the Bishop to build a church where she appeared. The
bishop said he would consider the request if the Virgin could supply a sign to prove she
was who she said she was. Though it was freezing weather, the Virgin Mary asked Diego
to cut roses that were blooming from a bush on top of a hill. He found the roses, cut
them, and placed them in his "tilma" (a cape made of cactus fiber). When Diego opened
the tilma and presented the roses to the bishop, all saw an image of the Virgin on the
tilma, exactly as Diego had described her. This image on a cape of cactus fiber still exists
today. In 1977, it was examined with infrared photography and digital enhancement
techniques but examiners were not able to determine how it was created, nor how it has
been preserved after all these centuries.
 From Quiz: Virgin Mary...Hey, Have You Seen Her? . Question by author sunshine7.

5 Which Eastern European country venerates Mary with the title,

"Our Lady of Czestochowa"?

Your options: [ Poland ] [ Albania ] [ Romania ] [ Germany ]

Answer: Poland

Since 1362, The Shrine to Mary, Our Lady of Czestochowa is located on the mountain
top, Jasna Gora, (meaning Bright Mountain) in Czestochowa,Poland. The painting (or
icon), is in the monastery and care of the Pauline Fathers. In the shrine there is a
painting of Mary, known as "The Black Madonna", so named because of the
discoloration that had occurred to the icon over the centuries. This painting also plays
an important part in Polish history and many miracles through the intercession of Mary
are credited to her. Many pilgrimages are made to Jasna Gora. One of the largest treks
was on September 8, 1682, when one hundred and forty thousand persons attended a
ceremony to commemorate the three hundredth anniversary of the painting of "The
Black Madonna" arriving in Czestochowa. The tradition of pilgrimages has continued. In
August of 1957, with a copy of the icon of Mary, a pilgrimage began to carry it to all the
churches throughout Poland. During the years 1966 to 1972 the painting of "The Black
Madonna" itself was taken under Communist control. With ingenuity, the procession
continued with the empty wooden frame of "The Black Madonna" carried as their
 From Quiz: For It Was Mary . Question by author Irishrosy.

6 The prayer "Hail Mary" is one of the most loved Marian prayers.
The portion of the response which says "Holy Mary, Mother of God"
was based on the words of which character in the Bible?

Your options: [ The angel Gabriel ] [ St. Elizabeth ] [ St. Joseph ] [ Herod ]

Answer: St. Elizabeth

This portion of the prayer is based on the words of St. Elizabeth when Mary visited her.
This verse is located at Luke 1:42-43.

"[Elizabeth] cried out in a loud voice and said, "Most blessed are you among women and
blessed is the fruit of your womb. How does this happen to me, that the mother of my
Lord should come to me?"

 From Quiz: Mary, the Mother of God . Question by author GentlePetal145.

7 In 1846, the Virgin Mary appeared weeping to two young

shepherds. She warned that "In the year 1864, Lucifer together with
a large number of demons will be unloosed from hell; they will put
an end to faith little by little, even in those dedicated to God."
Where in the world did this occur?

Your options: [ Pontmain, France ] [ Rue Du Bac, France ] [ LaSalette, France ]

[ Lourdes, France ]
Answer: LaSalette, France

This apparition occurred on September 19 to two children named Melanie Calvat and
Maximin Giraud. The Virgin Mary said her son was not pleased with mankind and gave
each child a series of "secrets." In 1858, the children were allowed to have all secrets
published. In brief, the secrets concerned large wars between many countries, disasters
in nature, and the appearance of an "anti-christ." In 1851, the Catholic church
"approved" (made it acceptable to believe them as true revelation) the LaSalette
 From Quiz: Virgin Mary...Hey, Have You Seen Her? . Question by author sunshine7.
8 Luke 2:7 proclaims, "She gave birth to her ___ son. She wrapped
him in strips of cloth and laid him in a manger because there wasn't
any room for them in the inn" (from the Names of God translation).
The belief that Mary was a virgin when she bore and gave birth to
Christ, the Son of God, is essential to the Christian faith. But
Catholics and Protestants disagree about her virginity after her holy
baby's birth. The quoted verse above is missing which word?

Your options: [ Only ] [ Special ] [ Artificial ] [ Firstborn ]

Answer: Firstborn

The missing word is firstborn. This is a subject of controversy. It is an official doctrine of

the Roman Catholic Church that Mary remained a virgin her entire life, even after
marrying Joseph. Many Protestants believe that the couple had a regular marriage after
the birth of Jesus.

For this verse in particular, Protestants think that "firstborn", which most translations
use, has an obvious meaning. Catholics argue that it is merely an allusion to Exodus
13:1-2, which state, "Yahweh spoke to Moses, 'Set apart every firstborn male for me.
Every firstborn male offspring among the Israelites is mine, whether human or animal.'"
The Catholic argument includes that the Israelites didn't wait for a second or third son
before consecrating their first, so they argue in some cases the firstborn son is an only

The New Testament has many verses that reference the "brothers" and "sisters" of Christ
and Christ's mother is often in the company of them, and Protestants usually cite such
verses, but the Catholics argue that those aren't her biological children. A common
Catholic view is that they are Christ's cousins and the sons of Mary, the wife of Clopas.
 From Quiz: Mary Nodded . Question by author Ceduh.

9 The Byzantine icon known as "Our Lady of Vladimir" was painted

by an artist in a city named for which early Roman Emperor and
convert to Christianity?

Your options: [ Constantine ] [ Napoleon ] [ Maximillian ] [ Charlemagne ]

Answer: Constantine

The painting of Mary, known as "Our Lady of Vladimir", shows Mary holding the Child
Jesus, cradled in her arms with His cheek nestling hers, and His arms caressing her.
Revered as an icon, the painting was given to Vladimir, Russia, by the Patriarch of
Constantinople in the twelfth century. This icon is also known as "Our Lady of
Tenderness". In 1395, from the Russian city of Vladimir, the painting was brought and
placed in the Cathedral of the Assumption in Moscow, Russia. This painting was also
carried to the battlefront by the Russians in World War I.
 From Quiz: For It Was Mary . Question by author Irishrosy.

10 There are four Marian dogmas confirmed and approved by the

Catholic Church. Which of the following is not a Marian dogma?

Your options: [ The Immaculate Conception ] [ The Coronation of the Blessed

Virgin Mary ] [ The Divine Motherhood of Mary ] [ The Perpetual Virginity of Mary ]
Answer: The Coronation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

A dogma proposes truths in relation to Divine Revelation. It means that these truths are
revealed by the very being through either a vision or miracles.

The following are the four Marian dogmas as declared by the Catholic Church. These

Divine Motherhood
Perpetual Virginity
Immaculate Conception
Assumption of Mary

11 Which of the following titles has been applied by the Roman

Catholic Church to the Blessed Virgin Mary?

Your options: [ The New Eve ] [ The First Saint ] [ The Original Eve ] [ The Highest of
Angels ]
Answer: The New Eve

The first Eve was deceived by a serpent in the Garden of Eden at the beginning of the
Book of Genesis. The Blessed Virgin Mary, in saying yes to the Angel Gabriel and
agreeing to be the Mother God, took on a special role and responsibility for mankind.
Please see "Mary, the New Eve, freely obeyed God", written by Pope John Paul II (you
can find it with an ordinary internet search). Mary is often shown in Roman Catholic
pictures and statues as crushing the serpent with her foot. Mary is treated as of more
importance than a saint, or even all the saints together (in particular please see later
parts of this quiz). She is higher also than any Angel. Her position in Roman Catholic
thinking is unique within the human race.
 From Quiz: The Blessed Virgin Mary . Question by author rialto88.
12 To whom did the Virgin Mary state "I am the Immaculate
Answer: Bernadette Soubirous

In 1858, the Virgin Mary appeared 18 times to a poor and uneducated girl, Bernadette
Soubirous, in Lourdes, France. The dogma of the "Immaculate Conception" (which states
Mary was born without original sin) had only been approved four years before this
apparition. It is proclaimed Bernadette could not have known of the dogma's existence.
The Virgin also told her to dig in the dirt of the grotto where she appeared. Bernadette
dug in the dirt and water seeped up from the ground. She was instructed by the Virgin
to drink the water and, to the villagers' scorn, she did. The water eventually became a
small river from which many people drank. Healings were reported from those who
drank or bathed in the water. Today, Lourdes is a famous shrine visited by over five
million people every year.

