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Special Edition article

Can ‘emotionally intelligent’ coping

promote adaptation in young people?
Sarah K. Davis

A growing body of research supports a link between emotional intelligence (EI) and better educational and
health outcomes in young people. However, little is known about the processes underpinning this
association. Literature suggests that EI may promote adaptation by influencing coping processes. This
article evaluates how far extant research supports these claims. It is concluded that whilst EI appears to
make an adaptive contribution to the mental health of young people and has the potential to do so for
educational achievement, effects appear context-specific. Gaps in current knowledge are highlighted together
with recommendations for progression of the field.

NTEREST in emotional intelligence (EI) Frederickson & Furnham, 2004; Sanchez-
has piqued over recent years. The Ruiz, Mavroveli & Poullis, 2013) and display
construct, which captures individual pro-social behaviour (Frederickson, Petrides
differences in how we perceive, communi- & Simmonds, 2012; Mavroveli & Sánchez-
cate, regulate and understand our own Ruiz, 2011). Moreover, there is now
emotions and the emotions of others emerging evidence that EI can act as a
(Zeidner, Matthews & Roberts, 2009) has protective buffer against stress to promote
been linked to a range of adaptive outcomes mental health (Davis & Humphrey, 2012a)
in adults including well-being, personal/ and also bolster academic achievement in
social competence and occupational success those with lower levels of general cognitive
(Brackett, Rivers & Salovey, 2011; Martins, ability (Petrides et al., 2004; Qualter et al.,
Ramalho & Morin, 2010; Van Rooy & Viswes- 2012). Nevertheless, the strength and nature
varan, 2004). Research exploring EI in of these effects appear to vary according to
children and adolescents is far less devel- the type of EI measured – either ‘trait’ EI
oped, although two of the more intensive (self-reported emotional self-efficacy) or
areas of application have been academic ‘ability’ EI (actual emotional skill indexed via
achievement and mental health which have IQ-like assessment) – and the outcome
been stimulated by evidence that school- examined. Perhaps the most pressing
based programmes can successfully train concern, however, is the lack of research
elements of EI under the broader banner of addressing the underlying processes linking EI
social and emotional learning (Durlak et al., to these adaptive outcomes; we still know
2011). Broadly speaking, young people with very little about how and when EI exerts
higher levels of EI tend to attain more posi- these beneficial effects in young people.
tive outcomes than their lower EI counter- Most research to date has reported simple
parts. For instance, they experience fewer descriptive associations between EI and
depressive, anxious, somatic symptoms; particular variables of interest (e.g. depres-
exhibit less disruptive behaviour (Mavroveli sive symptoms, grade point average, etc.).
et al., 2007; Rivers et al., 2012; Williams et al., What is needed now is a focus on decon-
2009); have fewer unauthorised absences structing how EI influences adaptive
from school; greater exam success (Petrides, outcomes.

