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Taller de nivelación - INGLÉS

Tercer periodo


Grado: Octavo

Parámetros: Todo deberá ser realizado en el cuaderno de inglés siguiendo las


1. Hacer una investigación a cerca del tema “Would like”, copiar acá la
definición, ejemplos y demás material que usted haya encontrado.

2.. Learn Read each sentence. Write would like, then choose an infinitive form
the box to complete the sentence.

a. David ____________ ________ a soccer ball.

b. They ______________ __________ a dog.
c. She ____________ ________ with dolphins.
d. You ____________ ________ a bike.
e. Rose and Alex _____________ _________ pizza.
f. I ____________ _________ the piano.
g. Hana ____________ ________ at the party.
h. We ____________ _________ a book about birds.
i. Robert __________ ________ a fast car
3. Cuando haya terminado de realizar las oraciones afirmativas del punto
anterior (2.), deberá transformarlas a oraciones negativas e interrogativas.

5. Fill in the blanks to complete the sentences.

1. I’m thirsty. I _________________ a glass of water, please.

2. A: ___________ you ___________ a break? B: Yes, we ___________.

3. I don’t understand this. I _________________ some help with my


4. Patrick _________________ go to the supermarket. He needs milk.

5. (A) ___________ Tom ___________ come with us? (B) Yes, he

6. (A) Can I help you? (B) Yes, I _________________ a ticket to Melbourne.

7. My friends _________________ come to the party next week.

8. (A) ___________ you ___________ work on Saturday? (B) No, I


9. ___________ you ___________ chocolate ice-cream or vanilla-ice cream?

10. (A) ___________ you ___________ see a movie? (B) No, I ___________.

11. What ___________ you ___________ do tomorrow?

12. (A) Who _________________ some candy? (B) We ___________!

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