 From Quiz: Virgin Mary...Hey, Have You Seen Her? . Question by author sunshine7.

13 Where, circa 1570, in his fortified city of Vilno, Lithuania, did its
Bishop place an icon known as "Our Lady of Ostrabama"?
Answer: On a city gate

Vilno, Lithuania, in the sixteenth century, had five fortification gates surrounding it, one
of which had a chapel built on it, ordered by the Bishop of Vilno, Wojciech Tabor. The
painting, known as "Our Lady of Ostabrama", which means Gate of Dawn, was placed in
the chapel as protection from damages and in thanksgiving. Pope Pius X approved
November 16 as the feast day of "Our Lady of Ostrabama", who is also known as "The
Mother of Mercy".
 From Quiz: For It Was Mary . Question by author Irishrosy.

14 Throughout the centuries, the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to

numerous people and a multitude of places. Now, which of the
following saints did NOT experience a vision of the Blessed Virgin?

Your options: [ St. Therese of the Child Jesus ] [ St. Kateri Tekakwitha ] [ St. Marie
Bernadette Soubirous ] [ St. Maria Faustina Kowalska ]
Answer: St. Kateri Tekakwitha

St. Kateri Tekakwitha (1656-1680) did not experience any visions during her life, but she
is devoted to Mary. Her story is marked with an intense love for Christ, her times spent
in prayer, and her extreme mortifications.

St. Marie Bernadette Soubirous (1844-1879) was the witness of the Immaculate
St. Therese of the Child Jesus (1873-1897) received a grace of healing after she saw the
Blessed Virgin smile at her. (See "Story of A Soul".)

St. Maria Faustina Kowalska (1905-1938) received visions from the Blessed Virgin that
she recorded in her diary along with her revelations of Jesus.

 From Quiz: Mary, the Mother of God . Question by author GentlePetal145.

15 Which of the following titles for the Blessed Virgin Mary does
not appear in the Roman Catholic litany of Our Lady (the Blessed
Virgin Mary)?

Your options: [ Protector of the Poor ] [ Morning Star ] [ Holy Mother of God ]

[ Seat of Wisdom ]
Answer: Protector of the Poor

This title does not appear, although in many ways it fits her image. She lovingly
accepted the poverty of a stable to give birth to her Son Jesus. There is no evidence in
the Bible that she ever led more than the life of the spouse and widow of a poorly paid
carpenter. Her apparitions, seen throughout the world, develop a trend of appearing to
poor people and very often poor children (see the visions of Fatima, where she
appeared in dramatic circumstances to three poor shepherd children). A careful Biblical
study of Our Lady might persuade you that she might not care too much for the rich
and the powerful. Certainly not those people in those positions in her day! However, The
Roman Catholic Church portray her as available to all. The Roman Catholic church has
always regarded money and power as available, but only to be used properly, if
 From Quiz: The Blessed Virgin Mary . Question by author rialto88.

16 In 1879, how many people in Knock, Ireland reported viewing the
appearance of the Virgin Mary on the gable wall of the local church?
Answer: 15

The first to see the Virgin was Margaret Beirne, a resident of the village of Cnoc Mhuire.
Margaret was at the local church to lock it up for the evening. She was then joined by a
member of her family, Mary Beirne. She noticed the church was covered in a bright light
but didn't think much of it. Starting their walk home, Margaret looked at the church
gable wall (now in the distance), saw what appeared to be figures standing and assumed
they were new statues for the church. Looking closer, Margaret and her companion
noticed the figures were moving. Soon 13 other members of the community joined
them in viewing this apparition. Sighted along with the Virgin Mary were St. Joseph, St.
John the Evangelist, a lamb, and a cross surrounded by angels.
 From Quiz: Virgin Mary...Hey, Have You Seen Her? . Question by author sunshine7.

17 According to Luke 2:41-51, Mary and Joseph found Jesus Christ

in the Jewish temple when He was twelve years-old. Prior to that,
they had lost Him and He had been missing for three days. What
was Mary's response after Jesus told her that He needed to be in His
Father's house?
Answer: She said nothing. She treasured His words in her heart, though.

Luke 2:46-51 in the Names of God translation:

"Three days later, they found him in the temple courtyard. He was sitting among the
teachers, listening to them, and asking them questions. His understanding and his
answers stunned everyone who heard him.

When his parents saw him, they were shocked. His mother asked him, 'Son, why have
you done this to us? Your father and I have been worried sick looking for you!'

Yeshua said to them, 'Why were you looking for me? Didn't you realize that I had to be
in my Father's house?' But they didn't understand what he meant.

Then he returned with them to Nazareth and was obedient to them.

His mother treasured all these things in her heart."

The three days that Jesus was "missing" here was a foreshadowing of the three days that
He would later spend in the tomb before coming back to life.

 From Quiz: Mary Nodded . Question by author Ceduh.

18 In 1531, a vision of the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared twice to

Juan Diego, a member of the Aztec nation and a convert to Roman
Catholicism. Which title of Mary was given to her after her
appearance in Juan's little village, which today is a suburb of Mexico

Your options: [ Our Lady of Guadalupe ] [ Our Lady of Santo Domingo ] [ Our Lady
of Cancun ] [ Our Lady of Juarez ]
Answer: Our Lady of Guadalupe

"Our Lady of Guadalupe" is the patroness of Mexico. In Guadalupe, now known as a

suburb of Mexico City, Mary, on December 19, 1531, appeared to Juan Diego. In this
apparition, Mary requested that a shrine to her be erected in the spot where this vision
occurred. It is recorded that she told Juan Diego that the shrine was to show her love
and compassion. Before Mary disappeared, it is said that a picture of herself was
imprinted on the inside of Juan Diego's cloak.

 From Quiz: For It Was Mary . Question by author Irishrosy.

19 Do Catholics adore Mary?

Answer: No, they venerate her.

Adoration and veneration are similar but different terms. Both are used to describe
levels of worship, but the difference is to whom the honor is given.

Catholics believe adoration is given to God, and God alone can be adored. This kind of
giving honor is called latria.

Veneration is given to the Blessed Virgin Mary, the saints, and beati. For Mary, this
veneration is called hyperdulia while for the saints, it is called dulia.
 From Quiz: Mary, the Mother of God . Question by author GentlePetal145.

20 Into what religion was the Blessed Virgin Mary born?

Answer: Jewish religion

Mary was born into a strongly devout Jewish family. The New Testament specially says
that Mary strictly followed the laws of the Jews by presenting her baby at the Temple in
Jerusalem at the prescribed time (Luke 2:22-38). Luke 2:39 then says, "And when they
had fulfilled all things prescribed by the law of the Lord, they returned to Galilee, and
their own town of Nazareth". Mary, as a woman of her time, would have been heavily
educated in the Hebrew Bible. She would have taught this Bible to her son. The Hebrew
Bible, also known as the Old Testament, will be referred to later in the quiz.

21 During this marian apparition of October 13, 1917 in Fatima,

Portugal, approximately 70,000 thousand spectators saw what
miracle occur?
Answer: The sun spun in the sky and appeared to be falling to the earth

The Fatima apparitions occurred to three young shepherd children, Lucia de Jesus
Santos (ten years old), and her cousins, Francisco (eight years old) and Jacinta Marto (six
years old). Word spread quickly about the apparitions around Portugal and the Catholic
world. However, many people criticised their authenticity. They asked for a sign. The
children reported the Virgin Mary would again appear to them on October 13. Many
thousands gathered in Fatima for the event. Soon the sign appeared. As reported by an
eyewitness, Dr. Almeida Garrett, PhD, of Coimbra University, "The sun's disc did not
remain immobile. This was not the sparkling of a heavenly body, for it spun round on
itself in a mad whirl. Then, suddenly, one heard a clamor, a cry of anguish breaking from
all the people. The sun, whirling wildly, seemed to loosen itself from the firmament and
advance threateningly upon the earth as if to crush us with its huge and fiery weight.
The sensation during those moments was terrible. During the solar phenomenon, which
I have just described in detail, there were changes of color in the atmosphere..."