The Psychology of Education Review, Vol. 37, No. 2, Autumn 2013 5

© The British Psychological Society – ISSN 0262-4087
Sarah K. Davis

One of the key mechanisms by which EI suggested that to be successful, coping

may operate to promote adaption is through processes must rely upon/draw from other
coping processes. Myriad coping definitions key personal competencies or resources
are apparent in the literature; some (Compas et al., 2001). Proponents of EI have
researchers include automatic/involuntary argued that EI is an ideal candidate for this
aspects of coping (e.g. physiological defen- role. Those with higher AEI should be better
sive reactions) in their definitions (Eisen- able to manage any negative emotion arising
berg, Fabes & Guthrie, 1997) whilst others from an encounter with a stressor and thus
focus directly on intentional/purposeful choose appropriate effortful coping strate-
efforts by the individual to reduce threat, gies (Salovey et al., 1999). Since TEI taps
harm or loss (Carver & Connor-Smith, both traditional personality variables (e.g.
2010). For clarity, the latter position will be Extraversion, Neuroticism, Agreeableness)
adopted here, where the coping efforts of and self-system beliefs (i.e. emotional self-
young people may be viewed as ‘conscious efficacy/perceived competence) this is
volitional efforts to regulate emotion, cogni- viewed as integral to the development and
tion, behaviour, physiology, and the environ- effectiveness of coping (Petrides, Perez-
ment in response to stressful events or Gonzalez & Furnham, 2007). Indeed, some
circumstances’ (Compas et al., 2001, p.89). commentators have argued that EI is of
In other words, coping is a deliberate effort ‘scientific interest largely depending on
by the young person to alter aspects of them- whether it can be identified as a coherent
selves (i.e. how they think, act, feel) or their quality of the person that underpins adaptive
immediate surroundings to combat stress. coping’ (Matthews, Zeidner & Roberts, 2002,
Coping approaches are typically classified as p.285). The purpose of this review is to eval-
either problem-focused (attempts to directly uate how far current research supports these
remove or attenuate the stress-eliciting situa- claims with specific reference to the coping
tion by seeking information, problem efforts of young people and ensuing impact
solving, etc.) or emotion-focused (attempts to on mental health and educational attain-
circumvent or reduce negative emotions ment.
evoked by the stressor by venting emotion,
seeking emotional support, etc.) although Does EI promote an intelligent
other dimensional classifications are also coping style?
common (e.g. approach vs. avoidance; In adults, those with higher levels of TEI typi-
primary vs. secondary control coping). cally engage more frequently in problem-
These approaches are often pre-categorised oriented coping (e.g. planning or positive
as more or less ‘adaptive’, but any advantage reappraisal) and are less likely to use
conferred by a strategy is always contingent emotion-focused approaches such as rumi-
upon the context (i.e. the nature and dura- nation or self-blame (Mikolajczak et al.,
tion of the stressor) the individual (e.g. 2008; Petrides, Perez-Gonzalez, et al., 2007;
temperament, competencies) and the Petrides, Pita & Kokkinaki, 2007; Saklofske
outcome (‘successful adaptation’ in light of et al., 2007). These trends have been largely
stressor type and duration), such that there corroborated in research with younger
is no universally ‘correct’ way to cope groups. For instance, Mavroveli et al., (2007)
(Carver & Connor-Smith, 2010; Compas et found that TEI related to more problem-
al., 2001; Folkman & Moskowitz, 2004). focused (‘problem confrontation’), support
Hence, it is important for researchers to test seeking and less emotional (‘depressive’)
more complex models that capture all coping in adolescents – a pattern which was
aspects of this process (i.e. measurement of a replicated more recently in a slightly
stressor, coping and outcome) to ascertain younger age group (Downey et al., 2010).
the adequacy of coping in situ. It has been Similarly, in older adolescents TEI was

6 The Psychology of Education Review, Vol. 37, No. 2, Autumn 2013

Can ‘emotionally intelligent’ coping promote adaptation in young people?

