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B1 Speaking Exam

Part 1: Questions
What is the weather like today?
What do you usually eat for breakfast?
What are you wearing?
Tell us about your favourite teacher.
Tell us about your bedroom.
Tell us about the area where you live.

Part 2: Describe the photo

Useful phrases:

The photo was taken in… They are probably…

It shows… It looks like / They look
It must be / They might be In the background I can see...
Part 3:

I’m going to describe a situation to you.

A teacher in a city school wants her students to learn more about nature.
Talk together about the different ways the students could learn about nature, and
say which would be the most interesting.

Part 4 Questions
What are your favourite subjects at school and why?
If you could change something about your school, what would it be?
How can school teachers make classes more interesting?

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