 From Quiz: Virgin Mary...Hey, Have You Seen Her? . Question by author sunshine7.

22 The Gospel of John discusses a wedding that Jesus, His mother,

Mary, His brothers, and His disciples were all invited to. It is
recorded that Jesus transformed water into wine at the event
because Mary told Jesus that the people were out of wine. How was
Christ's mother related to the bride or the groom?
Answer: It isn't clear.

See John 2:1-12. Neither the bride nor the groom are named or identified, but since
Mary seems to play a large role in the wedding, and given the fact that not only Jesus,
but also His family and His disciples were invited, it most likely was a family member or
close friend who was getting married.

In my own opinion, I think that the disciple John was the groom, because John's Gospel
is the only Gospel to mention the event, so it might be a form of personal narrative for
him. In addition, there is a possibility that John was Christ's cousin, with his mother
Salome as a possible sister of Christ's mother.

 From Quiz: Mary Nodded . Question by author Ceduh.

23 "Our Lady of Balsamao", according to tradition, appeared in

Portugal as a nurse, to heal Christian soldiers who were fighting
against which peoples?

Your options: [ The Moors ] [ The Alans ] [ The Celts ] [ The Vandals ]

Answer: The Moors

According to Portuguese tradition, Mary, "Our Lady of Balsamao", appeared to heal the
wounded Christians who had been fighting the Moors. A statue of this vision of Mary is
known as "The Divine Nurse". On the statue Mary holds a vase filled with white Balsam
flowers. Since 1754, The Marian Fathers have been the caretakers of this statue which is
in the Shrine of the Divine Nurse, in Balsamao, Portugal.

 From Quiz: For It Was Mary . Question by author Irishrosy.

24 Mary is said to be descended from which character of the Old
Testament through her father?

Your options: [ Aaron ] [ David ] [ Rebekah ] [ Naomi ]

Answer: David

Her father, St. Joachim, was believed to be descended from the family of David.
Her mother, St. Anne, was believed to be descended from the family of Aaron.

 From Quiz: Mary, the Mother of God . Question by author GentlePetal145.

25 Roman Catholics believe that the Blessed Virgin Mary was

assumed body and soul into Heaven after her death. This dogma of
the Assumption was declared by the Pope in what year?
Answer: 1950

Pope Pius XII declared the truth of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary on 1st
November, 1950. The Roman Catholic feast day for the Assumption is on 15th August of
every year. The Popes very rarely speak dogmatically, so the importance of this matter is
 From Quiz: The Blessed Virgin Mary . Question by author rialto88.

26 In 1932, five children saw the Virgin Mary walking in the air
above a bridge with her feet hidden in a cloud. Where in the world
did this occur?

Your options: [ Cuapa, Nicaragua ] [ Rome, Italy ] [ Beauraing, Belgium ] [ Lipa,

Philippines ]
Answer: Beauraing, Belgium

The visionaires were Fernande Voisin, a fifteen year old girl, Andree Degeimbre, aged
fourteen, and her sister Gilberte Degeimbre, aged nine, Albert Voisin, aged eleven, and
his sister, Gilberte Voisin, age nine. When the children asked the Virgin what she wanted,
she told them "Always be good." Another time, she told them to "Pray always" (with
emphasis on "always"). Fifteen thousand people gathered on December 8, 1932,
expecting to see a great miracle but they just saw the children in ecstasy. A few
spectators held lit matches under the children's hands, shone bright lights in their eyes,
and pricked them with pins but the children neither blinked, nor showed any pain or

 From Quiz: Virgin Mary...Hey, Have You Seen Her? . Question by author sunshine7.

27 Another example of Mary with Christ's brothers is in Matthew
12:46-50. According to verse 47, "Someone told him, 'Your mother
and your brothers are standing outside. They want to talk to you.'"
(from the Names of God translation). Jesus replied to the man, but
in a way that some people might find rude or disrespectful to His
family. What did He say, according to verses 49 and 50?
Answer: He said that His disciples were His real family.

Matthew 12:49-50:
"He replied to the man speaking to him, 'Who is my mother, and who are my brothers?'
Pointing with his hand at his disciples, he said, 'Look, here are my mother and my
brothers. Whoever does what my Father in heaven wants is my brother and sister and

Personally, I'm sure that Jesus had a deeper meaning in mind and didn't intend to be
disrespectful, but some might view it that way. Interestingly, however, John 7:5 states
that Christ's brothers didn't originally believe in His miracles or message, so this
comment in Matthew 12 might be related to that. I find it intriguing that He speaks
about Mary this way, though, because she seemed more than willing to do the Father's
will when it came to the supernatural conception of Christ. Was Jesus implying that she
stopped believing in Him for a while? Maybe.
 From Quiz: Mary Nodded . Question by author Ceduh.

28 The Marian Fathers have a shrine to Mary, "Our Lady of Knock".

In which country is this shrine located?

Your options: [ Ireland ] [ Wales ] [ Scotland ] [ England ]

Answer: Ireland

The Shrine of "Our Lady of Knock", is in Knock, Ireland. It has been said that Mary, "Our
Lady of Knock", appeared at the parish church door in this village. In an apparition,
which is said to have occurred on August 21, 1879, the Blessed Mother Mary, with Saint
John and Saint Joseph, were seen in a blinding flash of light. Simultaneously an altar
with a Lamb and a Cross was also seen. On September 20 1979, the Shrine to "Our Lady
of Knock" was visited by Pope John Paul II.

 From Quiz: For It Was Mary . Question by author Irishrosy.

29 As Simeon the Prophet foretold, Mary experienced Seven

Sorrows that modern Catholics commemorate. Which of the
following is not included in the list?
Your options: [ The loss and finding of the Child Jesus ] [ The death of Elizabeth ]
[ The crucifixion of Jesus ] [ The flight into Egypt ]
Answer: The death of Elizabeth

The Seven Sorrows of Mary, which are all found in the Gospels, are all based upon the
loss of the mother of her child.

The loss of Jesus in Jerusalem for three days caused Mary great sadness, but
nonetheless joy after they found Him in the temple.

The flight into Egypt caused Mary sorrow due to the fact that King Herod ordered the
killing of children 2 years old below.

Do we still have to explain Mary's sorrow during the Crucifixion? I believe it is already
obvious. Who would want to see their child nailed to a cross?

 From Quiz: Mary, the Mother of God . Question by author GentlePetal145.

30 To whom did Jesus Christ say, while dying on the cross, "Behold
thy mother" in reference to the Blessed Virgin Mary? He is identified
as "the disciple Jesus loved."
Answer: Saint John, the Disciple and Apostle

Please see chapter 19, verses 25-27 of St John's gospel. Saint John refers to himself as
"the disciple standing by, whom He loved". These words of Jesus are interpreted by the
Roman Catholic Church as a statement that henceforth Mary became the mother of all
mankind. Thus Mary is often referred to as our Heavenly Mother.

31 This time the Virgin Mary said she came to "console the sick and
the suffering." When and where in the world did she appear?
Answer: 1933, Banneux Belgium

The Virgin Mary appeared eight times to Mariette Bero, twelve years old, in Banneux
(then a poor section of Belgium). The first visit was January 15. Mariette was looking out
her kitchen window and saw the Virgin Mary beckoning her to come outside. Mariette's
mother feared it was a witch and wouldn't let Mariette open the door and go outside.
On January 18, Mariette was in her front garden praying the rosary and the Virgin
appeared. The Virgin guided her to a small stream nearby and said "This steam is for all
nations...for the sick!" She asked for a chapel to be built there and for the people to
"Pray much." Today millions come to visit the shrine at Banneux.
 From Quiz: Virgin Mary...Hey, Have You Seen Her? . Question by author sunshine7.

32 In which place did the Virgin Mary, known as "Our Lady of the
Miraculous Medal" appear to the young Parisian novice, Catherine

Your options: [ In a chapel ] [ In a forest ] [ In a grotto ] [ In her room ]
Answer: In a chapel

The Blessed Mother Mary appeared to the young Parisian novice, Catherine Laboure, in
the chapel of the Mother-house of the Congregation of the Sisters of Charity on
November 27, 1830. In this vision, Mary asked that a medal be constructed
commemorating the apparition that Catherine saw. One side of the medal shows an
image of Mary, "O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee"
encircling her. On the reverse side of the medal there is a large "M" topped by a cross
with twelve stars surrounding the "M".. Below the "M" there are two flaming hearts, one
with a crown of thorns above it, and the other heart pierced by a sword. In 1836 the
Roman Catholic Church accepted the vision and the creation of the medal which it
called "The Miraculous Medal". In 1945, Catherine Laboure was canonized by Pope Pius

 From Quiz: For It Was Mary . Question by author Irishrosy.