robustly associated with more ‘rational’ and Does ‘emotionally intelligent’ coping
less emotional coping, with weaker relation- lead to better mental health in young
ships detected for detached and avoidant people?
coping (Mikolajczak, Petrides & Hurry, Chan (2005) found that coping mediated
2009). In contrast, adults with higher levels the effect of TEI on psychological distress
of emotional skill (AEI) appear to rely less on (including sleep problems, anxiety,
avoidant coping strategies (e.g. behavioural dysphoria, suicidal ideas) to explain 52 per
disengagement) and emotional approaches, cent of the variance in health in Chinese
but do not consistently employ more adolescents. Specifically, avoidant coping
problem-focused coping (Gohm, Corser & mediated the effect of low ‘self-relevant’ TEI
Dalsky, 2005; Goldenberg, Matheson & (perceived competency in managing and
Mantler, 2006). Peters, Kranzler and Rossen using emotion) on increased distress, whereas
(2009) reported a similar pattern in adoles- social interaction coping explained the link
cents; those who were better able to perceive between higher levels of ‘other-relevant’ TEI
and understand emotions were less likely to (‘empathy’, ‘social skills’) and decreased
employ an emotion-focused coping style to distress. Mikolajczak, Petrides and Hurry
combat stress, although AEI was unrelated to (2009) found that 27 per cent of their
problem-focused and avoidant coping. sample of adolescents (N=490) reported
Further pinpointing of which type of having recently self-harmed and lower levels
emotional coping strategy AEI relates to is of total TEI were significantly associated with
currently precluded (e.g. less rumination or higher likelihood to engage in these behav-
support seeking, etc.) since, in contrast to iours. Importantly, converging with Chan
the TEI literature, youth-based AEI research (2005), this association could be explained
has not moved beyond scrutiny of global by increased use of avoidant (behavioural/
dimensions of coping (e.g. emotional vs. cognitive disengagement; denial) and
avoidant vs. problem-focused). emotional coping (rumination; self-blame;
Distinctive ‘coping’ profiles for TEI and expression; emotional support seeking).
AEI have thus emerged. Emotional skill This was corroborated more recently with
appears to relate most consistently to reduced reference to internalising and externalising
use of traditionally ‘maladaptive’ coping symptomatology. Downey et al.www.kc-
strategies (avoidance and emotional styles) learningandteaching (2010)
rather than to increased use of ‘adaptive’ found that ‘non-productive’ coping (e.g.
styles, which is more strongly associated with worry; wishful thinking; ignoring the
emotional self-efficacy. The magnitude of problem; self-blame) mediated the link
these relationships (generally small to between self-perceived ability to manage
moderate effect sizes) argues against concep- emotion and both forms of disorder in
tual redundancy such that EI, construed as young adolescents, while the use of problem-
either trait or ability, has the potential to focused and social support coping were not
underpin rather than converge with coping to central to this association. Hence corrobo-
modify adaptive processes. However, this rating earlier work, those who were less confi-
research cannot shed light on the ‘adaptive’ dent in their emotional abilities were more
nature of EI-coping associations. To do so, it likely to use ineffective avoidant and
must be shown that these EI-coping profiles emotional coping styles (i.e. do not amelio-
are linked to desirable outcomes and also, rate either the negative emotion or source of
that these associations persist when young stress) which in turn related to poorer health
people are faced with stress. outcomes. Research tying AEI-coping styles
to mental health in adolescents is scant.
However, Davis and Humphrey (2012b)
found that AEI (specifically skill in using,

The Psychology of Education Review, Vol. 37, No. 2, Autumn 2013 7

Sarah K. Davis

understanding and managing emotion) health in adolescents (Davis & Humphrey,

reduced adolescent depression and disrup- 2013b). AEI was found to influence the selec-
tive behaviour via simultaneous deployment tion of avoidant coping when facing family
of more active, avoidant and less support dysfunction and negative life events; trait EI
seeking coping. To be more avoidant and modified the effectiveness of active coping
seek less support in dealing with problems under family dysfunction to reduce depres-
appears counter-intuitive. However, ‘real- sion. These patterns did not hold for disrup-
world’ coping necessarily requires the flex- tive behaviour. Follow-up analyses revealed
ible deployment of multiple strategies to that TEI and AEI work together to influence
combat stressors, for example, both avoidant these outcomes; adolescents with a profile of
(to escape negative emotionality) and active high emotional skill (AEI) coupled with low
(problem-oriented towards future plans) emotional self-confidence (TEI) faired worse
strategies may be appropriate for dealing than those with high AEI and TEI (Davis &
with the death of a family member (Folkman Humphrey, 2013a). It would seem having
& Moskowitz, 2004). Thus it would appear good levels of actual emotional ability as well
that emotionally intelligent individuals are as accurate perceptions and confidence in
able to switch flexibly, presumably as the these skills (i.e. belief one can identify,
need arises, between coping styles to attain control, express emotions and make a positive
an optimal balance. impact on a situation) is crucial for adoles-
EI appears, therefore, to underscore cents in mitigating the effects of stress on
choice of coping strategy to promote mental depression via coping efforts.
health. However, for this to be construed as
truly beneficial for adaptation it must be Does ‘emotionally intelligent’ coping
demonstrated that this relationship persists promote academic success in young
under adversity. In other words, when faced people?
with stressors, EI must influence appropriate Commentators have speculated a social and
selection of coping styles (i.e. suitable to the motivational role for EI in supporting the
stressor faced), which must in turn be effective self-regulatory behaviours required for
in reducing symptomatology or promoting successful navigation of academic pressures,
well-being. Some progression has been made such as coping with declining grades or
on this front. In undergraduate students, exam preparation (Qualter et al., 2012).
Austin, Saklofske and Mastoras (2010) found Other research also hints at this possibility.
that stress symptoms were positively associated For example, Petrides, Frederickson and
with emotion-focused coping yet negatively Furnham (2004) found that while TEI was
associated with task-focused coping and TEI. not directly linked to higher levels of
Subsequent modeling found that two achievement, it served to bolster academic
composite coping/TEI factors, ‘emotion regu- achievement (Key Stage 3 English scores and
lation’ (low levels of emotion-focused coping GCSE performance) in those with lower
combined with high TEI) and ‘task focus’ levels of general cognitive ability –
(high levels of problem-oriented coping and suggesting the involvement of the construct
TEI), explained the relationship between in more complex, indirect pathways to
personality and changes in subjective well-being success. A similar pattern was also found in
(life satisfaction, positive and negative affect) adolescents with higher levels of AEI in a
and stress measured at the start of academic longitudinal study predicting GCSE
year and again before examinations. Further, performance (Qualter et al., 2012). More-
recent work by the current author has over, Alumran and Punamäki (2008) found
extended this to show that AEI and TEI that support seeking coping was predicted by
assume distinct roles in protective pathways adolescents with higher levels of academic
between psychosocial stressors and mental achievement (indexed via grade point

