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Application type (bearing, chain, etc.):

Operating Temperature:

Operating conditions:


Estimated Load:

Environmental Conditions (dust, dirt, moisture):

Sudden starts/stops:


Lubrication Schedule (list type and amount of lubricant ):

Method of application:

Additional Comments:


is an ancient one. Water was
probably the first lubricant. Simply put, friction is the
When primeval man used resistance to motion caused
water or ice to ease the by the direct contact of
sliding movement of heavy parts. In typical operations,
objects, the idea of lubrica- friction must be overcome by
tion was born. He later found the addition of force or
that certain plants and energy.
animals contained oily Friction is a measurable
secretions or had natural phenomenon and it is usually
oils in their tissues. It was measured and expressed as
found that these oils had the a coefficient of friction. The
advantage of a low evapora- coefficient of friction is the
tion rate, and the coefficient ratio of the force required to
of friction was lower than move an object to the normal
that for water. force or weight of that object.
What our Neanderthal Friction in machinery man-
ancestors were trying to do ifests itself in several ways:
was to reduce friction, how
they did it was not as impor- • Power losses
tant as the need to do it. • Lower efficiency
• Generation of heat
• Wear FIGURE 1
• Equipment Failure/Seizure Graphic representation of asperities on a true and machined surface
At the microscopic level,
friction is caused by the ing. When the parts move, face to the other, and some
direct contact of asperities. some of these asperities are small amount of material
All surfaces, even the truest deformed and may be sub- may be eroded from both
and most highly polished sur- jected to very high localized metal surfaces.
faces, have a rough nature temperatures. The asperities This is a continuous
(Figure 1). They are com- cold flow or “weld” together process repeated millions
posed of minute projections and increase the resistance of times over a contact or
and depressions, or “hills to motion. The welded bearing surface. It is these
and valleys”. These surface asperities then shear as the weld/shear cycles that result
irregularities are called relative motion of surfaces in the phenomenon of wear.
asperities and can interlock continues. The surfaces do As the welds increase both in
to impede the sliding move- not shear cleanly, but yield a number and in frequency,
ment of parts (Figure 2a on rather jagged profile less uni- seizure can occur. This is a
page 4). The asperities also form than the initial surface. catastrophic mode of failure.
reduce the actual contact Small amounts of material
area available for load carry- are transferred from one sur-


WHAT TO DO? is determined primarily by

the viscosity of the lubricant.
The best way to reduce Wear is also reduced due to
wear, seizure, and friction is the elimination of asperity
to prevent asperity contact. contact. Finally, with reduced
A lubricant is a substance friction, the amount of heat
which accomplishes this. generated is greatly reduced.
A lubricant is usually a Heat reduction is a very real
fluid, although it may also be benefit, because:
a solid or semisolid, that • Working tolerances are
flows between contact sur- maintained
faces to form a film. Under
the best of conditions, the • There is less fatigue of
moving parts do not actually metals and other bearing
make contact, but glide on materials
this film (Figure 2b). Friction • The life of the equipment
FIGURE 2 is extended
a. Asperity contact of dry surfaces
is greatly reduced, because
b. Separation of surfaces with lubricant film the resistance to movement


IN THE SELECTION of a lubri- VISCOSITY Heavy oils are used at The main point to remem-
cant, one must be sure to lower speeds and heavier ber is that viscosity, no
match the characteristic of Viscosity is the resistance loads. The higher viscosity matter how it is measured, is
the lubricant to operating of a fluid to flow. It is proba- prevents oil from being dependent on temperature
conditions. The major proper- bly the single most important squeezed out of the contact and any comparison of vis-
ties to consider are listed property of a lubricant. The area under heavy loads. High cosities should be done with
below: viscosity of a lubricant varies operating temperatures will measurements at the same
significantly with tempera- often require a heavier oil so temperature. It is absolutely
• Viscosity/Viscosity Index
ture, so when specifying or that a lubricating film can be necessary to be aware of
• Antiwear Properties comparing a lubricant viscos- maintained. This is because the units used to measure
• Extreme Pressure (EP) ity, care must be taken to the viscosity of a lubricant viscosity and to be able to
• Lubricity note the temperature at will tend to decrease as convert between systems to
which the viscosity was temperature rises. match viscosity requirements.
• Oxidation Resistance
measured. Oils are loosely The viscosity of an oil is
Other characteristics of classified as light, medium, measured using a wide vari-
note include: or heavy. Light oils flow ety of instruments with an
freely, while the heavy oils annoying number of systems
• Water Washout Resistance
flow slowly, if at all. Light oils for rating and classification
• Specific Gravity
are typically used under con- of any given oil. This can lead
• Foaming ditions of higher speeds and to much confusion when
• Penetration (greases) lower loads. Lighter oils are selecting the right viscosity
• Dropping Point (greases) also useful at lower environ- lubricant for an application.
mental temperatures where A convenient conversion
• Shear Stability
a heavier oil may congeal chart is given on page 6
• Grease Pumpability and fail to flow freely into the (Figure 3) and a more exten-
• Other Properties contact area. An oil can be a sive discussion of viscosity
• Pour Point mixture of heavy and light measurement can be found
• Flash and Fire Points oils blended to achieve the in the appendix.
Finally, it should be noted desired weight.
that good lubricants are
made not born. The final
product performance will be
determined by its additives.
A well refined and formulated
petroleum product can be
made to outperform an
unmodified synthetic.





cSt/ cSt/ SUS SUS
40°C 100°C 98.9°C 37.8°C

(104°F) (212°F) (210°F) (100°F)

2000 70 10000
1500 300 8000
250 6000
1000 50 1000 8A
800 200 4000
40 680 8
600 3000
500 30 460 7
400 2000
320 6
300 1500
20 50
220 5 90 90
200 1000
150 4 40 800
85W 600
100 100 3 30 500
80 10
9 400
68 2 80W 55
60 8 300
20 50
50 7
46 1
40 6 200
32 10W 75W
30 5 150

22 5W 40
20 4 100
15 80
Viscosities can be related horizontally only. 70
10 10 Viscosities based on 95 VI single-grade oils. 60
ISO are specified at 40°C (104°F).
7 50
6 AGMA are specified at 37.8°C (100°F).
5 SAE 75W, 80W, 85W and 5W & 10W specified
5 40
4 at low temperatures. Equivalent Viscosities for
100 & 210°F are shown.
3 3
SAE 90 to 250 and 20 to 50 specified at 35
2 98.9° (210°F).

