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Name : Salsabila Rizqi Sanina Amisar

Class : B1
Nim :

Please read the section of Print Culture about Newspaper, Magazines, and comics. Then,
answer the following questions.
1. What does it mean by “Reading tabloid journalism is akin to reading circus and carnival
posters; reading sophisticated newspapers is akin to reading literary works”? Explain in
your own words.
2. Talking about fake news, a philosopher named St. Augustine wrote two books on truth
and lying that showed that we use lying all the time for various reasons. Augustine
divided lying into eight categories according to the harmful effects. Choose one of the
ideas about lies according to St. Augustine then explain it with your own words. Give
real example based on your experience.
3. What is meant by “textual syntax” related to format and content of a magazine?
4. Do you read comics? Why? Or Why not?
5. What is your opinion about the future of print culture like books (nonfictions and
fictions), Newspaper, Magazine and comic? Please explain in your own words.

Happy reading, thinking, and criticizing.


1. Because in my opinion if we read the newspaper it is a form of reading literary works,

literary works are an expression or feeling that can be poured in the form of writing or
2. coercive violence is a deplorable and deplorable act, but sometimes necessary—because
it is not a moral evil in itself it insists that lying is never necessary
3. Studying syntax gives us many answers which are necessary for understanding how
languages work, as well as being the doorway to future research and theories on all
aspects of linguistics
also study syntax to develop set rules and constraints on the language.
4. I don't like reading comics because I'm confused by the context of the writing and the
pictures, I prefer novels because there are no pictures in them.
5. Maybe as the times progressed, they no longer used print media but digital media but still
did not reduce the value element of a literary work

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