33 When Mary appeared to St. Philomena in her cell in the dungeon,

she compared herself to what celestial body?
Answer: Moon

Mary compared herself to the Moon.

According to Mary, since Philomena (who lived in Roman times) is called "Daughter of
Light," she is the rightful child and spouse of Christ, who is the Sun, and she is her
rightful daughter, for she is the Moon.

 From Quiz: Mary, the Mother of God . Question by author GentlePetal145.

34 How old, according to Roman Catholic teaching, was the Blessed

Virgin Mary when she died?
Answer: No one knows.

Mary did die and it is Catholic Church dogma that she was assumed body and soul into
Heaven. This would be in part due to the fact that she was conceived without original sin
(Roman Catholic Church doctrine of the "Immaculate Conception"). Also, this is because
of her role as a mother and her holy life. Her Son is said by the Roman Catholic Church
to have lived to 33 years of age. So Mary must have lived into her forties and possibly
fifties at least. No one really knows. Apparitions of the Blessed Virgin often show her as
very young. Perhaps this is because we do not understand that Heaven is different and
the frailties of this life must be left behind. Heaven is Heaven and we seem to go back to
our ideal state, according to many theologians. Clearly dying holy is helpful for eternal
 From Quiz: The Blessed Virgin Mary . Question by author rialto88.

35 In 1961, four young girls in Garabandal, Spain were visited by the
Virgin Mary. She gave them four prophecies to tell the world. Of the
prophecy topics listed, which one does not apply?

Your options: [ A Permanent Sign ] [ A World Wide Warning ] [ A Great Paradox ]
[ A Great Miracle ]
Answer: A Great Paradox

The four girls are Conchita Gonzales, Mari Loli Mazon, Jacinta Gonzalez, and Mari Cruz
Gonzalez. They stated the Virgin told them in the future God will illuminate each
individual's conscience so they know where they stand before God (A World-Wide
Warning). The Virgin also told them A Great Miracle will occur in the future on a
Thursday evening at 8:30 on or between the eighth and the sixteenth of March, April or
May. She also told them a permanent "supernatural" sign will appear in Garabandal that
will stand until the end of time. The fourth prophecy pertains to a great chastisement.
This purported apparition has yet to be approved by the Catholic church. Today the four
visionaires are married with families and three of the four now live in the United States.

 From Quiz: Virgin Mary...Hey, Have You Seen Her? . Question by author sunshine7.

36 Mary, the mother of Christ, is in Acts 1:13-14. What were she and
Christ's other followers doing?
Answer: Holding a prayer meeting

Acts 1:13-14 in the Names of God translation:

"When they came into the city, Peter, John, James, Andrew, Philip, Thomas,
Bartholomew, Matthew, James (son of Alphaeus), Simon the Zealot, and Judas (son of
James) went to the second-story room where they were staying. The apostles had a
single purpose as they devoted themselves to prayer. They were joined by some women,
including Mary (the mother of Yeshua), and they were joined by his brothers."

This event took place after Christ's ascension into Heaven. This is the final time that we
see this Mary have an active role in the New Testament. If she continued to work in the
church, we don't know, because it says nothing further about her. The Scriptures don't
even mention how or when she died.
There are multiple women named Mary in the New Testament:

1) The mother of Jesus

2) Mary Magdalene
3) The sister of Martha and Lazarus
4) The mother of James and Joseph
5) The wife of Clopas (possibly the same as #4)
6) The mother of John Mark
7) A Mary that the apostle Paul mentions in Romans 16:6

All of these women had their own important roles in the New Testament. It is possible
that #6 and #7 played larger roles in the early church after Christ's earthly ministry
ended, but #1 remains the most blessed of them all (Luke 1:42).
 From Quiz: Mary Nodded . Question by author Ceduh.

37 In which Italian City is the Shrine of "Our Lady of Consolation"?

Your options: [ Turin ] [ Genoa ] [ Florence ] [ Sorrento ]

Answer: Turin

One of the oldest paintings of "Our Lady of Consolation" is in Turin, Italy, in the Shrine
of Our Lady of Consolation. This Marian title was given to her because of the devotion
of the inhabitants of Turin who prayed to be consoled through Mary's grace. In 1901,
the rector of the shrine, the Reverend Joseph Allmano, of the Consolata Fathers, spread
this devotion to Mary by his establishment of the Religious Institute for Mission Work.
Through the efforts of this institute, the devotion to Our Lady of Consolation has spread
to many countries. In the United States of America, the feast day of Our Lady of
Consolation is August 28.

 From Quiz: For It Was Mary . Question by author Irishrosy.

38 This event is seen in the tradition of the Catholic Church wherein

the Lord did not permit that the body of Mary would experience
decay. She was taken body and soul into heaven. What is this event
which is a Marian dogma?

Your options: [ The Coronation of Mary ] [ The Assumption of Mary ] [ The

Queenship of Mary ] [ The Ascension of Mary ]
Answer: The Assumption of Mary

She was taken into heaven body and soul. This event is called the Assumption, which
Catholics celebrate on August 15.

 From Quiz: Mary, the Mother of God . Question by author GentlePetal145.

39 Which of the following places, situated in England, includes a
Roman Catholic shrine and apparition site of the Blessed Virgin

Your options: [ Walsingham ] [ York ] [ Canterbury ] [ Westminster ]

Answer: Walsingham

The Blessed Virgin Mary appeared three times to Richeldis de Faverches in the year
1061. She asked for a replica of the Holy Family's House in Nazareth (seen in the visions)
to be built at Walsingham. This was done. This town has two shrines; one is Roman
Catholic and the other is run by the Church of England. Due to the Reformation in
England these two churches remain apart, being united in basic belief, but divided
especially by time and history.

 From Quiz: The Blessed Virgin Mary . Question by author rialto88.

40 In 1968, this apparition of the Virgin Mary was viewed by more
than a million people. It was broadcast live on television and is
recorded on film. Where in the world did this occur?

Your options: [ Litmanova, Slovakia ] [ Akita, Japan ] [ Zeitun, Egypt ] [ Naju, Korea ]

Answer: Zeitun, Egypt

The Virgin Mary appeared in the air above a Coptic church in Zeitun. The church was
constructed to commemorate the place in Egypt where Mary arrived with Joseph and
Jesus when they fled from Herod's persecution. Her appearances started in April, 1968
(stopping sometime in 1973) and was personally witnessed by then Egyptian President
Abdul Nasser, an avowed Marxist. It was broadcast on Egyptian television and witnessed
by thousands of all religions (primarily Muslim). The local police searched a 15-mile
radius around the church in an attempt to find out if it was an elaborate hoax. No
deception was discovered. The Virgin made no statement to anyone but would appear
in bright light, floating above the church each night for varying lengths of time, for a few
minutes or up to nine hours. Flying doves of light often surrounded her. Oddly, this
incredible series of appearances received little press in the West.

41 According to traditional depictions of Mary, Christ's mother,

what colors does she commonly wear? (This information isn't in the
Bible itself).
Answer: Blue and white
In traditional depictions of Mary (paintings, etc.), she is shown wearing something like a
simple and modest white dress with a blue mantle (overcoat) and a white veil.
Sometimes, there can be more blue than white and vice-versa. For example, in some
images, she has a blue dress with a white mantle and a blue veil. This isn't to say that
she has never been depicted wearing anything else, but these seem to be the most
common colors for her. The white symbolizes her purity, her virginity as well as her
overall purity, including her humility. The blue symbolizes Heaven and grace.

Actually, another popular color combination for her is blue and red, but since that isn't a
choice here, the correct answer has to be blue and white. According to, red can symbolize the Holy Spirit. This makes sense for Mary,
whose child was "conceived" by the Holy Spirit.