Viscosity Equivalents



• A thin material has low viscosity
• A thick material has high viscosity
The viscosity of a lubricant Good antiwear properties
will change with temperature, are what you get when you
increasing at low tempera- collectively have good
tures and dropping at higher extreme pressure character-
ones (Figure 4). It can be istics and good lubricity in a
said that the best lubricant in lubricant. Good antiwear
an application is the lowest characteristics mean that
viscosity which will prevent metals are coated and/or
damage at the highest nor- kept apart thus preventing
mal operating temperatures. metal fatigue and the genera-
This allows the best energy tion of wear particles and
savings while providing the loss of tolerances between
required protection. The the moving parts.
HIGH VISCOSITY LOW VISCOSITY viscosity index (VI) is an
empirical number designed
TEMPERATURE EFFECTS VISCOSITY to indicate the amount of
• Temperature increase means a viscosity decrease and viscosity change over a given
temperature decrease means a viscosity increase temperature range. A higher
viscosity index oil tends to
thin less with increasing tem-
perature. Higher quality oils
tend to have greater viscosity
OIL OIL indices. Improving the viscos-
ity index can be achieved by
use of VI enhancers.
ICE Synthetic lubricant base
stocks tend to have higher
viscosity indices.
Viscosity index can be
FIGURE 4 obtained by the measure-
Liquid Viscosity
ment of viscosity at 40°C
and 100°C (measurements
are made at 100°F and
212°F in the English
System). The difference is
then used for comparison in
a book of tables to obtain
the viscosity index. This
number cannot be used as
a measure of any other
property of a lubricant.


EXTREME PRESSURE There are a couple of

different methods for the
measurement of extreme FORCE
Extreme Pressure addi-
tives in a lubricant increase pressure performance. One
its load bearing capacity. method employs the 4-ball
Under heavy loads, extremely testing apparatus (ASTM
localized areas of very high D 2783). The test is run with
temperature are produced. increasing load placed on the
At these high temperatures, top ball throughout the test
the additives react with the (Figure 5). Eventually the
metal surface and form balls will weld together, and
compounds which fill in the it is the weight at which this
surface asperities. With a occurs that is reported as
more even surface, a more the weld load. The higher the
uniform lubricant film can be number, the more pressure a
maintained and friction lubricant can withstand. The
thereby reduced. other test commonly used



Timken EP Test – Federal Test Method Standard 791, Method 6505T

(for greases only) is the It should be noted that

Timken method (ASTM high weld loads by them-
D 2782). This method selves do not indicate a good
employs a rotating drum lubricant. Antiseize com-
impinging on a flat surface pounds have very high
(Figure 6). Load is placed on numbers for instance but are
the drum and the “OK load” generally too abrasive to be
is the highest weight that can used as lubricants.
be applied to the drum with- Other ASTM tests that use
out causing a wear scar. This the 4-Ball machine are ASTM
test can be run to weld point D 2266 that measures the
as well. scar diameter and ASTM D
LUBRICANT SAMPLE 2596 that measures weld
load index.

The determination of the
Scar load-carrying capacity of a
are lubricant in kilograms applied
measured to a system of four steel balls
and vertically in the form of a tetrahedron.

Four Ball Wear Test



The lubricity of a lubricant (ASTM D 1264)
refers to how well the prod- BRASS
uct reduces friction beyond LOCKING Water washout resistance
what would be indicated by PIN is a characteristic which per-
its viscosity alone. In other tains more to greases than
words, how well it clings to a oils. The test involves a hot
surface once in operation. It JOURNAL water spray (38°C [100°F ] or
is a property that can be REVOLVES AT 80°C [175°F ]) directed onto
enhanced by the selection of 290 R.P.M. a test bearing charged with a
additives or by blending dif- specific weight of grease
ferent base stocks. The test sample. The trend in testing
typically used to measure is toward the more severe
this is the Falex Pin & Vee condition at 80°C (175°F ).
(ASTM D 3233, Figure 7). In
The number reported is the
this test, a pin (usually steel) percentage of weight change
is rotated between two VEE BLOCKS at the end of the test. If a
blocks at constant speed grease is to protect an
(290 rpm) while an increas- Exploded view of Vee Blocks and Journal arrangement, assembly where water is a
ing load is applied to the Vee Falex Lubricant Tester
contaminant, then good
blocks. Typically, the pins water washout resistance
seize, and the force at which FIGURE 7 is essential.
this occurs is reported. Falex Lubricant Tester
Another useful number to
know is the degree of pin
wear that occurs should the OXIDATION RESISTANCE ties. Varnishes and sludge
can form which can plug oil
instrument go to full load
Oxidation is not to be lines and orifices. Many of
(usually about 2041 kg or
confused with corrosion the oxidation products
4500 lbs.). The better lubri-
resistance. Corrosion refers formed are acidic and can
cants will be able to post
to the effect of a lubricant attack or corrode metal
larger forces before seizure
on metal surfaces, such as surfaces.
copper. Oxidation is a Oxidation resistance of a
chemical process in which base lubricant can be mea-
the lubricant is altered by sured three ways, bomb
exposure to oxygen in the air. oxidation; that measures
The process is accelerated pressure change upon oxida-
by increasing temperatures, tion over time, change in
moisture, some types of viscosity on oxidation and
metals or contaminants. The acid number change. The
significance of oxidation of a bomb method is used for
lubricant is that as oxidation greases and the other two
progresses, the viscosity of methods are used typically
the oil can change substan- for oils. It is desirable to
tially (it usually thickens), have as little change as pos-
degrading lubricating capabili- sible for all three methods.


chasing or storing material.
Specific gravity of a API gravity is put forth by A lubricant that is used in The pour point of a
lubricant is the ratio of the the American Petroleum high speed conditions, such lubricant is the lowest tem-
density (weight per unit vol- Institute and it is a different as in gearboxes, should have perature at which the oil will
ume) of the lubricant to the numbering system to mea- good resistance to foaming. flow. The pour point can
density of water at the same sure the same thing. With Antifoaming can be incorpo- provide an estimate of the
specific temperature. this scale, water is assigned rated into a lubricant, but it low temperature properties
Therefore the specific gravity a specific gravity of 10. If a should be noted that foaming of an oil.
of water is 1. Materials with lubricant is more dense than is usually indicative of a Flash and fire points yield
a specific gravity lower than water, the API gravity will be mechanical or design fire safety data for storage,
1 will float on water, materi- less than 10. Materials less problem. In pressurized and in use. The flash point is
als with specific gravities dense than water will have lubrication systems, an air the minimum temperature at
greater than 1 will sink. values greater than 10. leak at the inlet can cause which the lubricant will give
Specific gravity will likely air to be beaten in under off vapors that will ignite
pressure and dissolved into when a small flame is
the lubricant at the pump. passed over the surface of
When the pressure is the lubricant. The fire point is
released, the entrained air the lowest temperature
will bubble out, resulting in where an oil ignites and
foam. burns for at least 5 seconds.


