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Group 3



“In Range” is a video game which have had some difficulties on the launch. The main
difficulties were the violence and the negative criticism due the violence and the
effect of that violence on teenagers.


This report will look at:

 the background to the crisis

 an explanation of the actions you have taken to deal with it
 a conclusion, in which we justify our actions


- The plan was to launch the blockbuster video game named “In Range” on
October 30, this have been upset by a new report on violence in computer
games and its effects on young people. Professor Carl Davis, a psychologist
specializing in teenagers’ behaviour, has just brought out a very negative
report based on a three-year study of young people’s reactions to violent video
games. Professor Carl Davis believes that violent video games influence
negatively young people and that a video game like “In Range” should have
an age restriction at least of 21. Some state Governors are thinking of banning
the video game in their state. However, “In Range” has a big potential on
record-breaking the sales in the U.S. and U.K. and to be the computer game
of the year, but the severe criticism threatens the success of the celebrity

- After a long and hard thought discussion, we decided to postpone the launch
until people have forgotten Professor’s Carl’s report. In addition, we also
decided to have another psychologist opinion on our game. Then to sell our
game in online shops like “Steam” for those who can not buy them at a store.
At last to insert a warning on the right bottom of the game box and also a
remark in the beginning of the game that, warn the players, before they play,
that the game content violent content.

- These actions are intended to prevent and warn mainly young people, but also
all other player that plays our video game.

Group 3


If everything goes as planned, there will no problems and no complains. Anyhow, the
parents of young players have the whole responsibility of any violent actions or
behaviour of their children.

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