 From Quiz: Mary Nodded . Question by author Ceduh.

42 What is the translation from English to Latin of the Virgin Mary's

title, "Star of the Sea"?
Answer: Stella Maris

"Stella Maris", which translates to, "Star of the Sea", has devotions to Mary with Masses
said on September 25. The Mass is dedicated to her with the petitions of it to protect
seafaring persons and to give thanks for their services to the economy. Many coastal
communities have churches designated with these two titles of Mary. In the coastal
town of Avalon, New Jersey, the parish church is "Stella Maris". South of Avalon, New
Jersey, the parish church of Cape May, is "Star of the Sea" On a personal note, my
daughter was married in Stella Maris Church, Avalon, NJ.

 From Quiz: For It Was Mary . Question by author Irishrosy.

43 Mary gave to the world the Rosary and the Scapular. According
to the Prophecy of St Dominic, what did she promise to do with the
Rosary and the Scapular?
Answer: She would save the world.

According to an author named Ventimiglia, in a history of the Carmelite Order, Saint

Dominic made this statement to Saint Francis of Assisi and Brother Angelus: "One day,
Brother Angelus, to your Order of Carmel the Most Blessed Virgin Mary will give a
devotion to be known as the Brown Scapular, and to my Order of Preachers she will give
a devotion to be known as the Rosary. And one day, through the Rosary and the
Scapular, she will save the world." This is not intended to suggest that humanity's
salvation comes from any source other than Jesus Christ, but that the Rosary and the
Scapular can be means of helping us to understand and accept His sacrifice.
 From Quiz: Mary, the Mother of God . Question by author GentlePetal145.
44 In the year 2002 Donal Anthony Foley wrote a book about the
apparitions, in various countries, of the Blessed Virgin Mary. What is
the theme of this book?
Answer: The apparitions are related to the Bible and to world history.

This was done by Donal Anthony Foley in his book "Marian Apparitions, the Bible and
the Modern World" (published 2002 by Gracewing), a rather long book that deals with
the major apparition sites. It attempts to show how each series of visions is linked to
major historical events going on at the time. This would be in the particular country
concerned, or in the world. For example he links the massive conversions to Roman
Catholicism caused in Mexico (Guadalupe) in 1531 to the Reformation in Europe. He
shows, in his submission, how the apparitions over the years have been linked to
historical events, and how they helped and guided national and also world events. As all
the recognized visions strongly reflect Roman Catholic teaching, this has caused
problems for non-Catholic critics. As Foley describes it, many of these writers find a
stumbling block in Mary's solid support and help for the Roman Catholic Church. Foley
also attempts to show how the visions are linked to the Bible and how Mary reflects the
Old Testament truths in her appearance, symbols and what she says. This all may explain
why local clergy often grow scared or even hostile to local visions. They fear local and
media hostility, including anti-Catholic sentiment. The visions go back to Rome and the
Pope and his advisers sees what they are really saying in terms of current affairs and
Biblical (Old Testament) similarities. They put the visions in the bigger picture of the past
and present world. Many visions that eventually become recognized by the Roman
Catholic Church, are not initially recognized by the local Catholic Church.
 From Quiz: The Blessed Virgin Mary . Question by author rialto88.

45 In 1973, Sister Agnes Sasagawa was warned by the Virgin Mary
that unless mankind bettered themselves, "Fire will fall from the sky
and will wipe out a great part of humanity, the good as well as the
bad, sparing neither priests nor faithful. The survivors will find
themselves so desolate that they will envy the dead. The only arms
which will remain for you will be the Rosary and the Sign left by My
Son." Where in the world did the Virgin Mary appear this time?

Your options: [ Terra Blanco, Mexico ] [ Medjugorje, Bosnia-Herzegovina ] [ Akita,

Japan ] [ Oliveto Citra, Italy ]
Answer: Akita, Japan

Each day Sister Agnes prayed before a three foot wooden statue of the Virgin Mary. On
July 6, 1973, the statue started to talk to her. On that date, other sisters noticed blood
flowing from the statue's right hand. On August 3, Sister Agnes received a second
message and on October 13, she received a third and final message. Two years later, in
1975, the statue Sister Agnes prayed in front of started to weep. The wooden statue
wept blood, sweat and tears, on and off for the next six and one-half years for a total of
101 times. In 1988, after the testimony of more than 500 Christians and non-Christians,
the Catholic church proclaimed the Akita apparition worthy of belief.
 From Quiz: Virgin Mary...Hey, Have You Seen Her? . Question by author sunshine7.

46 This woman was considered by many to be the greatest mystic of

the present age. She was a devoted wife, mother of seven children,
and had nineteen grandchildren. She conversed with the Virgin
Mary on a daily basis, often many times a day. Who was she?
Answer: Maria Esperanza

These Marian apparitions occurred in Betania, Venezuela. Maria was documented with
many graces: stigmata (suffering Christ's wounds), levitation, bilocation (appearing in
more than one place at a time), gift of healing, predicting future events, and the most
miraculous of all... an event that has occurred sixteen times to date: a rose has on
occasion miraculously sprouted out of her chest. Betania's local bishop witnessed many
events and has given his approval. In 1998, Maria had a private audience with Pope John
Paul II. In 2004, Maria passed away after a long illness.
 From Quiz: Virgin Mary...Hey, Have You Seen Her? . Question by author sunshine7.

47 On June 24 1981, the Virgin Mary appeared to six children

holding a baby in her arms. They got scared and ran away. The next
day four of the original children and two others went back to the
same place and she again appeared, this time without a baby in her
arms. They stayed to hear what she had to say. Today she is still
speaking daily with three of the children (now adults). This
apparition appeared on the cover of Life and Newsweek Magazines.
Where in the world is the Virgin Mary appearing now?

Your options: [ Conyers Georgia, USA ] [ Rochester New York, USA ] [ Medjugorje,

Bosnia-Herzegovina ] [ Mamora Ontario, Canada ]
Answer: Medjugorje, Bosnia-Herzegovina

The children who were initially visited by the Virgin Mary are Ivanka Ivankovic, Mirjana
Dragicevic, Vicka Ivankovic, Ivan Dragicevic, Ivan Ivankovic, and Milka Pavlovic. During
the visitation on the second day, Ivan Ivankovic and Milka Pavlovic were not present but
two other children, Maria Pavlovic and Jakov Colo, were. From that day forward Maria
Pavlovic and Jakov Colo were part of the group visited daily by the Virgin. Ivan Ivankovic
and Milka Pavlovic only saw and heard the Virgin the first day. The visionaries are now
adults and only three state they receive daily visits. The three who no longer receive
visits are said to have received ten "secrets" pertaining to the fate of humanity. The
three still receiving daily visits have received only nine "secrets." The visionaires say the
secrets will be shared with the world a week prior to the occurrence of their fulfillment.
Medjugorje is perhaps the most famous active marian apparition today, with many
millions of visitors each year from across the globe. However, as yet, this apparition is
not recognized by the Catholic Church.
 From Quiz: Virgin Mary...Hey, Have You Seen Her? . Question by author sunshine7.

48 In November 1981, seven young people, two non-Christian, were

visited by the Virgin Mary. They were shown, in an eight-hour
vision, terrifying scenes of a river of blood, people killing each
other, decapitated corpses with no one left to bury them, and trees
in flames. They were told such would happen in their country if the
people did not come back to God. Where in the world was the Virgin
Mary appearing then?
Answer: Kibeho Rwanda

The names of the visionaires are Alphonsine Mumureke, Emmanuel Sagstashe, Anathalie
Mukamazimpaka, Marie-Claire Mukangango, Stephanie Mukamurenzi, Agnes Kamagaju,
and Vestine Salima. Three were boarders at a college administered by nuns. Emmanuel
was an illiterate bushman named simply "Sagstashe" who knew nothing of Christianity.
He said a man named "Jesus" who looked like him visited him in the bush and taught
him a prayer called "Our Father." All the visionaires were told by the Virgin that Jesus will
come when the world sees the outbreak of religious wars. All visionaries but Alphonsine
received their last visit from the Virgin by 1983. Alphonsine continued to have visions
until November 28, 1989. In 1994, Emmanuel was reported to have been killed in the
Rwandan civil war holocaust. Marie-Claire was also killed in 1994 (along with her
husband) in the town of Byumba.
 From Quiz: Virgin Mary...Hey, Have You Seen Her? . Question by author sunshine7.

