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144 total

64 girls
White- 7 : 4.9 %
Hispanic – 5
Other- 1

Socioeconomic factors- Based of statistics from 2019, out of the 6,767 individuals that live in
Mt. Healthy, the poverty rate is at 12.8%. About half of the total population are unemployed
with majority of the reason being related to covid. The average household income is roughly
around $36,000 with a 6.5% decrease from last year.

Many students come to school unprepared with school supplies due to finances and
accessibility. Luckily supplies are given that are needed in the classroom such as chrome books,
paper and pens. Sometimes they even have hygiene as an issue due to a handful of them
coming from the homeless shelter nearby. Several students come from broken homes, are
adopted, and have other challenges they are faced with based off of socioeconomic factors.
Attendance is a major problem at the Jr./Sr. high school due to transportation being limited to
some. There are many students that work 30-40 hours a week in order to provide for their
families, attending school on top of that can have a huge impact on their academics. Planning
and delivery of the instruction would have to be repeated and broken down for those that miss.

The classroom arrangement is broken into groups of four with two students at each lab
table. This layout allows for 24 students to sit comfortable with in each class. The classroom is
arranged in this order to allow for group discussion, projects and labs. The lab tables near the
window are spare seats where in some classes’ that have more than 24 students can sit. There
are many windows allowing for natural light to come in with plenty of cabinets around the
room for storage if need be. There are 4 sinks in the classroom allowing clean ups from labs not
to be an issue. There are available writing utensils when needed in the back and a sanitizing
spray and rag for each table. The available technology for the students include 4 desktops, extra
individual Chromebook charges and spare Chromebook. The smart board and projector is used
by the teacher each day. The level of parental involvement is very low due to communication
issues or availability .

So far having available resources like writing utensils and extra technology devices has
assisted with the delivery of instruction. If those resources were not available or students
couldn’t provide them on their own I believe that it could have major impact on their
participation and involvement. Not being prepared can cause a lack of motivation to want to
do well.
Some of the possible effects of these students academic factors could increase planning,
delivery and assessment giving time. To meet the needs of all students allowing extra time
during an assessment is an accommodation that could be in affect. Maintaining consistency
with students especially from the subgroup individuals, change can sometimes trigger a
learning disability and be confusing. Patiences and understanding of all students is a must, but
going into death with students who are behaviorally and academically challenged involves
dedication. Ensuring that curtain modification and accommodations are being considered
when planning and delivery can be a time strain. When it comes to assessing, proper
accommodations, depending on whats needed are used for these learners.

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