8 The Psychology of Education Review, Vol. 37, No. 2, Autumn 2013

Can ‘emotionally intelligent’ coping promote adaptation in young people?

average) and higher TEI. However, explicit isolation, studies generally show TEI relates
testing of coping, EI and their combined to a problem-focused, less emotional coping
influence on educational outcomes in young style and AEI is associated with less frequent
people is awaited. use of emotional coping. However, this
Nevertheless, research with young adults is picture changes when we evaluate how these
highly suggestive of a potential link between profiles contribute to mental health and
emotionally intelligent coping and achieve- educational achievement. Evidence suggests
ment. In a group of university students, a that EI underscores engagement in and
composite factor comprising high levels of implementation of traditionally ‘maladap-
task-focused coping and TEI measured at the tive’ coping strategies (i.e. emotional/
beginning of the academic year, mediated the avoidant) to influence mental health and
link between personality and end of year this carries greater impact than the influ-
attainment (Saklofske et al., 2012). In adult ence of ‘adaptive’ problem-focused
community college students, higher AEI was approaches (Davis & Humphrey, 2013a;
linked to less frequent use of avoidant and Downey et al., 2010; Mikolajczak et al.,
emotional coping, higher academic achieve- 2009). Additionally, these effects appear
ment (grade point average) and greater more specific to internalising (i.e. mood)
reliance upon problem-oriented strategies rather than externalising (i.e. behavioural)
(MacCann et al., 2011). Similar to Saklofske disorders and may not be universally appli-
et al. (2012), use of problem-oriented coping cable to all stressful contexts (Davis &
(and not emotional or avoidant approaches) Humphrey, 2013b). It is worth noting that,
explained the association between AEI in comparison to other psychiatric
(specifically proficiency in managing syndromes, externalising disorders are more
emotions) and self-reported grade point strongly determined by shared environ-
average. This suggests that those who are mental effects (e.g. family level factors)
better able to manage the negative affect (Kendler et al., 2003), so it is possible that EI
arising from academic problems (e.g. exerts an effect via alternative mechanisms
impending deadlines, exam revision, etc.) not yet explored in the literature. Indeed, EI
select problem-focused strategies to directly also relates to positive family qualities, for
alleviate or remove the stressor and conse- example, conversation orientation (vs.
quently maximise their educational perform- conformity), parental warmth and affection
ance. These individuals do not need to (vs. discipline) (Alegre & Benson, 2010;
engage in behavioural/cognitive avoidance, Ciarrochi, Chan & Bajgar, 2001; Keaten &
disengagement, venting or rumination, etc., Kelly, 2008). Testing whether these variables
as they are able to clearly assess and problem- mediate the link between stressors and EI-
solve with controlled levels of negative affect. driven coping processes to promote adapta-
That said, there has been no formal evalua- tion requires attention from researchers.
tion of whether such ‘adaptive’ EI-coping In contrast to mental health, the influ-
profiles hold in the presence of a stressor to ence of EI on problem-focused coping appears
promote academic success. This is clearly an more pivotal to academic achievement than
area that warrants attention from researchers. emotional or avoidant coping (MacCann et
al., 2011; Saklofske et al., 2012). This makes
EI and coping in young people: logical sense when one considers the dili-
What have we learnt? gent, on-task behaviour required for success
Research examining whether ‘emotionally in school work and the controllable nature
intelligent’ coping contributes to adaptive of any academic-related problems that may
outcomes in young people is clearly still at an arise (e.g. meeting deadlines). When indi-
embryonic stage. Nevertheless, some tenta- viduals perceive a stressor to be personally
tive conclusions can be drawn. Measured in controllable or surmountable, taking a