49 In 1988, nine individuals approached their pastor, Fr. Jack

Spaulding, separately and told him they were hearing voices, that of
the Virgin Mary. Then Fr. Spaulding, himself, started hearing her
voice. Where in the world is the Virgin Mary appearing this time?
Answer: Scottsdale Arizona, USA

The visionaires (ranging from the ages of 19 to 31) ultimately formed a prayer group
and say Jesus gave them a lesson each week to contemplate, such as envy, greed, lust,
etc. One of the most prominent visionaires, Gianna Talone Sullivan, was instructed to
move to Emmitsburg, Maryland. She moved to Emmitsburg and, until September, 2000,
received messages every Thursday night from the Virgin Mary during a prayer service
which she then announced publically. Each Thursday event attracted between 600-1000
people. Fr. Spaulding dropped from sight in 1996. The local bishop in Scottsdale,
Arizona, neither promoted nor denounced their claim.

 From Quiz: Virgin Mary...Hey, Have You Seen Her? . Question by author sunshine7.

50 From August 2000 to January 2001, thousands flocked to the St.

Mark Church in this small town to view an apparition of the Virgin
Mary floating over the church and surrounded by doves. Some of
the doves were reported to be as big as ducks. Where in the world
did the Virgin Mary appear?
Answer: Assiut, Egypt

This apparition was witnessed by thousands and reported by BBC, CNN, ABC, and other
major media. It has been captured in photography and video. Witnesses reported
"seeing dazzling supernatural lights and blue-green flashes over the church (without any
source of light to explain them)." Witnesses also reported "seeing the Blessed Holy
Virgin Mary in a full figure." Skeptics believed the apparitions were merely a ploy to
increase tourism. However, the Pope of the Coptic Orthodox Church, H.H. Pope
Shenouda III, approved the apparition in December, 2000.


Questions and Answers

 1. 
What does the Church celebrate every August 15

o A. 

Coronation of the Blessed Virgin

o B. 

Immaculate Conception

o C. 

Assumption of Mary to heaven

o D. 

Presentation of Mary

 2. 
Santa Maria, Ina ng Diyos, _____________ mo kaming makasalanan…

o A. 


o B. 


o C. 


o D. 


 3. 
The angelic greeting, the first part of the Hail Mary is taken from:

o A. 

Luke 1:28

o B. 

John 3:16

o C. 

Mark 1:28

o D. 

Matthew 5:5

 4. 
What truth about Mary is revealed through the words of Elizabeth in the Mystery
of the Visitation?

o A. 
Virgin from Nazareth

o B. 

Mother of God

o C. 

Chosen by God

o D. 

Mother of the Church


 5. 
“The Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary though Marian in character is
____________” – St. John Paul II

o A. 

Very Filipino

o B. 


o C. 


o D. 

Gospel based

 6. 
What Christian Mystery does the Church honor every 12 Noon?

o A. 


o B. 


o C. 

o D. 

Birth of our Lord Jesus


 7. 
What does kecharitomene mean?

o A. 

Merciful Lady

o B. 

Mother of Jesus Christ

o C. 

Full of Grace

o D. 

Blessed among Women


 8. 
What does the Church celebrate every December 8?

o A. 

Birthday of Mary

o B. 

Birthday of Mary

o C. 

The Incarnation

o D. 

Immaculate Conception

 9. 
What is being referred to as the Fiat of Mary?

o A. 

How can this be since I do not know man?

o B. 

I am the handmaid of the Lord. Let it be done to me according to Your word.

o C. 

Hail, full of grace. The Lord is with you!

o D. 

My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord! My spirit rejoices in God my savior!

 10. 
What is the 2nd Mystery of Light?

o A. 

The Visitation of Mary to her Cousin Elizabeth

o B. 

The Coronation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

o C. 

The Self Revelation of Jesus at the Wedding at Cana

o D. 

The Institution of the Eucharist During the Last Supper


 11. 
What is the Philippines known for in our devotion to Mary?

o A. 

Pilipinas Pinagpala ng Birhen

o B. 

Bayang Sumisinta Kay Maria

o C. 

Pueblo Amare de Maria

o D. 

Sinisinta ni Inang Maria


 12. 
The 2nd part of the Magnificat of Mary is referred to in the Catechism for Filipino
Catholics as –

o A. 

Hymn of Happiness

o B. 

Song of Thanksgiving

o C. 

Hymn of the Poor

o D. 

Adoration to the Triune God


 13. 
Who is Mary to the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity?

o A. 

Spouse of the Holy Spirit

o B. 

Daughter of God the Father

o C. 

Mother of God

o D. 

Temple of the Holy Spirit


 14. 
What does the Book of Isaiah 1:7 speak about?

o A. 
Enmity between the woman and the serpent

o B. 

Promise of the coming of the woman-virgin who will bear the Savior

o C. 

Coming of the virgin-mother

o D. 

The Son is given Us from the line of the Virgin Mary


 15. 
What was the theme of our Oikos Prayer Session led by Oikos Counsel?

o A. 

Grateful Hearts, hearts for God’s Poor

o B. 

Hope for Better Days to come

o C. 

Shema, Listen to God’s Word

o D. 

Confidence in the Loving Plan of God

Mama Mary
Parents: Joaquim and Anne
Mary descended from the House of David (Joaquim’s line) and the Family of Aaron
(Anne’s line)
4 Marian Dogmas (set of beliefs that is accepted without being questioned or doubted)
Divine Motherhood
Mary is the Mother of God.
We know that God has no mother in eternity, but when God the Son became human, he
was born of the Virgin Mary. So she is his mother in his incarnation.
Perpetual Virginity
Mary is a virgin before she conceived Jesus, during her pregnancy and even after giving
birth to Jesus. This is “de fide” – we believe that it is essential to our faith.
Christ’s birth did not diminish his mother’s virginal integrity but sanctified it.—Lumen
Immaculate Conception
From the very beginning of her origin, Mother mary was privileged to be kept out of
original sin or its stain (“immaculate” means without stain”) because of the special grace
she received from God. – Pope Pius IX
“The Immaculate Mother of God,the ever Virgin Mary, having completed the course of
earthly life was assumed body and soul into heavenly glory.” –Pope Pius XII
*Read Luke Chapter 2, where the Joyful Mysteries are discussed. Mary is an important
figure in this chapter.
*Watch also ‘The Word Exposed’ videos on Mary
Magnificat – Mary’s song to the Lord after Angel Gabriel greeted her during the
Annunciation as the highly favored one (Greek Charitoo)
In the Visitation, important people
Elizabeth – Mary’s cousin
Zechariah- Elizabeth’s husband
Fiat – “Mary’s obedience”
Bethlehem – Joseph’s hometown
Stabat Mater – image of Mary along with other women at the Crucifixion
Pieta – Mary cradling the dead body of her son
Queen of Heaven (Regina Caeli)
1954 – 1st Marian year
Titles Given to Mary, among others:
Theotokos (Mother of God)
Aieparthenos (Ever Virgin)

Important Feast Days:

Aug 15 – Assumption of Mary
Aug 22—Queenship of Mary
Sept 8 – Bday of Mary
Oct 7 – Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary
Dec 8 – Immaculate Conception ( Holy Day of Obligation)
Jan 1 – Mary as Mother of God (Holy Day of Obligation)
The Rosary
Prayer without contemplation is like a body without a soul.—Pope Pius VI
Prayer’s ultimate subject is Jesus.
The litany-like succession of Hail Mary’s becomes in itself an unceasing praise of Christ.
The rosary is one of the traditional paths of Christian prayet directed to the
contemplation of Christ’s face.—Pope John Paul II in Rosarium Virginis Mariae, #18
Can we bypass Jesus by asking Mary?
No, we ask Mary to ask Jesus for what we need, even as Protestants may ask their
pastor or friend to “pray for them.” Mary’s intercession for us is like that of Christians on
earth. She is essentially a “prayer warrior”--- the greatest prayer warrior, for she
intercedes for everyone in the world.
Jesus is the mediator of our salvation; he is the One way to the Father, by whose death
we may approach God and gain salvation. Mary is a “Mediatrix of intercession,” that is,
she “mediates” by praying for us, not by saving us and giving access to the Father. He
is the savior, she is a mere intercessor.
Because of her intimate and unparalleled sharing in the mysterious work with the divine
redeemer, Mary, human Mother of the redeemer, has merited the Church titke, “Co-
redemptrix” which literally means “with the redeemer.”
Do catholics worhip mary?
A distinction must be made between adoration (latria) and veneration (dulia). The
church has never taught that acts of adoration, the reverence and glory due to God
alone, are to be given to Mary, but only an exceptional veneration (hyperdulia) because
of her unique association with Jesus Christ in his work of redeeming humanity.
The meaning of preventive redemption
We believe that Mary needed redemption, although she was never subject to original
sin. Nor did she have an “obligation” to contract it; there can be no obligation to commit
sin. We can merely say that she would have been born without gracem were it not for
the preventive redemption. The word “preventive” means anticipatory: the grace she
received at her conception was given in anticipation (Latin praevenire) of Christ’s merits,
which earned that grace


1. Where and when was Mary born?
The exact place and date of Mary’s birth are disputed. But popularly it is believed
that she was born in Jerusalem in 21 B.C.