LIQUIDS Synthetic oils are the • Broader temperature Lubricants from animal
result of reacting lower mole- range and particularly vegetable
By far the most common cular weight compounds and • Chemical resistance base stocks are the oldest
liquid lubricant is petroleum turning them into larger mole- lubricants known to man.
• Oxidative stability
or mineral oil. The main rea- cules of desired properties. They were widely used in the
son for this is its availability. Because synthetics have a • Service life industrial revolution for lubri-
Petroleum base oil stocks uniform and controlled • High viscosity index cating steam engines, textile
are refined from crude oil chemical structure, their equipment, and many other
The main disadvantage of
deposits found beneath the properties are predictable. applications. Until petroleum
synthetic lubricants is their
earth’s surface. Main advan- Some properties such as vis- based products became
higher cost. In some cases,
tages are: cosity index and oxidation available in the volume
a synthetic lubricant can
stability, are greatly required for the growing
• Ready availability have a cost as much as ten
improved. There are several industry worldwide, animal
• Low cost times that of a petroleum
different synthetic lubricants and vegetable based
based lubricant. Synthetic
• Many excellent additives which are derived from materials provided excellent
lubricants are not generally
are available various basic molecules: lubricity and extreme
available in the volumes that
• Seal compatibility pressure characteristics with
• Polyalphaolefins petroleum based products
low toxicity. Petroleum oils
In many cases, mineral- • Organic esters are. Depending on the type
could be produced more
based lubricants continue of synthetic lubricant seals
• Polyols economically because of
to be an excellent low cost may be attacked, causing
• Silicones the quantities available. The
answer to lubricating leaks. The additives used in
main advantage of animal/
problems. In recent years, synthetic synthetic lubricants are usu-
vegetable products is that
The main disadvantages lubricants have seen increas- ally adopted from petroleum
they provide excellent natural
to mineral oils are: ing use. The advantages to based technology and these
lubricity and are readily
using synthetic lubricants additives may not be as solu-
• Tendency to varnish biodegradable. This is advan-
become evident under condi- ble or compatible in synthetic
tageous in areas sensitive to
• Lower viscosity index, tions of high speeds or base stocks.
lubricant contamination.
necessitates changing oils extremes of temperature.
and fluids with varying The main advantages of
environmental and operat- synthetic lubricants are:
ing conditions.
• Not as biodegradable as
natural products or some
• Can contain hazardous
ingredients not removed in
the refining process.


SEMISOLIDS result, are lubricated infre- SOLIDS Most of these compounds

(GREASES) quently. At high operating have a layered (laminar)
temperatures, grease can Although lubrication is microscopic structure. In
Grease is essentially an dissipate more heat and usually achieved by fluids, use, the layers are loosely
oil with a thickening agent provide a more robust lubri- solids can be used to reduce bound and will slip over each
added. Grease will stay on cating film. Grease can also friction and wear. Solids can other easily under lateral
the part to be lubricated provide a barrier against be used by themselves, or force. The heavy metals and
where an oil might be corrosion of an assembly. suspended in a base oil or PTFE, however, work by cold
washed or slung off in use. The properties of a grease grease. Some of the more flowing and filling asperities.
Greases are also used in will vary depending on the common materials used as Malleability of heavy metals
applications where an oil thickeners used and the solid lubricants are listed and low coefficient of friction
might drip or run out causing additive packages used in below: for PTFE are operative once
hazards to workers or the the base oil. A more detailed the asperities are filled.
discussion of greases can be • Graphite
environment. Greases are
found in the Appendix. • Molybdenum disulfide
also used in places that are
hard to reach and as a • Polytetrafluoroethylene
(PTFE, Teflon )®

• Mica
• Zinc oxide
• Lead
• Copper


THERE ARE SEVERAL factors as far as lubrication needs Although when you are should be considered severe
to consider in the selection (exclusive of temperature talking about extremely large service. It can be assumed
of the proper lubricant. A considerations) is in the bearings (over 10cm [4 in]) that larger bearings (over 5
manufacturer’s recommenda- method of lubrication. Slower other factors come into play, cm or 2 in.) are carrying
tion should always be the moving chains can be lubri- in general greases are rec- heavy loads, otherwise there
starting point. The most cated manually or by drip ommended for velocities up would not be the need for a
important things you need to oilers. Chains running at a to 19050 cm/min (7500 very large bearing.
know if you do not have this moderate speed should be in/min) with lighter i.e. NLGI The molybdenum disulfide
are listed below. run through an oil bath. 1, 0, being recommended at in moly greases provides that
Chains moving at a high velocities over 16510 solid, high EP film in instances
• Operating speed of bear-
speed should have pressur- cm/min (6500 in/min). where the grease may get
ing, chain, or equipment
ized oil misting systems Generally, velocities ranging squeezed out upon startup.
• Load (type and magnitude) providing frequent lubrica- from 19050 to 29210
• Bearing type (if applicable) tion. These recommenda- cm/min (7500 to 11500 TEMPERATURE
• Temperature tions are general and not in/min) should be bathed in
absolute. It is understood oil to ensure proper lubrica- The operating temperature
• Method of lubrication of the mechanism to be lubri-
that each application is tion, and finally, velocities in
• Operating Environment unique and there are excess of 29210 cm/min cated is important for two
(is there dirt?, water?, etc.) exceptions to every rule. (11500 in/min) are best reasons. First, because the
For a bearing, you also lubricated with circulating oil viscosity of a lubricant will go
SPEED need to know both the size systems, with a cooler being down under increasing tem-
of the bearing and the speed installed at speeds peratures, it is important
Speed as it relates to lubri- that the one chosen will
in rpm. Rollers in a 12.5cm approaching 48260 cm/min
cation is actually composed (5 in) bearing operating at (19,000 in/min). In general, retain a sufficient film to ade-
of both the revolutions per quately reduce the friction.
1200 rpm are moving a lot higher speeds require thinner
minute and the size of the Second, there are definite
faster than those in a 2.5cm greases and thinner base
chain, bearing or moving part. (1 in) bearing at the same temperature limitations to
oils to prevent channeling
A chain is considered slow different base stocks and if
speed. So, to calculate linear and resultant lubricant star-
moving if the chain is running exceeded, you will form
velocity which takes into vation or excessive heat
at speeds up to 24.4m (80 varnishes which can actually
consideration both, use the generation due to fluid fric-
ft) per minute for a large do more harm than good.
following equation (this is tion. Table A on the following
chain (over 25mm (1 in) dis- Generally, petroleum
actually an approximation of page is included as a quick
tance between links) and up based lubricants should not
a more complicated guideline.
to 106.7 m (350 ft) per be used above 150°C
minute for a small chain LOAD (300°F ) on a regular basis.
(similar in size to a bicycle Linear Velocity = ([D] x rpm) Ester based synthetic lubri-
chain). A fast moving chain Assume loads of 14 cants can be used to 230°C
The diameter (D) is the
would be running at speeds kg/cm2 (200 psi) or less to (450°F ) and polyol esters to
outside diameter of the inner
greater than 260m (850 ft) be light and loads of 35 270°C (520°F ). Silicones can
race or cone (see Figure 9).*
per minute for a large chain kg/cm2 (500 psi) or more to be used to 205°C (400°F ).
After calculating the linear
and over 808m (2650 ft) per be extreme duty service. Any Other specialty synthetics
velocity, you can use the fol-
minute for a small chain. shock loading at all or sud- such as fluorosilicones can
lowing approximation:
Anything in between would be den stopping and starting go as high as 230°C (450°F).
considered to be running at a Slow = less than 4572
moderate speed. A large cm/min (1800 in/min)
manufacturer of chains has Moderate = 4572-25400
traditionally given the follow- cm/min (1800-10,000
ing recommendations. Chain in/min)
lubrication is almost always
Fast = greater than 25400
done with oils rather than
cm/min (10,000 in/min)
greases, the main difference