The Psychology of Education Review, Vol. 37, No. 2, Autumn 2013 9

Sarah K. Davis

problem-focused/engaged coping approach Caruso & Salovey, 1999; Petrides, Furnham &
is typically advantageous, whilst uncontrol- Mavroveli, 2007) may coincide with changes
lable stressors (e.g. sexual abuse, parental in the use of specific coping styles with age
illness) are better suited to emotion- (Amirkhan & Auyeung, 2007), both of which
focused/disengagement strategies (Carver & may parallel increases or decreases in the
Connor-Smith, 2010; Compas et al., 2001; experience of stressors across development
Folkman & Moskowitz, 2004). Clearly (Sanchez, Lambert & Ialongo, 2012; Seiffge-
emotional venting, rumination or Krenke, 2000). Hence, prospective, longitu-
attempting to escape/ignore the problem dinal designs that capture developmental
would be counter-productive to exam change are required. It will also be necessary
success (the typical outcome studied here). to extend investigations to particular groups
The next step for researchers will be to of ‘at risk’ youth (e.g. those with prodromal
examine whether EI mobilises and governs mental health symptoms; special educational
the effectiveness of youth coping efforts at needs) to establish whether EI can promote
particular academic pressure points (e.g. successful coping in those who stand to
exam season; school transition). benefit the most. Similarly, the range of
Overall, EI appears to make an adaptive ‘adaptive’ outcomes considered must now be
contribution to the mental health of young broadened. In education, for instance, exam
people and has the potential to do so for grades are only one distal marker of success.
educational achievement. However, any Examining how emotionally intelligent
adaptive effects conferred by EI may not be coping relates to key intermediate processes,
universal; research suggests these are likely such as academic procrastination, peer rela-
to differ according to the characteristics of tions and core cognitive competencies (e.g.
the young person (i.e. having either high or attention and memory) will be pivotal for
low emotional self-efficacy or actual skill), fully understanding how EI contributes to
the stressor faced (e.g. academic deadlines achievement. Indeed, given that educational
or socio-economic adversity) and the type of success and health are mutually dependent
outcome studied. (e.g. mental health problems may impact
later academic achievement and vice versa
EI and coping in young people: (e.g. mental health problems may impact
What do we still need to find out? later academic achivement and vice versa;
Establishing how EI operates to promote Obradovic, Burt & Masten, 2010), it will be
success in young people is important for important to examine integrated models to
practical as well as theoretical reasons. Since discover the common risk and protective
aspects of both trait and ability EI are now effects that may be modified by EI-driven
taught in government-endorsed, whole- coping processes. Whilst there is clearly still
school social and emotional learning much to find out, identifying EI core indi-
programmes (e.g. Department for Education vidual-level resource that underpins adoles-
and Skills, 2007), establishing whether young cent adjustment through coping represents a
people who possess high levels of these skills positive step forward for the field.
actually fare better than others
in practice is important for policy-makers, Correspondence
practitioners and academics alike. However, Dr Sarah K. Davis
we are still some way from definitively Psychological Sciences,
answering this issue. Researchers must now Institute of Health and Society,
examine the stability/longevity of EI-contin- University of Worcester, Henwick Grove,
gent effects and broaden research to incor- Worcester, WR2 6AJ, UK.
porate children as well as adolescents. Email:
Predicted increases in TEI and AEI (Mayer,

10 The Psychology of Education Review, Vol. 37, No. 2, Autumn 2013

Can ‘emotionally intelligent’ coping promote adaptation in young people?

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12 The Psychology of Education Review, Vol. 37, No. 2, Autumn 2013

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