2. Who are the parents of Mary?

Joachim and Anne

3. Name the Old Testament women who resemble Mary.

Eve, Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel,
Bathseeba, Ruth, Judith, Esther and the mother of the Maccabees.
4. Name the five symbols of Our Lady in the Old Testament.
Noah’s ark, the Burning bush, the Road
of Aaron, Jacob’s Ladde,) the Cloud of Elias

5. Name the seven occasions of joy in Mary’s life.

The Annunciation, the Visitation, the birth of Jesus, the visit of the Magi, the finding
of Jesus in the temple, the Ascension, the Assumption.

6. Name the seven sorrows of Our Lady.

Simeon’s prophesy, the flight into Egypt, the loss of Jesus in the temple, meeting of
Jesus on the way to Calvary, the crucifixion and death of Jesus, the holding of Jesus’
lifeless body in her arms, the burial of Jesus.

7. How many times is the name of Mary mentioned in the gospels?

St. Mathew –5; St. Mark

1; St. Luke –12; and in St. John’s Gospel Mary is simply referred to as ‘Mother’ and ‘Woman’.

8. Which is the earliest reference to the mother of God in the New Testament?
“When the appointed time came, God sent his son born of a woman.” (Gal. 4: 4)

9. When, where and by whom were the main Marian dogmas defined?

Mother of God: Defined on 22 June 431 at the council of Ephesus, under the
presidency of St. Cyril of Alexandria. Its purpose was to clarify and reaffirm the
Church’s doctrine against the heresy of Nestorius

The Immaculate Conception: Defined on 8 December 1854 by Pope Pius IX in
the bull Ineffabilis Deus.

Assumption: Defined on 1 November 1950 by Pope Pius XII
in the bull Munif
centissimus Deus.

10. Where does the church’s doctrine on Our Lady feature in the documents of the
In the 8th chapter of the document Lumen Gentium, the dogmatic constitution of the church.
(para 52-59).

11. What advice regarding Mary, d

oes Vatican II give to those undergoing priestly training?
With trust of a son, they should love and honour the Most Blessed Virgin Mary
who was given as a mother to His disciples by Christ Jesus as He hung dying on the

12. What does Vatican II say abo

ut veneration to Mary?
The faithful above all must venerate the memory of the glorious and ever virgin
Mary, mother of God and our Lord Jesus Christ.

13. What did Pope John Paul II tell the seminarians of Rome on Saturday 13
1979 regarding the role of
Our Lady in their vocation?
To succeed in your intention, entrust yourselves to the Bl. Virgin always, especially
in moments of difficulty and darkness.

14. By whom was the invocation “Queen of the Holy Rosary” introduced?
Pope Leo XIII
15. Who extended the feast of the Immaculate Conception to the universal church?
Pope Clement XI

16. Who instituted the feast of Mary Help of Christians?

Pope Pius XII
When and by whom was the whole world consecrated to the Immaculate Heart of
October, 1
942 by Pope Pius XII
To which Pope do we owe the spreading of the devotion to Mary Help of Christians?
Pope Pius V.
Who conferred the title “Mother of the Church” on Our Lady and when?
Pope Paul VI at the end of the 3
session of the Vatican II
Which Po
pe is known as Our Lady’s Pope?
Pope Pius XII.
Mention the names of the Popes who were specially devoted to Our Lady.
Popes Pius V, VII, IX, X, XI, XII and Leo XIII.
When and by whom was the invocation ‘Mary Help of Christians given 300 days of
In 1869 by Pope Pius IX.
What is the motto of Pope John Paul II?
“I am all yours, and all that I have is yours. May you be my guide in everything” .
What did St. Louis de Montfort say about the Holy name of Mary?
“Call Mary and the ec
ho will answer Jesus.”
What did F. Charmot say about Mary?
“Man learns two things in the school of Mary: to possess Christ and to give Christ.”
Who did Pope Pius X comment on the devotion to Mary?
“True devotion to Mary tends essentially towards union with
How did the poet William Wordsworth describe Mary?
“Our tainted nature’s solitary boast.”
Which Pope said, “The rosary procures an increase of Christian people
Pope Urban III.
Who said, “Keep Mary in your heart and Jesus will grow in your hear
Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen.
Who said, “I do not care to belong to any church, provided I am allowed to honour
the blessed Virgin Mary”?
Gilbert Keith Chesterton.
Who said, “The Madonna is not pleased when she is put above her son”?
Pope John XXIII.
at did St. Bernard say about Mary and her followers?
“Following Mary you never go astray, asking her you never despair, thinking of her
you never go wrong.”
Who said, “All the treasures of the mercy of God are in her hands”?
St. Peter Damian.
What did the great dramatist Shakespeare say about the Rosary?
“I’ll give my jewels for a debt of beads.”
What were the words of Pope Pius IX regarding the rosary?
“I could convert the whole world, if I had an army praying the rosary.”
What were t
he words of St. Francis de Sales on Rosary?
“The best method of prayer is the rosary, if you say it well.”
What is the Psalter of Mary?
The Rosary.
To whom did Don Bosco say, “I am willing to give up your cherished friendship, but
I shall not abandon the
recitation of the rosary”?
To Minister Rattazzi
To whom did Our Lady say, “I am the Lady of the Rosary”?
To Lucy
What was the promise of Our Lady to St. Dominic and St. Bernadette as regards the
recitation of the rosary?
“Whatever you ask through the r
osary, it shall be given to you.”
To whom did Our Lady give the rosary?
To St. Dominic
Where did Christians die as martyrs rather than trample on the rosary?
Nagasaki in Japan
Name the South American president who used to recite the rosary every evening
all his household?
Gracia Moreno of Ecuador.
Which statesman said, “For the sake of Ireland one rosary is of more value than an
eloquent discourse”?
Daniel O’ Connel.
Name the colours of the Mission Rosary and the countries they represent.