* The more accurate roller rib velocity is used by bearing manufacturers and is reported in feet (or meters) per minute. This number is calculated as D x π x rpm/12.



Shaft Diameter Operating Lubricant Recommended
2.54 cm 5.08 cm 7.62 cm Over Oil Viscosity Greases NLGI
up to to 5.08 cm to 7.62 cm to 10.16 cm 10.16 cm Sec. @ Consistency
2.54 cm (1") (1" to 2") (2" to 3") (3" to 4") (4") °C °F (100°F) No.
Below 0 (Below 32) 150 to 185 0 to 1
Up to Up to Up to Up to Up to 0 to 37.8 (32 to 100) 250 to 350 1
1000 rpm 500 rpm 300 rpm 200 rpm 100 rpm 37.8 to 93.3 (100 to 200) 400 to 1000 2
93.3 (Over 200) 1500 to 2500 2 to 3
Below 0 (Below 32) 150 to 185 0 to 1
1000 to 500 to 300 to 200 to 100 to 0 to 37.8 (32 to 100) 250 to 350 1
3000 rpm 1500 rpm 1000 rpm 750 rpm 500 rpm 37.8 to 93.3 (100 to 200) 400 to 600 2
Over 93.3 (Over 200) 700 to 1000 2
Below 0 (Below 32) 90 to 120 0 to 1
3000 to 1500 to 1000 to 750 to 500 to 0 to 37.8 (32 to 100) 150 to 185 0 to 1
10,000 rpm 5000 rpm 3000 rpm 2000 rpm 1000 rpm 37.8 to 93.3 (100 to 200) 250 to 350 1
Over 93.3 (Over 200) 500 to 1000 2
Below 0 (Below 32) 33 to 85 0 to 1
Over Over Over Over Over 0 to 37.8 (32 to 100) 50 to 110 0 to 1
10,000 rpm 5000 rpm 3000 rpm 2000 rpm 1000 rpm 37.8 to 93.3 (100 to 200) 75 to 250 1
Over 93.3 (Over 200) 350 to 550 2

Synthetics tend not to char METHOD OF less lubricant is required to SUMMARY

or varnish the way petroleum LUBRICATION perform the lubrication in the
based oils do and because long run. It is very important The industry demand for
of this they will not form hard The type of lubricating to use a lubricant in these the continuous improvement
deposits which can acceler- system may dictate a particu- systems with excellent in lubricants is driven by the
ate wear. The temperature of lar lubricant be used. For oxidation resistance so that greater speeds, increasing
a bearing can be measured example, a bearing enclosed gummy deposits do not build loads, and higher operating
in different ways, but one of in a gearbox can use oil, but up in the mechanisms. temperatures of modern
the simplest is to measure the same bearing out in an machines. The globalization
temperature at the housing open setting must have a
OPERATING of the economy means that
using a thermocouple type grease to prevent lubricant ENVIRONMENT machines are being pushed
thermometer. There are also loss due to leakage. Higher like never before to increase
handheld remote sensing speed bearings out in the Service in water spray or speeds of production.
devices utilizing a laser. One open may require a tacky humid conditions will require The ultimate truth is that
important thing to remember lubricant to prevent sling a higher viscosity oil or, proper lubrication is:
when measuring bearing tem- off of applied lubricant. better still, a grease to form
peratures is that when doing an effective barrier against • The right lubricant
Automated dispensing
a comparison study of lubri- moisture and any other • In the right place
systems are becoming
cants, it is always best to increasingly common. contaminants (i.e. dust). • In the right amount
measure against a bearing in They deliver an appropriate • At the right time
the same location operating amount of lubricant at crucial
under identical conditions. times to extend the working
Anything less will not be a life of a component. Because
true indication of lubricant of the accurate metering,



the most common applica-
tions for lubricants are:
• Gears, both open and
• Bearings
• Chains
Gears are devices used to
transfer rotary motion from
one place to another. Gears
are used to:
• Transmit power
• Change speed
• Reverse direction of
• Change direction of
transmitted power FIGURE 8
Open Spur Reduction Gears
Because Chesterton®
does not at this time manu-
facture gear lubricants, we tain lubricant, these gears via brush, oil can, or sprayer. during tooth mesh. Open
will not go into depth in this are working under conditions In any case, the main gears suffer more exposure
area except open gear of boundary lubrication at properties to have in an open to the elements and because
applications. best. As such, special con- gear lubricant should be: of this, excellent water
sideration must be made in washout resistance is
• Excellent adhesion/tack
OPEN GEARS the selection of a gear lubri- required. Finally, good
cant. The most important • Extreme pressure extreme pressure character-
Many gears are contained factors in the lubrication of capabilities istics are a prerequisite for
in an enclosure called a gear- open gears are: • High viscosity index any gear lubricant.
box. A gearbox is used to • Excellent water washout It is important to realize
• Length of lubrication
prevent contamination from resistance that no lubricant will extend
coming in contact with the the life of gears that are
gears. It is also used to hold • Operating environment Because open gears are improperly aligned or
lubricant around the assem- (dust and moisture) subject to a wide range of adjusted. Worn-out gears will
bly. In some cases, it is not • Lubricant loss due to operating temperatures, not run any longer or quieter
economical, practical or even sling off a high viscosity index by oiling them. The damage
possible to enclose some material will give the best has already been done and
Lubrication of open gears performance.
gear assemblies (Figure 8). the best thing to do is to is
is best accomplished by If an open gear lubricant is
Open gears are still found in to replace worn parts and
placement of a reservoir that to maintain a lubricating film
many instances in industrial lubricate properly. Always
permits the gear to dip into under conditions of intermit-
settings. They are routinely inspect moving parts and
it. The next most preferable tent application, a tenacious
exposed to dust, moisture, gears for wear BEFORE begin-
method of lubrication is the film is required. Tacky films
or other unfavorable operat- ning a lubrication program.
employment of drip oilers, remain on the contact sur-
ing conditions. Because
followed by hand lubrication faces and resist squeeze out
there is no enclosure to con-


