B1 Speaking Exam Part 1: Questions: Useful Phrases

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B1 Speaking Exam

Part 1: Questions
What clothes do you like wearing?
How do you celebrate the New Year?
What do you enjoy most about learning English?
Tell us about someone in your family.
Tell us about one of your hobbies.
Tell us about a place you have visited.

Part 2: Describe the photo

Useful phrases:

The photo was taken in… They are probably…

It shows… It looks like / They look
It must be / They might be In the background I can see...
Part 3:

I’m going to describe a situation to you.

An older friend of yours wants to help his elderly neighbour who cannot walk very well. Talk
about the different things your friend could do, and which is the best.
Part 4 Questions
How could you help an elderly neighbour who needs some help?
Do you enjoy spending time with elderly people?
What can young people and elderly people learn from each other?

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