Africa; Blue
Australia; Red
Europe; Yellow
Asia; and Pink
What did Pope John Paul II say about praying the rosary?
“The rosary is my favourite prayer. A marvellous prayer! Marvellous in its si
ty and its depth.”
Who are the Marian Fathers?
Sts. Ephrem, Ambrose and Jerome.
Who are the Marian Doctors?
Sts. Bonaventure, Bernard, Alphonsus Ligouri and Peter Damian.
Who are the Marian Writers?
Sts. Bonaventure, Montfort, John Eudes, and Bossuet.
Who composed the Hail Mary?
Angel Gabriel, St. Elizabeth, and the Council of
Who composed the “Salve Regina”?
Bl. Herman the Cripple
Who composed the “Memorare”?
St. Bernard
By whom were the words, “O clement, o loving, o sweet vi
rgin Mary” added to the
Hail Holy Queen’?
St. Bernard.
Who began the practice of the Angelus?
St. Bonaventure
When did the custom of the reciting the Angelus thrice a day start in the church?
In the beginning of the 12
What is the most pleasi
ng prayer to Our Lady?
The Hail Mary.
How is the Litany of Our Lady known?
The Litany of Loretto.
What does the word ‘Litany’ mean, and into how many parts is the Litany of Loretto
Litany comes from the Latin word ‘Litaneo’ which means, ‘I pray
with insistence.’
The litany of Loretto is divided into 5 parts.
How many invocations are there in the Litany of Loretto?
Who wrote,
True Devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary
Grignon de Montfort.
Who wrote,
the Glories of Mary
St. Alphonsus Li
Who wrote,
the Song of Bernadette
Franz Werfel, an Austrian Jewish convert to Catholicism.
Who wrote,
The Miracle of Lourdes
? Ruth Cranston, a protestant journalist.
Who is the author of the hymn, “Mary the Star of the Ocean”?
Thomas More
What did Pope John send to the Indian expedition to Mount Everest?
A medal of Our Lady of Sorrows.
To whom did Our Lady give the miraculous medal?
To St. Catherine of Laboure
What are the words inscribed on the miraculous medal?
“O Mary
, conceived without original sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee.”
What is the livery of Mary?
The Scapular
To whom was the brown scapular given?
To Simon Stock
Give the name for the popular badge of the Immaculate Heart of Mary?
The Green Scapu
Whom did Our Lady ask to spread devotion to the Green Scapular?
St. Justin.
What is the feast we celebrate on 11 February?
Our Lady of Lourdes.
When is the feast of the Annunciation celebrated?
25 March.
What feast is celebrated
on 24 May?
Feast of Mary Help of Christians.
When do we celebrate the feast of the Visitation?
31 May
What is the feast we celebrate on 16 July?
Our Lady of Mount Carmel
When do we celebrate Mary’s Birthday?
8 September
What feast of Our Lady occur
s on 15 September?
Our Lady of Sorrows
When is the feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary celebrated?
On the Saturday following the second Sunday after Pentecost.
When do we keep the feast of the Queenship of Mary?
22 August
What did Don Bosco preach all his life?
Devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary
What did Don Bosco suggest for the preservation of the virtue of purity?
A Hail Mary during elevation
What did Don Bosco tell Cagliero in 1862, regarding Mary?
Madonna wishes us to honour her under the title of Mary Help of Christians.
When and by whom was the feast of Mary Help of Christians established?
On 24 May 1814, by Pope Pius VII.
When and by whom was the blessing of Mary Help of Christian approved?
On 18
May 1878 by Pope Leo XIII.
Since when did Don Bosco officially venerate Our Lady under the title of Mary Help
of Christians?
Since 1862.
Who composed the blessing of Mary Help of Christians and in what way is it unique?
Don Bosco composed it. It is the
only blessing found in the rubrics in honour of Our
What did Pius IX say about Mary Help of Christians?
“Mary Help of Christians is a special patrimony of the sons of Don Bosco.”
How does Don Bosco comment on the devotion to Mary Help of Christians?
“The act of invoking Mary as the Help of Christians corresponds fully to some of the
deepest needs of contemporary man.
Who said, “Don’t you know that Don Bosco works miracles hand in hand with the
Don Vespignani
When was the Basilica of Mary
Help of Christians in Turin consecrated?
9 June 1868.
How did Don Bosco acknowledge Our Lady’s help in the building of the basilica of
Mary Help of Christians?
“Every brick in it is a miracle of Mary Help of Christians
What Marian thought did Mamma Marg
aret give to Johnny Bosco?
“Belong wholly to her; love those who are devoted to her.”
What advice did Mamma Margaret give to Don Bosco after he received the cassock?
“When you began your schooling I recommended you almost exclusively to the M
donna. Now
I beg you to belong to her entirely. Love those who love her and if you
are some day a priest constantly promote devotion to the good mother.”
What congregation did Don Bosco found in honour of Mary Help of Christians?
The Daughters of Mary Help of Chris
tians. [FMA]
In the plague of 1854 what saved Don Bosco and his boys from contracting it?
The medals of Mary and purity of life.
What did Don Bosco tell his sons three days before his death?
“Always insist on devotion to the Bl. Virgin Mary
Give a summar
y of Don Bosco’s efforts to spread devotion to Mary Help of Chri
The Salesian congregation, the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, the Salesian
Operators, the Salesian Past
Pupils’ Association, and the Arch Confraternity of
the Devotees of Mar
y Help of Christians were all founded by Don Bosco and are
lasting monuments of his tireless zeal to propagate devotion to Mary Help of Chri
tians. It was he who undertook the building of the Basilica of Mary Help of Chri
tians in Turin. Besides, the ble
ssing of Mary Help of Christians founded in the r
brics today was composed by him.
Name the artists who painted 30 and 26 pictures respectively of Mary Help of Chri
Raphael Souza and Murillo.
Under what title the foll
owing congregations honour Mary?
The Salesian Congregation
Mary Help of Christians
The Redomptoristis
Perpetual Succour
The Carmelites
Our Lady of Mount Carmel
The Servites
Our Lady of Sorrows
What are the objectives of a Marian Congress?
1) T
o study Mary 2) To honour Mary 3) To imitate Mary
What does the name Mary signify?
The name ‘Mary’ signifies ‘Lady’ or ‘Beloved of God.’
Who invented the Missionary Rosary?
Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen.
Which are the two countries that
celebrate the feast of Mary Help of Christians?
Australia and New Zealand.
Which are the countries that honour Mary assumed into heaven as their patro
France, Paraguay, Malta, South Africa, Thailand, and India.
Who is the patroness of the Americas?
Our Lady of Guadalupe
Who is the patroness of the Argentina, Paraguay, and Uruguay?
Our Lady of Lujan.
How is Our Lady of Belgium known?
Our Lady of the Golden Heart
How is Our Lady of Poland known?
Black Madonna.
How is Our Lady of Rome known?
Our L
ady of Snow.
How is Our Lady of Saragossa known?
Our Lady of the Pillar.
How is England called in Mary’s honour?
The Dowry of Our Lady.
Under what title is Mary the patroness of U.S.A?
Immaculate Conception.
Which is the principal shrine of Our Lady of
Our Lady of Madhu.
Which is the largest Basilica in the world?
Basilica of Mary Major.
Under what title is Mary patroness of India?
Maria Assumpta.

Mention five places in India famous for Marian shrines?
Velankanni Our Lady of Good Health Bandel
Our Lady of Happy Voyage
Our Lady of Lourdes
Bandra (Bomby)
Matunga (Bombay)


118. How many times did Our Lady appear at Beauring? 33 times.
119 How many times did Our Lady appear at Lourdes and to whom? 18 times to Bernadette

120. What is unique about the apparition of Our Lady at Knock (Ireland)?
This is the only apparition of Our Lady when she did not speak a single word.

121. When did Our Lady appear at Fatima and to whom?

1917, to Lucy, Francis, and to Jacinta Marto.

122. What is the message of Fatima? Rosary, Reparation and Consecration.

123. When and to whom did Our Lady appear at Guadalupe?

1531, to Juan Diego Cuauhtlatoatzin who was canonized on 31 July 2002.

124. Quote the last sentence of the secret of Fatima revealed in 1942?
“At the end my heart shall triumph; the Holy Father will consecrate Russia to my
heart; and Russia will be converted and there shall be great peace in the world.”

125. Who founded the Legion of Mary? Frank Duff

126. When did the sodality of Immaculate Conception start in the Oratory?
1856, by Dominic Savio.

127. Where was the first sodality in honour of Mary Help of Christians established? At Munich.

]128. Name the non-Christian sacred book that contains the name of Mary mentioned
not less than 34 times? The Quran.

129. What does Quran say about Mary?

It mentions Mary’s birth, upbringing in the temple, the annunciation and the birth of Jesus
130. What is the name of the ship in which Christopher Columbus sailed? Santa Maria.

131.Which months of the year are dedicated to Our Lady? May & October
132. Which is the river that was called earlier as the river of Immaculate Conception?
River Mississippi.

133. What devotion did St. Kolbe spread? The devotion to the Immaculate Conception.

134.What association did Kolbe found? The Militia of Mary Immaculate

135. Where did Our Lady reveal? “I am the Immaculate Conception”
Lourdes (France)
“I am the Lady of the Holy Rosary”

Fatima (Portugal)
“I am the Lady of the Poor”
Banneux (Belgium)
Minimally honored.

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