How often to lubricate

open gears? This is a ques- OUTER
tion to which there is no RACE OR
simple answer. For the most “CUP”
part, one can notice the
obvious signs that lubrication ELEMENT
is required. Corrosion of
exposed surfaces, excessive
noise, squeaks, chattering, DIAMETER
and heat buildup can be AT RIB
used as indicators. D
Lubricating a gear assembly
too often is not nearly as bad
as insufficient lubrication. It
is difficult to damage an SHAFT
open gear by overlubricating. CAGE
There is no excessive drag
from shearing lubricant since INNER
there is no housing involved. RACE OR
An excessive amount of “CONE”
gears is indicative of
excessive lubrication or a FIGURE 9
poorly designed product. Bearings

BEARINGS Plain bearings are the Rolling element bearings, Rolling element bearings
simplest type of bearing. are precision units manufac- are the most commonly
A bearing is a mechanical They look like a sleeve along tured to close tolerances. found in the industrial appli-
element which supports a the shaft (Figure 10). Their Examples include ball bear- cations you will encounter.
rotating shaft and controls large contact area provides a ings and needle bearings. A No matter what the
its motion. The other func- high load capacity, and if rolling element bearing con- bearing or application, the
tions of a bearing are: hydrodynamic lubrication sists of two raceways or bearing will fail eventually.
• Distribution of load conditions can be maintained races, separated by a set of The metal work hardens,
the frictional resistance and rolling elements. These becoming increasingly brittle
• Friction control
bearing life can be excellent. rolling elements can be balls, until the surface material
• Lubricant film mainte- The main disadvantage of needles, or cylinders. Some flakes off or spalls. Other
nance in contact area this bearing is that it can be examples of rolling elements factors include improper
Bearings represent one of difficult to maintain adequate are shown on the next page installation, excessive tem-
the largest uses of lubricants oil supply to the bearing. in Figure 11. These bearings peratures, shock loading,
in the industrial environment. Once a plain bearing is oil can typically support greater etc. It is interesting to note
They come in many sizes and starved, it wears rapidly to loads than journal bearings. that about 64% of bearing
configurations, but most failure. Rolling element bearings are failures are lubrication
generally, they are either plain commonly found in lower related.
or antifriction type. Plain speeds and higher loads
bearings are often called than journal bearings.
journal bearings, while
antifriction bearings are more
often referred to as rolling
element bearings (Figure 9).


While no lubrication is When to use grease vs. oil:

disastrous for a bearing, • When oil may drip or
excessive lubrication of a run out
bearing can cause damage
• Possibility of contamination
as well. The increased drag
caused by excessive lubri- • High Loads
cant can raise temperatures • Possibility of oil sling off
to the point where the oper- • High resistance to water
ating tolerances of the washout required
bearing are exceeded leading
• Infrequent lubrication
to wear and premature failure.
The best lubricant for a FIGURE 11
bearing depends on a num- • High temperatures Some assorted roller bearing elements
a. ball c. conical e. needle
ber of factors, as mentioned • No housings to hold b. roller d. spherical f. concavex
earlier but linear velocity is lubricant
most important. The temperature of oil from
The factors in the next the hottest bearing should be
column would also indicate the CHAINS no maintenance. If chains
considered the system oper- are lubricated at all, it is
use of grease rather than oil. ating temperature. Chains are used to trans- often an afterthought rather
SPEED mit power over distances than a preventative program
greater than are practical using the correct lubricant.
JOURNAL ROLLING ELEMENT with shafts and gears. There Proper lubrication is impor-
slow oil* grease** are a great number of chain tant in assuring long chain
drives in industry from life with less noise and low-
moderate oil grease**
conveyors, to hoists, to est operating cost. The main
fast oil oil transmissions. Chains carry purpose of a lubricant is to
* For very low speeds or intermittent operation, a grease can be used heavy items like automotive reduce friction and wear
** Except for needle bearings; on these an oil should be used bodies, fabric, plasterboard, between moving parts. The
lumber, coal, and a myriad of lubricant used should act as
other things through assem- a barrier to rust and corro-
bly plants. They are used to sion, dissipate heat, and if
power saws, shearing equip- possible, to lessen shock or
ment, camshafts, and in impact induced wear from
many other appliances. contact with sprockets.
Regardless of the These factors can each con-
application, chain drives are tribute to accelerated chain
mechanisms with parts that wear and premature chain
work at close tolerances. failure. A typical roller chain
Because chain drives are consists of links with pins
durable and reliable, they are and rollers.
often thought of as needing

Split Plain Bearing Assembly


In successfully lubricating Figure 13 illustrates each How far does the chain
a chain, one must consider method and indicates where travel (chain length)?
the type of chain as well as each is commonly found. As Long chains may require
the operating conditions mentioned in the body of the idler gears for support of the
(load, sliding surfaces, manual, the speed of the chain. These assemblies
speed, etc.) and environmen- chain coupled with its size may require additional
tal factors such as dust, dirt, usually determines the lubri- lubrication.
moisture. cation method.
What is the maximum oper-
BUSHING The most important parts Where to lubricate a chain
ating temperature for the
PIN of the chain to lubricate are is an important factor in
chain and how long is the
the pins and bushings. This chain life. Where an oven is
chain seeing this tempera-
FIGURE 12 is where the chain flexes and involved, the best locations
A typical drive chain and its ture? If the chain goes into
is also where the load is car- for lubricating are before the
critical contact areas an oven, what is its resi-
ried. These parts are fit to chain enters the oven, and
dence time? A chain
close tolerances and a good once again just outside the
Bushings are pressed into subjected to elevated tem-
lubricant must: oven. If only one lubrication
the rollers and these roller peratures for prolonged
point can be used, lubricat-
assemblies fit over the pins • Be of low enough viscosity periods is more likely to cook
ing just after the chain exits
at each end of the side or to penetrate the narrow the lubricant than one that
the oven has the advantage
link plates. For proper lubri- spaces between pins, sees high temperatures
of cooling the chain. The
cation, the load bearing rollers, and links. for only a few seconds.
chain also should be lubri-
surfaces and moving parts • Have sufficient film Continuous temperatures in
cated wherever there are
must be coated. If pins and strength or EP capability excess of 150°C (300°F ) will
sliding tracks.
bushings are unlubricated, to prevent pin wear under require the use of a synthetic
Some other considera-
they begin to wear. As these load. material.
tions in the lubrication and
parts wear, the effective pin • Resist sling off and, if troubleshooting of chain Where is lubricant to be
to pin distance increases, required, water washout. drive applications are listed applied? Application should
resulting in the “chain below. be performed on a sprocket
• Be stable at the tempera-
stretch” so commonly or sheave because this is
ture of application. What is the condition of the
encountered. Chain stretch where the chain flexes most.
of 2.5 to 3% is generally • Be able to clean built up chain? The best lubricant in
This will allow lubricant to
considered the limit; at this residues from the inside the world will not renew a
work into the pin and bushing
point, the chain should be and outside of the chain. badly worn chain.
replaced. Chains, however, Lubrication methods Is the chain running at the
are often repaired by adjust- What is the load on the
for chains fall into three right tension? (i.e. Is the
ment of tensioning chain? Extremely high loads
categories: chain tight or loose?) An
mechanisms or in extreme may require more frequent
improperly adjusted chain
cases by removal of links. • Manual lubrication or a high EP lubri-
can place excessive loads on
This is not a true repair, • Semi-automatic cant.
bearings and cause bearing
because the pins continue to • Automatic failure as well as premature
wear and in time become too stretching of the chain.
thin to support the encoun-
tered working loads. The
chain then breaks, which can
be inconvenient due to the
unexpected down time.






Chain Lubrication Methods


How often is the chain What type of lubricant is

cleaned and lubricated? Hardened Steel typically used? Some people
Many maintenance crews are Bearing Surfaces and lubricate their chains with
only now beginning to realize Link Plates Clearances for Lubricant used oil and while dirty oil is
the effect of regular cleaning better than no oil at all, it is
and relubrication on chain hardly the optimum. Fresh oil
life. Cleaning should be more of the right type will contain
frequent in extremely dusty Lubricant the additives needed to pro-
or dirty conditions. Many tect against wear or link
operators simply use heavier seizure and can carry conta-
applications of lubricant to minants away from the pin
try to flush dust or dirt from area instead of introducing
the chain. Bearing Pin
To what contaminants is the Although at first the topic
chain exposed? As men- Bushing Roller of lubrication may seem
tioned above, chains quite complicated, there is
exposed to dust or dirt actually a fairly standard set
require more frequent lubri- FIGURE 14A of questions you will need to
cation. Moisture or chemical Roller chain cross-sectional view with parts breakdown answer in order to choose
fumes will demand more the proper lubricant. For
than just an oil for adequate those new to the subject, a
protection. A tacky lubricant questionnaire is provided in
will act as a barrier to conta- the appendix to ensure a
mination while retaining the solid start. Hopefully this
thinner lubricant in the pin manual has served its pur-
and bushing area. pose of providing the reader
with an understanding for
How long does the chain
the basis of the questions
last? (What is the typical
service life?) Knowing the
typical service life at the
outset will help gauge the
effectiveness of the lubrica-
tion program as well as point
out any defects in equipment
or flaws in operating proce- FIGURE 14B
dures. A sudden drop in Pin/bushing wear is responsible for chain stretch and breakage.
chain life can be caused by
anything from a defective
chain to a simple lapse in What is the operating cycle chain that must endure
lubrication. of the chain? (i.e. continu- starts and stops or, worse,
ous, frequent shutdowns, sudden reversals of rotation
reverses of direction, etc.) places extreme demands on
Continuously running chains the chain and any lubricant
will last longer than those used on that chain.
that are seldom used, but a


BASE STOCKS Naphthenic base stocks B. Synthetics Organic esters are the
have a higher content of Synthetics are formed in a earliest synthetic lubricants,
As mentioned in the body cyclic hydrocarbons such reaction process. There are developed during World War II.
of the manual, base stocks as naphthalene and several different types. There are two types of
alone do not create a good cyclohexane. Polyalphaolefins (PAOs) esters, based on the number
lubricant. That being said, The characteristics of are pure hydrocarbons of acids substituted on the
there are pros and cons naphthenic base stocks are: made by the reaction of an alcohol base unit. Diesters
associated with the general alphaolefin with ethylene, are made by reacting a diba-
use of each. followed by polymerization sic acid (two reactive sites)
A. Petroleum with additional ethylene with two alcohol molecules.
Solubility of additives units. PAOs are closest in Polyolesters react a number
Crude oil is, by itself, use- Good detergency of monobasic acid molecules
less as a lubricant and must chemistry to paraffinic lubri-
Low carbon residue cating stocks. As such, this with alcohols of two (glycol)
be refined in order to obtain Low pour points or more (polyol) reactive
base stocks. Petroleum base material offers excellent
viscosity indices (130-150 sites. The main advantages
stocks are typically classified Disadvantages
typical) and good oxidative of esters are:
as either paraffinic or naph- Low viscosity index
thenic. It should be noted and thermal stability. Their • Good oxidative stability
Lower oxidation stability
that while there are two dis- limitations, other than cost,
Low flash point • Good thermal stability
tinct types of base stock, all are poor detergency and
Wettability to metals • Good antiwear
base oils are a mixture of possible seal incompatibility.
Seal swell properties
both. A particular oil may be The most widespread use of
predominantly one type or Uses PAOs is as automotive • Low vapor pressure
the other, but it is not General purpose lubricants engine oils. In industrial • Excellent detergency
paraffinic or naphthenic 2-cycle oils applications, they are used
• Low residue (varnish)
exclusively. Way oils as wide temperature range
Paraffinic oils are com- Chain oils gear and circulating fluids or
greases. • Good Lubricity
posed primarily of straight Pneumatic oils
chain hydrocarbons. These The main disadvantage of
materials have certain char- these materials is the possi-
acteristics due to their ble attack of materials used
structure: in seals and sealing devices.
Beside being used as jet
PARAFFINIC engine and turbine oils, their
Advantages main usage in industry is
High viscosity index for the lubrication of chain
High flash points drives, compressors, and
Good film strength wide temperature range oils
Good oxidation stability and greases.
High wax content
Carbon residue (varnish)
Low wettability to metal
High pour points
Gear oils
Hydraulic oils
Engine oils
Circulating oils


Today, vegetable based

This table gives a general summary of synthetic lubricant characteristics. lubricants are enjoying
(base stocks only) renewed popularity because
they do something that
ANTI- POUR VISCOSITY petroleum and most synthet-
degrade rapidly in the
Silicone 2 4 1 1 environment. As industries
Polyalphaolefin 3 3 2 4 all over the world seek to
Organic ester 3 2 3 3 reduce the environmental
Polyalkyleneglycol 5 1 4 2 impact and overall hazards of
Grading: 1-excellent, 5-poor their industrial operations,
“natural” lubricants will be
able to deliver good perfor-
mance at a cost favorable
Polyalkyleneglycols are and lubricity characteristics, C. Vegetable Based
when compared to that of
made by polymerizing simple they are not practical for use In terms of performance, synthetics. The added
glycols or alkylene oxides, over 200°C (390°F) because vegetable based lubricant expense of vegetable based
and can be further classified of oxidation and high stocks are superior in lubric- lubricants can be offset by
as to their solubility in water. evaporative losses at high ity and EP to many petroleum the savings in disposal
Insoluble polyglycols are operating temperatures. bases. Up until the end of costs. Vegetable based
used more in gear boxes and Finally, silicones offer Word War I, aviation and lubricants are essentially
as heat transfer fluids. The excellent high temperature other high performance rac- nonhazardous and can be
water soluble types are used stability with excellent viscos- ing engines used castor oil in incinerated or disposed of
primarily as metalworking ity index. Unfortunately, their crankcases because of more economically than their
fluids, but they also are silicone oils exhibit very poor the exceptional lubricity this petroleum counterparts.
formulated for use as fire antiwear properties which oil offered. In fact, low cost More important is the
resistant hydraulic oils. are difficult to improve petroleum base oils of lesser reduction in environmental
While these materials because of poor solubility performance were often damage should the material
offer excellent viscosity index and compatibility of additive fortified with less available find its way into the environ-
packages. animal and vegetable addi- ment. In some locales,
tives in order to make them governments have mandated
suitable for the application at the use of fully biodegradable
hand. They are used widely in lubricants in delicate ecosys-
the metalworking industry. tems. Thankfully, the use of
Other than availability, one a vegetable based lubricant
disadvantage of these nat- need not mean giving away
ural oils is their tendency to anything in performance.
form waxes at low tempera- The vegetable based lubri-
tures. Also, oxidative stability cants will be useful over the
is not as good as that of same temperature range as
petroleum based oils. petroleum oils, but are indi-
cated for use in areas where
release could pose a health
or environmental hazard.


MODES OF Elastohydrodynamic
LUBRICATION lubrication is not as obvious
HYDRODYNAMIC a mode of lubrication, but it
There are a few different is an important factor in the
modes of lubrication: lubrication of rolling element
bearings and sliding surfaces
• Hydrodynamic under very heavy loads.
• Mixed film There are two main
• Boundary mechanisms by which
elastohydrodynamic lubrica-
• Elastohydrodynamic
tion (EHD) works. The first is
that the apparent viscosity of
Hydrodynamic lubrication a fluid increases as the
is the preferred method of pressure on it rises. Under
lubrication because there is extremely high pressures,
no asperity contact in this some fluids can actually
mode. There is therefore solidify. This mechanism
virtually no wear in this serves to reduce lubricant
lubrication mode. In this squeeze out and maintain
region, the moving parts are the film between the moving
kept totally apart. Friction is elements, thereby preventing
lowest in this mode. asperity contact. The second
As loads increase how- mechanism is the elastic
ever, lubricant is squeezed deformation of the metal to
from between the parts and increase the surface area
the film is discontinuous. and spread the load. The sur-
This regime is one of Mixed face returns to its original
Film Lubrication. There is configuration when the load
asperity contact, and a BOUNDARY MIXED FILM is released. These two mech-
lubricant with good extreme anisms combine to reduce
pressure characteristics will wear and extend the service
prolong bearing life. FIGURE 15 life of bearings and gears.
Regimes of lubrication in a plain bearing

Boundary lubrication is surfaces. The coefficient of

what occurs when the oil friction is highest in this
supply is discontinuous, or mode of lubrication. Under
the loads on the surfaces these conditions a lubricant
are high enough to squeeze with good lubricity will leave
out the lubricant film and microscopic quantities of
allow metal to metal contact. lubricant tenaciously bound
There is lubricant present, to the metal surface and this
but there is not a continuous will help to minimize wear at
film present on the moving the sliding surface interface.


VISCOSITY DETAILED Absolute viscosity is often

ISO GRADE VISCOSITY RANGE seen in the field and is
The most empirical of CST @ 38°C (100°F) typically measured using
measurements is the Saybolt viscometers which contain
Universal Viscosity. It 2 1.98 - 2.42 rotating elements to mea-
involves the time it takes for 3 2.88 - 3.52 sure the viscosity of the fluid.
a defined amount of sample 5 4.14 - 5.06 The unit of measurement is
to flow through out of a 7 6.12 - 7.48 the Poise or, more commonly,
standard container with a 10 9.00 - 11.00 the Centipoise (cP) where
precisely measured hole in 15 13.50 - 16.50 100 Centipoise = 1 Poise.
the bottom (Figure 16 on 22 19.80 - 24.20 These are the major
page 25). The measurement 32 28.80 - 35.20 organizations which have
is usually taken at a con- 46 41.40 - 50.60 some standard method for
trolled temperature, usually 68 61.20 - 74.80 viscosity measurement and
38°C (100°F) or 100°C 100 90.0 - 110.0 classification.
(212°F). Viscosity is reported 150 135.0 - 165.0
ISO – International Standards
in Saybolt Universal Seconds 220 198.0 - 242.0
or SUS, although the abbrevi- 320 288.0 - 352.0
ation SSU has also been 460 414.0 - 506.0 AGMA – American Gear
used. 680 612.0 - 748.0 Manufacturers Association
A more accurate measure 1000 900.0 - 1100 ASTM – American Society for
of viscosity is kinematic vis- 1500 1350 - 1650 Testing and Materials
cosity. It is reported in units SAE – Society of Automotive
of centistokes (cSt). Again, Engineers
measurements are taken at It is interesting to note SAE viscosity grades can IP – DIN (German)
40° and 100° C. Kinematic that the ISO grading has be rated by whether the mea-
viscosity is called the ISO API – American Petroleum
gaps into which a lubricant surement is made at 38°C Institute
(International Standards might not conceivably fit. (100°F ) or -9.4°C at (15°F).
Organization) system. ISO However, due to the increas- Materials rated at -9.4°C
viscosity grades are deter- ing adherence to ISO (15°F) are designated W (for
mined by the measurement procedures and documenta- winter). An oil with a viscosity
of kinematic viscosity at tion, it is likely that this 20W-50 has the same vis-
38°C (100°F). ISO viscosity system will see increasing cosity as a 20 weight oil
grades are listed in the table use in industry. measured at -9.4°C (15°F)
above. but with the viscosity of a 50
weight at 38°C (100°F).


In order to recognize the As an example, let’s say

proper lubricant viscosity, it that a maintenance engineer
is essential that the relation- has read an equipment man- OIL BEING
ship between viscosity units ufacturer’s recommendation TESTED
be understood. for an ISO 68 viscosity grade
The table in Figure 3, lubricant. A prospective
(page 6) lists the common replacement has a viscosity
viscosity measurement of 65 cP. The question is, will
standards and schematically this oil be a suitable replace-
shows how the scales relate. ment in terms of viscosity?
It is interesting to notice that First, we know that an ISO
an SAE 50 crankcase oil, 68 lubricant has a viscosity
SAE 90 weight gear oil and that can range from 61.2 -
an ISO 220 lubricant can all 74.8 cSt. If we can obtain
have the same viscosity. specific gravity data from the
Oils with the letter “W” in Material Safety Data Sheet
their rating have been tested (MSDS), we can convert from
at low temperatures as well centipoise to centistokes.
as at 40°C (100°F) and
From the MSDS, we find that
100°C (212°F). The cold test-
the specific gravity is 0.87
ing specifies the maximum
viscosity measured and Converting to cSt
these materials are known 65 cP = 74.7 cSt vs.
as multigrade oils (e.g. SAE 0.87 72.80 cSt for ISO 68
80W-150, 20W-50).
This viscosity is at the
upper limit for an ISO 68
viscosity grade lubricant.
Therefore this 65 cP lubri-
cant will be acceptable.

60 ML


38°C (100°F)
100°C (212°F)

Saybolt Universal Seconds (S.S.U. and S.U.S.)


GREASE CHEMISTRY Polyurea based greases In general, the complex Of the calcium based
are a newer technology in greases have highest drop- greases, the calcium
In general, greases con- thickening agents. These ping points, with calcium and complex greases have the
tain between 70-90% oil, greases offer high dropping aluminum at the high end. best resistance to heat and
5-15% thickeners, and up to points and good resistance For metallic soaps, calcium water washout. The wear
10% additives. The oils and to water washout, but they is highest in dropping point, resistance and shelf life are
additives are essentially the are marginally compatible with sodium and lithium at improved at higher thickener
same products used through- with some soap based successively lower dropping levels.
out the industry and previous greases. points. The sodium based Anhydrous calcium
discussions apply to the oil Soap based greases use greases are often incompati- greases have good heat
fraction of a grease as to oils a wide array of metallic ble with other thickeners. resistance, but not as good
in general. The thickeners, soaps. Soaps are more often Sodium greases offer less as that for lithium. The water
however, will affect the tem- identified by the metal water resistance than other resistance is fair to good.
perature and water resistant because it is the metal that greases. This along with The least temperature
properties of a grease and determines the soap charac- lower dropping points has resistance is obtained with
therefore an understanding teristics. A list of soaps is made sodium greases less calcium hydrated greases,
of thickening agents is shown below: common of late. because the thickener incor-
necessary. Lithium greases are by far porates up to 2% water in
Lithium stearate
The thickener in a grease the most common of all its chemical makeup. The
is usually a metallic soap, Lithium 12-hydroxystearate greases and represent more grease is compromised when
but nonsoap thickeners are Lithium complex than half of all greases used. the water begins to cook off
used as well. The soaps Hydrated calcium Initially, lithium stearate was at 80°C (about 175°F). Water
used are made by the the most popular grease on washout resistance and low
Anhydrous calcium
saponification of animal fat the market, but it is being temperature handling are
or the neutralization of fatty Calcium complex supplanted by lithium very good, however.
acids. Soap-thickened Aluminum 12-hydroxystearate. The Aluminum based greases,
greases comprise about 85% Sodium hydroxystearate soap although not very common,
of all greases in use. They imparts a higher dropping have good stability over a
are economical and offer point. Lithium complex high temperature range,
good lubricity. The nonsoap greases typically have with high (260°C/500°F)
thickeners are less fre- dropping points of about dropping points. The water
quently used. While they 260°C (500°F). resistance is excellent, but
usually offer high melting the lithium complex greases
temperatures, some (ben- offer comparable perfor-
tonite clays and silica gels) mance at a lower cost.
can leave a residue that can
be abrasive to metal parts,
particularly if the grease is
not manufactured carefully.


API – American Petroleum Coefficient of Friction – Hydrodynamic Lubrication – Rib-roller velocity – the
Institute The coefficient of friction is That condition of lubrication velocity of the rollers in an
the ratio of the force required in which a continuous film antifriction bearing which
AGMA – American Gear
to move an object and the separates the moving parts. will help determine the
Manufacturers Association
normal force or weight of an lubrication requirements
Idler – A rotating element
Asperities – The irregular object. The coefficient of of a bearing.
neither driving nor driven.
features in a contact friction is dependent upon
It is simply used as a low Shock Loading – A condition
surface. the nature of the material.
friction support for a chain caused by sudden startup or
Some coefficients of friction
ASTM – American Society for or belt. stoppage of equipment.
for various materials are:
Testing and Materials Change in loading is rapid
Kinematic – Refers to
Bronze on bronze 0.20 and places added sites on
Axial – Referring to the viscosity measured by its
Tool steel on tool steel 0.42 bearing and other parts.
length of an object, for rate of flow due to its mass.
example an axial load on a Mild steel on mild steel 0.57 Spalling – A condition of
Lubricity – A property of a
shaft is parallel to the length Hard steel on metal fatigue in which the
lubricant to reduce friction
(axis) of that shaft. babbit metal 0.34 surface of the metal flakes
beyond that expected by
Boundary Lubrication – Cone – The inner part of an viscosity alone.
That condition in which antifriction bearing SAE – Society of Automotive
Naphthenic – Composed of
the lubricant film is Engineers
Elastohydrodynamic compounds of a more cyclic
Lubrication – A mode of and/or aromatic nature; low Stoke – A unit of measure-
Babbit – An alloy, or mixture lubrication which relies on ashing. ment for kinematic viscosity
of metals that is softer than the deformation of the in units m2/sec
Paraffinic – Composed of
the metal used in the contact surfaces in long straight chains of SUS – Saybolt Universal
rotating components. It has a conjunction with the viscosity hydrocarbons. Second; yet another unit for
lower coefficient of friction of an oil at high speeds to measurement of fluid
and acts as a sacrificial establish a protective film. Poise – A unit of dynamic
component in the moving (sheared between moving
assembly; it will not gall or Fretting – A condition of surfaces) viscosity SSU – See SUS
score the shaft. It is named wear characterized by measurement.
grooving or lines spaced at Timken – Test Method
for its inventor.
intervals around a shaft. It Race – The outer contact named for bearing
can be caused by oscillating surface of a rolling element manufacturer of the
motion with small amounts bearing. same name (see Figure 6,
of play (approx. 1 micron) in page 8).
Radial – Referring to
the assembly. Usually design something perpendicular to a
related. rotating assembly; A Radial
Galling – Destructive wear of load is at 90° to the shaft.
a metal surface characterized
by large chunks of metal
being removed.


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